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@Morwenn Well, I mean, maybe she just lost her chest hair to Draco?
> Suddenly Vampire ran in. “Abra Kedavra!” he yelled at Snape and Loopin pointing his womb. I took my gun and shot Snape and Loopin a gazillion times and they both started screaming and the camera broke.
A rare instance of Snape being spelled Snape and not Snap
@VermillionAzure I demand RSS so I can take the piss out of you when you deploy that shit
@Columbo sorry what.
@jaggedSpire He pointed his womb?
@jaggedSpire Ty, and 'compact' is a very accurate description. It's not bad though
Question 3.
@набиячлэвэли You want to take WHAT?
Taking the piss is a Commonwealth term meaning to take liberties at the expense of others, or to be unreasonable. It is often used to mean (or confused with) taking the piss out of, which is an expression meaning to mock, tease, ridicule, or scoff. It is also not to be confused with "taking a piss", which refers to the act of urinating. Taking the Mickey (Mickey Bliss, Cockney rhyming slang) or taking the Michael is another term for making fun of someone. These terms are most widely used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. == Usage == The term sometimes refers...
> taking the piss out of, which is an expression meaning to mock, tease, ridicule, or scoff.
@Puppy horrifying isn't it
Thank god I listened to Dan Bull properly
@набиячлэвэли Yes I know. I'm just pulling yurr legg
@VermillionAzure ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
well now if i can just make it through the weekend lol
> “U c, Enobby,” Dumblydore said, watching the two of us watching the flame. “2 c wht iz n da flmes(HAHA U REVIEWRS FLAMES GEDDIT) u mst find urslf 1st, k?”
So im reading this article '4 forgotten code constructs' and one of them listed is multiple inheritance. I want to write the author and tell him that C++ is far from forgotten and throw a slew of not so nice adjectives in general direction. He's a web developer. His code runs on applications compiled by our compilers.
@johnathon Uh can you link?
and his Rambo link doesn't work...
>>Bear in mind that this return value style with gotos is more suited for low-level code.
> recursion
Recursion is old? LOL
he also gets the danger of multiple inheritance entirely wrong. this guy shouldn't be writing articles about languages he knows little about.
@jaggedSpire Seriously, I hadn't laughed that hard for a while.
@jaggedSpire Haha
Getting a real fit of laughter over here
> return values are not common
The constant use of "steak" instead of "stake" is killing me.
@VermillionAzure again, he's a web developer
@Morwenn The English language is at steak!
@VermillionAzure LOL
@johnathon that comments section :D
@jaggedSpire ikr
Okay so eval I can agree with. But then again, I don't work with eval so I can't really speak for it.
I've hard of the dangerz
u nu rhht bb?
> but ask your teacher about practical applications and you'll often get blank stares.
Recursion? Factorial, tree traversals, graph traversals?
Recursion can be unintuitive, but it's not too intuitive
> We ran in with our wands out just as we heard a croon voice say. “Allah Kedavra!”
It was……………………………….. Voldemort!
Especially if you connect the connection with classic iteration, right?
The real problem with recursion is that it is difficult to parallelize.
> a gothic version of a song by 50 Cent.
To be fair. I know very little about web development. I don't open my mouth about it in any context (resume or otherwise) outside of the very real fact that if you need a datatable displayed on a webpage i can do that, as well as build a small 'website'. You need something highly interactive that's not me
That's actualyl true for many things in life
@VermillionAzure Recursion can be unintuitive, but if it is, you're not fit to be a programmer
@Mikhail It does?
@sehe Hey polar bear!
It's like saying "reference vs value semantics can be unintuitive" or even "squares of negative numbers being positive can be unintuitive" but both are essential underpinnings for understanding formal relations.
lol sehe
It can happen. Just like it can happen that the spelling of past tense of "to teach" can be unintuitive. Best not to become a grammar teacher or a translator if you find yourself in that boat though.
(Actually. That last comparison is weak-ass because the spelling doesn't actually have a logical, formal underpinning. But hey :))
@sehe btw my favorite analogy for lvalues vs. rvalues is a mail package
box = lvalue, contents = rvalue?
What do you think...
Not too bad. Except that what is "contents" is a semantic notion. (E.g. there's a difference in moving the contents of a vector vs. moving the contents of a pointer)
I think the problem was succinctly summarize in the PowerList paper:

The basic data structure on which recursion is employed (in LISP[McCarthy, Abra-
hams, Edwards, Hart, and Levin 1962] or ML[Milner, Tofte, and Harper 1990]) is
a list. A list is either empty or it is constructed by concatenating an element to
a list. (We restrict ourselves to finite lists throughout this paper.) We call such
a list linear (because the list length grows by 1 as a result of applying the basic
constructor). Such a list structure seems unsuitable for expressing parallel algo-
@sehe Agreed.
@Mikhail mmm interesting
But then, what about the map/reduce paradigm that's possible in the language?
Also, rvalue-ness doesn't require moving. How would that logically apply to the mail package? I don't usually receive packages which I just open, look at, perhaps modify a little and then leave the mailman to carry it back
@VermillionAzure So, std::reduce or thrust::reduce already exist. Implementing them is the issue. In CUDA you need to manually un-recusive (unroll?) the whole thing.
@sehe Well, you could think of rvalues as like an object like a pen
But yeah, the metaphor is breaking down
@Mikhail Don't you just need to enforce a statically-verified invariant that allows for safe parallelization? e.g. Isolation between iterations is the pre-req for safety, right?
i have no clue what you wrote
The mail package analogy seems "stolen" from boxing in GC languages. Boxing is much more like it, I suppose
So, like std::accumulate with a non-commutative operation like floating point math is bad, but you can parallelize it with integral types
In that the package is just there for the "standard shipping unit size" and "addressing/routing", but it's ultimately emballage
@VermillionAzure The issue isn't calling a magical function somebody already wrote. The issue is writing your own. Also std::accumulate with floating point math isn't bad. That is one way to sum numbers...
Hi @sehe.
Hi there. Ben morgen in BoZ
@Mikhail Actually, I thought floating point arithmetic is lossy?
This is a wholly different problem from recursion being difficult tot implement in parallel.
@sehe Leuk :) Wat doen?
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
Muziek maken?
@Mikhail But it's the reason why arbitrary parallelization of floating point is not possible?
Toevallig niet. Ziekenbezoek/familie hulp
(I'm asking btw I don't know this stuffvery well)
@Mikhail Well, for post-order traversal of a tree, for example, wouldn't it be valid to paralleize separate branches
@VermillionAzure Nobody said that. I mean all the GPUs run on floating point and they are parallel since 1992.
@Mikhail i was about to say the same thing
@Mikhail I mean, if you're going to do a*b, c*d, e*f anyways, then there's no problem but...
@VermillionAzure yes but nobody cares about that effect
@VermillionAzure That is more because commutativity is not retained. So you cannot easily do all expression transformations and still yield exactly the same result. Doesn't mean that a given expression cannot be made parallel
@Mikhail Well, I wouldn't say that...
The problem here is embodied in an article on adding numbers: http.developer.nvidia.com/GPUGems3/gpugems3_ch39.html . MARVEL AT ALL THE FUCKING CODE NEEDED TO ADD NUMBERS. Notice that at the end they still use a serial code to add the last 512ish elements. Now imagine more complicated recursion.
Okay, I see the word, "parallel" and "floating-point". What am I missing out on?
It's cinchtastic.
@Mysticial I'm trying to figure out how parallelization of floating point ops works with operating reordering, since I thought you can't do that and get the same exact thing
e.g. (a+b)*(c+d) != (ac + ad + bc + bd)
You get the same exact "thing". On an abstract level
In practice you may not get the same number, but that's implementation defined
@VermillionAzure Exact. GPU. Choose one.
Point is, mathematically they're both identical, so there is no "correct" one. People MIGHT prefer one or the other, in order to control numeric error, e.g. but in that case simply don't transform the expression tree
@rightfold kan je niet meer DM-en op discord? (waarschijnlijk due to name change)
@sehe Yeah, the error is what I'm talking about...
I guess it doesn't matter, as long as the calculation is consistent and the user is happy with the imprecision lol.
Your European mindset doesn't really work here <~ so is this for the non Europeans or the Europeans?
It's for Robot, from our dear friend Abyx.
@sehe I stopped using Discord.
Pretty sure only Abyx understands what he meant by it
@rightfold ah. that explains.
I was using way too many chat apps (Discord, IRCCloud, Hangouts, Facebook, Slack, Mattermost, WhatsApp).
Eliminating them one-by-one as I can.
@johnathon It's for the trolls that can't handle Europeans
> if ur a homophone den fuk of!
@sehe so people come in here and troll Europeans? Or is it a specific country?
1 person specifically tries to
can't the owners like, ban him?
you can only kick IIRC
I believe we had one Merkin try to once, but he came to and became a friendly lounger then
which is irritating when the user is irritating
Oh wow, it's copy in lounge
@jaggedSpire I have yet to see anyone converting to Stalinism in the story. I wouldn't even be surprised considering the amount of red they all wear.
@sehe I'm so tempted to respond with a troll here...
@Morwenn nah it's all stanists and losr prep poserz
@jaggedSpire Listening to MCR and shit.
@sehe Twitter DM works though that's a bit crappy, also Freenode, WhatsApp, etc
Ik'em heemaol oewen whazzap nie, eej!
this language is so fucked I love it
Eh, I should be sleeping. Bye :)
@Morwenn Good night
Thanks ^_^
@набиячлэвэли this is dialect
@набиячлэвэли if you could get any meaning from that, my hat's off to you
@sehe I can't, so hold on to your horses hats
> I totes don 'av yer whazzap, foh realz dude!
Or something like it
oh good it's just a poor pun
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
We need to be able to inherit unions. That way I could compose variant like POD strucutres.
I want member functions on enum classes
@sehe why?
it doesn't make sense
It's annoying we can't have it. E.g. the proper place to define implicit conversions/flag checks/operations
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Oh. In that case, I stand corrected. My bad.
just don’t do it again silly bear
Anyone has some experience with Unity3d?
thats C#
As if the lounge was about C++
Man. We really need to get our act together.
Also need to write a programming language called FantaC, that doesn't suck so much
That's not the best start, then
Even SantaFe would have more cachet
It could sparkle though
That edit
I wonder how it allowed it..
You do? Why would it /disallow/ it
I edited nothing... removed a space may be
So. Safe to conclude that: you're allowed to do that!
Sounds right
Here's a serious question though... I'm trying to make a game as a "side project". I was wondering if there were people interested in that kind of game... In few words it's a strategy game but not realtime. Progress of the game advance each hours (but technically I can make changes every ms to make it realtime) . It's strategy game in which I expect around 50 players to join a game that could last a couple of months in theory
too much commitment
Think of it of a game that looks like "Risk" online
@Mikhail Why? "Football Coach" is a hit on mobile platforms
But unlike many games available it's not a game in which you get attacked and never die...
Basically, ask yourself if the single player version is fun. If its fun, focus on that before you do multiplayer.
This rule doesn't always apply especially for a game that requires other player unless I can make a good enough AI which is not impossible
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix So you don't get attacked, or you do die
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Wow, I like Risk.
@sehe you get attacked and you die. Think of it like the one last standing win (including alliances)
@littlepootis yeah but it's not turn based.
I'm just a bit scared to put too much energy in a game that I'm the only one that like this genre of game. Gamedev is a field that sounds like it's going to implode soon. There's way too much games for the demand I guess.
Just read horror stories from former devs. You work a lot and get paid less than somebody who is using the same technology to build anything other than games.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix What platform?
I'm looking for Computer platform. Doing it on mobile would be a pain, but technically possible
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Add microtransactions to make it go faster
and you have every single mobile RTS
you'll get hella rich
eheh I'm not really fond microtransaction. I'd rather make championship
paid championship you win we split the pot
microtransaction can give the edge to player that have money in which case it's pretty much like cheating so I'm not really for it
It's like if you could pay with real money on a counterstrike server to have not 1 shield but 10 shield so you can get shot 10 times more.
With extra money you become godlike and simply win every games for a week...
^ as in real life
God help us. https://t.co/HGHBWfTfoA
Remember Robert Rubin?
  He served as the 70th United States Secretary of the Treasury during the Clinton administration. Before his government service, he spent 26 years at Goldman Sachs, eventually serving as a member of the board and co-chairman from 1990 to 1992; Rubin oversaw the loosening of financial industry underwriting guidelines which had been intact since the 1930s.
@Mikhail good job Rob!
They Live is a documentary!!
1 hour later…
> This memorandum instructs the department of labor to review the Obama administration’s “Fiduciary Rule,” which required financial advisers to serve the best interests of their clients.
Fuck. Now I have this song stuck in my head: soundcloud.com/jumpingomochi/beefporktori
Fuck you soundcloud randomizer.
@Mysticial Quite an earworm! I have a Kalafina song in my head right now. How are you listening to random songs?
@Aaron3468 Not really randomizing, but letting it run down the "related" list for a particular song.
@Mysticial remind me how I used to sleep listening to last.fm with "trip-hop" as genre... Then being awoken by some weird "songs" like someone shovelling dirt and thunder.
2 hours later…
@Mysticial Not clicking, not clicking!
sometimes you can tell people's pedophile tendency from their music choice
Fuck, why is OpenGL so fucked.
For example, there is no hardware reason to require binding and unbinding textures, yet we still do it.
Also anytime a texture is bound there is a 0.5us overhead to any CUDA kernel call (per each bound texture), just because fuck you. Now, if you use the new bindless textures the problem goes away. But, if you don't, why the fuck is there the overhead on a modern GPUs?
StackOverflow profits from our volunteer work and in return ignores us, and seeks to dictate what we are allowed to politically support. Revolt. Delete your account. Never return.
@DeletingAccountNeverReturning Come on now. You know better than to come to the lounge to whine about meta.SO issues...
Maybe he somehow never heard
> implying it's volunteer work
@Mysticial Whats the drama on meta? SO didn't take a hard enough stance on Trump's immigration ban?
Personally, I only use my moderation abilities when the hilarity coincides with what the site agrees to be productive
Or when capslock makes me insta-rage, I suppose
where is nooblet's post that got downvote-nuked anyhow?
Ah yes, I still have it favorited.
Q: Request for community attention on a moderator's behavior

NoobleIt has come to a handful of people's attention that at least some of the newly elected moderators might not be exactly up to challenge. Here's a message that very clearly demonstrates this incompetence, that was a result of a particular argument that appeared in one of the SO chatrooms: Madar...

Lounge and meta do not have an...amicable relationship.
@Mikhail The close/reopen war on Joel's original meta post is hilarious.
Careful, Anil Dash might hear
also anybody that speaks Russian might be a laugh out of their new product name
I should go to bed
its like 5:00am and everybody from the USA is still here...
@Morwenn Hey bby <3
@jaggedSpire Oh hai :3
It's only 4:30 AM for me :D
It's a totally responsible time to be awake
Perfct time 2 listn 2 MCR.
How come you're still awake? :p
I found a fanfic
and it was unexpectedly good
My sister wrote fanfics too when she was younger.
and I don't know why, it was literally about a character choosing to play soccer instead of go, and it was 122k words
but I couldn't stop reading and now it's 4:30AM but at least I've finished it
I know!
Eh, that's the problem with fanfics: it's short enough to read it in one go, but still long enough to go to sleep too late :p
^starred because of the ~drama~ inherit in attempting to foment rebellion in chat
Wow, not much happened while I was sleeping it seems :o
obviously you need to step up your sleep game :V
Uh, still 29 issues in my library, none of which can be fixed without either thinking, writing documentation or writing tests.
That's the trick: you don't wirt tests.
such wisdom
I've spent pretty much the last week wirting tests at wirk
I'm sorry for you :(
> Make Typedef Great Again
because I was a badlet and wrote the code and left the tests for after, but at least now I have more than a hundred new tests, and a few small bugs quashed before I even noticed them during normal program execution
typedef typename MetaFunc<blahblah...>::type T f() // yay!
    // Use `T` from now on...
@jaggedSpire Haha, you RIP what you saw.
@Morwenn ...that is amazing.
@jaggedSpire It's not the word I would have used, but...
I have a fine appreciation for the insane things in life, when I'm not being immediately harassed by them.
see also: Appendix C: Microsoft APIs
@Morwenn wow, I can die now ...
@StackedCrooked Read the full topic first :p
I can't die yet? :(
Well I think I'll turn in before my energy runs completely dry.
@StackedCrooked How will maintain Coliru I you die now? D:
@jaggedSpire Sleep tight :D
Oh right, damn.
not sure if word salad or just too late
@Mikhail It's three well puns in a row
I think I did well
even if I had to dig for one of them
I won't post that picture again.
/cc @Borgleader ^
1 hour later…
we should have a software recycle bin to collect all the shipwreck software's source code, then create AI to seek out re-useable parts
are we dead
@VermillionAzure have some popcorn
or maybe despair, not sure
@nwp Meh
So I wanted to discuss this cool idea I had
(was wrong link, sorry)
What if you could have a really expressive compile-time mechanism in the form of pure functions over types and compile-time values?
aka templates and constexpr functions?
once they fix the silly "new/delete and exceptions don't belong in a constexpr function"-silliness we should get that
@nwp But packaged in a much more expressive form, and also paving the way for writing programs to be run at compile-time to generate code from external data. Homoiconicity at compile-time, but compiled using the usual compilation process with static type checking
how does "writing programs to be run at compile-time to generate code from external data" differ from a regular code generator?
@nwp So, like, imagine running a program to generate programs from an SQL database using queries at compile time
But doing it as a native part built into the programming language.
@VermillionAzure So instead of #include "header.h" you would #include "sql:query='SELECT header FROM codebase'"?
@nwp It's more like, you could call a compile-time function that would return a list of types, data, etc...
So something like, include-module[select-from-database["mysql.file"]]
Bjarne said academics suggested to "just include a C++ interpreter with the compiler" which fixes all these problems and gives you all that power. It appeared as if Bjarne thought that would be an obviously silly/impossible thing to do, but he didn't say why.
I think they have a JiT compiler for C++ in llvm, one could make a keyword that invokes it to get what you want fairly easily.
not really that simple
LLVM can JIT C++, but there's a whole bunch of implementation details that would need to be taken care of before it would actually be useful- it's not remotely simple to interact with the program in that way
and there's also a big difference between "LLVM can JIT C++" and "Every implementation must JIT C++"
A: Why no push/pop in front of vector?

lorroActually, this is a realistic requirement. To my knowledge, nothing in the standard mandates that the vector cannot have a buffer before the elements (v.prefix_capacity()), just as after (v.capacity() - v.size()). This could guarantee the same runtime for v.push_front() and v.push_back(), while n...

/cc @orlp
@milleniumbug That sounds super useless - why have the front-buffer if you can only access it through push_front / pop_front? All other methods apparently delegate to the actual vector, starting after the front-buffer.
Might as well just make it two vectors pre and actual, with push_front -> pre.push_back, pop_front -> pre.pop_back...
@nwp because the philosophy of C++ is you pay only for what you use. Forcing programs to ship with a compiler would massively bloat them
I need a new project.
@Mgetz he talks about shipping a compiler with a JIT, not a program with one
just for doing more fancy things at compile time
@rightfold make an ant farm
What is that?
@Morwenn xD
Sorry for that ^^'
@Morwenn Sorry for what? Being funny?
Bad puns.
Oh, by the way, you probably won't be seing me here before Tuesday.
Hi my name is @Morwenn and I don't know if I'm punning badly
@Morwenn rip
@Borgleader :D
1 hour later…
12 messages moved to bin
kindly take this to the appropriate room
currently the model is that each file is parsed and some data is collected from DB and then written to output file
@Puppy You couldn't have moved it into C++ questions and answers, could you?
puppy sorry
but there is no one in that room :/
in C++ Questions and Answers, Aug 30 '16 at 7:36, by milleniumbug
You don't ask a question because room is empty? Well, it's empty because you haven't asked the question!
also maybe it's because people don't really want to answer questions so they are not in the room where you are allowed to ask questions
Oh my
@thecoshman When are you going to announce results?
TempleOS f^cked up system which will die along with its insane creator :/
that looks like the result of an intoxicated brain storm about 'what can we do to make money and get people to pay to watch us'
I have never experienced the satisfaction of a well-pressed shirt
my mother ironed my shirts good when I was younger, and then I ironed them myself, and no satisfaction resulted
@Puppy here in the states it's very common to simply run the shirts in the dryer to de-wrinkle them. Gone are the days of anyone taking the time to iron properly. It's almost vulgar to even suggest it.
that's because as far as I can tell, it's fuckin' stupid to iron things properly
@Puppy if you was to go see the Queen, would you have your shirt ironed sir?
@Puppy the purpose of ironing anything is to lightly starch it. It doesn't wrinkle as quickly as things do if you simply put them in the dryer.
yes, but that's completely immaterial, since wrinkles are meaningless
@Puppy such things are not immaterial when your single, or have important business. Looking your best show's that you've given proper effort to present your self with as much dignity as you can. Getting the clothes correct is the easy part of that dance.
it shows that you're either a shallow idiot who can't get the business right and needs to compensate, or you think the other guy is a shallow idiot who can't get the business right and will be bamboozled into doing what you want because you wore a shiny shirt
@Puppy in business it indicates that your not incompetent, and should not be taken lightly. Your attention to detail expresses precise intent and can in some cases more than subtly influence the result of business proceedings.
the only thing it expresses is that you're a tremendous idiot
in fact, it expresses a complete lack of precise intent, since you wasted your time being superficial instead of refining the actual business at hand
@Puppy you think it's something merely superficial but I believe your just annoyed because you know that one simple step has cost your self money. How other people value you is important if your asking them to pay you for your services, and it's very difficult to break the image of a first impression.
if someone is considering the question of my services, they'd have to be pretty stupid to actually be thinking about my clothing instead of my services
@Puppy Not so. If your asking for 50 pounds an hour per say, and you look as if you've only ever been paid 10 pounds per hour, I'm going to have an issue paying you 50 pounds per hour to do anything.
whether or not I've been paid 50 pounds an hour in the past is a question easily resolved by checking my work history and has nothing to do with my clothing choices
Neighbours are smoking pot again.
and whether or not I'm worth paying 50 pounds an hour is a strict function of the value of the services I can perform, which is indicated but not dictated by past performance and is certainly completely unrelated to my clothing choices
but it has everything to do with your salary negotiations. Your work history doesn't reflect your salary (or shouldn't. Dont tell me you put your salary on your resume)...
if you care enough about my salary, you'll ask me or my employers or both about it
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