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Sure I am :p
@Morwenn Westernmost and communist in one sentence :D
Looks at that fine communist city hall:
Probably built by the Americans after WW2.
looks like NK
I am also thinking NK
North Korea
So, is it valid to link in an object file twice?
Q: Missing template class member symbols even though explicit instantiation?

jwwI'm having a heck of a time getting the linker to pick up template class member function symbols. The problem appears to be complicated by a static library and object ordering during link. I'm also working with C++03. I have a class called IntegerRing, which is an implementation of an AbstractRing<

This guy is doing something weird and I can't understand what it is
Oh, you mean DPRK x)
@Morwenn sure ;)
I can't stop help
@Morwenn Neat and rectangular, just as a German like myself fancies
You'd like Brest then. The city centre is neat and rectangular too because it was less expensive to rebuild the town like that after WW2.
@Morwenn What about people? My sister told me french people are quite... crazy (she was there quite a bit while she had that boyfriend who studied in Paris.)
okay I've escaped
@Columbo It depends on where you live in France. People from Paris are not known to be nice x)
(He was also french and pretty crazy, but beyond cultural oddities.)
@Morwenn Of course your friendliness levels the country's hate :P
Aw :3
I love Paris, actually. Been there in December (again, for the xth time).
If my city were constantly assailed by tourists who were there because of the romantic associations I'd get pretty mean too tbh
I can't say it's a town I like. Too many cars, not enough space dedicated to pedestrians. There are some nice things in Paris (well, the town being huge, it would be sad it there wasn't a single nice thing), but I generally find it too crowded.
@jaggedSpire Come to Cambridge... I'm glad I'm not in King's.... the hordes of Asian tourists are insanely big
And some people fucking pee in the metro stations. That's terrible.
@Morwenn I saw one guy take coke in the metro on my way to CdG
That was fucking.... weird, cuz I was thirteen or sth.
there's only the occasional murder on the metro here
@Columbo I remember that guys who was drinking in the metro, and just opened the window between two stations to throw his empty bottle as if it was normal.
@Morwenn What about the art? Grand opéra, Louvre, Musée d'Orsay, ... etc. etc.?
@Columbo Too many things to see (which isn't a bad thing btw), and the line to get there tends tends to be huuuuuge.
@Morwenn Though to be fair, we also have this homeless woman right next to Sainsburys who looks like she's doing some serious Crystal Meth
@Morwenn I'm not kidding. She's got these characteristic red spots all over the face, and she acts super paranoid all the time, not unlike most homeless people here.. those guys are fucking freaky, lemme tell ya
@Morwenn Not that big. I got into Notre-Dame pretty quickly the other day
Isn't crystal meth the one that convinces you there are insects crawling under your skin
Same for that really famous church somewhere, whose name I forgot (my mom lead me there)
and eventually makes your teeth as soft as pears
frankly that's the one that freaks me the hell out
Oh, and Paris is overpriced. The rent is 2~5 times less expensive in Brest.
@Morwenn but it's Paris
@Morwenn If you find a lover, you may just about split the rent to get the same price for yourself :3
@Columbo If you want culture, you'll get culture in Paris. The town itself is almost a museum, so that's pretty cool :p
@Morwenn to me culture isn't found in cities as much as it's found out in the country, folk music and such
@johnathon I wouldn't like to pay 2~5 times more to live in a town where I don't want to live ._____.
Welp guys
Cinch is going to start writing C++ tutorials again.
I'll being my steak knife and fork
@johnathon I'm pretty sure you can find plenty of folk bands from all over the country in Paris too :)
@Morwenn your probably right. I like most forms and pieces of art anyways so it really doesn't matter beyond my own assessments of their artistic roots and of course artistic beauty.
I'd like to say that I like most kinds of art, but actually there are still soooooo many things I don't like...
@jaggedSpire I love these videos but the narrator is really awful.
@VermillionAzure I mean the purpose of writing tutorials is so Lounge can eat you alive, right?
@jaggedSpire yasssssss
@rightfold hehe
@jaggedSpire ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@jaggedSpire where's the tutorials link?
I think he might have deleted all his old ones
Cinch probably has a link
it's his stuff, after all
@jaggedSpire nothing can be truly deleted off the internet
unless you live in Sweden right?
The complete and utter lack of my old Eragon fanfiction says otherwise, and for that I am truly grateful.
praise be to underfunded server migrations
@jaggedSpire loooooool
Also the Angel Sanctuary OST keeps disappearing and is really hard to find :(
@jaggedSpire tbh I'd probably just read that out of spite :P
@jaggedSpire Did you do stuff like Eragon x Murtagh looooool
You might even be able to stomach getting past the first page of those colossal mistakes.
@VermillionAzure no
@jaggedSpire Well, it can't be worse than My Immortal
@jaggedSpire Baby I swallow words like unladen swallows swallow worms, good or bad matters naught
@VermillionAzure I don't think it was worse
but the last time I saw it was maybe 11 years ago so
> AN: Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) raven, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! Justin ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! MCR ROX!
I was always more interested in dragons, swordfights and magic than guys
The very first line of My Immortal loool
I've still got some old darky poems of mine scattered all over the internet.
@VermillionAzure did you know there are several drinking games for that?
But still, that's probably not Eragon-fanfic-level.
@jaggedSpire Nope
@VermillionAzure These are not words
@набиячлэвэли deal wit it bb
@VermillionAzure this is HERESY
did u write that tho
is that part of your tutuorial
and here we have the rehost of the abomination My Immortal
maybe do it with something good for you, like push-ups
so you don't die of alcohol poisoning
or water poisoning
@набиячлэвэли That's from the infamous Harry Potter fan fic, My Immortal
@VermillionAzure I know
do you take me for a three-year-old, not being able to connect three rough dots
@набиячлэвэли Then why'd you ask? lol
@VermillionAzure M E M E S
@jaggedSpire Cool, I didn't know about that, and didn't know what to do.
> I felt a little depressed then, so I slit one of my wrists. I read a depressing book while I waited for it to stop bleeding and I listened to some GC.
I just can't stop laughing. Like, seriously.
It's like a fever dream
except less coherent and with worse spelling, grammar, characterization, and consistency.
That's pure awesomeness. I didn't know I needed that in my life.
> listened to some GC
It's not even twelve here and I am dying of exhaustion
Gotta... do work.... must not.... faint.....
I have never experienced this before, but I really really want to do some work right now
@Puppy Help me do computation theory
@Columbo Consume sugar, preferably as a fluid
@milleniumbug Drummers often listen exclusively to the Grosse Caisse.
@набиячлэвэли Sainsbury's is closed
what's the problem?
With computation theory?
Actually, there is none. I'm getting it done.
Rather, help me with Compiler construction.
I don't understand defunctionalization.
read more Derrida
I'd kinda laugh if the chick in that meme was a grad student these days
@Columbo Me neither, I don't see why anybody would want to do that

It was…………………………………………………….Dumbledore!
@Puppy Why? What's so bad about it?
I mean, it could be pointless
gets me every time
@jaggedSpire It's fucking genius.
well, it seems like you take a thing and then you turn it into a totally equivalent thing for no apparent reason except that there's way more steps involved in making it do something useful
@Puppy That is true, but it may yield a representation of a program more suitable for optimization
doubt it
Although I kinda doubt that.
the conversion must involve a bunch of capturing stateful functions
whereas the original is much simpler and doesn't involve remembering a bunch of extra state
and you have more information at call site
You are so good at explaining why stuff is shit, hats off
@jaggedSpire com
@VermillionAzure /cc @johnathon
> I ran out of the room and into the Forbidden Forest where I had lost my virility to Draco [...].
Virility, really?

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