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But if you have not tried slickedit yet, I hate to sound like a commercial but give it a shot
Saves ALL OF the time, with ot any ov the visual studio bs
Notepad++ → WinSCP to Linux → make all → Success
I dev on Windows for Linux :)
I do occasionally have to use VS for Windows-based support apps but it's rare
Notepad++ is good, not as good as Slick
I also do a little VB for quick prototyping because the GUI designer is great
In my experience only thing with shittier performance than VS is Eclipse
and Spurs
hey as long as you indent your code with tabs, use whatever editor you like bro
@BoundaryImposition, ok tabs not spaces? Why?
leaving 2-8 spaces in your heart
(exact number indeterminate and probably changes over time)
@BoundaryImposition dont get too intense, there buddy =P
@BoundaryImposition, seriously, I forgot, so I did some digging. Saw arguments on both sides. Why tabs?
not gonna get into it
just do as I say :)
OK, but just cause your rep is +200k
Sweet Jesus ms code style sucks
@jamesson If you're going to base it on rep...well, I say spaces everywhere. On the other hand, I'm a decent person so even as a joke I'm not going to threaten your children.
I can give you a reason for tabs being superior.
@JerryCoffin, I have no kids, which is probably why I wasn't quite as offended
ed, the greatest text editor in the world, indents with tabs by default
Well, now that I've started a totally unproductive argument time for me to shut up for a while I think =P
@littlepootis Thinking there's only one editor named ed shows a distinct ignorance of the history of computing.
excuse me, totally unproductive debate
I was referring to the line editor ed.
I'm not aware of any other editors named ed.
@littlepootis You've just proven my point. I haven't kept count, but I'm pretty sure I've used at least a half dozen different editors named ed (and at least twice that many named edit). Nearly all of those were line editors.
@littlepootis Common, this is a flamewar. You can't just agree, you are supposed to question your opponent's sexual orientation or something.
@littlepootis There are also a few edge cases. For example, on VMS there was an editor named EDT--but from the ICP environment (for one example), the command to open EDT was "edit".
@jamesson I think you'll find I started it thank you very much!
sonny jim
@BoundaryImposition, oh goody, a high rep account takes the blame! Whew!
you must be new here! I get the blame for everything
might as well own it
Nothing quite as comforting as evading responsibility =P
"I know how those rumors about Jewish wealth got started - the Jews always end up paying for everything !" - S. J. Lecz
(PS - I am jewish, I can make slightly uncomfortable jokes, relax)
I don't think that's how it works. As far as I can see you just pretend to be jewish and are actually a coffee mug.
That just makes me jewish and an excellent makeup artist
@nwp Are you claiming that coffee mugs can't be jewish?
@JerryCoffin I'm not quite sure. What is the proper definition of jew? Has jewish blood in them? If so, eww and I don't really want to know how that happened.
@nwp I believe the essence of "jewish" mostly involves having been chosen by G-d as a member of his chosen race. But who knows--maybe God only drinks Mountain Dew, and would never stoop to using a coffee mug.
I have a problem. Four lovely quarter pounders that need to be grilled (or "broiled" for the yanks in the room) but I then can't cook my oven chips at the same time. So wtf do I do with them :(
I'm fairly sure that "coffee mug" is not eligible as the chosen race. Also that's racist.
guess I'm stuck
should get oven-grillable chips lol
@BoundaryImposition invite a neighbor with a spare oven?
lol no but lol
@BoundaryImposition you mean you don't have an air fryer and massive george foreman grill? sheesh :p
@ProblemSlover not found over here :(
Yes, here is the One True Secret of Judaism - everybody knows that Jews are the chosen people of God, nobody ever says what they were chosen for.
is "jew" on a watchlist that attracts mods or did someone flag stuff?
@BoundaryImposition sequentially not an option? Find some way to keep them warm on the stove?
Was just looking in after some flags
@Ven How's life in the polling queue?
I solved it
basically just cooking twice as many burgers and having nothing with them :D
The "oven chips" took me a second =P
@fredoverflow idea for something for a kotlin tutorial series, some sort of evolution simulator. You can show lots of ideas through that, and it just begs for people to play around with it and tinker and learn
You could slowly build it up to have more and more features, like at some point make it use clustering to simulate more things faster
what does "tab stop" mean in the context of an editor? as opposed to just "tabs"?
tab stop is the proper name afaik
@rightfold mh?
why did we get mods in here for?
1 hour ago, by Jon Clements
Was just looking in after some flags
i want to learn c++,i saw The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List post, accelerated c++ was released around 2000, isn't outdated?
sounds clever
I probably didn't even know @Borgleader back then
good times
so my four quarter-pounder burgers were really nice and, in the end, I accompanied them with some fried red cabbage mixed with onion marmalade, some chopped hazelnuts and a bit of parsley
nom nom
@BoundaryImposition I've noticed you became an architect (if your job desc is correct)
I suppose congratulations are in order. Are you enjoying it so far?
@BoundaryImposition tasty and healthier :v
@BoundaryImposition nice. I've been in this situation since December actually
@BoundaryImposition oh so that's means something else at your place
it's actually the title I always wanted but it was offered up without prompting :D
hmm ok that's a bit different then
:36764466 I see. Here we have it split across two people (altough it happened once that one person had both at the same time)
@BoundaryImposition yeah our team leads are responsible for soft stuff and getting thing on time
and I try to make sure we don't cut too many corners
@BoundaryImposition I see
@BartekBanachewicz indeed :D
only gonna cause you probs later
if you are in the position of power to insist things are done right (and get buy-in to that from above) then that's a great position to be in
@jamesson A tab stop is the next position at which a tab will indent to. Unlike spaces, a tab doesn't (normally) occupy a fixed amount of space--rather, it takes up as much space as it takes to get to a specified position.
@RafaelCamposNunes it's a wonder I'm not fat tbh
Lounge: creating careers since 2008
@BartekBanachewicz always expect difficulties with older people ;)
@BoundaryImposition you've got a fast metabolism
@RafaelCamposNunes yeah already a bit hungry tbh
Why there are so many removed messages?
@JerryCoffin so why does my editor have two different settings for tabs and tab stops (in number of spaces)?
Is it on purpose?
@jamesson Without doing some looking/experimenting, I can't even begin to guess.
@BoundaryImposition She cooks and she codes - marry me!
@RafaelCamposNunes some people like to appear important by not being allowed to talk about their job and doing it anyways, kinda
@jamesson it might be a relational thing, one tab looks like 4 spaces in your system, but a tab as a character is not assured to be 4 spaces in every system, am I right?
@RafaelCamposNunes yes
@nwp it has nothing to do with "appearing important"; I was talking to my friend and couldn't be bothered to find a private place to do it :)
@BoundaryImposition that's quite unusual hahaha. :-p
@RafaelCamposNunes no idea yet, will post question to editor forum
@nwp there wasn't anything really confidential in what I was saying, but since these transcripts are publicly archived forever, I find it best to limit what personal/professional info leaks into it, as a matter of course
just my choice
admins can still see the removed messages so it's not supersecret
Right, suit yourself :-)
I want algebraic types in c++
@RafaelCamposNunes by pure chance, I got dragged into a tabs/spaces thing just now so here's a topical quote, and then I'll leave it at that
This is why tab-indentation is far superior, so that you can render the code anyway you choose without imposing your choice on other people (much like you can choose the font, and colour). Furthermore, the indentation of your code gains strict and unambiguous semantics (one tabspace = one level of indentation) that could be autonomously interpreted in any number of ways. Sadly, that works poorly on the web, so you are stuck with my three spaces. :) — BoundaryImposition 1 min ago
/me edits penultimate sentence slightly, for clarity, but you won't see that in the onebox
cos "unambiguous" then "interpreted in any number of ways" = megalolz
Guys is it okay to #include "myfile.cpp" within myfile.h?
To ensure the compiler doesn't ignore .cpp when I can't specify files to be linked
@Mirac7 no
@Mirac7 The compiler won't stop you--but if you have a manager who's even close to sane, s/he will.
@JerryCoffin it's a homework assignment, and the automated grading system sometimes ignores .cpp files
Last time about 10% of the students had valid solutions but got 0 points due to undefined references
Even though we could all compile each others' solutions on our own
@Mirac7 In that case, I think they should talk to the professor (or whatever) who teaches the class. If he isn't responsive, they should talk to his boss.
@JerryCoffin They were supposed to address it, but we don't know whether it's fixed or not
@Mirac7 Then it's their problem, not yours.
that sounds unfortunate
but including them into a header will likely just make things worse
sounds like maybe you weren't supposed to use separate implementation files, or you were supposed to name them in some specific way
contact your course convener for guidance
Webform accepts a single .h and a single .cpp, and both are required
alrighty then do that
don't include the cpp in the h
surprise results => ask convener to review
@BoundaryImposition Nice, never seen that way before.
ensure that you can reach your symbols from other TUs (as the test harness may be doing that), i.e. they do not have internal linkage
that is, it may not be a build system error, but a user error that you didn't notice in the way you tested it (probably lobbing a main at the bottom of the cpp?)
reply too the wrong message
going well that
ok drinky times
.cpp contains only struct implementations and helper functions... .cpp includes the .h, figured if I place #include "myfile.h" inside #ifndef it could maybe work. Don't know how else to ensure not ignoring .cpp file if it's is still faulty. PA did acknowledge that there is an issue and that they were going to deal with it, but we received no info afterwards
Hey guys.
Does anyone take advantage of some kind of planning software, organizer perhaps?
@Mirac7 if they do not fix a real problem with the auto-grading system, and it results in fewer marks than you should get, then you need to escalate that problem to your institution's ombudsman service or union representative.
hacking your C++ to make it more broken is not the answer
@Michael.P vim
Or if you use the emacs operating system, there's a program that you'd be interested in.. orgmode.org
@littlepootis thank you! I am looking into it
@littlepootis ehm, you've misunderstood. I need something for time-management.
Something on the lines of "don't pick on your nose tomorrow at 18:30 (important!)"
Google Calendar?
@wilx that could work, would I not be a proud owner of a potato computer which hardly handles browser
@Michael.P tbf that's browser's fault
@Fanael dunno, I do have a no-name 1ghz AMD. Would be unfair to put sole blame on the browser
Oh, by the way
@wilx Lord what a piece of crap that is. Seriously, we switched to using it at work a while back, and it's been a nightmare. Organizer re-schedules a meeting -> some people see it at the new time, some at the old, a few see it cancelled completely. Cancel a meeting -> some see it cancelled, others don't. I'm not sure if anybody's seen it re-scheduled, but it wouldn't surprise me.
@Mysticial, I've seen that your software was used to achieve ~24trillions digits of Pi.
@JerryCoffin Heh. I have never used it for other than my own calendar.
That's impressive. Until just a few days ago I was confident that the record is at about 500 billions
@Michael.P The 10 trillion digit record was epic. Almost everything since has been somewhat anti-climatic by comparison.
@wilx I used to have a fork of a planner some guys have been developing. It was really good. Now I'd like to find it again, but all I have left of it is 200x300px screenshot -_-
@JerryCoffin honestly, I was impressed with even the billions I held in my head. But what do you mean by anti-climatic?
@Michael.P 10 trillion digits took something like six months, complete with some delays to replace hard drives and such. Most since then have been quicker and much less eventful--just crank it up, wait a few months, and get an answer.
@JerryCoffin ugh, somehow I did not take into account the time.
I have to confess that I, probably, just went on thinking it took a couple of seconds... this is embarrassing
I was wondering about the disk space though. How much is 10 trillion digits?
Probably a lot.
@ScY that's what my contemplations were halted by :D
@Michael.P If they use a byte to represent a number that would be 10^12*8 bits of space used :-p
@Michael.P 10 trillion digits, stored as simple ASCII of the digits would fill 10 terabytes of hard drive space.
@JerryCoffin yeah, but they could still crunch it down with archiver of some kind
I think...
I mean, it's not exactly random
What is not random? Pi number? It's irrational to think such thing
@RafaelCamposNunes ugh, I gave it a benefit of a doubt. Don't flame me
No, I'm just kidding :-)
Just a joke with the irrational name (although it's transcendental)
@Michael.P 1 GHz? That's unthinkably fast. Back in @JerryCoffin's day fast CPUs had 1 MHz!
@RafaelCamposNunes yeah, it was subtle, nice job :D
@Fanael sometimes I think, if I'd write my own OS specifically tailored to my hardware, assuming scintillating understanding all pitfalls of assembly and what not. How much faster would it be, my computer that is.
@JerryCoffin you could bind a look-up algorithm to it, so it would be resemble this project mypiday.com maybe with a whiff of creativity something better than birthdays could be found
@Michael.P It can certainly be represented more compactly than that (but even in binary, it takes around 3.5 bits per decimal digit, so around half the space). During the computation, you need space for roughly two copies of the current data though.
I am so bored...
Wow! I did not expect that.
@JerryCoffin yeah. So what is exact size for those trillions they've got. I have to look it up
@wilx tell us how was your day? :)
@Michael.P Eating, sleeping, sitting at the PC.
@Fanael I've certainly programmed 1 MHz computers, if that's what you mean. I've also programmed a PDP-8, which didn't have anything corresponding exactly to the clock on a current computer, but its analog to one worked out to around 800 KHz at best.
@wilx relatable
@JerryCoffin I recently got curious about concurrency being implemented in assembly. Is there an instruction of some kind to say do this while I do that?
@Ven There are huge queues for the polling stations in France!
'seen them
Hmm, I just commented on a question and I'm wondering if my intuition is correct. The language is python, but it's more of a general question. Is there any other reason someone would need to use runtime code to modify its own source?
Why? This seems like a case where you are describing a solution you want, rather than the problem itself. If I had to hazard a guess, you are trying to persist an object's state for the next time the code runs. That is a perfect situation to serialize your objects into JSON format and save them into a file!! Then when the code runs again, you just deserialize from the file. — Aaron3468 2 mins ago
@Michael.P Parallelism mostly falls into two categories: SIMD and MIMD. SIMD means you give one instruction that carries out the same instruction on multiple operands. MIMD normally means you have multiple separate streams of instructions, each operating independently. A few parallel DSPs (e.g., some old ones from AT&T), however, had explicitly parallel pipelines so you'd give two separate instructions that would execute in parallel.
Why didn't you wait in one?
@JerryCoffin this is also what is used in modern computing?
btw, 430gb per 1 trillion digits
@Michael.P Yes. For example, things like SSE and AVX (as well as GPUs) are basically SIMD. Multiple cores is MIMD.
Recent GPUs are no longer pure SIMD though: most of them have a few processors that can run independent instruction streams at a given time (but each operates on many operands simultaneously).
@JerryCoffin eh, I wish I could just stuff all knowledge inside me.
And by stuff I meant shove.
@Michael.P You're not alone. Millions of college students wish they could skip the classes and just already know what they need...
@JerryCoffin oh, but I don't want to do it to succeed academically. I just feel that I'm missing out.
@Michael.P Of course you are. And so are all of us. I'd love to know a lot more physics than I currently do, just to give one example--but I don't have nearly enough time to keep up on programming and learn physics in close to the detail I'd like (especially when I'd also like to learn more about psychology, chemistry, ...)
@JerryCoffin psychology is a dead-end. But I got you on everything else.
I got myself thinking of pi, e, and i constants recently. How must it have felt to derive the fact that they all amount to -1
Ultimate proof that these are not just artificially induced mathematical objects, but actually something that universe conforms to
we knew that already
@Puppy knew what?
that they really mean something and we did not make them up
lol France
Le Pen vs Macron
inb4 Russian hackers
obviously, it was suspicious that all circumferences to diameter ratios were amounting to the same thing. That some solutions to equations lie beyond what can be depicted on a plot, and yield results that can't be grasped. I'm not sure where e came from, but I'm sure it's as cool.
What I meant was that, imagine one day, you are working on something, and derive that all of them are actually parts of the same thing
I have reported so many bugs in Qt Creator that I feel sorry for taking somebody's time to fix it.
While I should not feel that.
user image
This is even funnier now, since I've been toying around with bigInteger, and well, I had things like, 102-8=1-98, or my favourite 90/9= 00
@EuriPinhollow I only have 10 or so, but i like that they can release new versions independently of Qt releases, which allows for fixes to arrive quite quickly (at times).
Is programming dyslexia a thing?
@Michael.P It's not that they are unequivocally true, but rather that the mathematics they are derived from is defined consistently enough to derive and use them. They may be made up, but they are logically consistent.
if I ever said anything to contradict this, then it wasn't me.
I am well aware of how it works. But let's agree it's nonetheless amazing
@Michael.P It seems odd to me that people seem to see a huge difference between circles and other polygons in this respect. The perimeter of a square is exactly 4 times its height (or width). That's obvious. If increase that to a hexagon, octagon, etc., you get other numbers. Nobody seems to find this particularly interesting. Yet when you increase the number of sides without limit, they suddenly see this as something completely different.
never thought of this that way.
I really wonder, however vague it might be, if in polygons we look at the height, in loose definition being a distance of a line perpendicular to its seamless side (not being on the conjunction of two edges), because obviously diagonal of a square != height, then what is exactly this diagonal for a ~circle, polygon with n sides
I said vague. I should have said retarded.
@JerryCoffin Also this thing perplexed me momentarily
Describe your experience with the Lounge using a video-game title.
Alone in The Dark
@Michael.P the same as its radius?
@BoundaryImposition Sup.
@Darklighter how come?
@Michael.P i’d say the middle of the lines of the polygon approach the edge conjunctions for n→∞
@Darklighter yeah
@Michael.P what is i in the universe?
@R.MartinhoFernandes square root of -1
That's an artificial mathematical object
@R.MartinhoFernandes finaly!
Someone understands the premesis of my "conjecture"
But you are wrong, the best kind of wrong
Because e^(i*pi)=-1 clearly shows that these constants exist in "unity"
I feel that I'd get banned for this in mathematics chat
You can come up with equations that involve any constant you want and equate to 1.
@R.MartinhoFernandes please do. But don't use multiplicative identity and multiplicative inverse.
@Michael.P i/i = 1 or e^0=1
The point is, a beatiful equation is a beautiful equation. "unity" implies that the constants share a useful and consistent relationship, but nothing about their existence in reality. I could arbitrarily define a constant and find it somewhere.
@Michael.P Dark Souls, but I'm Ornstein and/or Smough
@Aaron3468 i/i is multiplicative inverse. But a^0 is nice, I expected something like (5-4)*a.
You think That. Until you realise that any number can be constructed only using 1 and it's additive inverse, which suspiciously also appears in that equation
It also occured to me while I was in shower. If it was possible to expand that equation, we would get a definition of i for a set of real numbers ^^
@набиячлэвэли And who of this chat would you point out as being a pain-in-the-ass boss?
@Michael.P You bloody moron can you read
calm down kid
@набиячлэвэли I'm a bloody moron who has a potato computer that can't run Dark Souls
@Michael.P Well ya put it nicely
Now I ain't yer momma so don't make me teach you how to google
@набиячлэвэли now, I am not ur papaw, but read transcript, I said that my pc can't handle browsers either
@Mikhail This is pretty funny film.
@Aaron3468 another thought that has bothered me for a long time. Total amount of every thing in this universe might amount to 0. That way, the equation a.k.a. Theory Of Everything might have a form of "f(x)-b=0"
But then again, there is Gödel's incompleteness theorem which doesn't quite sit well with that though
Le pen vs Macron looks pretty close atm...
I'll move to canada if le pen wins
le pen would make la france le great again
no more north algeria
@ScY Things that wont happen / Where have I heard this before...
@Borgleader If the people who threatened to all moved to Canada, it'd have a larger population than China and India put together.
what is up
You know, the usual
I had a fantastic day today
I love the Botanical gardens so much
Does it mean you got to visit one today?
spent four and a half hours wandering around the grounds
I think this is close to the last weekend the azaleas will be in bloom, but most of them were still in spectacular display
Do you perhaps grow any at home?
There's one in one of the rose gardens with blossoms the color of a peach that must be at least 6'6"/2m tall
sadly no, they're a tad big for my apartment's balcony :)
Are these gardens adjacent to your building?
nope, they're actually a thirty minute drive away
but it's 75 acres/0.3 km2, and free for me to get in most Saturday mornings.
Are they enclosed?
(This weekend was the Chinese cultural festival, so they charged admission all weekend)
There's a fence around the perimeter
most of it is open air though
Oh, in my mind it was a greenhouse
They've got a rainforest greenhouse and a temperate greenhouse for those plants that require different environments, and a building for the cacti
Btw, I know keeping flowers at the balcony can be associated with some problems. Friends of mine, had them at the parapets, and even though they are at all times attached, it doesn't prevent them from being blown off.
They call the rainforest greenhouse the climatron, and it's large enough for trees inside :D
Sounds nice
If you have seen The Expanse, this dome looks just like the one on Ganemede orbiting Jupiter(?)
As I already said. Really nice. Although I always half expect an animal of some kind to appear from behind the trees
heh, yeah. :)
He actually leaves partway through the walkway--there's a bridge and a demonstration garden for food plants that grow in tropical areas
Can you perhaps taste them? :D
alas, no. They actually have signs up for the cocoa tree, asking not to take the seed pods
@jaggedSpire nice :D
I suspect they do give samples as part of some educational program or other through the year
or they just use it to feed the mad botanists that are clearly running the place
Is mad botanist a thing?
What is the worse one can do?
well, I'm assuming that it's a mad botanist that did the convincing to build the Climatron
at the very least a mad scientist named it
I wouldn't be surprised if, in the even of WW3, that dome would transform itself into a space arc.
With lasers.
with madly cackling botanists as the crew, naturally
Of course
Maybe Climatron is an anagram for something up to that
I'm betting all varieties of scientists have their own versions of the mad scientist. It's just that mad experimental physicists get all the screen time
while the mad botanists are just convincing city governments to give their massive gardens a few more acres
"good news everyone"
But have you seen Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs? It's not always that innocent
:P I read the book when I was little
And now I get to know there's a book...
There's also an utterly massive Japanese garden
and an English garden I got lost in today
Did you take pictures?
@jaggedSpire how many varieties of utterly massive Japanese does it have?
@LucDanton 42 (?)
@Michael.P Well, that's basically making the argument that math is a consistent algebraic object. 1 and -1 are the primitive objects and everything is built in between. Then you have constants like pi and e that come when you introduce geometry and higher functions.
You seek to define everything in one word, but no matter how much meaning you put into saying that one word, there is still more to add to its meaning. You are better to say 'reality', and let that word carry everything you know. It's easier than to try knowing/explaining everything. To explain everything would require a solution at least as complex as solving the halting problem
In other words, rather than mathematics or programming, I think botany would be an appealing career for you
it would be basic, would math be just that, "a consistent algebraic object" (which sounds like a tautology, but we'll let it slide), but it is used to make predictions about what is not yet observed directly.
You see, that's what, probably, Godel had in mind. Because from your definition "reality - everything one can possibly know", but isn't something one can't know just as real?
And you are wrong, you know.
Ah, maybe.
Or at least I dare to construe your ideas as the ones that are not necessarily complete.
But it only makes predictions because objects behave the same way. Rather than mathematical rules, objects follow physical rules. Mathematics can, to an extent, model those physical rules.
So I would say that science, not mathematics, is what explains the universe. Mathematics is what allows us to approximate our understanding in such a way as to be useful.
@Aaron3468 you sound like someone that writes in pascal
No, that's wrong.
I know zero people that write in that language , yet people of misconceptions pop up quite often.
@LucDanton ha!
In the end you have it backwards.
Light speed, derived, not obtained through experiment, just as any other universal constant. And it was "science" that provided approximations to math.
@jaggedSpire if they don’t have enough, I could hook them up to a very talented guy to help them. he’s so good at his job he’s called the sumoner
And if we'd have to build up only on what we have on paper, in the end it would open more doors than looking up through telescopes in search of some revelation
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