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@sbi Parser bailed out. Thecosh writes in Forth now? I'm impressed
I write lambda expressions with parameters called x. Mwahahahaha!
@sehe Your parser assumes wellformedness on anything @thecosh writes? That's a bug, sir.
@EtiennedeMartel Me too. Let's form an evil cult.
@sehe Let's settle on "@thecoshman writes". There's nothing wrong there.
May the fourth be with him.
Anyway, my point was that the room name was then centered around "Lounge++" back then.
@sbi that. I was convinced earlier. After all, I wasn't born yet back then :)
Anyone happen to know the environment variable to set for the C++ preprocessor for a configure script? I know the CPP variable for the C preprocessor and have that set, but the script is complaining about /lib/cpp not working
@sehe What? We're talking October 2010 here!
@sbi Not born in terms of chat room presence. Sometimes I doubt whether you really doubt me, or just like to get the little troll out of it
@Collin Can't you ln -s cheat it?
@sehe Latter. Don't tell him I told you that.
@RMartinhoFernandes probably.. it's a bit of a weird cross-compile to vxworks
@RMartinhoFernandes It remains between us
@sehe Whatever is between you and the robot (yuck!), I genuinely thought you were trying to tell me you weren't born when this chat was created.
@sehe @sbi deleted the link. I suggest you buy the book. Its superb.
guys, am I allowed to ask some general programming Question here? :) else where to ask it?
Well. Amazing the stuff that happens in Lounge<C++>
Grumpy apes loose their mind without warning :)
@Olumide No, I didn't, because I cannot delete chat messages. I flagged for a mod to do it.
oh, derp CXXCPP
@Olumide You mean there was a link to a illegal copy? <gasp/>
@coder9 You can ask anything here. Answers are not guaranteed though.
im having a weird situation. The EXE can't find a DLL, which I have included in Path. But it works when the EXE is copied to the directory where that DLL is in.
@Collin configure --help |& grep CPP todl you that, I guess?
@sehe I have no idea which grumpy ape could have lost his mind here (never seen any such beast except for me), but to say you weren't warned you is certainly wrong.
Basically, when you ask a question here, you put yourself at the mercy of the fleeting interest windows of the local denizens.
@sehe well, I less'd the configure script and looked for preprocessor, but yeah
@coder9 That's not strange.
I keep forgetting it's just a bash script :-P
@Collin A scary one, though
Also I keep forgetting I can edit posts in this chat
@sehe so, any clue then? :)
I just swapped out my 25' cable for a 10' cable here at home. Those extra 15 nanoseconds are going to help me to be the first answerer on Stack Overflow. Thanks for the suggestion, Joel! — James McNellis Sep 25 '10 at 19:38
@sbi ?! warned about what? Nothing bad happened to me.
@sehe Just you wait.
@sbi Not MFL again
@coder9 DependencyWalker and FusionLogvw.exe and Dynamic-Link Library Search Order for starters
@sehe I tried Dependency Walker today for the first time
nothing seems bad there
oh god windriver compiler y u so slow
@sehe "MFL"? "Magnetic Flux Leakage"? "Modern Foreign Language"? "My Fair Lady"? "Minimum Flows and Levels"? "Maximum Foreseeable Loss"?... ah, got it: "Maggot for Life" That must be it.
"May" Fair Lady?
@sehe it's just that the DLL is not loaded from the directory included in "Path" when running
@RMartinhoFernandes Very good, robot.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, you need to be quick. She won't be a fair lass anymore come next month.
Apr 16 at 12:40, by sehe
@sbi Just you wait, Henry Higgins
@sbi ROFL
I'm sure April and June are just as lovely ladies
Is "fair" here being use in the sense of "fair", or in the sense of "fair"? I suppose the sense of "fair" doesn't make sense, so I'm left with those two.
Hmm. That sentence may be incomprehensible.
@sehe I don't know if its illegal. I just found it online.
@RMartinhoFernandes By design. WONTFIX
why am I feeling so light-headed after sitting for two consecutive O Level exams?
@RMartinhoFernandes That's an easy one. It's used in the sense of "fair".
@sbi Fair as in just, or fair as in pretty?
@IntermediateHacker Because you poured most of your brain into the exams?
@RMartinhoFernandes Isn't it just if a lass is pretty?
@sbi Not for the ugly ones.
@RMartinhoFernandes Since the ugly ones aren't pretty, it doesn't have to be just for them. I only asked for the pretty one being pretty to be just. Isn't that fair?
Guys do specializations have to be in *.cpp files?
This is getting fairly ugly pretty quick
@Olumide No. Why?
@sehe Snort!
What if the ugly ones are pretty on the inside?
@sehe I'm getting linker errors on my specializations.
Like, their guts are really symmetrical and shit.
@Olumide Partial specializations? Full specializations? Function template specializations? Class template specializations?
Fuck Cambridge. I hate those weird suspicious looking invigilators.
and why do they check me with the metal detector before I enter. Who the hell would blast a bomb in an examination hall?
@Olumide What linker errors? Duplicate or unresolved?
@IntermediateHacker A terrorist student?
That one was easy.
Because checking after you leave would seem pretty retarded
That one was easy.
@RMartinhoFernandes Full specializations ... I think :-(
@sehe Duplicate
@IntermediateHacker Those are called Examination Hall Bombers, of course.
@sbi I lied to make a point, that friend is on facebook. Point stands.
@MooingDuck OMG, you're capable of anything, including enhancing the truth, to appear correct!
Everything was fine until a second class used the templated class
@RMartinhoFernandes the point was correct, the sample was a lie.
@MooingDuck I am not going to believe you anything anymore!
@sbi that seems wise
@MooingDuck I don't believe you!
@sbi I.. but... isn't that a contradiction?
@Olumide You may need to use extern template. Can you get a SSSSSCCCCCE?
@sbi oh, it's not a contradiction if you don't do wise things. Got it.
@Olumide Hmm. Can you check that both TU's use the exact same flags?
(I never know how many Ss and Cs go in that thing)
@MooingDuck I don't believe you!
@MooingDuck I don't believe you!
@RMartinhoFernandes two of each
@MooingDuck I don't believe you!
I won't remember it.
@MooingDuck I don't believe you!
Oh man, poor duck.
@RMartinhoFernandes SSSSSSCCCCCE = source code?
@Olumide Yeah.
Short Something Comething Compilable Example.
@RMartinhoFernandes The duck excommunicated. Hell banned. Ridiculed. Become the risée of the lounge
@sbi also: it's awesome that we can have a conversation with posts days apart interspaced in a crowded chatroom without ambiguity. SO chat rocks.
@MooingDuck I don't believe you!
@RMartinhoFernandes Its part of a large application. I'd have to untangle it and produce a MWE. Usually that'll fix it. I'll look into extern keyword
@MooingDuck Climb under one of those SO chat rocks!
"Usually that'll fix it"
Is the point
Rebuilding ...
@Olumide templates are magic, and break almost all the ODR rules.
@MooingDuck I don't believe you! (Dammit!)
odr rules?
@RMartinhoFernandes I have a little sister, I'll be fine
Rebuild failed! :( . I thought templates weren't supposed to have this problem.
@MooingDuck Not really. They play loose with the external visibility rules, I guess
@MooingDuck I don't believe you!
@Ell "One definition Rule"
@Ell One Definition Rule
@MooingDuck I don't believe you!
@MooingDuck Can't marry her, you know
@sehe she's far more irritating than sbi could possibly be. I lived with her for 20 years, I can outlast sbi.
@Ell One Definition Rule rules.
Yawn! This is getting tiring.
@sehe wouldn't marry sbi either
@Ell One Definition Rule. (Just to be sure.)
@MooingDuck Oh. I see. Except that you had lost too much credibility to support that ludicrous claim.
The ape gave up.
@MooingDuck Ha! If you knew...
@MooingDuck I believe that
@MooingDuck Is gay marriage legal in your jurisdiction?
@RMartinhoFernandes Knowing your limits is a sign of intelligence.
@EtiennedeMartel I... don't actually know. I think it isn't yet, but will be starting next month?
@EtiennedeMartel Washington? I'd think so.
@MooingDuck You never thought about marrying him?
Poor sod.
@sbi whoa, I hadn't realized I'd said what state I was in before
@MooingDuck There aren't any mooing ducks anywhere else.
@EtiennedeMartel "The U.S. state of Washington is scheduled to begin granting same-sex marriages on June 7, 2012, unless the issue is forced to a November 2012 voter referendum." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage_in_Washington
I FOUND THE ANSWER!!!!! (dances jig)
@sbi And showing them is a sign of weakness!
I had a couple of empty *.cpp files, relics of a previous attempt. They were including the includes and somehow forcing duplicate instantiation of the templates

Is this a consequence of the ODR?
@Olumide forcing duplication of instantiations is a violation of the one definition rule, yes
@RMartinhoFernandes Well, I do have a weak spot for you guys. So what?
@RMartinhoFernandes Self-contained.
@MooingDuck Thanks. ODR is the appendix of "C++ Templates: The Complete Guide" so I haven't read it yet.
@EtiennedeMartel That's discrimination. Why would only gay men be allowed to get wed? If the law is gonna treat everyone as equal, all men should be eligible for same-sex marriage.
@Olumide Basically: global variables, (not-inline) function definitions, and explicit template instantiations must each be defined once and only once in the entire program.
@Olumide The two appendices (one on ODR, another on overload resolution) of that book are awesome.
Yay, five screenfulls of errors.
@RMartinhoFernandes +1000
@CatPlusPlus fix the topmost one, only a half screenful of errors left.
hmm, my computer headphones aren't playing anything. They're plugged in, they say they're working, windows says they're working, but I hear nothing
@MooingDuck boot into linux! It's the solution to everything
oh, hey look. the volume knob fixes everything!
@MooingDuck Check volume.
@CatPlusPlus That's with -Wfatal-errors, I presume? Come one, a decent compiler can spew the entire preprocessed source out-of-order and still hide the proper error message in there
Darn, too late.
@RMartinhoFernandes I spent about five minutes on the problem before I thought of that
So having a more than one *.cpp file include the template definitions somehow trigger multiple instantiations
@sehe -Wfatal-errors is the correct one.
main.cpp: In member function 'float task::total_cost(Eigen::VectorXf)':
main.cpp:66:41: error: no match for 'operator-' in '((Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Eigen::Matrix<float, -1, 1>, 1>*)((Eigen::DenseBase<Eigen::Matrix<float, -1, 1> >*)(& x)))->Eigen::DenseCoef
fsBase<Derived, 1>::operator()<Eigen::Matrix<float, -1, 1> >(((Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Eigen::Matrix<float, -1, 1>, 1>::Index)n)) - ((Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Eigen::Matrix<Eigen::Matrix<f
loat, 2, 1>, -1, 1>, 1>*)((Eigen::DenseBase<Eigen::Matrix<Eigen::Matrix<float, 2, 1>, -1, 1> >*)(&((task*)this)->task::z)))->Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Deriv
@MooingDuck Check your membranes
On a different note, yesterday I thought something that I promised I never would i.e. "my compiler is broken"
@Olumide that means your template definition headers have instantiations or globals, which isn't a good idea
@RMartinhoFernandes Well, -Wfatal will be treated as a fatal error anyways, so it does work, in a way
Q: Asking for advice about interesting diagnostic rules for C/C++ code to implement in our tool

Andrey CppI am one of the PVS-Studio analyzer’s developers. To learn more about the analyzer, please follow here. We constantly create new diagnostic rules. The list of new rules to be yet implemented seems to be infinite. We constantly enlarge the todo-list with new samples of errors we would like to teac...

@MooingDuck does the ODR apply to an entire program or only to one translation unit?
Every compiler is broken.
Interesting post, pity it will get closed.
@Olumide And, you were right, of course?
@RadekdaknokSlupik Program.
@MooingDuck Globals!? I abhor them! I spit on them.
> The best way to share your samples is to post comments here or send them to my e-mail: karpov[@]viva64.com
@sehe Erm ... No. That makes compiler/C++ standard library: 4236 -- me: 0
@Olumide so far the only compiler bugs I found were those that caused the compiler to crash
@Olumide actaully, what does the error message say? It should tell you what the global/instantiation is in the header
when I'm using forwarding constructors, do I have to specify the arguments? Can I get it to just forward all constructors? I get this atm: no members matching ‘EventSignal::EventSignal’ in ‘EventSignal’
This is not a good fit for SO's Q/A format. Also, adding self-advertising links doesn't help. At all. — sehe 27 secs ago
@Ell I don't think any compiler implements that yet
@MooingDuck I've basically decided to adopt the position/mantra "The compiler is always right"
@MooingDuck forwarding constructors?
@Ell wait, I was thinking inherited, nevermind
@MooingDuck they might be inherited
@RadekdaknokSlupik mmm. One TU would be conflicting redefinition, not really hard to detect by the compiler and produce a diagnostic, huh
Well, my code is wrong again. Stupid vectors.
It's so painful to implement.
@CatPlusPlus Compiler wins again
I'm probably mixing terminology. I'm basically making a wrapper aroung boost::signal where it is exactly the same, apart from the () operator is private
@MooingDuck GCC and clang do.
@RadekdaknokSlupik I had removed that in a second
@RMartinhoFernandes oh, k
@Ell so just inherit all the constructors?
Inherited ctors are not implemented in any compiler I know of.
@RMartinhoFernandes >.< You're confusing me
Now that I've fixed that, I should get five screens of different errors.
@MooingDuck struct derived : base { using base::base; /* inherited ctors */ };
@MooingDuck struct foo { foo(int i); foo() : foo(42) {} /* delegating ctors */ };
main.cpp:89:41: error: no match for 'operator*' in 'ni * dx' ;(
@MooingDuck how exactly do I do that? using Parent::Parent?
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm aware of the difference. But I'd thought we were talking about inherited constructors the whole time, and you said "GCC and clang do.".
I don't know the signatures of all the constructors :S
Someone said "forwarding ctors". I assume that meant "delegating ctors".
@Ell it would be if GCC implemented it, but RMartinho corrected me and said they don't
@RMartinhoFernandes I assumed otherwise, and I was wrong
I guess this serves as an argument against using non-standard terms.
@Ell perfect forwarding?
@MooingDuck I don't know :L All I want to do is make the () operator of boost::signal private!
 derived(Ts&&... Vs) : base(std::forward<Ts>(Vs)...) {}
or something
Ts&&... and std::forward<Ts>.
I really don't know anything about this stuff :s
And needs some SFINAE to make it not work as a copy or move ctor.
I hate matrices.
error: static assertion failed: YOU_TRIED_CALLING_A_VECTOR_METHOD_ON_A_MATRIX Waah.
@RMartinhoFernandes I don't immediately see why that's a problem
I just want to avoid the AddOnPressHandler, RemoveOnPressHandler, so I can have nice syntax like this Button.OnPress.connect but then only the button class can call () - using friends or something?
         DisableIf<is_related<derived, Ts...>...>
derived(Ts&&... Vs) : base(std::forward<Ts>(Vs)...) {}
// this is how I'd write it.
@MooingDuck Because as a copy or move ctor, the logic is broken: it slices.
(Depending on what we're dealing with, that may not be a problem, yeah)
What's std::forward for? To make sure that rvalue refs stay rvalue refs and lvalue refs stay lvalue refs?
Something like that.
Named rvalue refs are lvalues.
@RMartinhoFernandes oh, right, yeah, I see the problem
explicit may also be desired, otherwise it gives you implicit conversions from anything.
@RMartinhoFernandes explicit stuff is always desired round the internets
This is really just going completely over my head :L
Ellvalue reference.
So, typical C++ stuff: "oh, it's simple, just do this and that." "Oh wait, it's full of nasty corner cases"
yay I'm a reference
@Ell How comfortable are you with SFINAE?
Comfortable with SFINAE?
@RMartinhoFernandes I don't know what it stands for >.< not at all :L
Substitution failure is not an error.
ahhh yes I do know what that means
Does your class have any non-static data members, or does it just inherit from boost::signal and add nothing?
It just inherits and adds nothing
Then you can ignore the copy ctor issue and just do what the duck first posted.
7 mins ago, by Mooing Duck
 derived(Ts&&... Vs) : base(std::forward<Ts>(Vs)...) {}
@RMartinhoFernandes what can I google to learn what all of this means for a noob? or what names do I put where etc etc, what is Ts? etc. I think I'm too much of a noob for this
Yep. Preferably with explicit.
You explicitly need to make constructors explicit. So stupid.
@Ell Oh, you don't know about rvalue references/perfect forwarding yet?
And variadic templates.
Search the for perfect forwarding.
@Ell leave Ts and Vs alone, just replace derived and base.
For an intro to variadic templates I recommend Alexsandrescu's GoingNative presentation.
@Ell it's a mix of perfect forwarding and variadic templates
Yep that one.
The short version is: "it's a ctor that takes any number of parameters of any types (uses variadic templates for that) and passes them along unchanged (thanks to std::forward) to the base class ctor".
ahh Right
not entirely sure what the && are, but the variadic templates I can understand - not write, but understand
There are a bunch of intricate rules working nicely together to get short piece working, so it's not easy to explain it all :S
@Ell Nice pun.
@RadekdaknokSlupik errr... which pun?
@Ell "ahh Right"
We were talking about rvalue references.
@RMartinhoFernandes thank you for the help so far :) I will slowly understand more as I google more I think
@RadekdaknokSlupik oooh haha yeah that was unintentional :L
I fixed it!
I knew matrix of matrices didn't make sense.
@Ell With time that kind of code will become second nature :)
yay! thank you for the reading materials
@RMartinhoFernandes On a side note, why is it called second nature? What's first nature?
For me? Being awesome.
#SignsAPersonCantCook ===> http://t.co/0Bq1nnJn
How is it possible she can't cook? Maybe it's a man in drag?
@sbi I love almost fails :)
@Neil first nature is things you do naturally, I suppose. Eating, breathing, etc (speculation)
@MooingDuck So third nature is like.. trying to ride a bicycle while juggling I suppose
@Neil I think the difference lies in innate vs acquired.
Or in NetHack terms: intrinsics vs extrinsics.
thefreedictionary.com/second+nature "An acquired behavior or trait that is so long practiced as to seem innate." "a habit, characteristic, etc., not innate but so long practised or acquired as to seem so"
Yay it workks!
@MooingDuck That's second nature. What's first nature?
@Neil boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=175566 ""First nature" would be your instincts." "First nature refers to something that you do because of nature or biology, like walking, breathing, eating, or smiling"
@MooingDuck Oh. Okay, I guess that answers that.
@ScarletAmaranth I believe the idea is you make equivalent types in C++ and Java. I've only given JNI a quick look
@MooingDuck Makes sense. Being awesome is something I do because of my nature or mechanics.
@RMartinhoFernandes ....yes
@Neil no!
TL;DR don't onebox gifs.
@Neil loungecpp.wikidot.com/owners%3Anewbie-hints "Please make sure you're not posting any animated gifs that will be oneboxed, because this makes them flicker over everybody's monitor until we have managed to chat it off the screen. "
Oops, sorry
@Neil I know the rule because I get called on it every few weeks
You can add something on the line and just leave the link, but oneboxing is annoying.
@sbi my god you are digging up the past :O
yesterday, by R. Martinho Fernandes
. http://i.imgur.com/wGUTG.gif
I hope none of your bosses are penguins
can I do friend class TemplateParameter? It wont compile but was just curious if there was a way
I think you can.
Why won't it compile?
using template parameter Fwend after class
@Ell template <class U> friend class Factory; I think.
I think I finally get this T&& thing
@Ell depending on what you're doing, it's on this msdn page
so if you have a function that needs to be able to copy data, from another object, you use a T&, but if you use a T&& you know you are dealing with a temporary object, so you can mess around with it a bit more, like 'steal' data it points to (probably not explain that very well)
@thecoshman yes. T& is a reference to a existing object, T&& is a reference to a temporary (and thus can be destroyed if you want).
Oh, you mean move semantics.
Feb 2 at 9:47, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@TonyTheLion Hey. I made this http://imgur.com/RZp3S to explain move semantics. Don't mind the silliness.
@RMartinhoFernandes that's going to take some looking at :P
I have a bunch of Items in a random access container (like vector, though I'm still not sure if that's the best structure for this). Each Item needs to know its position in the container. And I can insert Items in the middle (like vector::insert). Request advice. Over.
@RMartinhoFernandes custom intrusive container.
would I be right in thinking that a class that uses a move constructor might want to be friends with it self?
@MooingDuck There's a catch. This is Java.
@thecoshman a class is always friends with itself
@thecoshman That makes no sense.
@RMartinhoFernandes suicide
@RMartinhoFernandes can the object have a reference to the container they are in, and then call indexOf themselves?
Anyway, I don't think I need a custom container because the container is not exposed to the outside world. I control all operations on the container.
I also control Item.
@RMartinhoFernandes I still have always wanted a container with the interface of a vector, but uses a map-like structure underneath. I wouldn't do it in java though.
is 'rvalue' always going to mean 'reference to a temporary'?
@thecoshman sometimes it's a reference to a I-dont-care-if-you-destroy-this
@thecoshman Hmm, that'd work. I'll have to profile it later, as indexOf is O(N), but it might do for now.
@RMartinhoFernandes if you don't want a custom contianer, then just use indexof
@RMartinhoFernandes you mean, I actually suggested something half sensible :O
@RMartinhoFernandes updating all the indexes would be O(N) as well, unless there's an underlying tree structure
@thecoshman No. Think std::move. (Have you not read my comic?)
@RMartinhoFernandes reading through the question on it you have starred atm
@RMartinhoFernandes can java do pointer arithmetic to figure out offsets in a vector? I don't think it can but...
@MooingDuck nope
Java does not have pointers in that sense
@thecoshman didn't think so. So, indexOf, or a custom container.
why do the items need to know their index?
Hmm, if I'm making a container that acts like a vector, but has all O(logn) operations, what do I call it?
@MooingDuck roughly how does it store the items?
@thecoshman underlying as a tree, but has a vector-like interface
but you can access the nth element
@MooingDuck Sounds like a map of ints to Ts.
how about 'treector'
@RMartinhoFernandes it does, except for insert/delete, so it's a little more complicated.
@MooingDuck I wouldn't call anything a "tree" unless it provides a tree-like interface (i.e. direct navigation through children and shit).
@RMartinhoFernandes yeah, I'm changed it to trector
tractor would be cooler
@MooingDuck you need two letter e for that
@thecoshman I don't need anything
@MooingDuck Still sounds like a map.
@RMartinhoFernandes I just realized part of my design is flawed.
So, that obviates the need for a proper name?
New video by Stephen T. Lavavej, for those who know who he is.
@BenjaminLindley and if you don't, get out of the room
@thecoshman You'd better appreciate my comic. It took hours of effort and as an artist I'm in serious need of adulation. :P

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