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@R.MartinhoFernandes Found a nice middle ground between a report and a slideshow
@littlepootis Easily. Although if you include less tangible/reported-on counts (like ISIS annexations) then it's probably not close anymore
I've been reading an article about nuclear safety in France. No good news x)
which is fine if there are no bad news either
Well, 38 emergency stops and 18 fires in 2015.
That, plus they're constantly making errors in the new-super-reactor, partially because they haven't built reactors since the 90's.
Also they want the existing reactors to last 60 years while they were intended to last 40 years (we're reaching those 40 years), so they have to make huge and costly improvements on 40 year old reactors.
And they're not sure how the concrete will last 20 more years.
That, plus operators have big troubles everywhere x)
@Morwenn wat
And apparently the reactor operators might have hidden damages for years.
It looks like it's more or less a miracle that we didn't have our very own Fukushima yet x)
@Morwenn Probably not miraculous at all and mostly related to the presence or absence of large earthquakes and tsunamis
lel. Well. Fucking. Played.
Though I disagree with the "you should just move out" sentiment
@Morwenn oh wow
that seems terrible
@sehe What, "You should just move out of life"?
I'd let them decide about htat
@Morwenn as in "might have been hiding" or "hidden damages" :)
@Ell Indeed, and EDF has huge debts because of the current prices of electricy in Europe.
I thought france was on the forefront of nuclear technology
they are building a fusion reactor with positive output I thought
@sehe More like might have been hiding, but I'm rather bad when there are more than three words in a sentence.
:) I'm just above-average in picking up on ambiguities. Your sentence was fine
@Ell In theory- it's still more than a decade away from a trial run afaik
@Ell ITER is an international project, has already far exceeded its cost, and still isn't functional besides being an experimental reactor.
and fission reactors and fusion reactors are really completely different things with completely different sets of challenges
Also ITER is in a sismic area IIRC, which sounds like an incredibly dumb idea.
Well, on France's most active fault apparently.
@Morwenn and that’s only because some german politician was against having it in Greifswald
@Darklighter But Canada also proposed to take the reactor if I'm not mistaken.
but there are other nuclear test reactors at that place already
> "The same people who believed Obama was a Muslim believe that Trump is a Christian."
Is there a tweet of this yet. Spot on
Because what's a better place to build experimental nuclear reactors than a fault?
@Morwenn That.. is not really saying much at all
@Puppy Another fault not far away has already caused significant damages in the past.
that.. is also not really saying much at all.
simply because it did doesn't mean that it was predictable by the people siting it, that there were other suitable areas with less activity, or that it will again in the future
@sehe The bigger problem is people who believe that Trump being a Christian is a good thing
The Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire has already advised to stop several of the reactors there because the sismic risks were too high :/
@Puppy They just think that makes it right
@Morwenn Was that before or after the project was irrecoverably committed to be at that location?
@Puppy 5 years before.
ok, that sounds probably bad
Apparently they're taking the sismic risks into account, which is a good thing.
But still, there may have been a better location than a known sismic area .____.
@Morwenn yeah, 4 proposals initially, the german proposal never really went through although it would have been best with regards to seismic activity
there are more complexities, like proximity to shipping
yes, but the wohle thing about producing the parts all over the world and shipping it to the site is also ridiculous and one of the reasons it is delayed so much
really? cause building the parts with existing factories and shipping it using existing infrastructure sounds a lot quicker and cheaper than building everything on-site
just because the project was delayed because of shipping doesn't mean that it wouldn't be worse off doing everything in France
particularly from a political perspective
CERN is often used as comparison, which has a centralized money pool which all participating states are funding and CERN just uses the money to buy their parts
might be a lot easier for the US to fund $10B and make half the stuff than to fund $5B
whereas with ITER the nations had to manage who produces which parts and whatnot
@sehe The font looks better than Times New Roman. +1 point.
That too
@sehe You perky bear :p
This camera man and narrator are really awful.
yeah fuckin' hard to see what's going on
http://imgur.com/gallery/mEiMt I'm loving the comments to this. 1/3
I guess this proves I can't plan ahead. That's a perfect 4/3
@Puppy As it says "Gordon Ramsay" in the title, I guess you have the main dish right: "fuckin'"
@rightfold They're giving back the kitchen to muscular men
Alright, so my friend/former colleague from Iran checks in as present in the US. That's good.
What an excellent open source developer I am. I have just committed a one line change that enables some extra feature for specific appender. It only took me almost 3 years to do it since the initial suggestion by user.
Specifically, since 2014-03-12.
Is there a language that puts whitespace between every pair of syllables?
@rightfold No. So much white space would be rasist1
Looks like my headache is mostly gone ^_^
@Morwenn So you finally removed your head from bench vise?
@rightfold there are languages where a great many words are monosyllables
@wilx Wow, I learnt a new word :o
@Morwenn TBH, I had to look it up. :)
Well, maybe it'll hurt again tomorrow.
What's the French for bench vise?
l'bénché vísé? :D
@rightfold Though writing isn't really the same as language; for some languages which are commonly written without whitespace and that have mostly monosyllabic words (like those with ideographic scripts), it is trivial to devise a transliteration scheme that puts each syllable on its own.
From personal experience, grouping symbols in Chinese was hard.
Want to use your tech skills to help save the environment? @WunderCapital is looking for an exp #scala dev. Pls RT. http://assets.wundercapital.com/openings/senior_back_end_engineer.pdf
Saving the environment by running a JVM, gg @Ven
> The suspect was "unfortunately known to several activists in Quebec City for his pro-Le Pen and anti-feminist positions at Laval University and on social networks
Well, whaddya know.
@EtiennedeMartel I see.
/me does a double-take
@Mysticial IRTA as "checks in as president in the US". Might as well.
@wilx You go girl!
@sehe I find your misgendering me offensive! Flagged!
@sehe Remember Dick Cheney?
@wilx That's the sole reason to :)
@wilx * Fagged
@Mikhail no. Is that w.r.t. George W. then?
@Morwenn :)
@Mikhail Okl So I sorta-remembered. I don't think it's fully comparable though
this is the stupidest shit ever
I can't believe that even Trump is this fuckin' dumb
It all makes sense if you think he is a KGB agent trolling
I have cravings for something salty. Fried potato chips would be nice.
Try the the tears of a sunburned child
Raw vinegar with salt.
@Mikhail Oh god, don't remind me of my own sunburn from last summer. God that was awful.
probably tasted like shit too
see, if you had collected the tears back then, at least you would have some benefit from this :P
My children were both well covered in sun screen cream or whatever is it called. But I wasn't.
@sehe Trump is the quintessential useful idiot.
@milleniumbug Except that tears are filled with your own eye waste D:
Nostradumbass. MT @realDonaldTrump Be prepared, there's a small chance our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us to World War III.
Now that's double irony. 2013
@EtiennedeMartel What's he useful for? The only thing I can think of is locating all the crazies so we can kill them all in one go
@Puppy He's useful for nazis in the US, and for the Russians.
@EtiennedeMartel And the people who voted for him who are neither that nor this.
@wilx Most of those people are getting shafted.
I mean, I'm sure many of those did not really want an actual nazi to pull the strings, you know.
They voted for Trump, and they got Steve fucking Bannon. What a great deal.
@EtiennedeMartel How? He is so far actually doing what he said he would do. That is what the people voted him in for, IMHO.
@wilx I guess that many voted against Hillary, and not for Trump per se.
@EtiennedeMartel I don't know. He has yet to do anything that would upset the alt-right yet. For that matter, he hasn't done one thing which he promised to do: lock her up
@Morwenn That is indubitably true.
I read this morning about how several Trump voters voted for him but hoped he wouldn't do what he said he would do, that he was just doing it to attract attention.
(that's actually the leading sentiment in business and tech sectors)
@Puppy Puppy is back to his old self, I guess
We can probably start making bets on the 2018 midterm elections on how many democratic candidates will run under the promise to impeach Trump.
Trump is at a what, 36% approval rate according to Gallup?
@wilx That's the theater.
Ah, no, 43%.
Shit that's high.
@sehe I have drugs and they still work ;p
I just can't bark at my colleagues
and I want to
what you wanna bark at them about?
> That is to say, the administration is testing the extent to which the DHS (and other executive agencies) can act and ignore orders from the other branches of government. This is as serious as it can possibly get: all of the arguments about whether order X or Y is unconstitutional mean nothing if elements of the government are executing them and the courts are being ignored.
I have a particular colleague
who wants to follow industry standard practices
regardless of whether or not they're actually standard, fit for usage, or would benefit us in any way
That's tough.
> FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States
Was just reading that
This is also pretty good regarding Internet and elections:
Same old tired arguments, just FUD.
The fact that a recount ever changes results should be argument enough.
@GManNickG Old but true, especially together with other arguments against Internet based voting.
> Why is this interesting? Because the much-maligned Steele Dossier (the one with the golden showers in it) included the statement that Putin had offered Trump 19% of Rosneft if he became president and removed sanctions
@EtiennedeMartel Once you start ignoring court orders, that's when shit goes south
@Puppy The only thing that can block Trump is the judicial branch. If they found a way to go around it...
> ‘As long as I am in charge there will never be a Lamborghini sports car that drives by itself,
Drove my bike home <3
@EtiennedeMartel It would really boil down to open civil war, I think.
you got the courts on one side, Trump on the other, and whoever gets the army/police/both to agree with them wins
@GManNickG The machines at my precinct printed out paper ballots behind a locked glass box. But Illinois is really one of the the last places that needs something like that.
@EtiennedeMartel Congress is the branch with the real power to stop the president (via impeachment). Despite overreactions, none of what he's done so far falls within the range of being clearly illegal. Should that happen, it wouldn't surprise me much if the house of representatives voted to impeach, and the senate to uphold it. In this case, I don't think his having run as a Republican protects him much; most Republicans in congress don't view him as one of their own.
@JerryCoffin I really hope, then, that there are enough Republicans with a spine.
@JerryCoffin I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the house+senate GOPs would much rather have Mike Pence as the president.
yeah, I doubt that Republicans will go dictatorship/civil war over Trump
@JerryCoffin Which is actually kind of ironic though since Bill Clinton got impeached for fucking only one person. Whereas as Trump seems to have fucked the entire country all at the same time. :P
Was Bill Clinton impeached for the affair specifically? Or some other technicality?
I think that he lied about it to Congress and that's what he was really impeached for
Congress can also directly block Trump's order by just passing legislation.
@Mysticial It was for perjury.
He lied under oath about the affair.
Hi why did my submodule is not committed? (every other team member had to add the module too)
@Lalaland It's almost as if someone in congress is ready to bait Trump into lying under oath.
@Mysticial He was impeached for lying under oath (and obstruction of justice). And there's no real question that he did exactly at least the perjury. If the Democrats of the time had a single strategist worthy of the title, the Democratic senators would have waited until the Republicans all voted (and couldn't change their votes) then voted en masse to remove him from office.
politics here too? Meh
who matters Trump. XD I live in another country and my only concern is committing a submodule :D
@DarioOO chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/116940/c-questions-and-answers is the question and answer room.
This is the offtopic room.
oh soryr :P
I move to another one
@DarioOO there's no escape :(
whatever happens. The wall will give work to illegal immigrants ;P
Alright. So who was the idiot who wrote UB C++ code that led to this Trump mess? We should build a wall around them.
Get your vote on bitches! Where are we going to host Uncon IV
all the pins and stars plz
And a wall around the wall
@Mysticial No C++ here. This has to be either Java or VB.
you saw no typo
Make it a maze. put monsters inside, you should give a small chance to someone to pass from Mexico into USA alive. If you pass through the maze, you get USA citizenship
@thecoshman isn't there a matching algorithm we can use? :P
Where everybody orders the suggestions
¬_¬ this is exactly that
And it works out an order
A democratic Death matchmaking
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