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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

Those webforms rub me the wrong way. Really can't resist entering "Nein!" and submit
@Code-Apprentice Nice. I wish I could go then. Unfortunately my trip is deferred for 3 months because one of the persons I am going with is overseas for 2 months.
I am very annoyed because everything keeps on getting delayed
@sehe Unless you know to look for them, there's no chance you'd see the solar panel directly (and even when you do look for it, you mostly get glare--but that's a clue in itself; the top of most garbage cans won't show much reflection).
@jaggedSpire :3
@Telkitty I'll go with you whenever you swing by this way.
anyone got examples of hard real time systems that I could use for ideas on my school project?
@Borgleader ye that doesn't really give that many
or at least not many useful ones for a school project
@Code-Apprentice :)
I will definitely swing by your way sometime this year, or at least trying to :p
@Psudohuman Are you saying one person cannot be both gay and schizophrenic?
please keep the discussion civil thank you
@Code-Apprentice Nor straight and schizophrenic, for that matter
yah, I was considering that as an example
IOW schizophrenia means you're asexual (i.e. a complete lack of a sexual orientation)
asexual is a sexual orientation!
There are only 2 sexual orientations as God intended, male and female.
don't confuse gender with sexual orientation
don't confuse people with your agenda
don't confuse macaroni with ketchup
my agenda is to point out the difference between "mutually exclusive" and "orthogonal"
don't confuse pepperoni with soy sauce
both are salty
see, you just admitted you have an agenda
everyone has an agenda
I was reading the star board and agreed with Psudohuman's sentiment...but then I read it again and noticed something odd in his choice of words.
1 hour later…
> When I see comments in my code, I take it as a strong indication I haven't really understood the problem.
2 hours later…
Looks like ZFS runs 2x faster than MS's Storage Spaces for read and like 40x faster for sequential write. WTF is MS smoking?
Pot? Is that legal in Washington state?
Part of the problem is that Storage Spaces doesn't optimize the IO queue because MS believes that having data in RAM can lead to data corruption. Even if you have fancy ECC, correcting RAM.
My conspiracy theory is that MS said "Hey everybody is going to use SSDs", so we're going to drop support for spinning disks.
Or maybe, "if you can afford per core licensing for Server 2016, you can easily afford and SSD array".
nothing beats when a 80 years old criminal is sentenced to a 35 year jail term
@SpongyFruitcake pay2win
@LucDanton omg
jump into the fire now, you sacrificed lamb
> 1> INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\CL.exe'
welp what did I do this time
use a newer version
> Although a code host such as GitHub may allow you to view and fork the code, this does not imply that you are permitted to use, modify, or share the software for any purpose.
Does that mean I can't commit to such forks or what
lol @milleniumbug
@BartekBanachewicz ?????
Aren't all public projects on GH available under an open source license?
@SpongyFruitcake of course not
you need to commit a license, otherwise they're unlicensed
That seems completely unenforceable
It's as enforceable as any license
Wow this chat still takes 5 seconds to ack messages even though like 100 people use it
Someone left the door open, there's a cat here
My older pet chicken died today, I wasn't at home when it happened
I took the train, it was delayed because there was a fatality around the same time my chicken passed away
on the bright side you know what you're eating tonight
Sorry to hear.
chicken was buried ... so some other creatures meal probably
@Rapptz ty
there were three suicides close to people who I know a little but not very close to last year
death is lurking in the distance
feel so weird
it's weird talking to someone who you have only met once or twice and talking about their loved ones who recently killed themselves
I had cat meat last weekend actually
It's not bad
@Telkitty It is Australia. Death is lurking up close and not just in distance.
I heard the vicious drop bear killed another 3 people this month.
@wilx well, humans aren't very tasty so we are not preys to sharks, snakes and spiders
I want to see butt authentication chair - the chair that can tell your identity from pressure and the sharp of your butt!
they are a bit early with the announcement though
@Telkitty that would also put an end to diets
oh look 1st of April tomorrow
@nwp as long as you keep on using it everyday, it will keep an updated profile of your butt
ergh ¬_¬ I almost forgot tomorrow was annual "Let's make the internet useless" day
@rightfold How do you know
@SpongyFruitcake Has source licensing ever been easy to enforce, that's a completely irrelevant point.
@CatPlusPlus What the hell would "ack a message" mean in this content?
And for the record, discord still doesn't scroll on new messages. :sad-trombone.mp3:
@sehe Lekker.
New Yummy stuff
@Puppy What are the alternatives? GraphQL?
@sehe thanks for proving my point
> By setting your repositories to be viewed publicly, you agree to allow others to view and "fork" your repositories (this means that others may make their own copies of your Content in repositories they control).
doesn't include the right to make changes to the Content
@SpongyFruitcake I didn't prove anything
Confirmed, agreed, consolidate, support etc. perhaps. But that makes your original message gratuitous, which was my point :)
@ProblemSlover pretty strong stuff
@login_not_failed Yeah. don't get too high..
@ProblemSlover you got my point exactly as I intended :)
polar bear savages the spongy fruitcake
I will never
@sehe Makes me wonder how chat updates are received. Polling every few seconds or using websockets perhaps?
@StackedCrooked open up the browser dev tools (ctrl+shit+I) and check?
have you heard about broadcasting method, if not, you should check it out ... <trollololo>
@ratchetfreak I tried but didn't know where to look :)
Too much stuff.
the network tab, in FF I can filter on websockets (WS) but I can't seem to find the actual data sent and recieved through it
oh my
that is what confection is coming too
that's a geology science experiment kids would love to do themselves
What does Kool-Aid taste like?
If undefined behaviour steals somebody's car, who's to blame?
dll gates
your mother
You can't blame the dead
@Shoe Is that that Facebook thing?
@GillBates James Goshling
This font treats "fi" as a ligature instead of "ij", so "fijn" looks super stupid.
@Mikhail My view tends to be a little more...utilitarian. Micrososoft bought SSDs for all the engineers involved, and they wrote code that worked satisfactorily on their own machines. Although I understand fully why it's not done, I still maintain that we'd be better off in general if most software engineers were required to use trailing edge hardware (not necessarily exclusively, but at least some substantial part of the time).
@rightfold Kemming squared.
@JerryCoffin Some time ago you could rely on developing on the best available hardware and by the time the program was done shitty new PCs would outperform the hardware you developed on. Doesn't seem to be the case anymore.
@nwp I'm not sure that ever was entirely true. If so, it must have been a long time ago. Just for one obvious example, when Windows XP came out, it was definitely too much for most low-end (or even mid-range) machines. The same was true with MS-DOS 4.0.
@Puppy IIRC It's open source but yeah it probably originated from Facebook
Githgub recently began using it in production
Anyway, what are the alternatives?
@JerryCoffin I've been getting urges to make low level basic computery things again, like a tiny ALU or what not :(
@JerryCoffin I'm thinking like playing with single transistor set up :S
sort a 'from first basics' through to more power
working through the abstraction layers sort of
maybe even go as far as to see if I could make a transistor myself :D
make a breadboard computer?
sort of yes
@thecoshman I suppose that can be useful--but mostly if you want to learn skills like wire-wrapping and/or soldering. That is to say, if you decide to (for example) hand-build some NAND (or whatever) gates in, say, TTL or DTL, it quickly degenerates into an exercise in the mechanics of connecting the components together, with little or no education in much of anything else.
but like, start by making basic logic gates via single transistors, then move onto using logic gate ICs
@JerryCoffin Yeah, I know how to do it, but only in theory
I wouldn't look to do much at each level
I know a youtube series where a guy build a breadboard if you are interested...
I know that stuff like building basic gates is trivial, but the idea of physically doing it, and showing how it works would be kinda neat. Like a bit of a display piece
he isn't yet at the instruction decoder but that should be the next step I think
like take a bit plate and solder a few thousand capacitors and transistors to it to make a dRAM module?
@Shoe 1. Make request to server. 2. Server calls function. 3. Function does what you need it to do. 4. Return result of function to client.
@thecoshman Most of use who've done that started out with some variety of solderless breadboard (fortunately for you, these are a lot less expensive than they used to be).
but like, make a small 4 bit ram module, and make it so that you can interact with it in some way so you can see how it works. Each of the things on there, will have another bored that shows how it works. So like, if I use a latch IC for an input, I'd have another board that shows just the latch and how it is made, and then again and again down to like a single transistor :P
@rightfold Ligatures are just stupid as far as I can see
@Puppy and that's different from REST how
REST says some dumb shit about not doing side effects and stuff
@Puppy That si rest, you boob
@Puppy no it isn't
and whine whine PUT this and GET that
@thecoshman There's not much "again and again" here. A Flip-flop is only about 5 gates (at most--can be as little as 2 for a simple S-R).
just make a POST for everything if you have to implement with HTTP
that way you can actually pass arguments in a not-incredibly-dumb way
REST has the idea that some methods should be at simply stating the state you want, so that if there is any error in transit, it can simply be resent with almost no worries
ITT Puppy has no idea what he is talking about
well, there you go.
REST whines about whether or not shit is stateless
@JerryCoffin well yes, but then I started fairly low down the abstraction layer :P
@Puppy it's not about stateless
really? cause I'm pretty sure that the S is exclusively for Stateless
it's the difference between me saying "I want X to be deleted" and "delete X"
@Puppy exactly, you have no idea what you are talking about, it's 'state'
right, you are transferring the state because the shit must be stateless.
@thecoshman Point is, there's only (maybe) 4 or 5 steps from giant full-blown CPU to discrete transistors. The one thing is, the transition from one level to the next will almost never be very accurate. I can't imagine building CMOS out of discrete parts, nor building a complete CPU from DTL.
@Puppy REpresentational State Transfer.
interesting theory
in that case, I must ask you why HTTP verbs exist
@JerryCoffin Ah true, but my point still stands. I mean, I like the idea of doing a home-brew computer project. Using ready made ram chips for example makes it a lot faster (as less error prone) but I feel like it's a bit cheating
@Puppy because it provides a way to optimise caching
@thecoshman Having done it, I don't think it's cheating at all! :-)
How many times has this been posted already?
well, not really.
you can't just go caching GET requests since they, you know, expire.
also, there's the slight matter of GET requests not being able to transfer arguments in a non-dumb way, so half the time you have to use a POST anyway even though you're just getting data
@JerryCoffin but making a small sample of what the ram is doing solves any guilt. I like the idea of being able to show the abstraction layers
a small sample of sRAM is a register
a small sample of a register is a D-flip flop
@Puppy No, if you actually knew what you were on about, you would know that you can use GET in a non-dumb way. Yes, there are lots of bad examples, but that doesn't mean that's the only way to do it.
not being able to pass arguments to the function you're calling on the server is pretty fuckin' dumb
and you can only use it in a non-dumb way if you want to hack them into the URL
@ratchetfreak that's kinda the idea. I could have like a physical board, maybe nicely made PCB that can you can easily see how things are working, you could follow the traces, maybe with LEDs along them
instead of just putting them in the request like a sane person would
@Puppy then you don't want rest, you want RPC
@thecoshman The problem is that you're rarely showing (or learning) much about abstraction. You mostly end up dealing with mechanics--straightening IC pins, cursing after you poke yourself with an IC pin, etc.
@Puppy nope, you can use the message payload or headers
@Puppy in the URL is part of the request
@thecoshman Yes, and that's exactly where I started out. REST is fucking dumb, RPC makes the slightest shred of sense, so just go straight to RPC.
@JerryCoffin ha ha ha, maybe
@Puppy no
RPC is just calling functions, REST has huge amounts around it then that
yes, REST has huge amounts around it- that's what makes it fucking dumb
sure it does
@thecoshman URLs also have lots of limitations w.r.t. length, encoding, etc so apart from "Hack the arguments into the URL" being conceptually silly, it's also impractical.
@Puppy agreed, but it is part of the requst
so what? it's completely unsuitable
just have a bit of the request for function parameters, and have it actually work
and throw out that get/post/etc crap
then you're in a much better place
@Shoe Cause nobody has sessions, right?
@Shoe nope
the calls are just calls
@Puppy That's a whole another level of abstraction compared to REST
@Puppy they already do, but you are too ignorant to acknowledge that
@thecoshman No, the URL is just a really stupid place to put them that doesn't at all work.
and it's true that I could start passing parameters as HTTP headers, I guess, it's just that they don't remotely behave like HTTP headers in any way
@Puppy one more time. I agree, the URL is a bad place to put 'parameters' about your request, funnily enough, that was never the intention. But there is a place to put such data, and it's not the URL
@Shoe No, it's all the same thing. "Pass arguments to function on server"
@thecoshman If you can name a practical place to put parameters for GET requests, I'd be happy to hear it
@Puppy No, you haven't describes how data should be retrieved nor manipulated. REST does that. It's a level of details lower.
@Shoe How do you retrieve data? Call function with a return value. How do you manipulate data? Call function, pass arguments.
@Puppy the message payload
you don't need a special super-duper thing to do the most basic things just because it's over a network
REST describes resources, how they should be linked to each other, and a whole lot of other stuff. Including pagination, authentication (more or less), etc...
@Puppy Well, we all know that if you include a body in a GET request, the server ignores it (or is supposed to ignore it, anyway). Therefore, the only place you can put them (practical or otherwise) is in the URL itself.
You haven't described a single thing about that
@Puppy agreed
@thecoshman What's the difference between that and the message body?
@Shoe Because I don't need to.
@thecoshman HTTP says that a GET request is allowed to have a message body, but if it does include one, the serer should ignore it.
@Puppy same thing
Then you go back to the AJAX mess that was in 2006
@JerryCoffin and?
not sure what you mean
And you go back to solving the old issues as well
@thecoshman So what you're basically saying is that the HTTP spec for GET requests telling you to ignore the body is fuckin' dumb.
If you are making a REST service, and you want the GET request to have parameters, first why? second, you can use the body
@Shoe Like what?
@Shoe AJAX and REST are not layers of abstraction
@Puppy Like how do I retrieve a nested resource. How do I do authentication? How do I handle pagination? How do I take advantage of caching and other useful mechanisms of the HTTP protocol.
@thecoshman ...and so specifying parameters for a get request in the message body doesn't (or at least shouldn't) work. The server is supposed to ignore anything and everything you put there. Realistically, quite a bit of infrastructure "knows" this, so caches and such will misbehave if you violate it.
AJAX is just a way to make pages 'dynamic' and update their content as you go
@Shoe How do you retrieve a nested resource? Call a function.
how do you do authentication? hate to break it to you but HTTP authentication is worthless shit, that stuff is super hard and REST can't do shit to help you
@Puppy You mean you first retrieve the parent resource then you make another request to retrieve the nested one?
well, I'd probably just pass in the required arguments to one function call on the server
@Puppy AFAIK JWT tokens is becoming standard
but sure, I can just do two function calls if I want to
@Shoe Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but they're far from perfect. Also I hate to break it to you, but JWT is 20 years too late to be an integral part of REST.
@JerryCoffin not sure how behaved servers are regarding caching of GET body's
and in fact have nothing to do with REST at all if I recall
it's just "Here's some data that allows you to figure out authentication"
pass the data as a function call, job done.
Also the idea behind REST is to have a common protocol for these stuff so that you can use libraries that help you easily setup such APIs (and use them as well). If you are recommending that I go and build that by myself, then I'm not interested, thanks.
as for things like pagination, frankly, it's your problem and always has been, since you need to figure out how pagination should work in relation to your SQL queries and DB schemas
@Shoe I have never experienced any library that can competently set up a web server without massively oversimplifying critical things.
"oversimplifying" is subjective
they pretty much all boil down to "You have to implement this shit yourself because I do not couple myself to your SQL schema or DB implementation" or "I'm a worthless sack of shit that's hard coupled to your DB implementation and SQL schema"
fact is, pagination is handled in the back end, REST vs RPC is more front end, they're really completely orthogonal things.
Not at all
@Shoe No it's not lol
REST is the communication protocol between front and back end
er, no
REST is not a protocol
REST is between client and server.
Also JWT is mostly garbage don't use it
@thecoshman The problem isn't the source server itself--it's some intervening web cache. It "knows" that a GET depends only on the URL, so if send a request for URL foo, and it has a response for that URL in the cache, it's going to send that response--regardless of differences in the body. No, that's not absolutely guaranteed, but there are definitely caches that work that way (all the caches whose source I've looked at, anyway).
let me clarify front end and back end as front end of the server and back end of the server.
both with a REST request and RPC request, from the client side you would request the pagination you wanted. Both can also simply have the full data set returned and then only display what they want to display
Caching GET responses that don't say they're uncacheable is perfectly valid
pagination, really not complicated, get a list of items, apply sort orders, then skip offset and take count
I implemented pagination myself and it's really not complicated at all.
@JerryCoffin yeah true enough. I still wonder what parameters he's wanting to send for a simple "GET me this resource please"
@thecoshman We have an auth token that doesn't suck, for one thing.
@Puppy pardon?
well, one example of a place where I really needed parameters is when I wanted to pass an auth token that does not suck.
we also have things like "Record this request in the user's most recently requested resources of this type (or not)"
@Shoe no, HTTP is the protocol, REST is just a way of using HTTP
Uh, Authenticate header?
@thecoshman Look through the specs for the URLs accepted by something like Elastic Search. I can't blame him for wanting to move that crap out of the URL.
REST and HTTP are mostly unrelated
Ok, let's assume for a second REST is garbage. Do you have an example of "dynamic" application that uses something else?
@CatPlusPlus Half the problem is that it's the HTML5 audio API so I have fuck all control over the actual request that's being sent.
@JerryCoffin that's a bad example of a REST api, not proof that REST is bad
otherwise I would have just made it a POST and avoided the problem to begin with
@Puppy Cookie then
I had a cookie but had to chuck it
can't remember why, exactly
@Puppy It's not complicated, it's just boring.
@Puppy so it's not REST that you have an issue with
RPC solves nothing here
@thecoshman ES is a long ways from perfect, but an alternative is still stuck with the same problem: to the client it's logically a GET, but if you implement it as a GET, all the parameters have to go in the URL.
GraphQL is p neat if you have an API that requires complicated queries
@thecoshman Well, it kinda is, because the browser is written to assume that "get me resource" must be parameterless as in REST.
But not every API needs that
the only thing the browser has done is force REST instead of allowing me to back off to RPC
It doesn't force REST lol that has nothing to do with REST
@Puppy Not at all
Go use SOAP if you want
It's all the glorious bloated POST request you've dreamed of
compared to using an HTTP GET, I would if I could
Why can't you?
browser forces HTTP GET in this case
which wouldn't be a problem if GETs weren't crap
@CatPlusPlus It's sort of forced REST, but only in a very indirect way: quite a few firewalls and such only have holes for HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, and maybe a few other protocols, so if you want people to be able to use it, you're pretty much stuck doing something over those ports.
REST on HTTP is p much 2 things: make requests mean something (i.e. meaningful URLs and proper verbs) and do it hypermedia style (which most people don't really do to the point where it's called HATEOAS)
Right, so how is this an issue with REST?
Arguing that REST is bad is mostly arguing that meaningless URLs are good, which is extremely bad for middleware
It has nothing to do with GET, POST or parameters
if middleware wants something from me, they can have a properly-defined interface that does not make random assumptions about the semantics of my operations
There is idpomdence ¬_¬ I can't spell it... the idea that calls like 'PUT' can be repeated without much concern
There is a lot of middleware that speaks HTTP
There is not a lot of middleware that speaks <insert your RPC protocol here>
Not to mention that inspecting the payload is more expensive than just inspecting the headers
wouldn't be so much of a problem if HTTP did not include a bunch of worthless verbs that do nothing but get in the way
@Puppy how do they 'get in the way'?
pretty much have to fall back to 9999 cache-control headers anyway
@CatPlusPlus Sorry, but I can't agree. It could (for example) be an argument that HTTP in general kinda sucks (and I, for one, would have a hard time arguing against that).
@JerryCoffin Well, I guess
Sure, there are some verbs that are a hold over from older times, but they do not get in the way
HTTP/2 is kinda better
@thecoshman Well, a simple example would be assuming that all GETs don't have meaningful bodies.
@JerryCoffin HTTP does in general kinda suck
@Puppy that has nothing to do with what you said, how do the other verbs get in the way?
@thecoshman That was pretty much what I was saying (if somewhat less directly).
it's not about the other verbs
it's about the existence of verbs in the first place.
the verbs shouldn't exist at all.
whether or not POST exists, GET still sucks
I disagree. For what they were created for, they are good. The problem is, they were not created for what they are currently being used for
the problem is that HTTP made a massive hard coupling to verbs
so when unsurprisingly, people needed to change the way they did things, they were stuck.
We are not longer using the web as a basic "document storage system" where we can trust people
@CatPlusPlus Kinda, but it still has a lot of the same problems (e.g., it still uses the same verbs with essentially the same definitions--it just encodes them less verbosely).
it would have been much better if they had just said "Headers go here in this format, body goes here, use header "idempotent = true" if it's idempotent"
The core idea of REST can still be applied to other protocols though.
@Puppy well no, idempotence is up to the server
I am not against the idea of requests being idempotent, or parameterless
the problem is when you enforce that they must be parameterless.
@Puppy you can, in theory, apply REST ideas to more or less any other protocol
if you have a flexible base, like RPC, there is no rule that says that the functions you call on the server are not parameterless.
in fact I would argue that it's best to maintain minimal state on the server.
@Puppy And how is that different to GET/POST
@Puppy it is a good idea, that's why REST says you should
The client should be keeping tracking of where it is within your application and what it is doing. The server just needs to respond to requests that should tell the server all it needs to know without having to be keeping track of each client. That is a fairly core idea of REST and can be applied to more or less any protocol
That is largely orthogonal to everything lol
@CatPlusPlus Because with GET/POST/etc you must choose a verb and it has more complicated preloaded semantics.
Always use POST
whereas what I am arguing for is more finegrained and only includes the semantics that you actually need other programs to be able to use.
Meaning is not bad
It's all about resources
meaning is not bad, meaning you don't need is very bad.
If you don't need it then you use GET or POST
That is exactly equivalent to your idempotence header
POST, really
No, not really
GET caching and no parameters -> it's pretty shit.
would not use in any circumstances
We use POST and no "/" for everything
Caching is p vital
Also have fun with load balancing xD
it's really not for us and we don't need load balancing either.
HTTP is an implementation detail
You never need load balancing until you do
we have a couple things like big script bundles that need caching, that's it.
Have fun in the future xD
oh, our application is so un-load-balanceable, a few misuses of HTTP verbs is way down the list
@thecoshman It's a core idea, but it just doesn't work worth a crap for some things (quite a few things, really). Right now, we have a lot of frameworks and such whose primary purpose in existence is to do a (usually fairly poor) imitation of the server maintaining state.
the much worse problems are things like single-writers for Lucene indexes and enforced single writers for our database
we gotta split up our application into services taking years before we could ever consider permitting multiple instances
that stuff really is nasty and horrible and our app is pretty legacy (15 years old)
What is it about anyways?
Haha shush
He'll move your message into the bin :D
So what is the alternative to REST again?
@Shoe A general-purpose RPC mechanism would be the most obvious (and try to forget that gRPC normally uses HTTP/2 as its transport).
@Shoe To some extent, everything is implemented with HTTP so there's a limit as to how much you can avoid having to use it in practice, but as far as you can, just use RPC.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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