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@sehe Yes, but imagine that I now had a window to get any SMS's that should have been sent to her - it'd be a good time to check for any 2FA's or the like until she, hypothetically, complained that her number wasn't working.
@BoundaryImposition is that Kirk?
He is so young
The best Scam i have ever seen. damn.. and so many naive sheep
@ProblemSlover: How is that a scam?
@ProblemSlover: They give world life experience... Do they fail with providing that? ;)
@Mikhail Yeah, you're definitely fucked.
@Arafangion lol
Damn.. They got emails for spam and 9 euro . not bad
@jaggedSpire this was unexpectedly funny
@Mysticial resource acquisition is insidious
@Mikhail This sorta goes back to the thing I talked about on Friday.
Combing a Gatebox™ with a Fleshlight™? (don't remember what)
why are different android devices giving me different background colours?
I need to set background colours so it seems
and why is that android resource files can not have capital letters in their names
I painted myself into a corner. I'm so close to finishing this commit too.
@Aaron3468 try writing code for commits instead of painting
copy & paste code instead of writing it
ugh no
@EnthusiasticChair tu veux ouvrir une boulangerie ? (alternativement : tu prendras bien un peu de nombrilisme professionnel)
@Telkitty No, that's the software architect's job.
or at least attain some level of comprehension of what you're copy/pasting
/me is very tongue-in-cheek.
how many percentage of code do I have to alter before I can claim a piece of copy and pasted 3rd party lib mine?
I think that would depend on the country.
Programs already exist for most conceivable things. If I wanted not to write code, I would download instead of copying tbh.
...I'd been rewriting and debugging the same block for a few hours and immediately before I got it write, I invoked an infinite loop by erasing a line outside the block.
It works now
Such a relief
@Telkitty At least under US law, there basically is no such amount. That is, as long as it's a "derived work", it's covered under Copyright. If there were half of one line left out of thousands of lines, that would still qualify as infringement (e.g., part of the Oracle vs. Google case revolved around one function that was three lines line, if memory serves--a truly trivial function in any case).
I remember that
maybe a trivial function but proves that the whole thing was copy & pasted
I'd expect Australian law to be pretty similar too--most of the "first" world (and a lot that's not first) bases there copyright law on various international treaties, so it's generally pretty uniform between countries.
I think with the graphics, it's 50% rule or something like that
There are parts of the world where the law is officially similar, but enforcement is minimal (e.g., Russian, India), but I don't think Australia falls into that either.
@Telkitty I think graphics is pretty much like the rest: if enough remains for them to convince a jury that it's "derived", then it's a violation.
In some cases (e.g., one in Great Britain) that's even included an entirely new photograph, but taken of essentially the same view as an existing one.
I doubt it ... you copy and paste a background, then you add trees, people & buildings, the person who created the background can't claim the picture his/hers
Canada is also somewhat lax in enforcement of copyright law, at least under terms of personal use. If you derive profit from infringing on the copyright, enforcement is fairly strong.
@Telkitty That's the 'derived' element. In most cases you won't be found guilty for small sections that are similar, so long as the whole is notably different in structure and format.
Well, actually Australian copyright law differs from the US in one extremely significant and substantial way.
Specifically - Australia does not recognise "Fair use".
The details of the copyright laws are probably similar enough, it's just the grey, fuzzy areas that the US seems to gloss over by using "fair use", whereas Australia likes to explicitly have things stated in law. It's a problem, because in Australia, copyright laws frankly border on the stupid and idiotic. :(
Classic example: It used to be illegal to "format shift" music from a CD onto cassette tapes so that you could play your own music in your own car. It finally became legal, written into law, a decade after cassettes were obsolete.
@Arafangion As do Australia's laws regarding censorship of entertainment materials
@Aaron3468 That's a whole another rabbit hole.
We don't have free speech, either.
how much for 1 speech and do you get bulk discount for multiple speeches
@LucDanton Tu rigoles mais oui je me lancerais bien dans la restauration
@LucDanton Currently sold out
@EnthusiasticChair oo fusion food alors
horaires débiles et stress immonde sur les fins de mois la restauration nan ?
Oui, horaires débiles, stress permanent et marges rasoirfines.
Je me demande si faire revenir le concept de "cantines" marcherait en France (tu sais, ces grands espaces où tu manges pour pas cher mais régulièrement).
Un peu façon cantines ouvrières du siècle dernier
Ici c'est omniprésent et j'y mange régulièrement, c'est rapide, décent et pas cher
le bon plan c’est le camion resto, on peut pas t’inspecter et/ou te taxer du moment que tu te barres à temps
(Quand je dis rapide : t'es servi en 3-5 mins)
@EnthusiasticChair ça se joue comment niveau compensation façon ticket resto / luncheon voucher ?
@LucDanton Someone's been reading the std::launder specs a bit too much
@LucDanton Non tu paies toi même, ça doit me coûter 5 euros le repas (avec boisson).
Y'a des vouchers pour rien à HK c'est le capitalisme le plus pur
ben je pense que ça fait un obstacle là
après y’a bien le RU et les cafèts
RU c'est pour les étudiants, cafèts / flunch c'est pas si abordable (c'est genre 8 euros non ? pis spas ouvert le soir IIRC)
nan je veux dire dans le sens où c’est pas une idée 100% incompatible
@EnthusiasticChair tiens au fait me demande pas pourquoi mais le truc à la mode sur les ~2 dernières années ici c’est le bagel shop. à éviter à tout prix si tu veux te démarquer de la concurrence, ça grouille
avant ça c’était 50% wine bar, 50% burgers
@Telkitty why do you think you cannot?
coz IDE complains about it when I drag and drop pictures with capital letters in its name
> the method might have bad side effects (modifying a database, launching a cruise missile, and so on), so it is impossible to run in a test harness.
I do love it when they just toss launching cruise missiles into scenarios like that. It livens things up almost as well as a limerick.
@Telkitty warning or error?
warning when drag into the res directory but problem is when you try to run the app
> complaining about language features that prevent inheritance where inheritance was never meant to roam
this is the second time I've questioned his policies
@Telkitty what happens at run time?
can't remember exactly what happened, but there was some issue
@LucDanton ptin j'avais jamais réfléchi mais c'est vrai XD
quoi t’es déjà passé ici ? parce que le wine bar avant de venir à Bordeaux je connaissais pas
Non mais en Auvergne y'a plein de burgers du terroir qui ont ouvert dans les 2010+
Genre burger au bleu, au st nectaire etc (c'est vachement bon btw)
je soupçonne le bagel shop d’être l’évolution logique un peu plus 'upscale'
tiens regarde celui-là promet une sauce à la grenade
@EnthusiasticChair you need to claim to be living in Canada if you speak french on this chat
or bigger town
Encore une invention arabe ça la sauce à la grenade
oh good, he explicitly states they're there for a reason and the real problem is legacy code and the lack of support for testing things that shouldn't be accessible to production code outside the unit
written in 2004, good 'nuff
@EnthusiasticChair maure de rire
(en plus même sans jdm c'est probablement vrai)
@Telkitty I don't think Luc claims to live in Canada.
he didn't claim where he's living and that's okay
unlike someone else ...
@EnthusiasticChair tu penses ? je dois bien admettre mon ignorance sur la question
@JerryCoffin if you speak spanish on this chat, I would think it's totally normal
@Telkitty If I speak (any more than a few words of) Spanish, it's definitely a bit odd.
1) I was pointing out his profile trolling 2) I assume more than 50% San Diego natives can speak spanish (and I know you are not a San Diego native) :D
mexican spanish
Morning people
Lol someone wrote a latex processor in Rust
@rightfold A toy or real one?
what's a latex processor
@littlepootis something that processes latex
Ie, plastics. Not to be confused with TeX.
Q: What part of C++ creates many "copies" of objects?

The Quantum PhysicistAlthough I develop C++ primarily, I don't get the joke about C++ down there. Is this joke about passing by value being default behavior, and hence creating many copies? Or is there some other part of C++ that created this reputation?

let's close-vote because SO hates fun
Prior to C++11, returning an object from a function conceptually involved a minimum of 3 copies — M.M 25 mins ago
that doesn't seem right
@BartekBanachewicz A lot of mess?
@Puppy I thought you could return any object and it would automatically get converted to JSON or XML or what have you
@Shoe yeah, it's kinda overblown
at least that's at first glance
Hm, I'm sending a HTTP GET request for HTTP/1.0 and I'm getting a reply for HTTP/1.1.
That seems wrong.
AFAIK it's nearly divided into packages and you can just import what you need. ASP.NET per se is awfully large and encompasses a shitload of stuff, ye.
@Shoe dunno, maybe it's just C#
I always thought this language is kinda clunky
I I found a falco 500 dumb terminal with its keyboard from the company electronics waste bin
While it is, arguably, only a trivial variation on the accepted answer, it is aesthetically prettier. — Florian F 12 hours ago
It is fully functional
I cannot find almost any information on it from the internet
Two manuals and a couple of ads. That's it
you need to go deeper
you mean deep web? I am too scared
Now I have the original mac, adm 3a, memotech 500 and a falco 500 in my collection
plus VaxStation 3100 but I am planning to throw that away
my mac is missing a mouse though :(
Poor CPU.
It's at 77°C.
CPUs thrive at that tmeperature
I don't think so
I let it cool down a bit by suspending the offending processor.
TBH it's some AVX-intensive calculation that fits entirely within L1 cache.
So these temperatures aren't exactly unexpected.
And I should probably clean up the inside of the case anyway, because it's been a while.
Better than putting ice packs on it
@Horttanainen dumb terminal, should probably lead to vt100 like standards + rs232
@sehe Yes
So, look for (partial) product matches en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_terminal#See_also
@sehe My next project is a raspberry pi or similar to talk to these
That would be so cool
old electronics are fun
More than new electronics, honestly. Too much SoC insta-ready
I forgot I have a IBM 3278 also!
that one is a monster
One more of these and I'm sure I don't want to see your place (unless you inherited a big fucking farm to house all that stuff)
I doubt even IBM have them today, but who knows
All but that IBM are in my office
I'm pretty sure they will stock some museum and still have ownership
@Horttanainen Making heaps of sense. And rubble :)
but yes, sehe asked a good question: where do you store all of them?
I love look at them. I have room for two in my apartment
Dont ask silly questions like that :P
Yeah. Everyone has a right to unquestioned fetish under the Geneva convention
But I am seriously thinking of making a donation to Helsinki University.
once I had lots of computers, then had to throw them away because it was looking like a trashpile
They have this little computer museum
was a big relief when I saw all of that junk on a junkyard finally :3
My uncle offered to store them in his attic if I'd go to work abroad
I have a oscilloscope from the 50's also :D
that's cool, but can you draw a terminator, from Terminator 2 the movie, on its screen? :D
No, but teach me how
some people do it, there are lots of examples on the webs
I'll take a look
@Horttanainen libcaca, mplayer has it
currently I only have an old and bulky commodore 64 ripoff, not a slim and sexy dumb terminal :(
Dum terminals are NOT slim :P
3278 weights like 30 kilograms
My friend has a current loop dumb terminal, because RS-232 is too mainstream.
what about the dimensions?
It is huge
@Fanael Isn't that just a CRT then
Terminal implies protocol
@Horttanainen isn't all electronics are in that little box with a monitor as well?
@sehe Nice!
@login_not_failed little? :D
@sehe Which current loop is.
@login_not_failed I could not find any examples of terminators on oscilloscopes :(
@Horttanainen I rarely look at that box now, but I should have 8080 ripoff actually, it had only games imported from commodore 64, so here's an example of how it looks
my have three of these boxes under the monitor
these are damn heavy and bulky
:D nice
But is the casing made of 3 mm metal? ;)
5mm sheets of bulletproof steel obviously! because USSR, that's why (not really)
@Fanael TIL. I sorta assumed the "current loop" would be directly tied to the cathode.
@login_not_failed "all electronics" - what? It's just a keyboard/teletype maybe. You must not forget "dumb terminal" means "dumb" and "terminal". They are not computers
@sehe I meant precisely this: it's not a computer, so it shouldn't be really bulky like what I have
Oh well. I'm not sure what "all electronics" you referred to then. Carry on :)
@login_not_failed It's still a CRT, and thus really bulky by its very nature.
And the components are hand soldered and really big.
for a small home pet project owning a mess which weighs about 30 kilos is not pretty: its only purpose would be really to collect dust and annoy your girlfriend :D
Which is more important then saving for retirement
@login_not_failed That is the problem. I would like to carry this stuff with me until I have a garage, but the thing is: She will probably leave before that
Problem solved
carrying it around everywhere is probably what it wasn't meant for, so nothing unusual :)
But my uncle already told me that I can store this stuff at his attic so that is what ill do. I probably donate that falco 500 though
you should place it somewhere and look at it
@login_not_failed I have a apple 2c monitor at home using a raspberry pi as it's computer. It is really beautiful design. I sometimes just watch it for 5 minutes doing nothing else
@Horttanainen that's what I need: an old authentic monitor connected to something meaningless, probably producing screensaver sequences
@login_not_failed Then buy one. Mine arrived from france for 50 dollars
The stand is essential
when I move to a new location, I'll definetely do that; it should render only a screensaver from FAR commander, with stars emerging from the center of a screen to its corners
remember that CRTs cause cancer
You'll need the old raspberry pi. It has a composite video port which a 2c monitor needs
also almost everything can cause cancer: like living in a huge town with bad ecology :D
your lungs would like you was smoking for 30 years, when you did not
@BartekBanachewicz but they dont
@Horttanainen They do. They're frickin' particle accelerators.
There's a reason CRT glass is leaded.
The cathode ray tube (CRT) is a vacuum tube that contains one or more electron guns and a phosphorescent screen, and is used to display images. It modulates, accelerates, and deflects electron beam(s) onto the screen to create the images. The images may represent electrical waveforms (oscilloscope), pictures (television, computer monitor), radar targets, or others. CRTs have also been used as memory devices, in which case the visible light emitted from the fluorescent material (if any) is not intended to have significant meaning to a visual observer (though the visible pattern on the tube face...
@Horttanainen They certainly can
Yes yes, but the glass catches all of that
> since 2007, most CRTs have emissions that fall well below this [X Ray] limit.
@Horttanainen Right
yea, 1971 is far from 2007 :P
At least 26 cm
just don't dry hump the screen basically
@BartekBanachewicz But that is the reason I have all these
Well this explains the tingling in my testicles.
I want a CRT that has uranium glass.
@Code-Apprentice yes
@BartekBanachewicz Also I like the fact that this warning comes from a motorcyclist
Intel Core i9 Extreme will have 18 cores
> Note: Performance estimates are Pre-Silicon and are subject to change. Pre-Si projections have +/- 7% margin of error.
so how much until languages w/o reasonable parallelism die off
@BartekBanachewicz So? There are 18 core Xeons already.
@Fanael It's supposedly the first desktop/workstation CPU with 18
sure people build workstations on xeons
@BartekBanachewicz You want ECC memory in your workstation, so that rules out Intel's consumer CPUs.
@BartekBanachewicz I appreciate the warning though. I will look at the x-ray levels of 1970 CRTs if I find any
@BartekBanachewicz I mean, you don't, but that's because you're so bartek.
@Fanael well why would anyone else want it
@Horttanainen I ride in gear though. You need this: (:D)
@BartekBanachewicz But that looks so uncool!
I thought you were going for that vintage Office Space-esque vibe
@BartekBanachewicz No I am going for vintage bell labs look
Can someone explain me why mov [rax], esi is 2 µops on non-Atom Intel?
and how many would you think it'd be
@BartekBanachewicz One?
It's a single µop on AMD, Atom, and most non-x86 CPUs I've come across.
Hell, on AMD and Atom, add [rax + rdi * 8 + 1234], rcx is a single µop, even though it's a read-modify-write instruction!
@R.MartinhoFernandes I found a website
@BartekBanachewicz Interesting one
we've talked about that topic here previously
I was serious
First answer: Incorrect!
Second answer: False
@Horttanainen Third answer: 0
It was correct actually :smug smile:
@Horttanainen in the quiz?
I got 66%
@BartekBanachewicz Yes. I am taking the engineer path
You answered 72% of the questions correctly with a quiz time of 22.2 minutes
I hate all people
Do you like me even a little?
@BartekBanachewicz My employer expects you to pay for those 22.2 minutes
I'd finish faster but I got 503s
I am off to lunch. I will definitely come back to this test
it's those people who go onto the FB group for some event, complaining because <alleged fact about ticketing>, get politely corrected by volunteers, then complain that they were corrected.... the next day their friend pops up stating how "disappointed" they are at the community, making their first and only contribution to the group a long negative rant about how people are so mean for um being negative. What?!
Hypocrites die plz kthx
at least we can see why they became friends :)
This list of IEEE Milestones describes the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) milestones, representing key historical achievements in electrical and electronic engineering. Prior to 1800 1751 – Book Experiments and Observations on Electricity by Benjamin Franklin 1757–1775 – Benjamin Franklin's Work in London 1799 – Volta's Electrical Battery Invention 1800–1850 1836 – Callan's Pioneering Contributions to Electrical Science and Technology 1828–1837 – Schilling's Pioneering Contribution to Practical Telegraphy 1838 – Demonstration of Practical Telegraphy 1850–1870 1852 –...
this list is also pretty interesting
@LucDanton C'est plus ou moins un fruit du proche & moyen orient donc ouais c'est pas impossible.
> Final testing has now yielded 17.6V open voltage and charging at 1A, giving a theoretical power output of 20W max.
However, the field coil required 11.45V @ 2.5A to achieve this, meaning the input power required is more than the output generated.
@LucDanton Ca prend aussi vers chez moi ce truc là
Il y a une chaine "Bagelstein" qui se la joue hipster sur son marketing
@BoundaryImposition Try to think about it more positively. Understanding that problem takes effort on every single participant. Effort is bad, especially when you don't gain anything from it. Someone will find a solution, maybe to tell those people that they are right and that it was corrected. That way more people have less to worry about and can spend more time on FB doing useful things which you participate from.
@nwp I'd rather just wish death upon them
Is passing a mutex around inside a shared_ptr a code smell?
@Horttanainen why
It has faint odour to my nose
@Horttanainen why are you passing around the mutex?
@ratchetfreak I have to lock access to cache. Cache is shared by two different classes. The methods which are called upon cache are not const so I dont want to move the mutex inside the cache
Does my explanation make sense?
@Horttanainen That's what mutable is for.
@nwp No. They are not const
@Horttanainen why not keep shared_ptr to the whole cache?
You dont use mutexes inside modifying methods. This cache might be used inside non threading contexts so I dont want to add the overhead
@BartekBanachewicz I have done this
all of these birds would transform to a dragon at some point
heroku deploy. What an amateur
That bird is flying straight to a powerline
@Horttanainen so basically your problem is that you want to optionally guard a cache and are unsure with how to link it to the mutex...
@ratchetfreak I am not unsure. Just asked how strongly this smells
Apparently it doesn't. And works well
Had to fix it:
@Horttanainen lol
Here is another possibility: imgur.com/a/NsYqD
thanking anybody who might help you with this is a very sarcastic thing to do. Any real programmer will find an alternate design solution. Rethink your question so that "Thanks" isn't insulting. — Dr t 10 mins ago
@Horttanainen haha was that in Word
@BoundaryImposition Paint actually.
@Horttanainen ok
@BoundaryImposition lol, a "No True Scotsman" fallacy
@Horttanainen do you run it as mspaint or as pbrush?
@Mgetz not quite
@BoundaryImposition What do you mean? I just click the icon :P
@Horttanainen oh man that sounds like a lot of work
you have to click on lots of menus and stuff to get there
Well let see
Oct 18 '13 at 15:14, by Lightness Races in Orbit
But my Win+R->pbrush->enter->Ctrl+V->crop->Save->upload routine is down to an art now
I'll just press the windows key. write paint and click the icon. Not too hard
hah, works if you type 'pbrush'. ace

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