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So, as I understand it, there is a debate between having more language "features" (keywords, intrinsic) and using existing features (with some difficulty) to achieve the same effect. C++ has always been towards the side of masochism, and we weren't allowed to "have nice things". My opinion was that this has to do with the academic origins of the language where "powerful" is preferred to "practical", but maybe people other opinions?
academics love to hack compilers, as seen in quite a few other ecosystems
Maybe a sexual fetish?
my personal take is that roughly around the C++03–C++11 interim the C++ community centred around the standardization process had an unhealthy view of compilers/language design and they’ve been getting over it since then
e.g. when you mentioned keywords, and yeah that was super weird how everybody was up in arms whenever a potential new keyword was mentioned
the pedestal that backwards source compatibility was put on meant that any language change should have been strictly 'additive', which made it easy to resist any proposed change as yet another addition to an already large language
@jaggedSpire d'awww :3
Yeah, I definitely agree. I can definitely name dozens of keywords and compiler hints that we could benefit from. I think this also extends to libraries that C++ has been slow to adopt. Hell, I could even get on-board with the proposal for 2D graphics (if it actually matched how GPUs render stuff).
so the timeline of __is_same_as looks like: implemented in 2013, merged into the concepts implementation in 2015, but never mentioned in the recent concepts-lite proposals
I’m really curious now with rsmith’s counter-proposal (if I should call it that) where we’ll be headed
Concepts are still debated lol
@Rapptz Sup
> Additionally, an emphasize-lines option can be given to have Pygments emphasize particular lines
sadly nothing changes in the output
@Borgleader nm
@LucDanton works for me
make sure you have CSS for it
@Rapptz you’re right, I misread the html and missed the span for it
I no longer use it though
looks ugly
can’t bend the css to make it look okay?
not with rtd theme
@Rapptz it’s almost not that bad
Beauty is skin deep - just like this squirrel. Deep inside, it's just a rat with bushy tail
@Rapptz oh hey a workaround to my table issues, now I can run RTD
@LucDanton nice
I also don't really understand why commitee keeps pushing constantly for library solutions
good libraries = less code
Less code = not as impressive
@SpongyFruitcake to be fair, once somebody exhibits a library solution it’s easy to produce a spec relatively to specifying a language feature
if you want to write more code, you can just stop using loops
If you want to write more code, you can just write it in Assembly language.
not really
assembly does not guarantee more code
It depends on which assembly language you're writing in
This point is moot as code today is typed rather than written by hand, not to mention WebAssembly
have you tried paired programming with your dog
Or if you really want more code, use emscripten
yep, pair programming by a heterosexual couple can be very productive and result in 3 or more kids
also, if you are smaller, your laptop might look bigger
genetic algorithms
memetic algorithms
Holy shit, I have to read my own fucking research paper to respond to the reviewers. There is a reasonable chance, I'll contract the disease I'm writing about.
how can you write a good paper about a disease if you have not contract it before? </trollololo>
so everything you write would be based on reading other people's hearings
@Luc bikeshed<EnumType, StorageType>
stored_enum<my_enum, std::uint16_t>?
robert<my_enum, double>?
what’s the functionality?
Viewing a certain storage as an enum, independently of the actual underlying type of the enum
@SpongyFruitcake if that means it's anything like a reinterpret_cast, then perhaps reinterpret_enum_cast
it's 100% static_cast
oh we can do better then
@SpongyFruitcake well, enum_cast?
call me boring
good enough for me
@LucDanton I'm moving away from RTD.
I find it's fine for API documentation dumps but for content articles it doesn't really feel good.
Like tutorials and the like.
I have a documentation reform in my stash using alabaster w/ some custom CSS to make it not ass
the hack got rid of many but not all issues on my end
I use tables in rtd too
and they look disgusting
@Rapptz too blindingly white for me
I don't mind the white too much
(plus you can always change it)
background colour really easy to fix in CSS
I thought alabaster was supposed to be more of an off-white, too
looks worse cos you don’t use inline code though?!
you mean on the left column?
I wanted to work on my documentation reform some more but I asked a subset of my users what they wanted to see implemented first and I got this: strawpoll.me/12630625/r
that’s not surprising
oh well
yeah I guess
I don't like the old voice code
Too finnicky. I have to rewrite a lot of it.
I'd personally rather work on the documentation but since this is a private API breaking branch I should probably push docs last :<
Lemme regenerate docs with backticks
looks gross
but I can fix it with CSS
do you typically run the stock toc?
@Rapptz what’s your choice of poison? I’m running sphinxcontrib-fulltoc which I think has been unmaintained for a while but fits my needs
Oh if you mean that then yeah I use stock
doesn’t have to be an extension though, there are the templates and options and so on as well
I just use ..toctree and it works fine
I just don't do it automatically
and I don't include everything in a toc
the style of navigation links the defaults generate makes me crazy :<
@Rapptz lies!
it is true
maybe not in discord.py but other things like gum
Sphinx makes you do it though
you mean the warning?
you can just ignore it
that’s not how I was raised
oh, that beats :hidden: tocs
I searched for cafe and restaurants, I found a result: Mr Sock
Hi everyone good afternoon.
Any one can just simply told me. What is different between stereo camera and simple camera with one eyes.
What's the difference between stereo and mono? One is 2 and one is 1.
I feel like a child again
I guess that's better than feeling a child?
@Mikhail Well, you know what they say about tastes right?
@Mikhail CoreCLRnucleosis is the future
You can't spell WebAssembly without Go
You can't spell obnoxious without Rust
@Ell correct. Discord now
> Marseille : une femme en poignarde mortellement une autre dans un supermarché
@SpongyFruitcake Dans quel pays sauvage cette ville se trouve-t-elle ?
Afrique du Nord
@LucDanton So you're claiming that at some point you weren't a child? Photos or it didn't happen.
there should be a suckling baby luc sometimes in the past as well ...
@JerryCoffin well all of the other days I didn’t put shampoo into my eyes
@LucDanton Okay....
like a clumsy child would
@LucDanton ...but was there a time when you wrote code with duplication instead of using a template?
I copied & pasted some code this afternoon, I mean writing a function that takes parameters might look more professional, but copy & pasted code is much easier to read
and easier to debug
the truth is that, us vets still duplicate code
> Ce sont bien entendu les USA qui sont massivement impliqués ,avec leur candidat Macron !
allons bon
@SpongyFruitcake No puede escribir Americanos sin Macron
Emanuel Macrón
@SpongyFruitcake t’es nul c’est Macrōn
"Basket of Puppy"
si señor
I am using visual studio code
But when I am trying to run a program I get an error-"Include file not found in include path"
@Puppy Nice selfies
do not know what possessed my parents to put the basket on the sofa
@Rerito sí
I am travelling home for Easter though so hopefully I will get some more selfies
is any food place take away only?
@SpongyFruitcake Mon édriseur orthographique est en panne
@Telkitty It's cute how you try to compare yourself to the real coders. You're like a 2 year-old who tells anybody who will listen that he's the greatest basketball player in the world.
@JerryCoffin you mean, I am a fake coder ... like fake news but in a coder form?
but ... I have written copied & pasted many lines of code, surely quantity matters somethings
@Telkitty apparently, your disguise is vanished now
Hello, Cruel World!
back 2 cruel world, i c
@Puppy god damn you
Is there an existing implementation of std::to_chars()?
according to cppreference.com, yes
tag C++17
@Telkitty I am asking about actual implementation. I want to see the code.
@Puppy you going to uncon?
@wilx there's to_string which is a special case.
You could look at that one; should have what you're interested in
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, I am specifically looking for to_chars :) I want to see how they convert integers to "strings".
@wilx Hi. Sir, I am taking very stress.
to_string does that.
It just doesn't take the destination as input.
Otherwise, it's the same.
calibrateCamera(objectPoints, imagePoints, imageSize, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs,
			s.flag); cameraMatrix is intrinsic parameter how i take extrinsic parameter?
@wilx do you know this Alex?
J'ai trouvé kitie (leparisien)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nope.
@AlexCerry please don't ping random people with random messages.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, to_string appears to just call vsnprintf in GCC's implementation. That is not very sophisticated.
// DR 1261.
  inline string
  to_string(int __val)
  { return __gnu_cxx::__to_xstring<string>(&std::vsnprintf, 4 * sizeof(int),
					   "%d", __val); }
ohh gosh. @R.MartinhoFernandes no matter. He forget.
I was wondering if to_chars is using some sort of manual conversion.
Just told me how i get extrinsic parameter?
@wilx lol
@AlexCerry please ask here stackoverflow.com
@R.MartinhoFernandes I cannot ask banned. I just need hint.
@AlexCerry lol
@AlexCerry this is not the ban circumvention room.
@wilx Sir, now you remember me. I am that alex which ask you question about 1000 client and 1 server question.
@AlexCerry: I have no idea what you are asking about. At least go to chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/116940/c-questions-and-answers and ask there. Somebody might answer.
@wilx Sir, you did not use opencv?
@AlexCerry Sir, no, sir.
this is the if you want to get kicked and trashed, do ask room
Tip for next time you ask someone a question: don't assume they know what you're talking about. You never even mentioned opencv until now.
It's like some people think we're basically God.
@R.MartinhoFernandes: Also, to_string is locale dependent while to_chars it supposed not to be locale dependent.
many brave ones asked before you, many sent to the bin, some came back, and sent to the bin again ...
@Telkitty lol
@wilx yeah, that explains why they'd use printf.
@Telkitty you are one of them. Just different is different account different name.
I am still here
@R.MartinhoFernandes I am basically wondering if the conversion for integers can be any more sophisticated/clever than my naive one.
@Telkitty shh don't tell him that you're not a real coder, but a cat, pretending to be one!
yeah, the coder sent to the bin, cat took over the keyboard
Bull shark washed up onto road by flooding, locals take tooth
@Telkitty Is it dead?
touch it with a long stick to see the reaction
@Telkitty Amphibian fail.
I am not sure I want to see sharks living on land
@AlexCerry Stop pinging random people with your problems. You've been told to stop 4 times already, but yet you continue. Next time you do that I'll be kicking you out of the room.
@milleniumbug you know after almost 30 minute.
what, are you bothered about this ping? guess what
I did not bother today any one today. just one time ping @wilx what happen? Today your wife did not make tea?
oh boi
Yes, this is literally the ping I'm referring to
also oops, you just did it again
shots fired
Just kick him already
Ok, if you want it sooooo much
so cruel.
@milleniumbug but did your waifu not make tea 4real tho
I made green tea for myself, to go down with a box of chocolate:
I mean, I can not eat half a box of chocolate without a glass or two of tea
are you having a flag party today?
how new are you to lounge
@PetterFriberg answer is correct without that 'l', cicada is looking for his next gay lover (I am all in for same sex marriage)
wow, yeah you like to have fun today, but remember all >10K users get popups chat wide, so we appreciate if everyone behaves.
please voice your complaints on meta so they can be dutifully ignored
why would I need to do that?, you seam to be a reasonable chap
@PetterFriberg the solution is obvious
don't get >10k :D
@PetterFriberg one of the most respectable citizens in this chat, even
@PetterFriberg if you are banned, maybe you won't get pinged again until your ban is lifted?
maybe if it bothers you, you should seek out alternative solutions
Yeah let me press alt+F4
you know mac doesn't have alt right? just saying ...
gone, the 10k-er is GONE!! look at what you guys have done?? driving all the new 10k-ers away!! </trollololo>
@Telkitty mac sure has alt
in tiny print
I have never thought about it, but keyboards are full of duplicate keys
When not using parentheses, does the minus sign go before or after the currency sign?
depends on what is used for
minus sign can also be interpreted as dash
some applications display negative currency by putting the number inside parenthesis
without the minus sign
Got keys to my new place, woohoo
reminds me that I need keys cut this week
@rightfold depends, really
There are many "standards"
> Bordeaux : elle découvre une limace dans son menu de McDonald's
Free proteins.
@rightfold before looking better
@SpongyFruitcake McScargot
LiMc tu veux dire
@R.MartinhoFernandes Free monads to the rescue!
Let the user decide. :3
@rightfold not good
@SpongyFruitcake what's a limace?
some text editor
(a slug)
@Morwenn it's called brotein
1 hour later…
@nwp It's great; a generic formatting function.
@rightfold learn from your corporate overlord and don't make badware
I just noticed joel changed his site and doesn't have the 90's look anymore. 2/10, change is difficult, would not want his picture there all the time while reading an article.
@nwp just block it in css
(obv., if you care about the articles in the first place)
My contender of the day /cc @Mysticial @Borgleader
@nwp Ugh, I hate it when the face of the writer follows me when I'm reading ç__ç
It's creepy as fuck.
I created regex (\\((\\w+)((?: \\d+)*)\\)\\s*)+, i.e. multiple parenthesized lisp style functions like (averagenum 10 20 30 40) (abc 1 2) (def 3). But i get these matches: 0:whole string, 1:(def 3), 2:def and 3:3, but i wanted to parse each one, what to do?
@RE60K Take a hot shower.
@RE60K you can use raw literals to ease your life
(if your language allows them)
c++14 regex was i doing
@RE60K use regex101.com for debugging regexerssz
then it would be R"((((\w+)((?: \d+)*))\s*)+)";
escaping the brackets?
en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/string_literal it's just to make writing them easier, with double slashes it becomes unreadable after five minutes of not looking into them…
i get it rather than (..)* I should use a iterator
why are you parsing a context free grammar with a regex?
… it sohuld be something like (\w+(\s+(\d+)){n}) and you need the most inner one to care about — each () will be put inside std::smatch
not a bnf but some input file
for some parsing and processing
can't i define like foo(R"aksdkanckaa", ...)?
it's R"delimiter()delimiter"
contents inside () is your actual contents, and delimiters might be empty; you need them to parse «"(», «)"»
ok got it
> I don't understand how to calculate the 9's complement of a binary number.
how do I then, maybe, map "abc" to 0 "def" to 1 and so on (there is a definite value for each fxn name?)
make a pair and store "abc" in the key, and values inside a vector or list, or whatever is appropriate for your task
because map may result in collisions if you parse the same function twice with different arguments… i believe it's the most easiest way
@RE60K any format with balanced parenthesis is at least context free grammar
> According to a report on Twitter, an IoT humidifier flooded a room due to an expired TLS certificate. However, no details were provided about the vendor.
IoT is so reliable
...said no one ever
@Telkitty More like...diet cola in coder form.
@Telkitty I'm thinking about heading over to Yellowstone one weekend next month.
now that the weather is starting to get nicer
@milleniumbug When you mix IOT (Internet Of Things) with DI (Dependency Injection), you get IDIOT.
@fredoverflow so CDI is IDIOC(Y)?
(and other libraries for that)
so apparently my codebase depends on free and I didn't even know it
My code base depends on Free.
And I love it.
@BartekBanachewicz perfectly legal, I would imagine something is using placement new
@Mgetz lol, it's not that free
also I'm doing a pilot build on 8.0.2 and all seems fine
right, I should have expected that
toot toot.
all them gadts
yup all tests passed
Someone got kicked last night. :)
@Mysticial wut
6 hours ago, by milleniumbug
@AlexCerry Stop pinging random people with your problems. You've been told to stop 4 times already, but yet you continue. Next time you do that I'll be kicking you out of the room.
Oh, he deserved it.
Oh hey, Herb Sutter is in our office today giving a class. I guess I'm taking one of the last seats.
I'm envious, I want to be in an office like that too.
Last year we had Andrei Alexandrescu.
Thierry Coquand or bust :D
Really? He was still pinging people?
good grief
@jaggedSpire Why would anybody do such an insane thing? cc: @JoeBlow
Okay, I'll admit, that was probably too obvious. It made me smile though. :-)
You know, I'm tempted to write a post on meta asking that we add a close reason along the lines of: "please at least make some attempt at doing your own homework." I'm generally the one saying: "no things really aren't getting worse--things have been bad forever", but I'm starting to think there really is an upward trend in questions that contain nothing more than a C&P of a homework assignment.
@nwp user means programmer here
Not the end user.
API user.
So instead of f :: forall c. Currency c => Discrete c -> String I provide g :: forall c. Currency => Format -> Discrete c -> String.
@Ell Thierry Baudet ftw
oh right, sorry
^^ Looks like AMD formally confirms that they fixed the FLOPs crash.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct Expr<'s, A>(A, ExprF<'s, Rc<Expr<'s, A>>>);

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum ExprF<'s, T> {
  Var(&'s str),
  Abs(&'s str, T),
  App(T, T),
@rightfold Why is PartialEq not implicit when specifying Eq?
I don't know.
I don't know what completeness or decidability means, or what the difference is :(
  fn test_expr_call() {
    let value = list(0, vec![atom(1, "foo"), atom(5, "bar"), atom(9, "baz")]);
    let expr = expr(&value);
      Ok(app(0, app(0, var(1, "foo"), var(5, "bar")), var(9, "baz")))
@Mysticial now that you can actually compile FLOPs for Ryzen... how does it do?
Please return true/false from a bool function instead of 1/0. Also you seem to have rewritten std::lower_bound twice. — Borgleader 2 mins ago
@Mgetz It performs as expected according to the FPU block diagrams.
@Mysticial not sure what that means
I'm unable to get 4 FP instructions/cycle with just a single thread. But I can with two threads via SMT.
@Mgetz IOW, I'm able to hit all the theoretical FLOPs maximums as implied by the block diagrams that AMD released months ago.
@Mysticial > We will continue to update you on future AGESA releases when they’re complete, and we’re already working hard to bring you a May release that focuses on overclocked DDR4 memory.
Werent you having issues with that?
@Borgleader Yes. I can't get my memory above 2400 MHz.
Granted, I have 64GB of it and that's probably part of the problem.
But my Intel machine is running 128GB @ 2666 MHz. And even that was below my original expectations.
The QVL for my motherboard says it can run all 128GB of my memory at 3300 MHz if I have a Broadwell-E. Well fuck. I only have a Haswell-E.
@Mysticial is that a surprise?
@Ell No.
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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