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> c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.7.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/stdio.h:267: multiple definition of `printf'
@RMartinhoFernandes Actually, I agree with the sentiment. But I only apply to drive-by linking. If a user actively engages in a discussion on the topic his question is about (rather than just hoping for someone to find his question and answer it), I am not offended. Also, I have to be really offended to bother to actually go there and downvote the question.
Seems to be a trending topic.
Hi, I'm trying to get an 8-bit bitfield with no overhead, so I'm using an unsigned char.
Is there a better way to do this?
@newprogrammer how are you
i am good, how are you
@newprogrammer nope. though, unsigned char may or may not be 8 bits by definition
Scroll up in this chat for more
posted on May 17, 2012

Anomalies, and design strategies for avoiding them, are among the many reasons that programming-language design is harder than it looks.

How far would I have to scroll up
2 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
static_assert(CHAR_BIT == 8, "Are you compiling this in the past or something?"); If you're paranoid.
@newprogrammer about there ^
The point was: only precious few exceptions are known. DCPU-16 was named (but it is not a physicial CPU) (programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/143099/…)
unsigned char is usually pretty portable right?
@newprogrammer It is always portable
@newprogrammer define portable
Just how wide it is, is implementation defined though (IIRC) 8 bits are guaranteed minimum
Or you could use uint8_t, which would be even more portable.
#include <stdint>
err a better question is
actually i have no question
thank you sehe
and everyone else
Try to use std::bitset though. It will be much less pain.
won't that introduce unnecessary overhead
if all i want is 8 bits
@newprogrammer prove that with your profiler
@EthanSteinberg though I disagree about the less pain part. Depends on usage pattern
Seems to be 3 bytes overhead: ideone.com/asbas. I guess that will probably add if you have tons of these things.
it is not up to me
my professor does not want us to use std::bitset anyway
@EthanSteinberg Mmm. Ok. Implementations should be able to optimize. I'd simply shun the added complexity. I mean you're gonna use bits, let's not act like we can slap a container abstraction on it, since we can't. It's gonna be a leaky abstraction, and leaky abstractions are a net loss. Most of the time
@EthanSteinberg No. uint8_t is optional.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah. I just noticed my error: <cstdint>, or <stdint.h>
did a bit more on the writing thing, docs.google.com/open?id=0B2oiI2reHOh4elRtTHVnNFc5am8
there must be a stackexchange site for feedback on writings?
struggling to code up the second part of my SHA-2 solver
I manually solved for about the first 30 or so variables which I could show were known, but I'm gonna need to code solving for thousands of them
trouble logging into the beta site
Q: Feedback on writing about C++ programming

Cheers and hth. - AlfOK, shoot: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2oiI2reHOh4elRtTHVnNFc5am8 Tools: Microsoft Word 2010 for the text & ->PDF conversion. Inkscape for the figures. Experience for the contents. It's a work in progress, I think about three quarters into first chapter now, but I think it's quite...

You didn't read the FAQ!
What's it say?
Like, no open-ended questions?
A: What are the guidelines for asking for a critique of my work?

justktAre you coming to Writers with a specific question about a specific text you have written? Great. Writers is a community of professional and aspiring writers, editors, agents, and others in the business of writing, and we would love to answer your question. In order for us to be able to succes...

In that case I just ignore it. How can I know what's wrong or good about my writings. If I did know I wouldn't have to ask.
@CheersandhthAlf Yeah, a specific question, or at least what your goals are is wanted.
It is stupid.
The site is worhtless with that restriction.
I ignore it. :-)
> Asking for a critique without telling us your goals isn't helpful, and we will follow up with asking for an edit and likely closing the question if you don't edit.
@RMartinhoFernandes Helpful to whom? That's written by a control-freakish moron, an idiot. I ignore it.
Ok, so writer-sex-change is not a good site, it is a moron-controlled site.
I hope it changes.
Is calling a std::function generally faster or slower than calling a virtual method? Or is it the same?
@StackedCrooked dunno, but both involve an indirection (in general), so should be about equally fast?
I just realized that since I'm storing my objects in std::shared_ptr that I can remove all virtual destructors in my class hierarchy. Then I replaced a few virtual methods with std::functions and now my class hierarchy is fully non-polymorphic. I wonder if this is a good or a bad thing :D
Yeah, fuck OO!
No more vtables, like a boss.
@StackedCrooked std::function uses type-erasure internally, a type of polymorphism.
I.e., vtables.
That said, packing away virtual calls into the only utility where they are needed (generic function objects) may be faster due to optimization the implementation of std::function, giving you no worse performance, but possibly better.
At worst, it's easier to read.
I thought boost function implemented type erasure via void* function pointer. I could be wrong though (as usual).
@StackedCrooked Nope.
How could it store my functor object with 16 member variables? Has to dynamically allocate a copy and call that.
Which is simplest to do with a virtual function.
Perhaps I misunderstood what's written here.
> Then there is the option with function pointers to templated functions, while holding the actual object in a void* pointer, like Boost.Function does to hide the real type of the functor.
Granted, it doesn't say it's not implemented with virtual methods.
That's a specific optimization of boost::function: if you're only calling a naked function pointer, it can store it directly into it's internal buffer memory. Otherwise, that buffer memory instead holds a pointer to the type-erased implementation.
And that's what I meant earlier: no worse, but in special cases your implementation can make some shortcuts.
A: Building boost::options from a string/boost::any map

GManNickGboost::any is not applicable to your problem. It performs the most basic form of type erasure: storage and (type-safe) retrieval, and that's it. As you've seen, no other operations can be performed. As jhasse points out, you could just test every type you want to support, but this is a maintenanc...

You might also read that to see how to implement it for another problem.
The thing is, I'm currently experimenting with a class design based on policies and type traits etc. I worry that if one of my base components is polymorphic then it will "spread" to the derived components. Which undermines the whole idea of static polymorphism.
While using std::function may use vtables internally, it won't spread in the class hierarchy.
wonder if I can write a program to detect solvable simultaneous equations?
oh, yeah
and shared_ptr also uses vtables internally
That's ok.
found 113 of the 2270 variables of the SHA-2
That's 5% after only one day.
You'll be there in 20 days!
well I think that it's like solving a sudoku
the simple algorithm can propagate so far, then you need a more complex one to get the harder variables
right now I'm trying to determine if there are any solvable simultaneous equations left over after first-round propagation
they take the form of, say, constant = x + y and otherconstant = x & y, say, right?
or those which could be re-arranged that way
maybe military encryption relies on the scheme's reputation as hard, so nobody tries to crack it... ;-)
Perhaps Russia already found out how to hack it, but they aren't telling anyone.
came back with seven simultaneous equations, apparently
You should use something like amazon cloud for the computing.
Wait, nah, you probably don't.
I don't need it- the computational load is pretty low
as long as you express the tree, and traverse it, in a memoized fashion- the subtrees get re-used a hell of a lot
aaah fuckdiddlies
all I've come up with is that several of my states are actually duplicates of one another
how that happened, I have no idea
perhaps my implementation is incorrent, and these duplicate states should actually have different dependencies
I think at the end you will have learned a good deal about SHA-something
damn mid-exam holidays...
also, TIL: Those slutty kind-of girls who lightly flirt with you whenever you meet them aren't actually serious.
@IntermediateHacker Too true
need to visualize the dependencies here
@IntermediateHacker "kind-of-girls" -- they're not real girls?
@CheersandhthAlf lol.
but seriously, they're a waste of time. One day they'll give like a million hints, you'll buy them lunch, they'll take your number etc. and the next day they're like "Who were you again?" .
@IntermediateHacker That's offensive! Who knows, perhaps the person in question is suffering from alzheimer or something.
in the writings, i was bit by the -INT_MIN = INT_MIN animal -- again. happily, so i could write it up. i wonder if anyone else has ever had that animal's attention?
Morning (and it's actually morning this time).
good morning
i think, today i will have my hair cut, buy some accessories for the guitar i'm expecting on tuesday, and have some Norwegian "svele" with brown cheese :-)
it's like very thick pancake made with kefir
@StackedCrooked Horrendously unlikely.
@Scottymac - Here's the interview (link) - First 5 minutes is ads. I'm at 27:45.
is an online interview?
is a holy shitty titfuck
@CheersandhthAlf No, was in person.
@CheersandhthAlf That sounds pretty good.
Pretty much.
@TonyTheLion ohai Tony
I knew you'd turn up after I said the word "titfuck"
you must have fixed the lion-signal after yesterday.. or a couple days ago..
of course, needs coffee
when I tried to summon you but you didn't appear
@CheersandhthAlf Damn I want that right now.
@DeadMG wasn't that when I was still jet lagged and too dopey to even look at a computer screen?
all I know is that I referenced sex repeatedly and then waited and you did not appear
@TonyTheLion No Fucking Idea
well, fuck
I"m here now
you can talk about sex all you want
I'd rather talk about my attempts to break SHA-2
man, it's so fuckin' hot here
but instead, I'm going to go and waste my money purchasing shit to eat
@DeadMG and any success?
and make myself infinitely sick and unhappy
oh that sucks
@TonyTheLion Some, but it's a work in progress
when I wake up tomorrow, I will give it a further crack
you haven't gone to bed yet?
that's part of "infinitely sick and unhappy"
oh wow
but you sleep during the day?
"feel unhappy for (insert reason here)" -> "purchase shit to eat" -> "eat it" -> "feel worse" -> "GOTO LINE 10;"
I drink coffee when I'm not feeling good
I used to smoke a ciggy, but since I quit, that's rather hard
well, a person that weighs as much as I do can't really comment on other people's addictions
on the other hand, gz on quitting
yea, been about 3 months now
never smoked myself so I wouldn't know, but apparently it's non-trivial
O(2^n) complexity
yea, it was hard, and I was fuckin grumpy for a while
quitting smoking: the newest NP-Complete problem
yea, basically
so how do you come up with ideas on what to code?
I never have much in the way of ideas on what to code
oh I'm a dreamer
I see things how they "could" be, rather than how they are
ah right
for me
it bugs me that P could equal NP :P
yea it could, but it's unproven
so is the inverse
so the day you can prove it, you'll be world famous
I'll also be famous if I break SHA-2
it's replacement isn't due for years
true, I was reading up on that today
why do hash containers have "buckets"?
is that to avoid collisions?
buckets exist because if you didn't have buckets, you'd have to have 2^32 space in your table for a 32bit hash
which is obviously quite impractical
finding the bucket from a hash is trivial- a simple modulo operation
it allows the hash values to be more sparse than otherwise too
@DeadMG maybe you have diabetes? many people have that. like i do.
@CheersandhthAlf Nah. symptoms don't fit
ah I see
A: Design Issue for C++ #includes and Type Variables

Cheers and hth. - AlfGenerate code from a script.  

No, if the reader or OP needs that, then the person is unfit to program in C++, or for that matter to hit the intended toilet place when defecating.
@CheersandhthAlf Your answer is a bit terse... perhaps you could say with what he would make the script, and give a simple example.
^ How to change the font in Microsoft Word, demo video.
Note: that's real, not irony/comic!
I think, what sites such as SO fail big-time on is to differentiate between lack of knowledge and lack of intelligence. It's a misguided idea that detailed cookbook recipes are both necessary and sufficient to deal with the world in general. When they're actually neither necessary nor sufficient.
What's with all the orgasms over this? reddit.com/r/technology/comments/tsji4/…
It's nothing new, and drag&drop is extremely annoying if you're not on a silly Mac.
Hm there's BOOST_MSVC, BOOST_INTEL, BOOST_CLANG, but there doesn't seem to be BOOST_GCC.
It's under a strange name. BOOST_GNU maybe?
@Pubby dunno, sending file -> skype?
@CheersandhthAlf What?
the relevant xkcd mentions ftp
Haven't seen that xkcd
me, i share files by putting them on google docs
then there is teamviewer
i don't see the problem really
Here's my favorite hosting site (with a referral link!): host-a.net/ref/pubby8
The owners even sent me a nice email and extra bandwidth for getting a ton of downloads
@Pubby I'd love to have a look, but reddit
@CheersandhthAlf either that, or dropbox when I want to share stuff with a certain people.
50MB? You get 2GB from Dropbox for nothing.
And since we're throwing referrals around: db.tt/LIseBdW5
1 hour later…
Anyone knows if its possible to print a range of values with a register as centre in gdb?
I would like to print the value of $rbp +- some values, so that I can see how the callers and callee stack frames look like.
not sure if you can do ranges...
you can usually do expressions, ie more then just the value of variables
Do you know how I print the value of $rbp+16? Right now if I do
print $rbp+16, it prints the address in rbp and adds 16 to it
that is the value of $rbp+16. You didn't say anything about the memory location pointed to by $rbp. ;)
well how can I print the value that it is pointing to?
ummm, not sure :)
well, does it accept C/C++ expressions? Then you could do something like *((char*)$rbp+16)
but there's probably a more concise syntax
Do either ($rbp+16) or [$rbp+16] (AT&T or Intel syntax, respectively) work?
@GManNickG No.
@jalf That syntax is giving me some strange value, I should be having the value 8 at rbp+8 but
(gdb) print *((char*)$rbp+8)
$8 = -31 '\341'
@jalf When I do print $rbp I believe I actually get the VALUE of rbp
@jalf print $rsi gives me 5, print $rsi+5 gives me 10
So it seems to get the value and then add to that number
What'd you expect it to do?
Try x $rbp + 8.
trying to decide how best to visualize my SHA-2 graph
@ManofOneWay what else did you expect? It's a register, and that register stores a value. If you add 5 to that value, you get a number that is 5 higher than whatever was in the register
It's only an address if you tell gdb to treat it as an address
I wonder if GDB treats the register as signed or unsigned
Yes, my bad.
@CatPlusPlus Yes that seems to give me the value, great! BUT the value seems strange, does have something to do with Signed number representations?
Strange as in?
I should be getting 7, but I get 0xf38603e1
What's the type of what you're dereferencing?
it's time for me to go to bed
good day everyone
I'm just printing
(gdb) x $rbp+8
0x7ffff7fe3980: 0xf38603e1

It should be an integer
@ManofOneWay 0xf38603e1 isn't 7, by the way.
But am I thinking wrong here.. My $rbp is containing the old base pointer, so $rbp + 8, is that even the correct place where the stack frame should add the extra arguments?
Well no, that should be correct, $rbp is pointing to the address where the old rbp is stored
not containing the actual old rbp value
@Neil Unfortunately no :(
@ManofOneWay Shh.. I won't tell anyone if you don't.
Lets just pretend 0xf38603e1 is 7.
@ManofOneWay Why were you expecting $rbp + 8 to be 7?
Is it -1?
@RMartinhoFernandes I put the breakpoint before pushing the old rbp, now with the new rbp I get
(gdb) x $rbp+8
0x7ffff7fe38b8: mov $0xfff3865c,%esi

Which is even more strange... But at the address $rbp+8 I should be getting the value 7
In code I do:
0x7ffff39517fc: mov 0x8(%rbp),%r11
and checking the registers with
info register
gives me number 7 in r11
(gdb) info registers
rax 0x7fffefb14338 140737214759736
rbx 0x7fffefb14338 140737214759736
rcx 0x3 3
rdx 0x2 2
rsi 0x1 1
rdi 0x6 6
rbp 0x7ffff7fe38b0 0x7ffff7fe38b0
rsp 0x7ffff7fe3840 0x7ffff7fe3840
r8 0x4 4
r9 0x5 5
r10 0x7ffff7dbf800 140737351776256
r11 0x7 7
I don't understand why I cant check $rbp + 8 in some way then and see that it contains 7 =(
strane syntax
@DeadMG a register is just bits
Isn't that odd, why would it be 7?
Granted, I don't know anything about this language, but it seems counterintuitive
Looks like it could be assembly or something
It's assembly. x64 or whatchmacallit.
In AT&T syntax input goes first. mov 0x8(%rbp),%r11 moves the value to r11, not from.
And I can't read, apparently.
Never mind.
I'm still very confused
Try x/1xb $rbp+8.
(gdb) x/1xb $rbp+8
0x7ffff7fe38b8: 0xbe
i.e. 190
My GDB-fu ends here.
I'll post a question on stack
Let's say you go back in time to fix some mistake and succeed. Now you're in a paradoxical situation because you just removed the reason for your arrival in the past. In other news, I should be working.
@RMartinhoFernandes working on what?
And where do you work?
A few minutes away from home. Why are you so interested all of a sudden?
gdb) x /w $rbp+0x10
0x7ffff7fe38c0: 0x00000007
it resided in 0x10
not 0x8
@RMartinhoFernandes I don't know, just killing time.
@FredOverflow You can join me in my JIT-compiler project
@ManofOneWay in what language, for what language?
@FredOverflow Java, Java
@ManofOneWay Isn't there already JIT for Java?
@FredOverflow Of course, but it's still fun to do a compiler
But, but, no LLVM!
Worse, there are no LLVM bindings for Haskell in Java!
So now to my original question.. If
x /w $rbp+0x10 prints the value at that position, is there someway I can print an interval like,

x /w $rbp+- 0x18
kind of
Q: How to print an interval of values from $rbp in gdb?

Man of One WayIf x /w $rbp + 0x18 prints the address and a value for that address, is there some way I can print an interval of addresses and values from the $rbp? Something like x /w $rbp +- 0x18, i.e. the range from $rbp - 0x18 to $rbp + 0x18?

I've posted a question if anyone finds the answer
@ManofOneWay Why are you working in assembly again?
@Neil I'm building a JIT compiler that produces assembly code given bytecodes of a Java method
You have a strange definition of "fun", if it includes writing a Java compiler in Java
@jalf Well I'm far more productive in Java than in C++, mainly because I haven't used C++ that much. Since I want to learn the basic structure of a compiler and the possible optimizations to be made, I don't see the language I'm writing it in as the fun part. The fun part is to write a compiler.
But you can have double the fun if you do it in a fun language!
Double the fun is better than just fun, right?
I mean, can you overdose on fun?
Haskell is great for compilers.
An' everythin'.
Yeah, functional languages are great for compilers
What does the following mean, "getHelpText(const char*** lines, unsigned *lineCount)"?
My interest is in the const char*** segment? Why is there triple *?
It's a pointer to pointer to pointer.
Is it the same as *, but can take both left and right o?
It's the devil.
Thanks, @CatPlusPlus .
I have many questions right now. But there is one question more important than any other question. @sbi Are you at work?
Might be dump to ask, but is there any public repositories hosting other than Github?
Bitbucket, launchpad, Google code...
There's a bunch of them.
codeplex, sourceforge?
Thanks, @RMartinhoFernandes and @jalf .
@jalf Are you living in København?
I'm thinking of moving there after my thesis is complete. What is roughly the average salary for a software engineer there that just finished school?
And what are the taxes?
errm.. What kind of school?
One where you become a software engineer
like computer science?
Master of Science
afaik, it's around 35k DKK per month
on average
That's nice, and what about the taxes?
Denmark doesn't use €s?
@RMartinhoFernandes nope
@jalf Seriously, as a starter? I should move :s
€ is trash
Not sure about taxes, tbh. It depends on so many factors
probably about the same as in Sweden though
The taxes here are too high
@KillianDS Well, high pay, high taxes. I guess it all kind of works out in the end :)
@jalf I doubt the taxes are significantly higher than here (Belgium)
@ManofOneWay I live quite comfortably, so whatever the taxes are, they don't bother me :)
Here at least, they ask for Euro bills rather than coins, because you can wipe your ass with Euro bills at least.
@KillianDS hmm, 3-4% higher according to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
@jalf Uhu, but my start pay (which was high for this country) was about 2/3 of what you mention (of course after converting DKK to euro)
@KillianDS It's quite expensive to live in Denmark as well
Even more expensive in Norway
@ManofOneWay afaik, about the same as Norway. But yeah, that's expensive :)
In Norway, a regular pizza is often 11 Euros or more
@KillianDS Also note that this is just some official survey by some union among their members. In reality it varies quite a lot
At my first job, I had to really push them to go up to 29k. Didn't stay with them more than a couple of months though
@ManofOneWay The thing is, Belgium also is extremely expensive, certainly when you live in the northern part (our national figures are lowered by the southern part0.
@jalf Yeah, I know that it is always more than raw numbers, but this was really a huge difference I was suprised about :)
Well, Copenhagen regularly tops the lists of most expensive cities to live in
But yeah, can't say exactly how it all adds up vs Belgium
also you get a nicer climate!
We're still hiring though, if you're tempted to move ;)
Probably the costs in denmark will still be higher, I won't deny that, but not so much to explain that difference. But in general we're just fucked by a government/society that doesn't really invest in modern technology (the same goes for finding investors for an it company here).
@jalf Yeah, I'd like to move to a more northern country but my gf doesn't agree :)
The hardest part about Denmark is that you cannot here what they say ;)
They whisper?
It's more muddy than anything
@ManofOneWay Muddy. I've never heard anyone describe a country like that. I'm not sure what to make of it, actually.
@Neil Not the country, the language
The pronunciation
@jalf No offense!

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