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@CatPlusPlus oooh, I see what you did with the fullscreen mode for windows, very clever
@sbi oh rly?
@johnathon The one that got starred and the one I responded to
Also, hi.
@SethCarnegie thats not a problem, thats a necessity
@RMartinhoFernandes Hi. Did I plink wake you up?
@RMartinhoFernandes hi robot
@RMartinhoFernandes the single most annoying thing about steam
@johnathon hence that can't be solved by shunting mouse movements to the parent
@sehe Nah, I was kinda stuck anyway.
everyone seems to have nicknames here :L
what is sehe's?
@RMartinhoFernandes what you playin?
@Ell teddy bear
Portal 2.
@TonyTheLion lol, nice one.
@RMartinhoFernandes I had to use noclip in portal 2
@TonyTheLion Interesting. I crave a rationale with that one, of course
@sehe hahah
@sehe your gravatar is my rationale
Aw. Just that
@TonyTheLion My gravatar is also my response to that :)
@sehe :)
now, dynamic dispatch can mean several things right?
I always thought it was just Polymorphism
hmm I need to make a wrapper to boost::signal! Does that mean I will have to do all of those template functions? :S
In computer science, dynamic dispatch (also known as dynamic binding) is the process of mapping a message to a specific sequence of code (method) at runtime. This is done to support the cases where the appropriate method can't be determined at compile-time (i.e., statically). Dynamic dispatch is only used for code invocation and not for other binding processes (such as for global variables) and the name is normally only used to describe a language feature where a runtime decision is required to determine which code to invoke. This Object-Oriented feature allows substituting a particular ...
@TonyTheLion I don't think so.
@MooingDuck I was reading that, to my surprise, it didn't mean what I thought it meant
It means that function calls are resolved at runtime.
@TonyTheLion it only has one meaning, it just happens to encapsulate part of polymorphism
@RMartinhoFernandes Polymorphism is just one possible implementation, then I guess
virtual functions are just one implementation of dynamic dispatch. As are interrupt tables.
I thought dynamic dispatch was choosing which method at runtime instead of compile time
@TonyTheLion I'll assume you mean "subtype polymorphism".
and function overloading too?
@RMartinhoFernandes yea
runtime polymorphism
@TonyTheLion No, that's decided at compile-time.
I don't know of any other
At least in C++.
@TonyTheLion that's single polymorphic/dynamic dispatch
@TonyTheLion Function overloading is ad hoc polymorphism.
ah I see
Static polymorphism if you will
Hence, dynamic dispatch is often emulated by the visitor pattern
Templates enable parametric polymorphism.
@RMartinhoFernandes yea I read that the other day
It can be done as runtime visitor or using TMP using static type visitors
I only know those three.
but I"m still confused how dynamic languages enable easier implementation of polymorphism
@RMartinhoFernandes I bet functional languages that have argument matching for multiple arguments could be thought of as implementing 'generic' dynamic dispatch
since polymorphism is runtime thing, I shouldn't think it matters if the language is statically typed or dynamically typed
@TonyTheLion They don't. It's just more the norm to use RTTI (or the language equivalent)
polymorphism isn't always runtime
@Ell Duh. Dynamic polymorphic dispatch, however, is
> Implementations of dynamically-typed languages generally associate run-time objects with "tags" containing their type information. This run-time classification is then used to implement type checks and dispatch overloaded functions, but can also enable pervasive uses of dynamic dispatch, late binding and similar idioms that would be cumbersome at best in a statically-typed language, requiring the use of variant types or similar features.
actually, I was referencing this paragraph
in this wiki article:
A type system associates a type with each computed value. By examining the flow of these values, a type system attempts to ensure or prove that no type errors can occur. The particular type system in question determines exactly what constitutes a type error, but in general the aim is to prevent operations expecting a certain kind of value being used with values for which that operation does not make sense (logic errors); memory errors will also be prevented. Type systems are often specified as part of programming languages, and built into the interpreters and compilers for them; although...
a = Foo()
a = UnrelatedFoo()
It is all the same, really, in statically typed languages, but like they say, at a different level of abstraction/less or more hiding of the machinery
Works fine in a dynamic language.
it seems to imply that dynamic dispatch/late binding is cumbersome to implement with statically typed languages
Doing that in C++ requires more complicated stuff.
@TonyTheLion It does. See the example by the robot
@RMartinhoFernandes UnrelatedFoo() returns a different type here?
@TonyTheLion not returns: is-a
@TonyTheLion Assume those are ctor calls to two unrelated types that both happen to have a function f.
quack quack
I hear a duck typing
actually, it was a FileFactoryProvider. It just quacks.
@RMartinhoFernandes and a is the same in both cases?
right, and you couldn't do that with auto a = Foo(); in C++?
Easy in javascript, ruby, python, perl...
But then a = UnrelatedFoo() fails.
ah, of course
@TonyTheLion No, because auto a is just syntactic sugar for Foo a
Type inference != dynamic typing
Do you speak C#? Type inference == var keyword, Dynamic typing == dynamic keyword
I speak C#
Do look at the ExpandoObject. That is dynamicity approaching javascript style
Type inference is like cake: you can't live without it. Dynamic typing is like alcohol: nice to have sometimes, but it hurts if you overuse it :)
Kinda stupid comparisons. Don't mind me.
Well put
I don't agree with the cake. I suppose it should be more like 'sugar'
I can live very well indeed without cake
but living without sugar is just annoying
But cake is so delicious and moist.
My friend coined the term "it makes me most moist"
it can be quite disturbing sometimes
@Ell And not very healthy. Some nutrients can help out (but only because the body transforms them into sugars, IIRC)
I suppose we should define which sugar we are talking about - sucrose?
Lousy meatbag mechanics.
@sehe mostly true
Instead of doing something c++-ey to make a wrapper around boost::signal, how bad would copy/pasting be?
I basically need to make the () operator hidden
Copy-pasting what?
the boost::signal class, then change it
I was thinking a wrapper class where it was the same, apart from the () was private, and it was friends with the Control class
Do whatever you want.
@Ell Like, you want to expose the connection interface, but not the invocation interface?
yeah, thats exactly it
C#-like events, heh ;)?
I'd wrap it.
but I want to be able to go Control.OnPress.connect() and avoid .GetOnPress, or .Get("OnPress")
Not sure, but may private inheritance + using keyword may help.
What @StackedCrooked said.
hmmm... private inheritence sounds interesting
never thought of that
actually... would being able to call the events from outside the class be that bad?
Doing .Net a while ago, I remember doing something like .invokePaint
man this guy is lucky :P
@TonyTheLion 'mercans
Warning, incoming diabetes.
haha lol :L
I thought nutella was hazelnuts... not chocolate?
@EtiennedeMartel Preceded by hypoglycemia.
@Ell It's that with chocolate.
Especially chocolate.
Nuts don't have endorfin production triggers, i.e., they don't make you crazy about it.
And high fructose corn syrup.
@RMartinhoFernandes I'd say it is more like chocolate with hazelnuts
it's yum yum :)
@RMartinhoFernandes Neither has chocolate AFAIK. I think that would be mostly due to sugar.
I'm lonely :(
Chocolate does have theobromine which has a mood-elevating effect.
And dopamine.
I need some mood-elevating :(
There's dopamine in chocolate?
Ingesting dopamine has no effect because it doesn't pass the blood-brain barrier.
You need a drug that binds to the dopamine receptors, like cocaine, for mood-elevating effects related to dopamine.
There's a "your mum" joke to be had, but I can't work out where to put it
@Ell Perhaps you just need a hobby? Or get out - I don't know whether there is any specific reason why you can't, but it is what most people do.
They read books, they play cards, they watch television, they write letters, some even program computers. If all else fails, they SMS or phone or they actually go and meet each other in person
body painting
@thecoshman You can't work out where to put it because your mum is taking all the free space.
@sehe programing is my hoby! and yeah I need to get out -.-
@RMartinhoFernandes that'll do pig, that'll do
@Ell There's millions of lonely people just like you. Get over it :p
Yeah :L
I think loneliness is the human condition, and you just learn ways to cope with it. Many people cope with it well enough , to mostly forget about the loneliness. I think it is required to be a romanticist to believe in that, really
Question: is anyone in this room anti-immunization?
You mean as in vaccination programs etc?
@MooingDuck Kill all the invisible basterds.
@sehe yes
@Ell I have used nicotine gum and nicotine patches in an attempt to elevate my mood when I was experiencing love-pain. It kind of helped. I don't recommend it though (because that wouldn't be politically correct).
sry bad veeeeersion!
@CheersandhthAlf I have heard considerably nicer versions. But I'll keep listening
Don't let whales be driven to extinction, but extinguish the hell out of those microscopic motherfuckers.
@StackedCrooked The PC part has nothing to do with it. It is just known to cause addiction in humans. Some are more prone to addiction than others, which makes recommending it slightly politically incorrect less socially accepted.
@RMartinhoFernandes That's hard to combine, considering most whales feed on tiny motherfuckers
@sehe The good thing is: if you get addicted it's readily available and legal in most jurisdictions.
Definitely a pre.
@sehe Matter of fact is that nicotine patches and gum aren't nearly as addictive as cigarettes. Cigarettes contain certain MAOIs that add to their addictiveness. Plus the social, habitual aspects.
@sehe Oh, just wanted you to know that my sarcasm self-test is complete.
@StackedCrooked I haven't tried. But I think it is rather well established that nicotine per se is addictive. There wouldn't be a market for the nicotine patches, would there?
hm, it just dawned on me that I'm old enough to get myself immunized despite my mother's wishes. And I live a thousand miles away. I should get on that.
Immunized against what?
@sehe Wikipedia quote (that I didn't write :p) > It is thought that the powerful interaction between the MAOI's and the nicotine is responsible for most of the addictive properties of tobacco smoking. Source. For the rest I can only speak from my experience.
@RMartinhoFernandes whatever the state recommends, I have almost no immunizations.
@RMartinhoFernandes Sarcasm is one of the first core kernel processes to load in my micro kernel. I'm surprised it too you so long. Did you live-migrate to a different implementation?
@MooingDuck Measles?
@RMartinhoFernandes nope. Mom thought it would turn me autistic.
You can get that one for "free" (i.e. no needles (I hate needles)) while you're a kid.
> that I didn't write
^ ROFL @StackedCrooked
@RMartinhoFernandes only if your parents don't write a note prohibiting it.
@MooingDuck Prohibiting what?
@RMartinhoFernandes measles vaccine/immunization/whateveritis
Prohibited you from getting infected with measles? It doesn't work that way.
@MooingDuck Was she worried about autism or some nonsense?
@Collin yes
@RMartinhoFernandes That helps too.
@sehe To be honest, Wikipedia quotes aren't worth much if you can just write them yourself :)
The MMR vaccine controversy was a case of scientific misconduct which triggered a health scare. It followed the publication in 1998 of a paper in the medical journal The Lancet which presented apparent evidence that autism spectrum disorders could be caused by the MMR vaccine, an immunization against measles, mumps and rubella. Investigations by Sunday Times journalist Brian Deer revealed that the lead author of the article, Andrew Wakefield, had multiple undeclared conflicts of interest, The research was declared fraudulent in 2011 by the BMJ. The scientific consensus is that no evidence ...
yo biznatches
yo ho
@MooingDuck Yes, but surviving measles gives you a lifetime pass on it. No vaccines involved.
finished Diablo 3 Normal about 30 minutes ago
That's what I was referring to.
oh nice
@DeadMG whoa
it's really nice when things build fast :)
suck when they fail though ¬_¬
This is why they say eating carrots is good for your sight.
@MooingDuck What?
@thecoshman failing builds are the quickest, unless you get pages and pages of template errors scrolling on your console
@DeadMG it's only been out for what? 24 hours where you are?
@MooingDuck 23, actually.
@DeadMG that's an impressive time to beat Normal in, especially when there's nobody to powerlevel you yet.
hmm, Visual Studio says I have 11 warnings, 8 of which are "Operation timed out" in my XML document
@DeadMG What I'm still in Act I.
But I've only played 20 minutes or so :D

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