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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Also you get to see how the application is being used, which can be super valuable and eye-opening.
"Hello, I'm Puppy. I'm here to [cover up] help you with [no] any problems or other issues with our product"
Nobody expects the customer inquisition!
@nwp ...but it's so difficult when the customer is always wrong ;)
Seriously though, you'll be fine, (unless the atmosphere is already corrosive before you get there).
@Puppy you will be awesome
only thing you need to worry about is becoming sales rep for the entire company
will take time away from coding
@JohanLarsson That's definitely against the 'Be nice' policy:)
did you click the discord link?
many who used to be regulars here have moved there
@JohanLarsson Yeah thanks - the link worked but the d/l did not:( Will try again tomorrow.
ok, if you click it you will probably not see much as most channels are private
write something in the lobby and the powers will give you full access
@JohanLarsson OK, I'll try again..
@JohanLarsson Something is happening...
I pinged rapptz to give you access
@MartinJames You are being converted to the dark side. And all it took was a link.
@nwp 'Discord has stopped working' .. not gone dark yet:)
you have access now
@JohanLarsson Maybe, but I have a missing DLL import:(
Are you using the desktop thing?
I only use the browser
@JohanLarsson Well, was trying to, yes.
@MartinJames I blame the Chinese for toxic imports.
@JerryCoffin Some shitty thing missing from SHELL32 :(
try the browser
@JohanLarsson Yeah, the missing DLL call is prolly my ancient Vista 64.
My FF browser seems to be OK, though.
pretty slow on discord right now but on average there is much more traffic there than here
@JohanLarsson Yeah - thanks for letting me in;) More fun tomorrow, BFN..
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