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I'm not looking forward to Mountain Lion, with Gatekeeper.
Mac OS X is getting Vistaish.
I know you can disable it, but it's enabled by default. Which means that if I make a Mac app and I want to distribute it outside of the App Store or without code signing it, noobs think it's a dangerous application.
will GateKeeper cost money for every signature or can you automate the process cheaply once you’re accredited?
because then I don’t see this as too strong an objection
as long as you can use it outside the App Store, which sucks and needs to die in a fire
You need one developer profile I guess. Then you can sign as many apps as you want.
developer profiles cost subscription fee though, no?
But I really hope Mountain Lion won't get in my way when I use console applications.
or is it just the default stuff that you already need when you download certain developer tools?
oh fuck
no way
grr, the chat flood protection still sucks balls
The Mac App Store is a real pain in the ass. An app may not get root access, for example. So if I make a diff GUI app (which I'm working on) and I want it to be able to install command line tools in /usr/bin, I cannot put in on the App Store.
@classdaknok_t Wait, your installer also can’t do that?
that said, tools should really leave /usr/… alone anyway
Not sure, but I want them to be optional.
install in /opt or ~/Library or something like this
/opt still requires root access, doesn't it?
/opt doesn’t exist
so – no
just create it
it only exists if other tools (brew …) have already created it
Well, / requires root access on my machine. :/
wait, creating it will require root access
well, if it’s a developer tool, the App Store may be the wrong way anyway
And you also have all that required sandboxing crap.
but can’t you just syscall sudo inside your tool?
and have the user enter the passeword?
Nope, getting root access in any way is forbidden. Even when asking the user (which you need to do anyway).
Well, I understand why Apple does that
they are still wrong though
On iOS it doesn't bug me; if I want root access I'll jailbreak it, but on Mac OS X it does.
I'm not sure if an app can install a kext, which could be used to avoid the restriction. But probably not.
But installing a kernel extension just to get root access is silly. xD
A: Is not (123 == 0123) in java or Eclipse?

Mayank swamibecause 0123 in not decimal digit its octal (base 8) so this is equal to 83 Note: Octal values are denoted in java by leading zero normal decimal number cannot have a leading zero

Jaavvaaaa!!! Nooo!! Kill it! Quick! Kill it with fire! Noooh!! 😱😱😱
A: Can I list-initialize a vector of move-only type?

XeoEdit: Since @Johannes doesn't seem to want to post the best solution as an answer, I'll just do it. #include <iterator> #include <vector> #include <memory> int main(){ using move_only = std::unique_ptr<int>; move_only init[] = { move_only(), move_only(), move_only() ...

@bamboon and the corresponding discussion in the Lounge around that time^
> Since @Johannes doesn't seem to want to post the best solution as an answer, I'll just do it.
@classdaknok_t He contributed good notes in the comments, still
@sehe err, what?
@bamboon Sigh. Learn to use the chat reply (back) links?
3 hours ago, by bamboon
have I dreamt that there was a std::rref?
So, yes you dreamt it, but, you can come pretty close using code like in the answer
@sehe ah ok thanks, that's were I read it
@sehe (what's the use of asking a question on chat if you don't even expect an answer, and fail to recognize one when it is given? Put some effort in :). I did!)
Q: c++: how does memberwise assignment work?

Lai Yu-HsuanIf I don't override the operator = of a class, it will use default memberwise assignment. But what does it mean? struct A { int array[100]; }; A a; A b=a; No error. How does b copes a'sarray? Normally array_b = array_a is invalid. Another exampe: struct A { vector<int> vec; };...

found duplicate, voted to close
@bamboon If you can't click the 'this message is a reply to an earlier message' link, you can always, you know, read the linked answer. You'd have found the rref yourself -- </rant>
@FredOverflow good call
I remembered there being a similar question because I was the one who asked it :)
hehe - thats cheating. I hardly ever ask questions. So I fail at remembering duplicates. I figure, I need to search for it, it must be something the OP can do.
Say I have a class Model and I have a class Property. I put a Property in a Model subclass as a non-static member. Is there any way to find out which Model object the Property contains?
class Property;
class Model;
class foo : public Model {
  Property baz;
I guess not.
What do you mean "which"? Is Property a base class?
@sehe I clicked the link-back but it obviously takes some time till it finds the post. I didn't wait that long and then thought it was just some mix up. after I checked out the link again, I found it, you were just faster. thanks anyways
@FredOverflow Say I have foo bar;, then in the constructor of foo::baz I want to get a reference or a pointer to bar.
@classdaknok_t Where is 'bar'?
@classdaknok_t If a member needs a reference to its containing object, you have to pass it explicitly into the constructor of the member.
@sehe fifth word in that sentence.
@FredOverflow hmm, that's unfortunate.
You can compare pointer-to-members as long as they are of the exact same type and have been initialized to valid values.
Members don't magically know their enclosing object.
I'm writing an ORM for fun. Getting a pointer to the containing object would come in handy. Guess I'll have to find out another way of doing this.
You just have to do it explicitly. The Property constructor just needs to accept a pointer to foo.
@FredOverflow Nope, but if you have a list of Model instances, you could compare all pointer-to-members with the pointer-to-member of a single property. But it must be a pointer-to-member. You cannot compare a regular pointer to a pointer-to-member (UB IIRC)
@sehe oh and btw, I probably didn't dream it but read it in exactly that post. see kerreks comment
@sehe It's not UB, it's a compile-time type error.
@classdaknok_t I'd definitely vouch for shared/weak_ptr here. Possibly just shared
@sehe a reference is enough, the Property is guaranteed not to outlive the Model.
@sehe Why? The enclosing object isn't going to magically disappear with the member living on :)
@FredOverflow Well, without casts. But you could try to fool the compiler doing &(foo::*pmr) == &bar - that would still be UB
Personally, I don't like reference members, because they have weird assignment semantics. I prefer pointer members. But maybe that's just me.
@sehe Using C-style casts is always asking for trouble.
@FredOverflow copy construction...? the ORM will define the semantics of that, but depending on those semantics, yes, there could be varying lifetimes. FWIW, a Property could become detached from a Model
@FredOverflow where do you see a C-style cast?
@sehe You can never detach the lifetime of a member from the lifetime of the enclosing object.
@classdaknok_t True. References are highly inconvenient as class members, most of the time
@classdaknok_t Oh, I was misreading "without" as "with".
@FredOverflow copy construction ... Say you copy construct a Property, and you want it to share a reference to the 'old' Model. It is really up to the ORM whether that makes any business sense. I can't know, and you guessed.
@sehe what?
I think I'll have very much fun implementing the rule of three. :P
C++11 has no user-defined [[attribute]]s, right?
@sehe I was under the impression that classdak... wanted a pointer from the member to the enclosing object, period.
I could write a preprocessor using libclang, but that would require another build step for the client which I don't want unless it's absolutely needed.
@FredOverflow True. In that case, Property should just become non-copyable/moveable. I think
@sehe I don't think a type can be copy-constructible when its member types aren't.
@FredOverflow copy constructible, ok, but it will not be assignable
It won't have the default generated default constructor, because it needs extra logic for the Model backreferences
some compile time type errors are effectively undfeined behavior
int a; char a;
that's effectively UB
PS for implementing properties you can use nonstatic data member initializers, which have access to "this" of the enclosing object
lol I feel horrible. ideone.com/9ahBd
@JohannesSchaublitb I don't completely understand that. How do they have access to this?
@classdaknokt why would they not have?
they are executed within a constructor of the enclosing class
So I would do property::property() : model_(this) {}?
nonstatic data member initializers
Assuming model_ is a Model* non-static data member.
struct a { int x = this != nullptr; };
Oooh ehm class property { private: Model* model_ = this; }?
meh :P
> The keyword this names a pointer to the object for which a non-static member function (9.3.2) is invoked or a non-static data member’s initializer (9.2) is evaluated. The keyword this shall be used only inside a non-static class member function body (9.3) or in an assignment-initializer for a non-static data member (9.2).
A: Sizeof Pointer to Array

Johannes Schaub - litbIf you add 0 to a, then a is first converted to a pointer value of type int(*)[2] (pointing to the first element of an array of type int[3][2]). Then 0 is added to that, which adds 0 * sizeof(int[2]) bytes to the address represented by that pointer value. Since that multiplication yields 0, it wi...

lol see my comment
that shall be "assignment-expression", not "assignment-initializer"
but AFAIK, it was already fixed in a later draft
What the fuck?
There's just a newline :/
@classdaknokt What IDE is dat ?
@ScarletAmaranth Xcode 4.
Apparently hitting contol+return inserts some strange newline.
Hi everyone, I have a question about C (not C++) its my university homework:
in one file I have the following (proc.c):

struct ptable_t {
struct spinlock lock;
struct proc proc[NPROC];

struct ptable_t ptable;

And in another file the following (kthread.h):
extern struct ptable_t ptable;

And I get a compilation error : thread.c:35:3: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct ptable_t’
*line 35 is the line of that extern.

why is that happening?

**I have in kthread.c included proc.h but not proc.c
Please poste snippets at pastebin.com or ideone.com or codepad.org
Better yet, try asking at
@Martin Put the definition of struct ptable_t in a header file and make sure you include it in thread.c
@Martin Also C stinks, just take a mental note of that :P
hi guys
does anyone know of a generic tree data editor?
@Ell A knife works well to edit a tree.
:L but what about tree data?
All I need is a treeview that I can add stuff to
Hello world!
@Ell an XML editor? Or do you mean a control?
@classdaknokt well yeah an XML editor - but not so much xml, just generic tree view. I only need it to organise my thoughts :L
@Ell OmniOutliner is good, but it's for Mac OS X.
But I want a gui - not having to type xml
Ahh, I'm on linux
Those programs are called "outliners". Search for an outliner.
KK, thank you
I have never heard of an "outliner" before :L
That's why you couldn't find one.
@Ell I've heard Org-mode is good, but it's not a GUI.
Or you can write your own. :D
Yeah I was thinking of writing my own :L
The Wikipedia entry has a few suggestions for outliners.
Savage Chickens header y u JPEG.
@classdaknokt Do you ever do something else besides sitting here :) ? Whenever i check da chat, there's you talking :)
@ScarletAmaranth when I don't have vacation or when I'm sleeping.
Yesterday was international nude gardening day, and international Star Wars day.
@classdaknok_t does princess leia have a garden?
@awoodland who's that?
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Leia - from the good star wars films
And probably yes. Princesses live in mansions with giant gardens.
...star wars?
How do I know :P I never watched Star Wars.
@classdaknok_t would this be less horrible: http://ideone.com/w7lii.
then how on earth did you know it was international star wars day? xD
Note the missing returns from operator= were nice recipe for UB. Compile with -Wall!
@classdaknokt Also, what, exactly, was the benefit of having this as a class template? Really you had no relation between the types, so why not just create struct ReadonlyProp<T>, WriteonlyProp<T>, ReadWriteProp<T>, and NoAccessProp<T>?
I liked to have one name for all of them. But I'll probably create a virtual base class. I need polymorphism.
yeah I saw that was a problem. You can't pass a ReadWrite where a WriteOnly& is expected...
I also need polymorphism for mapping them to strings.
whats the warning as error flag?
That's why I needed a pointer to the enclosing object. I want to store pointers to them in an std::map<std::string, property_base*>.
@Ell -Werror
do you code with that? -Werror I mean?
No, it's annoying.
Why would there be a function without a return?
unless its void of course
@Ell because it never returns. Think of one with an infinite loop.
when is there ever a function that never returns?
You should mark those functions with [[noreturn]], i.e. [[noreturn]] void foo() { while (true) { ... } }
i mean an infinite loop that never exits?
@Ell exit(int) never returns, for example.
I suppose
@Ell think of a GUI application with a runloop, or a webserver.
But non-returning functions are very rare. They may throw an exception, though.
but when you shut it down, you would exit the loop, you would never just kill the process?
An exception isn't returning.
@Ell if you would kill the process, the infinite loop stops obviously.
But the function containing the loop doesn't return. It just disappears from memory.
yeah but I mean
isn't it better to have an exit command in the "infinite loop" (thus it returns, probably) instead of having to kill the process?
The point of an infinite loop, is that it loops till you kill the process.
You would never quit it manually. If you do that it's not an infinite loop.
must be off
bye bye
@classdaknok_t TODO: stop confusing "i.e." with "e.g.".
what does placement new on a null pointer do?
string *s = new ((void*)0) string;
@JohannesSchaublitb I'd rather stab myself repeatedly in an eye with a fork than write something like that :)
@JohannesSchaublitb Not to mention that if i saw someone elses code containing such line, I'd stab him in an eye with a fork (multiple times naturally).
@JohannesSchaublitb it may be new(int)
@JohannesSchaublitb you wouldn't be asking if it was the obvious answer
@awoodland so the answer is it's UB?
or is it a NOOP?
@JohannesSchaublitb I would have guessed UB, except for the fact that if you asked it as a question it's not going to be that easy. I think it might depend on the exception specification from what I've read so far
there's a comp.lang.c++ thread on it that I'm trying to follow
@JohannesSchaublitb aha. UB if nothrow and perhaps bad_alloc or std::terminate/unexpected if not?
if nothrow it is not UB
operator new(size_t, void*) is noexcept
the question I really want to answer now is: "how many implementations get that 100% right"
@JohannesSchaublitb did you ever consider doing a gotw style series?
lol no
nerd of the week
the acronyms list should contain a GOTW entry
@awoodland sounds like a plendid idea
@classdaknok_t something like this, I'd expect? ideone.com/XZrh9
@ScarletAmaranth I'd rather not stab me in the eye :s
@StackedCrooked Why not ? It brings pleasure under certain circumstances.
I'm not sure about that.
Perhaps somebody else's eye.
at least not until artificial eyes are not of better quality
They'd have to be better than natural.
@Stacked so if they bound a guy and told you you would not be punished would you stab his eyes?
Lol, no. I derive no pleasure from such things.
Guess I'm not a psychopath.
I once read that many psychopaths tormented animals when they were kids.
how many kids put mice into microwaves xD
It's an empty set.
I did torture a few flies and spiders when I was around 6 years old.
o_O So you guys have never put a single mouse into a microweave o_O ?
not a single one :P
several :)
Not even a computer mouse.
Btw, the circumstances i meant were stuff like Justin Bieber singing, or possibly C / java code ...
I know someone who melted a laptop in an oven
Stabbing yourself in the eye won't stop you from hearing Justin Bieber's voice :p
That's the wrong approach.
@StackedCrooked It will since i'd probably die instantly.
i dont think you would die instantly
I don't think that will kill you. Unless you'd stab into the brains.
Deep into the brains.
even when into the brain, i don't think it will necessarily be lethal
You guys just need to give it a good stab and there goes your brain ...
at the front it will first kill your love machine
Love machine?
In the brains?
@StackedCrooked Don't judge ^^
I guess someone is born with a disability :p
it's long been known that you can poke into the brain with a long and thin handle, moving carefully under the eye, and thus stopping your love machine
Rofl, today i've got the funniest complaint evar'. I had a neighbor come over to tell me to lower the volume and that he had never heard anyone disturbing him with opera playing so loud :D
You mean that treatment with the ice picks? What's it called again?
@JohannesSchaublitb It's long been known :D ? You sir, read VERY weird and disturbing stuff.
Lobotomy stops pretty much everything :)
@StackedCrooked right
@StackedCrooked i think they just moved the pick around in the brain until the patient could not answer easy logical questions anymore. then the surgery was finished
I think I remember hearing about that stuff in a movie called 'Shutter Island'
That's kind of messy.
Any idea what error to check for when the sodding templates keep throwing random errors at compile time about bool operator< being incorrect when i actually DON'T use bool operator< :D ?
follow it back to where it was instantiated from and you probably have something like std::map without a comparator given
does C99 really support VLAs by standard?
Mhm, i have a simple std::map mapping "std::string" -> "unsigned int" (String being ability name, int being it's ID.)
Yet it doesn't seem to ... work :)
And sizeof is special-cased to be runtime operator for VLAs.
@CatPlusPlus ok thanks, always thought it's only an extension
It seems to be compiling if i don't insert anything into map ... :(
@bamboon That's in C++ for GCC.
C11 supports them
It's official, I'm braindamaged ...
Template errors sometimes make me want to strangle baby seals :(
fuc, it's raining all day :(
If only it rained here :(
It's suupppaaa' hot here :*(
@JohannesSchaublitb That should not bother a C++ dev.
@ScarletAmaranth Franky!
@StackedCrooked Yup, you got that reference awwwright ;)
@CatPlusPlus Is it just me or is that totally messed up?
What, C? Noooo, why would you think thaaat.
sizeof a runtime operator? I feel like all certainties in my life are dropping.
Do you write C?
Bitch please, some people claim they write C++ while they write C with std::strings ...
Not your problem then. :P
@ScarletAmaranth std::string is better than some I've seen :)
VLA seems to me as the kind of feature request that a beginner would ask for.
@awoodland Yeah i've read recently someplace here on the chat that someone had to lecture his colleagues to use std::string instead of char* ... (In their cpp codebase.)
@StackedCrooked Wow bro, you must be seriously bored ...
is addition left-associative or right-associative?
@ScarletAmaranth Just woke up and started doing random internet browsing.
__versa_string? Dunno what it is though.
Versatile string. Perhaps a non-standard alternative or something.
@StackedCrooked sizeof is a runtime operator in C99 with VLAs.
Yeah, that's what I was referring to. I think it's kind of messed up though.
@DeadMG addition is left-associative, that is, a + b + c means (a + b) + c.
@StackedCrooked Something similar might come in a future version of C++, I read a paper about that somewhere...
@FredOverflow Wait, so if you do "sizeof(i++,a)", where a is a vla, it actually increments i in c99?
@EthanSteinberg Stop confusing me with corner cases!

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