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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

@Borgleader :)
@Mysticial FTL would have essentially no effect on memory latency. For that matter, memory latency is also entirely solvable (e.g., by using SRAM), but not valuable enough to most people to bother.
Memory latency of DRAM is related almost entirely to noise levels--if noise were reduced, the DRAM could use a smaller capacitor, which would charge and discharge faster. Even if we did nothing about that, we could reduce latency (on average) by having a large number of smaller pages with more sense amps, so a large percentage of reads would come from the sense amps instead of the memory array.
@jaggedSpire ...next time, brush your teeth!
Hmmm, the discussion in the second portion of this page is pretty interesting.
Right where the one guy mentions that it's an argument by analogy.
@JerryCoffin I'm thinking along the lines of processors getting faster and faster, but latency is capped by the speed of light. Or in the supercomputer case, the machine gets (physically) bigger and bigger and more powerful. But the latency isn't going down because of the speed of light.
@Mysticial Point is, unless you're talking about a truly immense machine, speed of light isn't what's limiting your latency to any significant degree. Signals propagate at around 1 foot per nanosecond, so figure that in your average desktop or laptop, speed of light accounts for around half a nanosecond--out of about 50-75 ns total latency in a typical case. It only really becomes significant when you're talking about communication between data centers.
@JerryCoffin I see where you're getting. We aren't anywhere near the speed of light yet.
@Mysticial Precisely (though if it's any comfort, when he was still alive, Seymour Cray placed a strong emphasis on building machines that were physically smaller to get more speed).
This makes no sense: yahoo.com/news/…
Halley's Comet isn't coming back until 2060. What are they smoking?
Debris left behind in its path
@jaggedSpire puppers :D
@Borgleader :3
@sehe wtf did i just read
shhhh no tears now only unicode
tfw the person you're watching on youtube has a CAD model of his house for planning his woodworking projects
you... you dont have a cad model of your house?
I have an apartment, first of all :P
and no
I am a lowly pleb u_u
otoh since I live in an apartment I don't have much capacity in the way of woodworking projects
jesus, he's also got huge numbers of expensive woodworking tools
Trump is an expensive tool badumtss
like a CNC lathe, and a sander that's a rotating column that moves up and down
@Borgleader ayyy
le mayo
@jaggedSpire This guy has a ton of tools: youtube.com/watch?v=4sCReGjfZ_A
also, this guy happens to me one of my favorite humans
@Borgleader :)
it occurs to me that I am currently living vicariously through other people's woodworking projects and workshops, finding enjoyment in nice home improvement projects.
I think...
I think I may be an adult.
I do that all the time xD
but look how well the shelves and the cleats fit! It's so satisfying :)
look at these shelves! full of film replicas/props
@Xeo @StackedCrooked People waste no time: github.com/ewhal/nyaa
@Borgleader :P
@Mysticial Cool.
oh my god this guy has a kitchen remodeling series with more than 12 parts :D
"I need some shelves"
> builds some from plywood, finishes with spare finish
"This thing has more ports than new Macbooks.."
> it's just temporary while he rebuilds the kitchen
ehh. the keyboard is unusable.. no advantages over a tablet.
@Mysticial MPI latency is highly related to your topology. It is even possible to write a cable checking program by testing the latency to each node (in practice you need to disable routing). I spent a month as an intern working on this stuff. Anyways, the real solution to MPI latency is to do more on the local node, which means that system bandwidth is the answer to high latency...
Whats nice about most MPI implementation is that they handle the topology under the hood. BUT OpenMPI doesn't. So you have all these OSS fanatics that write technically challenging, but topology unaware, MPI "packet" routers, that then interfere with program runtime.
@Mysticial awesome
D: bakabt is gone too
And I notice manga scanlations are slowing down too.
^Summary of the 2009 web stack
Do people still use Ruby?
this Twitter account that replaces "big data" with "batman" is maybe the only pure thing in the world https://twitter.com/BigDataBatman/status/860201340823273474
@Mikhail Doesn't seem like one of the in languages with javascript and python getting so much coverage, but definitely still alive.
I don't know, never did webscale work. My friends 'n SF do JS.
Actually I worked on a commercial website which is running to this day, and the company probably grosses over a million dollars, but that was php :-)
Honestly, I don't think ruby has a lot of drawbacks though. It's good at unit tests, good at multithreading, and has tons of libraries. Fairly good access semantics too. I'm not sure why it's not in news more
Maybe it just lacks controversy for the holy wars?
The more drawbacks a language has the better the job security
From personal experience actual website performance has a lot to deal with the caching and SQL queries not being fucked.
scary if true!
@jaggedSpire omg...
@Borgleader :O
hmmm, maybe ruby's the replacement for python I've been looking for... Python is dynamic weak typing, ruby is dynamic strong typing
Just suck it up and use C++
@Mikhail Yeah, and keeping ads to a minimum :)
I thought python was strongly typed.
For quick calculation MATLAB is lot faster than python
Batman: Medical Marijuana Consumers Far Outspend Recreational Users http://entm.ag/db8
@littlepootis Yes, but it also interpreted. At the end of the day, python developers still spend measures of forever on unit tests.
@littlepootis Python is strong in the sense that it complains if you kick a dog when it asked for an airplane. Weak in the sense that it will happily take a jeep when it asks for an airplane, as long as you tell it the jeep has fly()
The real problem is that its not compiled in the same was CPP or Java, so errors happen at runtime
@Aaron3468 I think one thing in favor of Python in corporate environments is that it enforces consistency.
I like to call it swiss-cheese strong typing :D
@Aaron3468 hey, as long as you strap a rocket on, anything can fly :)
So, duck typed.
maybe not very long or very safely, but that's nitpicking
Yes duck typing pokes holes in strong typing without negating it. Also because python objects are runtime objects (basically a dict), people do some very dirty things like changing their behaviour at runtime.
I think I should give Go a try.
give it a go
No joke, I tried it just to understand the references on reddit.com/r/programmingcirclejerk
Then my co-workers gave me shit about why my computer had a giant "nazi" flag on it, when instead they should have pointed out I was browsing reddit instead of working
Yay, yes, ruby is what I want. Ruby expects string + string while python is happy to do int + string without a warning. Only issue I had with go was the need to start a server and browser for gui stuff.
Actually python will choke? You're thinking of JS?
>>> 2+"fuck you"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
2+"fuck you"
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
Oh I'm totally wrong when it comes to primitives. But there are a lot of library objects that implement __add__ so you don't get that warning when you do int + object. The duck typing makes it implicitly cast.

^100% true
@Mikhail Hmmm... come to think of it, python is just weird for having strong primitive types but weak user-defined types.
First appeared 	20 February 1991; 26 years ago
Python is weird because:

if some_condition:
print(a) # shows 12
@milleniumbug here it is: ideone.com/XyoVD8
oh, yeah
don't use global variables, I guess?
In C++ we have wambdas
(also you can use nonlocal AFAIR)
using nonlocal on returned variables from functions sucks
@Mikhail then the condition was false (assuming a=13 is indented correctly)
Basically that amounts to python scope != block scope. Python has lots of missing stairs and relatively obscure workarounds. It's a great language and I love it, but for my purposes I need a bit more strict type checking semantics
I think its a terrible language, and I hate it, and I hate its implementations. I also fucked up my life (for the last few weeks), because a key code I wrote for my research work is about 9k lines of python, that ain't going to get ported to C++ anytime soon. But right now every few hours I need to restart it because of memory errors, or similar.
nonlocal is only needed if you actually assign to a variable though
@Mikhail You could write a script to do that, and I can think of a scripting language :p
What is the difference between a scripting language and a programming language?
I kinda did that, where it catches exceptions but the real issue is that I can't trick the Linux OS into not sucking, so it tends to trigger system errors that Python can't catch or recover from. BUT YES, in commercial environments, they will put a watch dog up.
Doesn't gitlab reboot their server 30 minutes (or some similar bullshit)?
That's ruby
@Code-Apprentice Scripting languages tend to have lighter type systems and be interpreted languages. They're very easy to port to new platforms due to having simpler typechecking and runtimes. As such, they tend to glue bigger, more reliable code together into pipelines and execute terminal stuff.
Hence scripts; they plan and coordinate stuff installed on the OS.
> One other thing that stands out in the log snippet above, taken from Gitlab.com, is that 'worker 4' was serving requests for only 23 seconds. This is a normal value for our current GitLab.com setup and traffic.
@Mikhail more like 30 seconds
Don't worry somebody has a gunicorn-worker-killer
sigh I forgot how bad the article about the missing stair was... I wish I knew a better metaphor/phrase (like bikeshedding) to use for a flaw with known workarounds, which is thus no longer a flaw.
3 hours later…
@fredoverflow Seems to me like Bjarne gives variations of the same talk over and over.
This time it's not a talk, but a podcast. But yeah, I have the same impression :)
@fredoverflow Why would you give a talk about the future of a language that has been obsoleted by Rust?
@rightfold Because in the real world, C++ is not going away anytime soon.
But it should.
You would like to kill off most languages, wouldn't you? ;)
Yes, they suck too much.
The languages I want to keep suck sufficiently little.
Which languages would survive on your personal Noah's Ark?
the only correct answer to that question is assembly :-)
Haskell, PureScript, Rust, Idris, Agda, Coq, Mercury, ATS, x86-64, JavaScript.
Assembly is not a language. It's an ill-defined set of languages, containing such languages as x86-64 GAS and JavaScript.
I would keep Rust & Pascal and combine them into Rascal ;)
good evening
JavaScript is a nice sandboxed assembly language.
Can we kill JavaScript when WebAssembly comes out?
As with other assembly languages, writing in it by hand is absolutely retarded.
@fredoverflow No, we need to wait until WebAssembly gets a GC.
GC development is hard. There should be one very good GC instead of many crappy GCs.
Move the GC into hardware
Once people start running a multithreaded dialect of JavaScript in kernel space, we can switch from ld to emscripten and start phasing out protection rings and paging.
Write a GC, how hard can it be?
Count the refs, check for zero
Kill 'em off, and you're the hero
Otherwise, mark and sweep
The details might be hard and deep
It's safe because you know the JIT won't generate malicious machine code.
In the embedded future world of IoT, CPU's won't have ring support
@Mikhail What's the current state of research in that area?
Truly zero-cost GC would be very nice.
You can't have a zero cost GC.
The GC needs to do work.
The pipe dream is that when GC runs on dedicated hardware, you don't lose any perf.
If would be great to have a language where you have a GC available whenever, and affine types for when you don't want it. Like ATS, but actually a good GC and not Boehm.
Q: Tabs versus spaces—what is the proper indentation character for everything, in every situation, ever?

kiamlalunoThe coding standards for the code hosted in drupal.org suggest to use two spaces to indent the code; other sites suggest to use tabs to indent the code. What is the proper indentation character for everything, and in every situation? Please explain the answer you give.

I don't give a fuck whether you use spaces or tabs as long as your functions are pure and total i.e. maintainable.
Can Java code be public static void main tainable?
@milleniumbug if workers are cheap, like threads, that makes sense (e.g. if workers get scaled up and down with load)
@fredoverflow No. You need purity, totality, and parametricity. Those are possible in Java, but due to the lack of HKT are incredibly difficult to maintain because you have to duplicate even the simplest algorithms, like sequence.
@rightfold Is Scala the only "real world" language with HKT?
No, there are also Haskell and PureScript.
C++, I think can do HKT
Template templates, yeah.
Not really HKT, but it fulfills similar purpose. Templates are glorified macros.
Some things you need for most maintainable code, such as recursion schemes, can't be done with templates due to infinite monomorphization.
also MSVC will crash
#HEVD ArbitraryOverwrite on Win10x64 v1703 Creators Update (this time with code :P) https://github.com/GradiusX/HEVD-Python-Solutions/blob/master/Win10%20x64%20v1703/HEVD_arbitraryoverwrite.py https://t.co/37RjvcHfEa
Creators update.. Bunch of valunrabilities as usually
@Mikhail Assembly too
@Mikhail fail early at its best
@ProblemSlover Vulcan rabies?
@sehe Not familiar with that term
lol whoosh much
So? Russia earned that reputation. If USA does something shady, we'd blame Trump.
Thanks Obama
Goddammit. My overclock which has been running stable for a month now just blew up while running integration tests.
Why overlock.. damn
kaboom headshot
@ProblemSlover moar PI digits
Been running my 1800X @ 3.92 GHz. I never got it stable at 4.0 GHz. I guess 3.92 isn't entirely stable either.
6700K Got really good overlocking capabilities
I'm overdue for a BIOS update anyway. Been running a beta BIOS for more than a month now.
beta as fuck
My conclusion is that very few (if any) Ryzen 1800X's can truly run stable at 4 GHz. A friend of mine booted up my Pi program on the display box at Microcenter which had the 1800X running at 4.1 GHz. It ran all other benchmarks fine, but it blew up on my Pi program.
Oopds I mean 7700 K cpu.. damn
Q: How to delete a Git branch both locally and remotely?

Matthew RankinI want to delete a branch both locally and on my remote project fork on GitHub. Failed Attempts to Delete Remote Branch $ git branch -d remotes/origin/bugfix error: branch 'remotes/origin/bugfix' not found. $ git branch -d origin/bugfix error: branch 'origin/bugfix' not found. $ git branch -r...

10K Votes for such a dummy question
Oh god.
I'm looking forward to the latest microcode that AMD just announced. It's supposed to give better support for high speed memory. Maybe I'll let me clock my memory to stock speeds.
@Mysticial s/I'll/it'll/ I suppose?
fuck, yes
Hi C++ lovers.
assert(cPlusPlusLovers.begin() == cPlusPlusLovers.end());
IOW Morwenn comes in and doesn't even say hello
I wasn't expecting an answer x)
Huh. That's not a dummy question.
And yes, imaginary internet points have always been weird and surreal.
@ScarletAmaranth How is "Hi" not "saying hello"?
all points are human constructs
@ProblemSlover It means lots of people had this question. The 10k is warranted, in my opinion.
@fredoverflow ehhh... well, if the range of C++ lovers is empty, saying hi to this particular set of people amounts to saying hi to nobody
Gud joek
@ScarletAmaranth Oh, you were replying to my "joke", got it.
@sehe When you say "imaginery internet points", does that imply that there is such a thing as "real internet points"? :)
Good point
@fredoverflow I never said anything about that.
Oh wait, you're not even Sloving Problems
In that case, yes, the points are really imaginæry
I want complex internet points!
I don't doubt you. Only masochists make a visualizing C debugger
I need a fun project.
@sehe What are you talking about, it's a tool that helps breed new generations of future C haters.
@rightfold Make a statically typed Lisp or something?
That's hardly something that needed more propaganda
@fredoverflow Not a compilr
@rightfold Are you sick?
No I'm already working on one
Type and kind inference work
@rightfold Use the mandelbrot set to make a game somehow
I have to write a parser now but that's incredibly boring
I just finished a brainfuck interpreter in 3 languages. Python is the slowest, nim isn't bad in release mode, and rust is really fast even in debug mode.
Make one in bf
That's not interesting and fun.
But I did spend a day to figure out that [ branches on == 0 but ] branches on != 0. I preprocess bracket jumping and use # to open a debugger.
@rightfold What kind of thing was fun before?
A cowsay or docopt library might be a cool project
@Aaron3468 Make a cowsay for vegans! How about soysay?
Is breadsay gluten-free?
$ fortune | cowsay
/ You will lose your present job and have \
| to become a door to door mayonnaise     |
\ salesman.                               /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
I don't even like mayonnaise :(
Hmmm, these are some of the hardest and nerdiest magic eye illusions I've seen.
@fredoverflow Me neither.
@fredoverflow a good motivation; the more you sell, the less you'll be left with yourself
Manually unrolling sorting algorithms was a terrible idea D:
compiler > you ?
Unfortunately not in this case. In the generic implementation of the algorithm I use lists, allocate memory and copy stuff all over the place.
I'm in the process of unrolling it for 9 elements for one of my tiny array sorters.
@RudiantoPrasetya turret engi confirmed op
I must have pissed off someone yesterday
I wrote a small utility to "rotate" a given number of variables in-place. C++17 does make things easier :p
@R.MartinhoFernandes You are too rich to pay attention to such bs
serial downvote reverser will aid you
by the way, is it tremendously unrealistic that you could set off a volcano with a well-placed bomb?
The FBI hacked over 8000 computers in 120 countries with a Tor Browser exploit. But ~900 arrests in total; relative… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/860583452202106880
I should just switch my default SO query from to . That would likely actually work to shift my learning focus
TOr is fucking malware
@Puppy The unrealistic part is predicting what that weak point would be. Otherwise, sure. It's just a game of pressures and structural integrity
@Puppy I dunno. Volcanic eruptions are often accompanied by seismic activity.
But correlation vs causation.
@sehe That's fortunate, because I already have "A wizard did it" for that part.
If you assume seismic activity is the cause, then yes, a sufficiently powerful bomb detonated at the right time in the right place would do.
this is for my D&D campaign, by the way
I.e. I'd find it totally acceptable if you presented it as a plot point.
@Puppy I gathered.
@ProblemSlover Can you please consider finding another outlet for your vents. Because I notice you frequently drop "controversial" ideas here, but they're only controversial if you don't have stamina for critical thought.
In that sense, I respect Abyx more, because he actually crafts his messages to his audience.
I get the feeling that my campaign is not a very standard campaign.
less dragons, more double-dealing, less magic, more grey moral choices, and also more large explosions
I don't post NSFW conent. if you don't like the stuff I share. feel free either ignore me that 's unlikely ,or ban.
Tsk. The old "it's not illegal retort". I was just helping you in figuring out why you fail to garner a response here.
my players are triple agents now.
If I wanted to change your behaviour for some selfish reason, I would have taken another action in the fist place.
Fist, exactly
@ProblemSlover I think the criticism was about you not sharing anything. Without any further explanation it is just a worthless opinion.
Actually, it wasn't about not sharing. I was explaining why it doesn't work in this room.
@sehe Abyx contests the facts, but if you believed everything he said to be true, you might arrive at somewhat similar conclusions, whereas this guy just seems to be like, "We all have the same facts, but I'll arrive at a different conclusion because I'm a fucking moron"
My bad for assuming people tend to share for a reason :)
there's nothing more to be said except "Yep, you are."
@Puppy are they aware of it?
In interesting topics:
This is huge. A very very teachable moment. Both for internet security and against surveillance apologetics https://twitter.com/matthew_d_green/status/860826944946020352
I offered them a chance to become double agents, then they decided they wanted to also become triple agents
to give them credit it is 50% better
I like the view of the big pyramid in the back.
This is when you just leave the Nether portal.
every time I see Adam and Eve stories, I can't stop thinking about genetic diversity, inbreeding and such
well I’m not one to kink shame
@R.MartinhoFernandes or maybe they were just terrible posts :D
I've been thinking about the "static linking vs dynamic linking" debate. I think the choice is really simple. If you make a build of your app and you put it online for other users to download then you're gonna need static linking (obviously you can't just "hope" the user will have the required deps).
On the other hand, if you distribute it through a package manager system then you let the package system take care of all the dependencies.
It's not about security and updates etc. It's simply about the type of distribution.
The cost of complexity is exponential. But there's a nuance: the complexity will slow down the speed at which new features can be added. And this will slow down the growth of the complexity. So no need to worry after all.
There are other considerations
If your app consists of 20 executables all sharing the same library, you don't want to statically link it; you want to deploy the 20 executables and a .so.
That's a little easier on Windows IME, where the deployment model is "here, run this installer" and everything winds up in the same directory on disk.
Hopefully you can call your library something sensible that won't conflict with others installed in a Linux /usr/local/lib
Package manager or no!
I guess I'm talking about "internal" dependencies, where you're not
@StackedCrooked My main experience is that dynamic linking is just unreliable, too many cases where dependencies are missing, incompatible versions, etc.
what would be better is if you could statically bundle your dependencies so that if they were wrong, you could just use the in-built one
unfortunately this would require the slightest shred of sanity
If you want the app to work then use static linking. If your hobby is dependency management then go for dynamic.
if I used static linking in my project, it wouldn't work, because I would run out of disk space about 10 times over
Or if you want to make your app available via apt-get or something.
@BoundaryImposition You suck.
not everybody (actually remarkably few people!) is deploying to commodity PCs via the internet
Well. That's clearly a different story then.
you can still bundle dependencies even when using dynamic, no?
not directly
you'd have to include them as static resources and manually unzip them
well, of course you'd need an archive or installer of some kind
but 99% of software does
but if you bundle your dynamic deps how is that any different from static linking, effectively?
I did this fun experiment a few years back. I stored QtGui and QtCore dlls as a binary inside my app (as array literals) and on program startup I dumped them in the current directory and loaded them. It actually worked :P
@Puppy I mean, it lets you decide whether you want to use bundled or not-bundled
11 mins ago, by Puppy
what would be better is if you could statically bundle your dependencies so that if they were wrong, you could just use the in-built one
@Ell First, you'd actually have to be capable of having the information needed to make that decision.
which you don't.
@Puppy it’s less reliable than static linking because of all sorts of side effects of dynamic linking, and for linux you can’t even tell what all necessary of your dynamic deps are
@Puppy it doesn't have to be you deciding
the user knows
and not necessarily just the end user, the intermediate system may know
they certainly don't.
it might know that it has a newer version of the dependency installed
newer version != compatible.
@Ell that's kinda ..optimistic
it might know that it has a newer compatible version of the dependency installed
not to mention what happens if you need to use multiple versions of the dependencies that use the same symbol names
@Ell Might isn't good enough.
@Ell I meant that it's really fucking dumb how native dynamic libraries don't contain the necessary information to make that decision as mandatory on all operating systems.
and I also meant that it's super fucking dumb to share a single symbol space so you can't load multiple binaries using the same symbols in case of needing multiple versions
and what I'm saying in summary is that randomly loading native dynamic libraries is incredibly inadequate
@RudiantoPrasetya I think I’ve told you before how much I liked the writing in the Living Story these days, but I think a picture of words (with very minor spoilers) is worth a thousand words. it works very well with the competent voice acting
1 hour later…
gahhhhh what is it with citizens of <certain countries> that they cannot produce anything that doesn't look like a pile of shit aghghaghahga
just LOOK at your post before submitting it!! just LOOK at it!!!!
Calm down caalm down
Some people can't afford free IDE's
the only people worse are the ones defending the first group
"be nice! there's a language barrier!" fuck off!
you don't need to speak perfect English to realise that when half of your code has been interpreted as HTML, you did something wrong
I think it's a fairly great achievement if you can write unindented code being blind
Oh btw
Anyone knows if there's any "discuss burnination about [tag]" room?
try the fire department
Looks to me like the [call] tag is useless at best
Oh thank you
Can I hold you responsible?
I'm going to need your credit card
your country has no extradition treaty with my private island nation anyway
For now, that is
So when's your space sim utilising four dimensions coming?
as the owner (and sole inhabitant) I can safely say no such treaty shall ever exist
that seems optimistic
I think it can really take off
dont waste potential
it'll happen
it's just we will probably all be dust by the time it does
@GillBates None of which I'm aware--but it's a pretty common topic on Meta.
Yeah, just dont want to post a meta post while the tag is not burnination worthy
I dunno, I think maybe it is
such a post is the discussion on the issue, really
"Will you take the grenade launcher?" "Well, now that I think about it, I don't need no stinkin grenade launchre against these many tough foes!"
However, the cool thing is that the sound is a recording, not something computer-generated.
It reminds me of classic guitar. However, where classic guitar is art, this is junkie stuff. But junkies are sometimes cooler than well-rounded musicians.
Q: OpenCart, meta title changed to "Hacked by TheWayEnd"

Mantas Bloškisdoes anyone know how to protect your website from that sh*t? I have opened my website and in the meta title there was an title "Hacked by TheWayEnd", into Settings > Server the error log was changed to twe.php and the new file tew.php also created. Who have any information or even know how to be ...

Don't use OpenCart? xD
@Borgleader given its previous history (and especially this), I'd say this is a good idea
@R.MartinhoFernandes Run into Vlad did you?
execute conn (Query """
  INSERT INTO foods (name, delicious)
  VALUES ($1, $2), ($3, $4), ($5, $6)
""") ("pork" /\ true /\ "sauerkraut" /\ false /\ "rookworst" /\ true /\ unit)
Glorious test data.
I'm scratching my balls right now
good doggie
your face is a good doggie
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

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