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I was just awarded the Peer Pressure badge. Yay.
For a moment I got excited: "OMG I can apply political pressure on peers?!"
The I realized I was the one to get pwned.
@JamesMcNellis i don't get how they pick their target audience. i wouldn't expect a particularly high hit rate on high-rep users of stackoverflow.
@wilhelmtell That shouldn't have been downvoted. I would have upvoted it, I had just never seen it.
yay, my first 1k rep \o/ good time to go to bed
Congrats @Xeo! :D Keep up the good work. Points accumulate faster and faster, when you think about it. ;)
@JamesMcNellis Today I probably wouldn't have written this sort of answer. I don't think I'd promote functors anymore. I'd only say they're there if you can't use lambdas. But I think we can count on lambdas now as they are.
@wilhelmtell I fell in love with lambdas. They're just so convenient with their object capturing
best thing, you can save them in an auto var or even on the heap I think
@Xeo yes, lambdas are capturing. ;)
@wilhelmtell Well, maybe I went a bit overboard with that question...
A: java Map keyset equivalent for C++ STL Map

James McNellisAll of the answers presented thus far end up creating a std::set directly, which may not be ideal: if you only want to be able to iterate over the keys, you don't want to have the overhead of creating a whole new container. A more flexible option would be to use a transform iterator that conver...

@wilhelmtell Well, if you need the type of a functor, a lambda won't work, and if you want to return a functor (without requiring the overhead of std::function), you need its type.
Oh! I just now realized why the Standard Library headers (e.g. <functional>) show up with syntax coloring but other headers (e.g. <boost/iterator.hpp>) do not... /facepalm. It thinks <functional> is an XML tag.
2 hours later…
More links from Facebook!
Thanks to Dom de Vitto:
Thanks to Prasoon:
Thanks to Andrew Koenig:
"I want to learn to be patient NOW!"
5 hours later…
@sbi Alice
2 hours later…
wow gone dead around here?
refactoring would be a lot more fun if the compiler would just understand what I meant
I guess that goes for programming in general too
@jalf I don't seem to have a problem with that.
@jalf There's always the classic #pragma do what I mean. Doesn't your compiler support that?
Care to write your new system as:
int main() {
do(); // compiler fills this in
It would be really easy, and yet I would be out of job. I guess only compiler writers could get a job at programming, or would their compiler also self generate?
I seem to sense Skynet around here somewhere, machines designing machines that improve machines
at that point we will need the Prince from Vernor Vinge's novels
A Deepness in the Sky is a Hugo Award winning science fiction novel by Vernor Vinge. Published in 1999, the novel is a loose prequel (set twenty thousand years earlier) to his earlier novel A Fire Upon the Deep (1992). The title is coined by one of the story's main characters in a debate, in a reference to the hibernating habits of his species and to the vastness of space. Background The plot begins with the discovery of an intelligent alien species on a planet orbiting an anomalous star, dubbed On/Off because for 215 of every 250 years it is dormant, releasing almost no energy. During t...
it's interesting that some wannabe-hackers have adopted his name, Pham Nuwen...
if you try strcpy to an uninitialized ptr, what do you get?
a slap round the face for not using std::string?
@sbi I far prefer the "read user's mind" one.
but yes, you will also get ub
@DeadMG It's strange sometimes. No matter how much I argue with certain persons, they don't stop using c-strings. It just complicates things and even after we had a nice little bug because they misused strncpy/strncat, they wouldn't believe me, that std::strings are better...
@Xeo: I don't get it either. std::string does everything for you- why on earth would you ever use a c-string in comparison?
@DeadMG Maybe they think it's more efficient or something when you want to concat strings.. Maybe they don't know about string::resize() ?
@Xeo: Maybe they're stupid enough to possibly sacrifice some performance in turn for a definite metric fuckton of safety
maybe std::string is just an abomination unto nuggan
@DeadMG Seems so. And I always get the "evil stare" if I want to talk to them about it... like "yeye, you and your conventions, go bug someone else". If they want c-strings so much. they should code in C...
@Xeo: Preferably, if they want c-strings over std::string, they'd just be fired
@DeadMG Not possible in school ;)
@Xeo: There is that unfortunality.
@DeadMG He who sacrifices correctness for performance deserves neither
I don't remember who said "If I don't have to make it right, I can make it arbitrarily fast..."
Now, without actually digging in the implementation of std::string that you are currently using (whether it uses small object optimization and how small must the string be for that), in very tight loops with very high performance constraints, it might be risky to depend on std::string not doing any dynamic allocations (or assuming the cost of the dynamic allocation), and you might be better off using a stack c-string (const char msg[256];)
Note that before doing that, you have to be really sure that you are going to gain anything from it!
@AProgrammer That reminds me of something jalf said yesterday about doing nothing more efficiently (NOP is faster in the newest Intel architecture)
@DeadMG that is not my code
@Tony Is that meant as another reference to Sis Terry?
@sbi no
so why is NAN (not a number) defined as such
unsigned long nan[2]={0xffffffff, 0x7fffffff};
@Tony There are several NaN, this is just a bit pattern corresponding to one of them.
@Tony Ah. Reminded me of Thud! (not my cow).
The IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754) is a technical standard established by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the most widely-used standard for floating-point computation, followed by many hardware (CPU and FPU) and software implementations. Many computer languages allow or require that some or all arithmetic be carried out using IEEE 754 formats and operations. The current version is IEEE 754-2008, which was published in August 2008; it includes nearly all of the original IEEE 754-1985 (which was published in 1985) and the IEEE Standard...
In computing, NaN (Not a Number) is a value of numeric data type representing an undefined or unrepresentable value, especially in floating-point calculations. Systematic use of NaNs was introduced by the IEEE 754 floating-point standard in 1985, along with the representation of other non-finite quantities like infinities. Two separate kinds of NaNs are provided, termed quiet NaNs and signaling NaNs. Quiet NaNs are used to propagate errors resulting from invalid operations or values, whereas signaling NaNs can support advanced features such as mixing numerical and symbolic computation ...
thx guys!
Hello,can anyone help me out in determining the classes for a given scenario?
what scenario?
For example I have a house to represent than how do I think in Object Oriented fashion?
class House?
you need to have genuine context
if you're doing detailed architectural modelling, you may need to represent it completely differently to if you're doing it for a game or if it's one house in millions drawn wireframe
I am being taught OOP but I have not being taught how to think in C++
Can you help me out with some tutorials or video or a book?
I seriously feel lacking in modelling
The way you model something depend on what you'll do... without knowing the context in which the modelling will be used, there is no way to know which choices are the correct one.
Can anyone refer me a good book regarding it?
@fahad This modeling has very little to do with C++. OOP is about encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. C++ supports that (among other paradigms), but so do Java, C# and other OO languages. If you have a problem modeling such scenarios, you lack OO, not C++.
@fahad I don't know what would be a good book on design. (If you would need a C++ book...)
I saw the problem yesterday (in firefox), but currently I don't have it.
never seen it in Chrome
Hi all so one can overload == in C++, right? I have trouble understanding line 68-70 in openfoam-extend.git.sourceforge.net/git/…
@Nils So paste the three lines here, please.
      - fvm::laplacian(nu, U)
Yes you can overload operator==. Could you explain a little more in depth what problem you have with those three lines?
So I was looking in the headers declaring the class of kinematicCloud for operator== but so far I could not find where it's defined
Those lines are parsed as (-fvm::laplacian(nu, U)) == ( kinematicCloud.SU()/rho)
how would it look if you replace == with a function call?
equal(-fvm::laplacian(nu, U), kinematicCloud.SU()/rho)
so equal is defined somewhere else?\
What are the types of fvm::laplacian(nu, U) and kinematicCloud.SU()/rho ?
for kinematicCloud it's KinematicCloud<KinematicParcel> I think, not sure what it is for laplacian..
so they need a common base class?
@Nils, no overriding the == operator can be done in one of two ways:
- as a free function in the namespace where (at least one of) the arguments are declared
- as a member function of the first argument type
ok.. ic
I'm writing about the type of the result of laplacian (which is probably a floating point value) and of the expression kinematicCloud.SU()/rho (my guess is that it is also a floating point value). If I'm right, the operator== would be the one operating on double or float...
I.E. I'm far from sure that there is a non standard overload of operator== involved here.
I'm trying to figure out exactly what fvm::laplacian is, mom
@DavidRodríguezdribeas thx
and if @AProgrammer is right and the types are primitive (ouch, Java language here) then you cannot override the default ==
@Programmer... 1 rep point to 10k...
who around here actually works out time space complexities for code they write?
@Tony Me.
@AProgrammer so I guess that is because you need to right? or because you just want to know?
Can someone tell me how to implement a timer as a background job? C++ with Linux environment.
@Tony My functions always have the same time complexity.. O(fast_enough) :)
@Xeo haha awesome :)
Anyone can tell me?
@kingsmasher1 can you use boost?
@kingsmasher1 you got a question open, link it and wait for answers ;P
i'm sure it has timers in there somewhere
ok..i shall do that. I asked another question too related to overloded new, some 2 hours ago. Noone answered :(
*no one
Why does the following not work?
template <typename Container>
struct to_const<typename Container::iterator> : unit<typename Container::const_iterator> {};
Anyone here worked on leaktracer?
error C2764: 'Container' : template parameter not used or deducible in partial specialization 'gpa::to_const<Container::iterator>'
Anyone here worked on leaktracer (a tool in Linux)
@kingsmasher1 as someone pointed out, you should do something about your acceptance rate!! 0% is very little for someone who's asked a few questions already
@FredOverflow uhm... the fact that it is not deductible should be a good hint...
I accepted it
@Tony I need to know. Everything worse than O(N log N) is probably too slow for our data size.
@DavidRodríguezdribeas Yeah, but why is it not deducible? :)
when the compiler sees to_const<X> it has to be able to match it against one of the specializations
The other question (related to placement) i asked before, the answer was not satisfactory
@AProgrammer ah I see
@DavidRodríguezdribeas Oh the error happens before I try to use it. The template does not even compile by itself.
same reason that template<typename T> void foo( T::iterator ) is not deductible
So if answer not satisfactory, i don't see why i should accept
@DavidRodríguezdribeas Oh, you already have to know what T is to peek through ::, got it. Thanks!
@FredOverflow right, basically the matching from T to T::inner is unique, but the inverse does not even need to be true. Consider struct a { typedef int iterator; }; struct b { typedef int iterator; }; now calling foo( 5 ); which of the potentially infinite types must the compiler check to find that a and b match? how can it know which one you want? The compiler cannot deduce the type.
@kingsmasher1, if you don't put a language tag, it will not be seen by those who, like me, follows only the tags they are interested in.
I think it's here (foam.sourceforge.net/doc/Doxygen/html/fvMatrix_8C_source.html) somewhere.. but unsure bout the type. Can I figure out what gets called at == somehow? With gdb or eclipse?
@DavidRodríguezdribeas There is some lag somewhere. I got over 10K this morning -- UTC+1. Not that I pay too much attention to that, answers for simple and well known things sometimes give more reputation than answers for tricky one. Without mentioning that falsehood may still get better scores.
Is there a way to get the type of an object in C++ as in some scripting languages like in Python you can call __class__() on every object?
@Nils decltype(object) ?
@Nils what is the use case you want to solve? Do you want a type or the name of the type?
@Xeo ah I didn't know about this
decltype is C++0X and static, typepid could be usefull, dynamic_cast also.
That is c++0x, and it will give you a type,
@DavidRodríguezdribeas In the three lines above I posted I'm trying to figure out the type of the objects before and after the == which is used in the method behind ==
@Nils then use typeid(object).name() if you want to know the name of the type
@Xeo can I turn the type returned by decltype into a string?
@Nils find a declaration of laplacian. I'd be surprised if the result isn't of an arithmetic type.
@AProgrammer it is not
Now you only need to dig what those types are :P
Why is that so strangely encoded and why the EEEEEE in the end?
@Nils I think that's the "decoration". typeid is implemented differently on different compilers, and everyone outputs the name in another manner
I'm not using iostream for output
You don't expect us to be able to explain the mangling algorithm of an unspecified compiler? c++filt, if available, may be useful to make some sense of that.
@Nils google for name mangling with your current compiler... you might have a tool to "demangle" the names
gcc in my case
I love these articles: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voodoo_programming // random
gcc is usully provided with c++filt (note that the one I've here is not able to demangle your symbols).
c++filt "N4Foam3tmpINS_8fvMatrixINS_6VectorIdEEEEEE"
humm what?
@Xeo I know more praticant of the "cargo cult" version than the "deep magic" one...
ah I have to use -t, d'ouh!
@AProgrammer No in this case it's the function at line 01441, right?
@Nils, could be. I've not tracked the other side.
Goddammit, why do people find it so difficult to format the code in their questions?
Might have to suggest on meta they make the { } button flash green and purple, and put a big 36pt text label above it with "PRESS THIS BUTTON TO FORMAT YOUR CODE"
at least for users with less than 50 rep or something. Apparently, nothing else is obvious enough for people to use it.
hi all
if we r doing something like that.. namespace a{ //var dec} namespace b{ using namespace a; }...does it mean scope of namespace b and a ll be same?
for example int main() {using namespace b;//by this i am able to access var define in namespace a}
@user388338 It means that any unqualified identifier lookup that considers namespace b will also lookup the contents of a
a and b are different, b can contain extra elements not present in a, and qualified lookups with the b namespace will not find elements from a, but unqualified lookups that search b will search a
namespace a { typedef int type; }
namespace b { typedef double another_type; using namespace a; }
int foo() {
using namespace b;
type x; // fine
b::type y; // error
int bar() {
using namespace a;
another_type x; // error
so can we say..all the variable which are declared in namespace a..ll automatically consider to be defined in namespace b as well after that "using namespace a;"
no, the variable is precisely defined in a namespace, it lives in a
but you can use them from b (lookup will find it)
It might seem picky, but declare has a precise technical meaning, and it is better not to mix concepts.
hmm yeah
thanks david for explaining in precise way
@user388338 (define also has a technical meaning, different from declare and different from what you stated in here)
@DavidRodríguezdribeas I'm pretty sure that qualified lookup in b will find names in a.
and at least g++ doesn't signal an error for your b::type y; line.
Uhm... I have to go back and check, I was pretty sure of that, but you are right, C++ accepts it
@a program right i just checked it
Ok, back from the standard... the example is wrong, I had the idea that they are not the same, and they are really not, but the example is wrong. The issue is that the using namespaces are not applied recursively.
so a proper example would be:
namespace a {
void foo( int );
namespace b {
using namespace a;
namespace c {
using namespace b;
int main() {
c::foo(); // error
b::foo(); // ok
Uhm... g++ does also compile that...
7.3.4/2 The using-directive is transitive.
See also
dumb question, but I haven't really thought about it: If I compile something with -g do I also need to compile the libs with debug symbols?
I don't think so..
Under Unix (and thus linux), no. I'm not sure about Windows.
int x;
namespace Y {
void f(float){}
namespace Z {
namespace A {
using namespace Y;
void f(int){}
namespace B {
using namespace Z;
void f(char){}
namespace AB {
using namespace A;
using namespace B;
void h()
AB::f(1); // f is not declared directly in AB so the rules are
// applied recursively to A and B;
// namespace Y is not searched and Y::f(float)
// is not considered;
That is a quote from the standard,, removing some code from the example
The comment is quite clear that "namespace Y is not searched, and Y::f(float) is not considered",
The comment continues (I removed it while removing other bits and pieces:
// S is { A::f(int), B::f(char) } and overload
// resolution chooses A::f(int)
@DavidRodríguezdribeas, look at h in the same example. I think the recursion is done or not depending on what is found in the intermediate namespace.
It is that, see
@AProgrammer While I get to look at h(), take a look at paragraph 6
namespace A {
void f();
namespace B {
using namespace A;
void foo(int);
int main() {
using namespace B;
foo(); // error
B::foo(); // error
Ok, the second example was still wrong :) But after this last example, can we agree that the using namespace directive does not pull the symbols from the used namespace into the enclosing scope, but rather adds the used namespace to the lookup path?
The difference being that since lookup stops on the first occurrence of the identifier, it will not lookup A::f(), but rather stop in B::f(int) -- in the same way that a member method with the same name and different signature hides a parent's member method
(Its sure taken me more than I expected to come up with the proper example!)
@Nils The -g only tells the compiler to add debug symbols to the binary (which are not even in the same section of the ELF, IIRC), note that this is different from stating that you can mix and match debug/release versions in the general case
I.e. if you have an inlined function (or template) that has code dependent on the NDEBUG or _DEBUG preprocessor values, and you link them together you are violating the ODR
inline foo() {
#ifndef NDEBUG
cout << "Hi";
if you compile two translation units with/without NDEBUG defined and link them together there is a violation of the ODR
david:The difference being that since lookup stops on the first occurrence of the identifier
then why its giving error for foo()
if foo() is defined in both namespace
Name lookup is fun...
is facebook really going to be closed??? weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/27321/…
#include <iostream>

namespace a {
void foo(double) { std::cout << "a::foo(double)\n"; }

namespace b {
void foo(int) { std::cout << "b::foo(int)\n"; }
using namespace a;

int main() {
using namespace b;
return 0;
@BlackBear look at the other news on the site and makes your mind...
i guess no.. :) crap, i was so happy about that... =(
@programmar..so whats a concept...i did not get that lookup thing
@user388338 Name look up is the operation by which a name is associated to a set of definitions. Then one of them is chosen by the overloading rules. Those rules are designed to do "the right thing" most of the time, but at the cost of doing some very strange things at time.
I assume that the difference between qualified and unqualified lookup is there so that ambiguities can be solved. (But then ISTR a case where we couldn't solve the ambiguity generated by using with qualification.)
Is there anything more heavenly than grapes and yoghurt?
@DeadMG waffles and rice-pudding :)
@DeadMG Scotch
Nessie is scottish!
(Yeah I know, that's a horse, not Nessie...)
But the song has "Nessie" in its name.
ok real quick, how much is the overhead for dynamic typing in languages?
@Rohan That will depend a lot on the language and on the implementation. In theory, type inference and JIT techniques can bring down the difference so low that the overhead would be usually meaningful only in place where the dynamic features are used, and in those places speaking of overhead is not meaningful.
the real overhead for dynamic typing is the increased debug time and things like that
and the lower effectiveness of static compilation techniques
hi juste a test :)
Hello,I need to develop a Paint software in C++,please recommend me a good library
@fahad well your going to need a windowing library to start with. SDL is a nice cross platform library. Also has support for 2D wizardy
@thecoshman:What are your views regarding OpenGL and graphics.h ?
@fahad Maybe you should state what you want the library for... reading/writing image formats? creating windows? drawing on them? image processing algorithms?
The software is very basic
It just has a toolbox like MS-Paint
@fahad erm... openGL is the only sensible option if you want to do 3D graphics on more then just windows. grahpics.h would be a header file that I would assume has something to do with graphics
@thecoshman: If I just want to keep it to drawing different shapes and filling them with colors,then?
for a paint like program, openGL is over kill
@thecoshman: I should just use windows lib?
openCV might be worth looking at. makes it very easy to make a window, work with images. its easy to make a new memory in memory and then access the individual pixels to set their colour. Has limited drawing functions built-in
@fahad openGL is for 3D graphics, it can be used to do 2D, but it's kind of pointless. Are you only developing for windows?
@thecoshman:yes,I am developing a windows based app.
@fahad the windows API will enable to make an application quickly for windows. But the win32 API is pig ugly to some one who is new to it. It is nice once you work out what hoops MS want you jump through
use Direct2D, if you can use Vista/above only
@DeadMG ooh, is that still in DirectX? thought they merged it into something else?
that's DirectDraw
Direct2D is the new thing
@DeadMG:Thanks,is it easy enough to make a tool kit in it?
I found it pretty easy to use
you don't need any COM stuff, really
yeah, that's it
is it not like using any other part of DirectX though, you still use the win32 API for the messaging and windows etc?
yeah, but that's pretty trivial
although native UIs can be a bitch
What is the difference between windows API and Win32 API?
@DeadMG its not that bad no, but so much of it is optional stuff that, at least for me, was mostly just ignored
@fahad nothing, they are the same thing, though technically, its the "win32 API"
actually, it's the Windows API
as it is the same API for 32bit and 64bit
not sure if their is a win64 api...
as well as 16bit, somewhat
it's easy to pick up a basic tut on message loop and window creation
@DeadMG really? oh right. is "windows API" an umbrella term for the various version?
what version? Windows API 32bit is the same as Windows API 64bit
pretty much
@DeadMG well, those versions :P presumably any 64bit stuff is neatly done behind compiler flags and what not.
no, it's done by not having a poor API that mixes things like pointers and ints
I've not yet looked into writing specifically 64bit code... Is it just a case of watching out for things that can trip you up if your forget its not 32 bit?
From a programming side of things, what can you do to take advantage of 64bit?
not much
other then being able to use 64 bit numbers that are faster or easier?
if you're running on 64bit, then you don't have the 32bit 2GB virtual memory limit
that's pretty much it
hang on... noob question allert... why is it a 2gb limit? (stress on the 2 part)
half is reserved for operating system
@thecoshman The use of 64bit is the increased memory space. It come at a cost (increased pointer size and thus more pressure on cache). It has an additional advantage that it is easier to manipulate 64bit quantities, and -- for x86 -- that they are more register.
@DeadMG:direct2d requirements are too high,any other choice?
developing paint software
you could use GDI or GDI+
wait a cotton picking second, i thought that idea of virtual memory was that every application can have it's own memory space, thus each can use a 32bit address range, so 4gb per application. the OS would manage translation to physical memory
the OS needs memory in your address space too
having to switch to kernel mode to access anything in the OS would destroy the performance of any program
@fahad what do you mean too high? too many dependencies
@DeadMG I see
@thecoshman:yes,needs Windows7,graphic card etc
but reading memory in the OS-space of your user program is pretty trivial- the same as any other in-process memory
@thecoshman The task of the OS is easier if it reserves part of your virtual space. OS don't all reserve half of it (it is sometimes configurable, it often has a performance cost to decrease it too much).
no, fahad
you can use Vista w/ platform update
and it doesn't need a graphics card, it can utilize a graphics card
yes. it can make use of hardware acceleration. if you have a graphics card that is suitable, it will use to make your application work faster. Presumably you can configure to what extent it does this
@DeadMG, @thecoshman,Oh! I thought that it was necessary to have a graphic card
So by default would most compilers still go 32bit? thinking visual studio mainly, but also GCC
@thecoshman I've never really understood those who want a 64bit version of everything.
@DeadMG ,@thecoshman:Do you think that Opengl can also get the same job done?
@fahad well, yes. but it is kind of like taking a using a steam hammer to tap in a pin
you could use DirectX as well, more specifically direct 3D. Both are 3D API's but can do 2D
@thecoshman: Yes, they are all 32bit by default currently
but they all support compiling to 64bit
@AProgrammer just curious is all
@fahad: You're not going to decrease your requirements by going to a 3D API like OpenGL or DirectX
@DeadMG Well, default target for gcc is given at configuration time. And in 64 bits linux, it is often 64 bits.
my degree sucks

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