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@Borgleader I laughed
That's glorious
android studio makes me a 'lady in waiting' of an IDE
it does not crash often, just ... slow
incredibly slow
Prosecutors seek gag order against pharma bro coz Martin Shkreli cannot seem to stop talking. Would love to see this chap locked up for a year with real gangsters. Would be interesting ...
@Telkitty Last time I used it, it had a hard time compiling stuff
gradle is terribly slow
yeah, testing code on emulator or real device isn't much faster either
getting this a lot
Who tests apps nowadays! Just push to the market and wait for feedback
then republish under a different name when the app is finished
too much work republishing under different name </trollololo>
would be cool if google had a beta testing program
it does ... google play does, no idea how it works though because I have never used it before
Well I really don't understand why people want RGB leds in their desktop computer
because pretty, and you have to do something while your C++ code compiles
so you may as well stare at your PC case
To Occupy myself, I draw part design in FreeCAD
or on paper
at least paper doesn't crash
@milleniumbug You plebs... Fika is the answer to most of our worlds ailments. It is the textbook answer to this one.
anyone familiar with 2 phases stove circuit breaker wiring?
Any GStreamer ninjas in da haus?
I don't always ask questions on SO, but when I do... #likeAboss
Well, in case anyone is listening (or cares) ... here is a houston-we-have-a-problem type of situation:
just noticed our friend with the greek name got banned for a year, is there a story behind that?
panta ray?
I'd not noticed. That's...wow
I'm pretty sure I've seen someone only get a month for telling a mod to their face to ah...go pleasure themselves, and Vlad gets banned for about a month all the time
I didn't even know you could get a year
oh wow
I saw a mention once that if you get banned for a month and then repeat offend, you can get banned for a year instead... am curious to know what the nature of the offence was
1 hour later…
@M.M Hard to find out now, but he's certainly left some pretty...abrasive comments on meta (and yes, I'm pretty sure he was suspended for a month at least once before).
@jaggedSpire What the fuck?
@Mysticial I know, right?
@JerryCoffin He definitely posts some stuff that I'd consider rude for SO. But none from what I've seen merits a year. So there's gotta be more to the story that I'm not aware of.
@Mysticial Yeah, I'm in pretty much the same position. He's abrasive, but nothing I've seen seems to me like it merits anything like this.
I have been suspended one week twice. But nothing at all lately. This is what happens when you busy with other things - like living in a desert with no automobiles for 20 years, don't have to worry about any traffic accident
1 hour later…
Sup guise
I'll come here the moment someone says 'I' or anything with 'I' in it. Cya for now...
I'm guessing many people are asleep right now.
@Telkitty figure the stove problem out?
YouTube should have a ton of examples: I forget the pinout.
And, did the battery fix the car problem?
Oh you said circuit-breaker: should just be two normal 15amp breakers side by side horizontally..so you're feeding the stove from both sides.
More amps*? Point is, side by side. At least in US panels.
@ABuckau yeah, both problems fixes so far, should be at least, time will tell but so far so good
still a few more items on the list
@Telkitty you're not filling me with confidence :p (afk)
Oh you're talking about the car.. Thank God :p
No, I am talking about issues somewhere else
I maintain/ help to maintain quite a few things, everything has a probability of breaking down. So the more things you maintain, the more things down your 'to do' list
I meant your first response: I sure hope "should be" wasn't referring to the stove :p ...what was the issue with it?
If you're mentioning the panel...not many things it could be.
Keeps tripping the breaker?
@ABuckau wiring issue, not enough power
What issue
that's fixed, also added RCBO protection
@ABuckau used to only use single phase electricity
added another phase
Rcbo - in Europe then?
Ah nice.
Back to work :(
Rightclick -> Open Link in New Tab has no effect anymore in firefox for like a week now.
Open source having some advantage in that someone will fix things is just a myth.
Or maybe someone did fix it and the release cycle/packaging just takes way too long.
@nwp are you sure the linke doesn't have some fancy onclick behavior to mimic a normal link
@ratchetfreak no, it affects all links
Wait, that was wrong. Rightclick -> Open Link in New Tab works fine. Rightclick -> Open Link in Foreground Tab has no effect.
@M.M I'm not surprised. He's very very active, and often trigger happy.
IMO He has a habit of being quite impatient/dismissive of things he doesn't fully understand. It was only to be expected that he'd upset someone at some point. 1 year is hefty, so I'd presume he'd have to have used some strong language. Didn't catch it though
Oct 16 '15 at 9:22, by sehe
Joachim has a habit to dismiss everything he doesn't know about off-hand. A bit like @pantarei
I've nudged both these users about that behaviour a few times.
> use e.g. an std::unordered_map to map the number to a string
in RPG General Chat on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, yesterday, by nitsua60
Just to be clear to everyone in the room: it's widely considered poor form to discuss a user and their suspension unless that user is initiating the conversation. Long story short: no matter how well-intentioned it tends to devolve into talking about someone behind their back, about issues that are patently contentious, fueled almost entirely by speculation (since mods won't comment on another user's suspension without very good reason). A good recipe for nothing good, plenty of bad.
I like the contrast to the lounge that just doesn't care about those things.
@Ven You can. It's called a memory trade off! You trade off any performance by using more memory
@sehe Did anything in his question indicate that this was a hot CPU path..?
why would you outright suggest that?
@Ven It was a joke. Anyhow, I din't think I saw a link to a question
@sehe it's in the Joachim comment you linked
The joke was that a trade-off swap A for B, in this case I suggested they "forego A" instead of "having B"...
@Ven Oh. Looking
Yeah. It wasn't quite so dumb as it looked out of context, but it was clearly not the question the OP had
(That was but an example, not by far the only occasion, and not even the best example of dismissive comments)
Ahaha. Pileborg changed his nick
@Rapptz Serendipity brought me here:
@CarlNorum: thanks for doing the right thing! — haylem Jun 9 '13 at 21:33
Dat attitude.
in Sandbox, 18 secs ago, by sehe
@6EQUJ5 Welcome to the Sandbox
@sehe Took me a while to figure out it was him
@Borgleader: Answers go in the answer section. Thanks — Lightness Races in Orbit 30 mins ago
oh it had been a while since i got one of these
2 hours later…
Hey bby
Hey <3
Hope you're having a good day so far :)
@Telkitty nice cat pic
happ cat
@Nican There's a mistake at line 31.
It should print the cherish instead of watermelon.
@jaggedSpire It's pretty fine. Findings bugs, reporting bugs and fixing bugs.
1 hour later…
Trying to make my installer execute other_installer.msi fails with %1 is not a valid Win32 application. Executing cmd /c other_installer.msi works fine.
@Telkitty this cat looks way way too happy and or absolutely terrified
@Xeo Goddamn it, I've gotten more comments on the view in the background than the fucking figurine or the build itself. It's like when I post a screenshot of a deleted question on SO or MSE. Everybody comments on the fucking green thing (which I have no idea what it is) instead of the question I screenied.
> Dude forget the build, How the hell can you get anything done with that view? the cityscape is absolutely beautiful.
Come on people. The computer. THE COMPUTER! KUROYUKIHIME!!!
I wasn't even trying to capture the background. And I actually threw away a ton of pictures that captured enough of it where it would be easily identifiable.
That includes all the day time pictures.
@Mysticial so it's really the accel world girl? :|
where are the drives in the case? under the figurine?
the cityscape is really beautiful tho
also the guy has a valid point, that view is stunning
@Ven Correct. The view is fake. It's the Accel World.
@Mysticial You make me sad :(
It was probably one of the worst things I watched
Come to think of it. I should've just titled the thing, "Accel World".
@Ven Hey! That show as great!
It really wasn't. Random plot development with kuroyuki, for pretty much no reason, a lot of "Friendship Is Magic"ā„¢ bullshit, and generally bad shonen stereotypes
@Ven You don't understand how to watch Type B shows.
I'm in love with reki kawahara, but no
@Mysticial I do! Some are just too awful. Like Valrave
@Ven Fuck you. :D That's a great show! I didn't like the ending, but it's still a good show.
There we go. Fuck this. Renamed it to "Accel World".
@Mysticial It's not a "bad" show (it's not Valrave, like I said, or some other fanservice-only shit), but seriously, a great show?
um did GHC 8 change forall requirements?
-- builds pre-8
type Action a = (MonadState BackendCompat m, MonadIO m) => m a

-- required for 8.0.2
type Action a = forall m. (MonadState BackendCompat m, MonadIO m) => m a
cannot find anybody in this country who can stock jeans that fit me
> because really why not
I'd have to go with that
any updated throughts on "why not"?
@Puppy not much except I don't know why I bumped Compat requirements to 4.4
I think I'll have to go with "why not" once again
Well the whole idea of Compat backend was to support older machines with ancient OpenGL
so making it require 4.4 kind of defeats the whole purpose
well I guess that "ancient" is relative
oh well yeah sure
maybe you had some particular 4.4 feature you wanted to use?
I had "Modern" for that
I used Compat on OSX because it didn't support 4.4 at that time
and Compat still has #330 shaders in it
why bother supporting both Modern and Compat?
seems to me like if you need to support older machines, just use Compat, else just use Modern
@Puppy Modern could provide better performance where available
and with the Hate model, it could even provide e.g. more features or better quality
also I put up the whole iface in place so that I could write a Vulkan backend someday
@orlp nice reviews/endorsements boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/… and boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/… etc. Congrats!
I think the bottom line is that I felt picking either option would limit me in some ways
picking 3.3 would mean I have to go full compatibility mode an couldn't experiment with modern features. Picking 4.4 would mean that it e.g. wouldn't work on OSX
@Puppy For years one of my pet peeves has been sizes of jeans. At one point, we had a reflector on the moon, which let us measure the distance from the earth to the moon to within a millimeter. Why is it that jeans companies disagree about the distance around my waist and the length of my legs by 3 inches or more?
the bigger problem I'm facing is that I have too big legs and not enough of a waist
if I buy jeans that fit me around the legs they're too big in the waist by 4 inches or more
this is, of course, independent of the fact that my waist measurement is 8 inches bigger than the jeans I'm currently wearing
@Puppy When I rode bicycle a lot, I had the same problem. For about 15 years, I just didn't wear jeans, because none of them even came close to fitting.
It's still kind of a problem. My wife once thought I should wear skinny jeans. I literally couldn't pull them up my legs past about my knees (thank god--I think they look pretty stupid anyway, and even people who like them probably don't want to see them on a guy who's over 50 years old).
@Puppy A belt should fix that.
@nwp Not really. You end up with huge wrinkles/folds when you have to make up for too much of a size difference.
@BartekBanachewicz hi :3
just in time
I think I need to ask an SO question
how's it going?
fine, I guess. Kinda tired after today's team-building ASG
I've reinstalled windows and Stack and couldn't resist to build Hate again with new GHC
it was surprisingly easy so I got back to thinking what stopped me last time and I guess I'm back at the wall I hit last time
IOW "The clearest path for this part of the design is a bunch of stateful components interdependent on each other"
IOW objects
then use objects
@Puppy that's not that simple if you're whole idea is built around centrally-controlled state
there's nothing wrong with implementing a centrally-controlled state system using stateful components
and in addition, not being able to use non-centrally-controlled state if needed would be a massive flaw
@Puppy I think I can express my problem clearly after last 15 minutes of thinking and it's "how do I store and update my components in a polymorphic way and yet be able to access them in a direct way"
sounds like .. interfaces?
kind of. But interfaces base on references, not values.
eh, not necessarily
A value can only be stored under one interface (regardless whether it's polymorphic or not), while a reference can allow multiple polymorphic facets of the same value.
so if e.g. I have a state type which is a list of components, and they're stored in a poly-value, type-erased way, I can't access distinct interfaces each of those values possesses.
well, there's your problem
I was trying to think up a way where I could extend my code context basing on the contents of that list but that's way too dynamic
make the state types the concrete types, then just make a function that produces the polymorphic values from that state type
that requires metaprogramming
I could make the list static, which allows me to access all elements with a type-safe way, but I need a meta-loop to access them in a polymorphic way
a) that should be a perfectly acceptable option, and b), why? just make the user provide a specific function that maps their arbitrary state to a list of polyvalues
b) sounds promising
it's still kinda tedious and boilerplate-ish, perhaps, but sound promising nevertheless
and yes, I guess I could use metaprogramming
unfortunately Haskell's metaprogramming isn't type-safe itself so I would run into run-time equivalents of errors in compile time, but I suppose that's nitpicking
use metaprogramming by default, offer user-defined function if necessary
the schedule' part is the important detail
that is pretty unreadable for me
@Puppy the Scheduler is a component that provides every and after functionality. The user code then defines the state type that hosts it and every' and after' helpers
meanwhile I'm writing sockets in low level C for school
@Ven Please accept my sincere condolences in this time of grief and sorrow.
@rightfold my longest Java line ever -- measuring roughly 12,500 characters :)
would have to say that I'd be embarassed to have a longest Java line over 0 characters
@fredoverflow Java doesn't have string literal splicing?
@JerryCoffin Would that surprise you?
@EtiennedeMartel Not surprised, just confirming.
The surprise, if there were one, would be Java providing anything to keep programming from being horrible drudgery.
Java was obviously designed by people who think that programming should be the most boring activity in existence.
a.k.a. managers
@EtiennedeMartel I prefer to think that it was simply designed by people who thought that mediocre-at-best OO could solve every problem, ever.
@Puppy Yep, and because of that, we have legions of people who think that OO is inherently bad because they think Java is what OO boils down to.
@fredoverflow This is what makes me lost w.r.t Java. Statements in the declarative section that get executed at class or package load. OK I understand that this is the moment when they get executed but d'oh, this is a declarations section, it's supposed to be static!
private final HashMap<Integer, BufferedImage> colored = new HashMap<>();
@JerryCoffin I'd rather give condolences to the souls writing Java at school. (Inclusive hello attached.)
I will have to learn Python for a job and.. ok.. I better learn Rust or even Java to be honest..
Python is cool: it makes you work for science.
@Morwenn Python is dynamically typed, that's enough
@iksemyonov Enough for what?
@Morwenn For me to feel sad about it
@iksemyonov You must be a really sad person then.
@Morwenn Not really that sad as a matter of fact but some things just make me feel sad, that's true.
Frankly it's not that bad.
Plus you've got libraries to do anything you want, which is a big plus.
That I agree with, the ecosystem is terrific.
And Python has stronger types than JavaScript, and fewer "nah, you've got an error but I won't tell you what" problems.
(I use both at work)
@Morwenn Enough for it to be a steaming heap of shit.
"It's better than Javascript" is not really a recommendation
@Puppy I don't think I care enough about what you think of it ^^
@Morwenn That's nice, I've never worked with JS but I guess it's a good thing that Python has a better type system.
why bother bringing it up in a chatroom if you don't care what the other members think
*And a good error reporting ability.
@iksemyonov It still gives you the freedom to do utter shit though. You're responsible.
@Puppy Nah, I don't care what you think, because mitigation doesn't seem to be part of your opinions.
@Morwenn We're responsible in life as a rule of thumb so.. not really an issue or a bit of news, even =p
@iksemyonov JS is like, "What if we took a reasonable language, and then added on a bunch of features that just make it worse and also make it dynamically typed for no reason?"
@Puppy Why is it all around the place these days? Why create user interface applications in an interpretable language?
@Morwenn Some mistakes are mitigated, for instance, in C# array covariance is mitigated by the fact that arrays are not that useful.
generics may be a bit shit but that's mitigated by reflection
Qt compiled to native code can lag at times on a desktop PC. How bad does JS lag then?
@iksemyonov Because they're stuck with it and it's too late now to change.
there are attempts to move beyond it e.g. asm.js, WebAssembly and PNaCL
@Puppy Guess it's a problem of the lack of education and a flaw in the education system. Or just an example of how the industry works.
@iksemyonov A bit of both, really. The inventors were clearly in need of some serious remedial education, and the industry's mechanisms ensured their mistakes were carved into stone for all eternity.
In my ideal world, most if not all programmers would know C, C++ and low-level well enough to be able to write portable, fast code.
in my ideal world, nobody would ever have to learn C, as it no longer exists.
and probably the same for C++.
@Puppy No-no, read further: people seem to be too lazy to learn C++ and low-level.
I don't really give a shit
time is money, and if they don't need to write in it, then let them skip it
they can spend that time learning how to do their actual job better
@JerryCoffin What exactly do you mean by "string literal splicing"?
@fredoverflow "something " "some other thing" being a single string I guess.
@iksemyonov That is not a statement, that is just a declaration with an initializer. It is executed before the constructor body.
@fredoverflow Being able to split a string literal on multiple lines, and then have the compiler merge them all for you.
That would be "something "+"some other thing" in Java.
@fredoverflow Well, that's it, coming from C++, it takes time to adjust to the fact that this is, all of a sudden, not a statement!
@fredoverflow In C, I can do something like: char a[] = "one" " two" " three"; and the "one", " two" and " three" will be spliced (at compile time) into a single string literal. Whitespace (including new-lines) between the "pieces" in the quotes is ignored, so you can put it onto as many lines as you like.
@iksemyonov Doesn't C++11 or C++14 allow the exact same thing?
(also, Java is not C++)
@fredoverflow For POD constants IIRC, but not sure about class types. Someone here should know better
@fredoverflow Agree. Hence the adjustment shock.
And in C++, it shocks me no less.
You would not even need the initializer in C++ to begin with:
std::unordered_map<int, buffered_image> colored;
Hmm, right. Why is it required in Java?
Because the variable is a reference, not an object?
Because all Java class types have reference semantics.
@iksemyonov exactly
Then that means some duplicated code of the kind.
this just in: Java shit
more at 11
@fredoverflow Yes, it's been allowed for a while now (and no, it's not restricted to POD types). It was allowed for static const integer stuff forever, and broadened to include other types in C++11.
2 messages moved to Trash can
lol, not good enough for the QA room.
Jan 30 '15 at 2:30, by Borgleader
"Hi I have a question about my retirement fund"
"Sir this is a convenience store..."
"I know but it's the only thing open at this hour"
@JerryCoffin You can concatenate string literals via + at compile time.
But I'd rather have one line with 12k characters than 150 lines with 80 characters ;)
that line looks generated anyway
Of course, I didn't write a 12k string literal by hand :)
// ...
sb.append(x < 256 ? String.format("\\%o", x) : String.format("\\u%04x", x));
// ...
Q: Why do Java octal escapes only go up to 255?

paxdiabloThe Java language specification states that the escapes inside strings are the "normal" C ones like \n and \t, but they also specify octal escapes from \0 to \377. Specifically, the JLS states: OctalEscape: \ OctalDigit \ OctalDigit OctalDigit \ ZeroToThree OctalDigit OctalDigit Oct...

1 hour later…
posted on July 05, 2017 by Scott Meyers

O'Reilly President Laura Baldwin's recent blog post explaining O'Reilly's decision to discontinue selling individual books and videos through their web site (while continuing to publish books and videos for sale through other channels) inspired me to take a look at the sales data I have for Effective Modern C++. I wrote that book with both print and electronic publication in mind, assuming that

char a[] = "one" " two" " three"; also works in C++
That looks entirely unsurprising to me
he'd probably have a very different experience selling a book about a modern language
probably only old geezers like Jerry bought EMC++
I did :\
@fredoverflow really. I'd favor whichever is more maintainable (meaning: the loaded resource :))
@Puppy That, and the fact that all devs know that ebook publishing formats suck royally at formatting and flow layout with code samples/diagrams
I was hoping to have more people objecting to being characterized as an old geezer
@Puppy My only recent books on C++ have been standard drafts (plus, perhaps, a few of the papers that have been submitted that are long enough they might sort of qualify as books).
anyway, I am le off to bed
let me know if SpaceX explode their rocket
I have, however, given serious thought to writing a book (which, if I wrote it, would be an attempt at a modern version of Accelerated C++).
@Puppy I did too :(
@JerryCoffin I didn't real Accelerated C++, what main characteristics would you put in a C++ book?
So, uh, I just discovered write(2) might discard parts of the data
and it makes me p sad
Except the already suggested "don't even mention char[] to beginners" I don't know what original take I could give to a C++ book.
@Shoe The basic idea would be a book for people who already know how to program in some other language, so it's primarily about how to do things in C++, rather than how to program (with C++ as the example language). And yes, it'd lean heavily on the standard library for things like containers, not include the notorious tutorial on how to write your own (inevitably awful) string.
- Guys, we need a pun for "What". It's about electricity. - Er, Volt? - Brilliant! [Later] - Why can't I stop feeliā€¦ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/882584114188214272
@JerryCoffin Well, I would probably buy it :)
Me too

Oh wait
@Ven What does "discard" mean? Because AFAIK it writes from a buffer. Does it... modify the buffer? Or does it simply fail to write without indication? (In that case are you referring to lack of portable/guaranteeable sync? See youtube.com/watch?v=LMe7hf2G1po)
@sehe Watts up with a thread like that? Currently seems pretty boring.
@JerryCoffin :) I retwote the one that was actually on fire. Electric, if you will
@sehe In the latter case, it's not write(2) failing the contract. It's expectations failing in a complicated world of [virtualizing] layers and no way to dependably coordinate transactions.
@deacon_geek @DW_work1 @getwired @qkslvrwolf Ohmygod puns getting worse. Maybe limit to fouraday. Max. Well. Maybe moore.
@sehe Just be careful not to tell any of them to your dog.
@sehe I'm waiting
And don't tell me you are old something like that
Ok, I won't tell you
SU or SF
probably better for SuperUser, but I'd say it's too little research anyway
@EtiennedeMartel Sort of, but I'd say it's somewhat unclear. Topics include: "software tools commonly used by programmers", which sort of includes wget.
reminds me of the "programming on a boat" question
OTOH, it does also say: "... unique to software development", which this sort of isn't.

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