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oh hello
just got back
@Mysticial um...standard C++0x/11?
main.cpp(1): error: invalid storage class for a template declaration
  struct A { int a; bool operator<(const int& inty) { return a < inty; } }; template <class A, class B> auto operator<(const A& a, const B& b) -> decltype(a<b) { return a < b; } int main(void) { A a; a.a = 1; int b = 2; if (a < b) return 4; return 0; }
ICC 11 doesn't have auto...
@RMartinhoFernandes Playing games requires toilet paper?
oh. let me see what else i have. in just a moment
@Pubby No. But some games don't work well with a touchpad.
I tried playing an FPS on a touchpad once. I ran out of lives before my finger started to hurt.
Does anyone know what the linux equivalent of SetDllDirectory is?
@Mysticial do you mind if I ask you to do one that takes a while?
@stdOrgnlDave No problem. That's what that big server is for - things that take a long time and a lot of memory.
Any opinions on this? 250bpm.com/blog:4
@Mysticial You have to get
@stdOrgnlDave .. can you look at this and find why 2nd loop is printing the elements missing from the vector also as found ... ideone.com/cCWyo
it has support for about what GCC supports of C++11
@SethCarnegie Yeah, I'm a bit behind on updating my compilers.
@Mysticial #define t1 template
#define t2 typename
#define t3 typedef
t1<t2 T>struct a_p {t3 T*type;};t1<int N,t2 T>struct a_ps : a_p<t2 a_ps<N-1, T>::type>{};t1<t2 T>struct a_ps<0,T>{t3 T type;};t1<int N, t2 T> struct amp : a_ps<80,t2 amp<N-1, T>::type> {};t1<t2 T>struct amp<0,T>{t3 T type;};int main() { amp<80, int>::type p; }
80 may need to be adjusted up or down...if it completes fast I may consider actually using ICC myself
Why does it have to be all on one line anyways?
just easier to paste
also I like to abuse geordi bots with them
that one was specifically to fit on one IRC line
#define t1 template
#define t2 typename
#define t3 typedef
t1<t2 T>struct a_p {t3 T**********type;};t1<int N,t2 T>struct a_ps : a_p<t2 a_ps<N-1, T>::type>{};t1<t2 T>struct a_ps<0,T>{t3 T type;};t1<int N, t2 T> struct amp : a_ps<80,t2 amp<N-1, T>::type> {};t1<t2 T>struct amp<0,T>{t3 T type;};int main() { amp<80, int>::type p; }
Should I start it over with this new one?
it should hasten the process of destruction or prove icc's superiority
if you want to, up to you
MSVC takes about ~20mins to compile that with only 1 *
k, I'll start it over
i have intels compiler dave
just saying
oh you do?
mm humm
Let's see how long it takes...
Today I browsed Reddit and played around with Java
@Fanael yup :) (better late than...?)
does it get any worse?
4 minutes so far...
@Mysticial you have a nice box there :)
@TonyTheLion It's my sandbox. (no pun intended) It's seen better days, but now it's just for testing code that would have a risk of blowing up my other machines.
I was introducing my colleague today into the black magic of boost::enable_if
@Mysticial what code are you testing?
@TonyTheLion @stdOrgnlDave's compiler breaking template masturbation. :)
don't masturbate with clang :( it's still a baby
actually, clang picked up on a subtle nuance MSVC failed at and refuses to compile one of my little evil templates
@Mysticial oh sounds good :)
what is this abomination T**********type???
a very deeply aliased pointer
Off with his head!
10-star programmer porn
@stdOrgnlDave Unaltered, gcc 4.6.1:
sehe@mint12:/tmp$ time nice -n14 g++ ./test.cpp |& tee log

real    2m12.518s
user    1m57.359s
sys     0m15.117s
yes, we all know GCC4.6.1 compiles that in 2 minutes
ok. I do now :)
you and I have been over this sehe :-P
@stdOrgnlDave 13 min. and counting...
@stdOrgnlDave It looked different
no, I just remade it so I could abuse geordi bots with it
@Mysticial about 18 mins on my machine with vc
And since Mysticial is trying to blow up his sandbox with it... :)
Oh god, this thing again.
is geordi in here?
Why, oh why did I spawn it?
@sehe hey, just for the heck of it, does 4.6.1 complain about this or run it?
struct A { int a; bool operator>(const int& inty) { return a > inty; } }; template <class A, class B> auto operator<(const A& a, const B& b) -> decltype(a>b) { return a < b; } int main(void) { A a; a.a = 1; int b = 2; if (a < b) return 4; return 0; }
what does it do?
I can't figure out that template masturbation?
@RMartinhoFernandes it has been refined since you made it
@stdOrgnlDave I decoded it: ideone.com/rMVXy
@geordi ??
hmm no answer
@stdOrgnlDave Yeah, that's the thing with spawn: they grow up.
@TonyTheLion makes a massively deep aliased pointer at compile time
yes. a_p is add_pointer, a_ps is add_pointers, amp is add_many_pointers
shouldn't be too hard to write a bridge xD
@geordi: to execute a program
@johnathon and what purpose does that serve?
@stdOrgnlDave ./test.cpp:18:13: error: no match for ‘operator<’ in ‘a < b’
@TonyTheLion compiler stress test
@sehe good
@sehe very very subtle reason that doesn't compile which is correct behavior that MS doesn't exhibit
@TonyTheLion kinda a test to see how deeply a compiler will take template recursion to
a c++ compiler isn't even required to support function calls
@johnathon not really...it usually overflows symbol tables first. but, it "tricks" it into as many as 200*200 recursions if the compiler will not choke on it
@stdOrgnlDave I suppose it lack a template qualifier somewhere?
a resource limit of 1 function call is conforming
@sehe no, the operator> isn't const
@johnathon That is easy and doesn't need that multi-level layering.
i was trying to explain it in lamens terms to let tony get the gist of it sheesh
@stdOrgnlDave True. Not very subtle, though :)
The layering is there to actually prevent maximum recursion depth from being hit.
@sehe it's very, VERY subtle :-P
@johnathon lamens? lamentations? Lay-men's :)
can you please rephrase that in non-functional programming terms
i don't know what a bottom is
@stdOrgnlDave I'm not going to call any situation 'subtle' where a compiler gets cont correctness wrong.
what was his testcase?
@sehe but analyzing it to find out that's the problem (and why MS will compile and recurse it as if it were const) are not subtle
@RMartinhoFernandes sighs it was so someone could get a rough idea
@JohannesSchaublitb also known as a 'behind'
Needs an autocrop ^
Needs less cloths ^
I just flipped back to this tab, and I see a screen full of ass... What happened?
A screen full of asses? Must be shitty.
@Mysticial still compiling? Hasn't it been 22 minutes?
Microsoft Office Asses
@MooingDuck Yeah 23 and still going...
@TonyTheLion declare x as pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to T;
@Mysticial which one are you doing? the multi-* 80-specialized one?
@stdOrgnlDave This one:
#define t1 template
#define t2 typename
#define t3 typedef
t1<t2 T>struct a_p {t3 T**********type;};t1<int N,t2 T>struct a_ps : a_p<t2 a_ps<N-1, T>::type>{};t1<t2 T>struct a_ps<0,T>{t3 T type;};t1<int N, t2 T> struct amp : a_ps<80,t2 amp<N-1, T>::type> {};t1<t2 T>struct amp<0,T>{t3 T type;};int main() { amp<80, int>::type p; }
ahh. if it makes it through that, power to it.
@stdOrgnlDave Exactly what does it do/create?
@Mysticial int main() {}
@Mysticial a type that is 80*80 **************** 's
it makes you a kilostar programmer in other words
instead of just a 1* or 2*
I had to write a different program to become a mega* programmer
I'm a one-mermaid programmer.
I also totally messed up the pointer arithmetic for said megastar program, but eventually fixed it
(We Portuguese sometimes call a & a mermaid)
@TonyTheLion failing that, make the template recursion higher, I think 120/120 is good
oops didn't mean to edit that
I like pointers.
@stdOrgnlDave in chat I see timings for VC++, GCC... ICC is in progress, where's clangs numbers?
@MooingDuck I forget, let me go punish geordi
What do you all think of Bruce Eckel books?
A Boeing 787-8 costs US$193.5 million a piece, I want one!
Private little Lear jet would be enough for me
@JimNorton TiC++ is on the list of the Lounge<C++> officially approved C++ books.
he's not responding...
@JimNorton not too greedy
Cool about the Eckel C++ book. I have his Java book...
Haven't read much of it yet.
Burn it.
@MooingDuck clang-bot crashes in about 10 seconds on IRC, but he just says <no output>, dunno what the error is
I don't like Java, but it is used a lot where I work.. so I figure can't hurt to learn Java. I'm an embedded C person..
I see. Must be a pain.
Java and C89. Great.
32 min. and counting...
ICC was never known for being a fast compiler...
I love C. And actually C# is pretty nice.
I hate C. Just for a record.
I love food and nothing else.
@classdaknok_t are you fat?
@MooingDuck clang-bot compiles 80-80* fine, but crashes on 80-80 **************** in about 3 seconds
Meat - it's what's for dinner.
@Abyx I'm underweight.
@classdaknok_t oh... I see
<--- over
@stdOrgnlDave but what was the compile time when for the first one?
But since I stopped doing PE, I have become fatter, fortunately.
@MooingDuck what?
@classdaknok_t what is "PE"?
Physical exercise. Sport.
@stdOrgnlDave how long does clang take to compile the code?
@Abyx physical education class
I really hate it when I solve some bodies homework problem here and don't get any reputation bump.
@JimNorton what post?
A: Basic Main Menu code not working

Jim NortonHere is a working example. Please look this over and let us know what you learned. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct { char name[10]; char surname[10]; }fullname; typedef struct { int identifier; fullna...

You shouldn't solve any homework, merely help people out and point them in the right direction. People who post their homework are ignorant.
@classdaknokt agreed.
No homework tag on the question, but sure looks like it. Instead of pointing out all of the issues i figured I'd provide a working example the person could learn from
@JimNorton and you did, i upped it
I agree classdaknokt
@johnathon thank you much
I rarely visit Stack Overflow though. xD The Lounge is much more fun.
@MooingDuck under 10 seconds, but it's easy to crash by just adding a few ****'s
@MooingDuck he segfaults on struct A { int a; bool operator<(const int& inty) { return a < inty; } }; template <class A, class B> auto operator<(const A& a, const B& b) -> decltype(a<b) { return a < b; } int main(void) { A a; a.a = 1; int b = 2; if (a < b) return 4; return 0; }
I like to help people and I learn a lot myself just reading questions
Plus I'm bored at work right now.
I'm working on a debugger right now but Mac OS X ships with an incomplete implementation of ptrace, so I can't use it. Instead, I need to use an underdocumented API.
Should I busy-wait?
@RMartinhoFernandes not here
Woohoo, I'm spinning.
I wish ICC supported trailing return types!
You must get warm! Go visit a doctor quickly!
I hate spinning. I get all sweaty and stuff
@classdaknok_t I agree. The guy didn't even say what he tried to do to figure out what was going on.
Just posts his wall of code and says "Any ideas will be really appreciated"
@stdOrgnlDave yea..me too :|
@stdOrgnlDave and nullptr
oh my god. what I just sent to usenet doe snot mae any sense
Yeah that's what he did. Hopefully he will learn something.
@JimNorton can you please take a look at this and point why the find() is 2nd for loop is printing the missing elements when it should say element not present .. ideone.com/cCWyo
@JohannesSchaublitb Haha, I hate that feeling.
I uses usenet once and I noticed there was a newsgroup "pedo". I quit immediately and never used usenet again.
42 minutes and counting. I'm gonna go to dinner and see if it finishes when I get back. :)
Though it can never be worse than the hearth of the web; /b/.
@Mysticial is ICC still working on that code!?
@stdOrgnlDave yep
@Mysticial processor specs?
@JohannesSchaublitb That sentence doesn't make any sense.
Seriously, what are you doing with doe snot?
40 mins ago, by Mysticial
user image
@Atif because it isn't in the second array
and its the 80,80 with one *?
UseNet has always had good and bad material
UseNet's got great pirated TV and movies
@stdOrgnlDave I think so.
@Atif Why not use a debugger and figure out what's going wrong?
@Mysticial officially the slowest template compiler ever.
The problem with usenet is that I cannot find a good free server.
@stdOrgnlDave It's a Core 2 generation processor.
@MooingDuck the element is not in the second vector but it still prints that the element is present ....
@Mysticial my 2.3ghz core 2 compiles it in msvc in <24 mins
My ISP has one but it doesn't support binaries.
@Atif oh, then it is in the second vector
Hi guys. First time here. Quick C++ question, since all my co-workers went home hours ago. If floating point exceptions are enabled (feenableexcept on Linux), and a FP exception occurs in a mispredicted branch, will that FP exception be ignored (because the branch was not supposed to be executed) or will it kill the program?
@ChrisJohnson it should be ignored
@JamesCuster I do not know how to use a debugger with gcc ... but i printed the elements through cout and they seem to be fine except when they enter the for loop .. the value changes mysteriously
@stdOrgnlDave lol... MSVC has always been a lot faster than ICC for compiling anything...
But does ICC produce better code?
Floating point numbers suck.
@JimNorton not in this case.
@JimNorton Define better for this kind of case :)
@MooingDuck nopes they are not in the second vector ... i print the vector and the elemnts are not there ...
@JimNorton yes. Generally yes
There's no code to produce in this case, right?
@classdaknok_t Well, not exactly...
Just in general..
@JimNorton It can't be "better" if it doesn't produce any code at all. :P
@Atif or possibly operator== is programmed wrong
@RMartinhoFernandes pretty much
@RMartinhoFernandes An optimizing compiler should realize that
true ture
@MooingDuck Thanks. Thought that must be the case, but I have a crazy heisenbug and was starting to wonder...
anyways, off to dinner. 48 min. and counting...
@JimNorton for vanilla c++ , yea, it's a better compiler as far as code output is concerned.
@sehe it hasn't determined type, it might be a class with a constructor. how would an optimizin g compiler know that before it's done?
the operator == is overloaded the exact same way as for the other vector in first for loop ... i just copy pasted it and changed the calss variables and function name ... n this is why its eating me alive
@JimNorton for evil template compiler bombs, not so much
@stdOrgnlDave Because there's no class with a constructor in scope.
@Atif that doesn't mean it's right, merely that it sometimes works
@RMartinhoFernandes but the compiler doesn't know that 'cuz it's still determining type
@stdOrgnlDave I'm sure a little static analysis goes a long way here. Are there any non-trivial constructors in sight, like, at all?
@stdOrgnlDave It knows because there is no such possibility with the code in scope.
now that is a valid point .... let me paste it here ... its a couple of lines only
OK, I'll actually use the darn pointer. set it to (void *)4;
bool operator ==(const ProcessStickyLog& str) const
return procID == str.procID;
for the first vector
I don't see why though, they all take so long
@sehe that pun is awesome! ik lig in een deuk xD
@stdOrgnlDave I don't see how that changes anything.

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