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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@R.MartinhoFernandes do you have any scope recommendations? I was thinking for home use, or do you think that's not worth it (given we live in a city with light pollution)
@sehe I'll bet at least one African child has done each of those things. Of course, they probably live in wealthier parts of Africa and have never been close to starving, but somewhere in Africa I'll bet it's happened.
He said nothing about starving, so I'll allow it
@sehe Come to Disk. Little light pollution in the forest.
And they recently deforested a part so there's a nice open area.
"Disk" - close to "Wow" :)
@sehe Have you used binoculars? If not, they're a really good starting point. If you have, the obvious next step would be a fairly small scope. Light pollution doesn't matter nearly as much if you're looking at planets and such.
@rightfold Must be that new place, planken wambuis
@JerryCoffin What about heavy pollution?
No it's like a diameter of 30 meters.
It's empty and they won't build anything there.
@JerryCoffin I was hoping to buy something that covers some brighter messier objects
I'm afraid tomorrow the road will be very slippery.
It was wet tonight and it'll be freezing
@sehe Binoculars or a small scope can do a fair number of Messier objects. Messier used a scope of about 3 inches and was based in Paris ("The City of Light"--probably the worst light pollution on earth at the time--though nothing at the time had light pollution like any city does today). Silly aside of the day: Messier's list was of things to avoid. He was looking for comets, and made his list of things that might be mistaken for comets, but really weren't.
Oh no it's actually 3° right now. It won't freeze.
@JerryCoffin How big do you need to see whirlpool galaxy in any resolvable detail?
@набиячлэвэли I've used my 70mm scope in Mission Valley San Diego, a mile or two from the downtown of a ~3 million person metropolitan area.
@Mysticial Hmm...good question. I have seen some detail in M51 with one of my scopes, but offhand I don't remember whether it was via the 70mm or the 120mm. That does benefit more from darker skies though, as I recall.
Fuck. So I do have to go into Trump country to see it.
My uncle has a computerized 8-ish incher that will point at whatever you tell it to by name.
Is 47 degrees declination high enough to see it any time in the year?
If some of the trump country burn wood for heat, there will be a haze in winter., so good luck with your stargaze
@Mysticial Yes, unless you go further north than 47 degrees latitude (or something like that).
ppl here burn wood for heat in winter even though it's banned coz fire hazards
Actually, the math there is probably wrong. In any case, yes, it's close enough to celestial north that it's visible almost any night from anywhere in the US (barring clouds and such, obviously).
@Mysticial Maybe--I'd guess downtown Chicago won't work too well, anyway.
@JerryCoffin so... aside from this being "overdimensioned" would you think it's a bad idea to go for something like telescoop.nl/national-geographic-60-800-refractor-telescoop?
To be honest, my search was triggered by this lidl-shop.nl/BRESSER-Refractor-telescoop/p100205816 which might be a very good deal
@JerryCoffin I think it would also depend on how it's aligned with the respect to the Earth's axis tilt. Hand-wavingly in the worst case, it'll be very low on the horizon at the wrong time of the year in the middle of the night if it's aligned with the axis tilt.
Oh btw. While I was in Brisbane a few days ago, I had to look north to see the Orion and Sirius.
It was weird.
So many unfamiliar stars looking south.
There was one really bright one about 30 degrees south of Sirius which I didn't recognize.
@sehe For a decent but reasonably inexpensive scope, there's nearly universal agreement that the best choice is the OneSky scope from Astronomers Without Borders. Unfortunately, they only ship to addresses in the US, but if you want one we could probably work something out where Mysticial or I orders one, then ships it to you, or something on that order.
Otherwise, you could look for somebody that sells the Skywatcher Heritage 130 in NL (pretty much the same scope).
Thank you. Looking for it
@Mysticial I don't know the southern sky well at all, but maybe Alpha Centauri?
@JerryCoffin Looking at the chart. It looks like it might be Canopus.
Speaking of the night sky, Warrumbungles - the place where I visited observatory half a year ago had the world's largest virtual solar system - they put models of planets away from observatory hill at the proportion of the distance from the sun:
So as you drive to or away from the observatory hill, you get a feel of relative distances of all the sun's planets are from the sun
@sehe I do feel obliged to point out that among astronomers, the general rule is that the telescope is really only half the package--especially for higher end scopes, the mount is at least as important as the scope itself (and perhaps even more so). My own (admittedly limited) use reflects that--a decent scope on a good mount beats a good scope on a less decent mount, almost without even trying.
Yeah. Definitely Canopus. It's the second brightest star (after Sirius). And it sure as hell was bright. And it's relatively close to Sirius in position.
And it's either invisible or impossibly low on the horizon to see in both San Francisco and Chicago.
IOW, I've never seen it before.
@Mysticial Yup--not visible at all in either. It is visible here in San Diego, but only gets a couple degrees above the horizon (so close to the horizon it doesn't look very impressive, though being able to see it at all was pretty cool).
@JerryCoffin I gathered that much from the enthusiast forums/some reviews
@JerryCoffin For like the two nights I was down there right after sunset. I would look east, and I'd see the Orion and two really bright stars about 30-ish degrees apart. One of obviously Sirius based on it's position relative to the Orion. I has never seen the other one. Then when I look west, Venus is up there fucking brighter than everything but the sunset.
@Mysticial Actually, your home is right on the border where it could almost be visible if you were on a somewhat raised point with an un-obstructed horizon (e.g., out at the top of the San Mateo bridge might just about do it, if you could stop there and look carefully).
@Mysticial Definitely sounds nice (I've heard similar from quite a few people who visited Australia, New Zealand, etc.)
@JerryCoffin The thing is that I'm not used to seeing bright stars near Sirius unless it was a planet. And this thing (Canopus) was far too south to be a planet. So I immediately suspected that I've probably never seen it before since I live in the northern hemisphere.
The first time when I flew over from Asia to North America, there was a sunrise, because I was flying towards the east and was viewing it from the sky, the sunrise seemed to be a much clearer and concentrated version. It was amazing ...
@Mysticial Yup, seems reasonable. I found it here, but I was looking for it.
Anyway, I guess I need to go--my son has a concert tonight, so I should probably try not to be late (even though that means sitting in traffic for around an hour. TTYL.
lol cya
1 hour later…
@Telkitty <3
@JerryCoffin These seems to be a match. Quite pricey in comparison, but indeed the larger objective + usable magnification should repay itself. Not to mention that I keep reading that beginners tend to have trouble operating an equatorial configuration
Oh I see you've gone out. See you around
@Ell <3
2 hours later…
cute fluff 2 save the day! <3
I tried to watch SW never liked it that happens a lot
@Telkitty One more reason to fly through San Jose instead of SF.
I was thinking more along the line of LAX
@Telkitty If you're trying to get to SF, the San Jose airport is a somewhat longer drive than the SF airport, but not drastically so (maybe an extra half hour, depending on traffic). LAX is more like 6 hours away. Besides, LA is California's giant, stinking armpit (even calling an armpit is probably being excessively complimentary, but you get the idea).
@Telkitty love it
LiveCoding, you fucking pieces of shit.
They send emails with {unsubscribe_text} at the bottom. Fucking morons.
it's LiveEdu for you
you uncultured disrespectful swine
It's fucking pieces of shit.
Their emal also crashed iOs mail but I'm blaming Apple for that. -.-
@Ven Always blame Apple. It's been Apple's fault ever since Eve in the Garden of Eden.
wow you're right
fuck apple
@JerryCoffin the bible talks about about a "fruit", not about an apple specifically.
@Ven Oh please! Everybody knows it was an apple.
pretty sure it was a lenovo
"And Eve sought to offer Adam some of the forbidden fruit, but Adam would have none of dat chinese spyware shit."
Morning <3
good morning anyone here?
not sure
@sehe please
@JerryCoffin <3
That room must be filled with incoherent messages.
Wait, is that the bin renamed?
Does it still serve a purpose, or did meta ramble against it?
it's for C++ questions and answers, is al.
wtf is happening to reddit?
Something's not normal with the scores. Lots of posts having 10k+.
which reminds me: y no 1 hacked stackoverflow to add a few 0s at the end of their reps
I'm curious, has anyone here actually managed to get a job through stackoverflow's careers ~thing~
yes me
Cool. Story time?
I just found a posting and applied to it, the format was nice because it didn't require emails or anything, messaging was in-app and all that
got answer back, went to interview and that was it
not sure my SE profile with the rep and all mattered I never asked
(it was a different profile back then)
(this one is new no rep)
hi @Telkitty.
hey edition
'tis been a long time
Why does VS2015 not enable thread debugging by default?
It's a feature with many loose ends.
@AlexM. That would be ideal, but there's no job listing for where I am right now. :(
huh... 'reverse proxy' is another example of being confused by a name being applied to something and thinking it's more complex than it is
@thecoshman as is monad and profunctor optics
so what's a monad is non over-complicated terms?
It's a functor that can be flattened.
flattened in the same sense as 'flat map'?
Flattened in the sense of turning F<F<T>> into F<T>.
so... going from a function object that takes 'a function object that takes a single arg' into a function object that takes a single arg?
Functor != function object.
You need to shed the misused names some C++ users use to make any sense of this.
ah, so it seems :P
A functor is a thing that has some values inside and allows you to call a function on them.
There's some neat formal definitions for all of this, but I think it's best to try to understand them by undestanding what interfaces they provide (since that's the useful part).
@Griwes That reminds me of a tuple.
Functor has map :: (a -> b) -> f a -> fb, and monad has join :: m (m a) -> m a.
At times it's more useful to define bind :: (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b, but it can be autogenerated when you have fmap and join.
so... a 'functor' is basically a thing that concerts from one ~thing~ to another ~thing~?
In haskell bind is >>= :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b, but that's just flipped arguments (I'd argue that in both cases it's somewhat more readable if the thing that's mapped over is the first argument regardless of whether it's an operator or not).
@thecoshman A functor is a mapping from one category into another. ;P
In practice though it's just something that holds homogeneous values. (Homogeneous, since for whatever reason 'functor' usually refers specifically to unary functors and not to all functors...).
so... it's sort of a collection... but sort of more than that?
@thecoshman It's a generalization.
I'm sure I understand what they are, I just haven't linked it to this name yet :P
hmm... let me just read up what exactly you nerds mean by 'category' :P
Given appropriately defined map, optional is a functor. vector is a functor. future is a functor.
variant is an n-ary functor.
A functor is an endofunctor in the category of Haskell types.
@thecoshman You first have to understand categories, endofunctors, and monoids.
But as to what you can use them for: with a functor you can change values but preserve structure (e.g. map a list, compose a function), with an applicative functor you can combine multiple values (e.g. apply an optional function to an optional value), with a monad you can do what you can do with an applicative functor, but also have the values depend on each other (e.g. apply an optional function to two optional values, where the second optional value depends on the first optional value).
I see...
f :: Maybe (a -> b) -- presence of b cannot depend on value of a so you mean... if a is present, b must be present (and vice verse)
but you can't have like f(val a){ if a == 666 return "lol" else return a.toString)
Vice versa doesn't make any sense, since it's maybe a function from a to b.
@Griwes I meant regarding the presence
Due to that the presence of a cannot depend on the existence of b.
no, but the presence of b is directly tied to the presence of a
Yes; but vice versa would mean "if b is present, a must be present", which isn't the relationship there.
@thecoshman apply f a, if a is not present, f can't be called
Likewise, if both f and a are present, then the return value (Maybe b) will be present (Just) too.
ah, as f takes an 'a' not and optional a
@Griwes there are two ways you could take it
you focused on the 'what is the presence applying too', I meant 'is a present'
@thecoshman hence Maybe (a -> b) (optional function), not Maybe a -> b (function taking optional)
I see...
@JerryCoffin I might be the luckiest person alive.
@R.MartinhoFernandes agreed
or you could choose to believe that absent-mindedness has no downsides
@R.MartinhoFernandes What happened?
Don't leave us in suspense :O
I wonder who is the unluckiest person alive
most of the unlucky ppl have already died I would imagine ...
@Ell he lost his key/phone/laptop/wallet/bag but someone just brought it back to him
just so you don't explode
@nwp Ah. And this happened:
14 hours ago, by wilx
@R.MartinhoFernandes Forgot to use condom? :)
that would not conclude so quickly
lol youtube now has live channels
it's been more than a year...
I am slow
@Ell I got served a debt collection notice, for a debt which I got into because I didn't cancel my phone contract properly and it got renewed automatically and I was not aware of it because I didn't update my address, and as a consequence my credit score is horrible, and I was not aware of that one until the agency with which I'm dealing to rent a new flat checked and told me. That's the "I fucked up big time" part.
The "luckiest person alive" part is the fact that they still invited me to sign the rental contract, somehow.
But congrats on the new contract
Still scheduling a date for signing, so no fireworks yet.
Maybe it's already scheduled... and you don't know. :P
Fuck everything that auto-renews.
@R.MartinhoFernandes if that is the only thing dragging down your credit score then the human factor may have played a role (realizing that you did indeed fuck up) instead of staring blindly at the little number.
Donald Trump is TIME's Person of the Year 2016 #TIMEPOY http://ti.me/2h5Ypcu https://t.co/N8BtqTu9Nl
this looks shooped
shadows on the floor look about right
@AlexM. the trump in the room might be shopped, but that is actually what his apartment looks like IIRC
and there is a reflection off the ceiling
I think it's only tone mapped a bit to avoid the gold drowning him out.
I would be annoyed by the phone cable.
such a tiring color palette tho
@AlexM. Nah. Look from below then upwards.
@AlexM. Even his hair...
@rightfold I don't get the people complaining.
Who else should they pick for person of the year?
@R.MartinhoFernandes someone who isn't an A-hole?
That's stupid.
I wonder if trolls around the world feel challenged or defeated because of trump.
"Person of the Year" is one that has the most impact, good or not.
Well, I get them. They're idiots who think they should pick person of the year because of characteristics other than their relevance.
@MarkGarcia Exactly.
@R.MartinhoFernandes according to rightfold? :D
That they picked an asshole for POTY is a reflection of the year, not of the magazine.
I can guess... Venkat Subramaniam
@alanilagan they had Hitler as a person of the year so... @TIME
It's the "person of the year", not the Nobel Prize.
they even had zuckerberg as person of the year
it's like "Who did you hear the most shit about"
I can't think of anyone more qualified for POTY in 1938 than Hitler, and throw in 1939 and 1940 as well.
given how often people reference him on the internet
he could very well be at least the most talked about person of 1938 - present
@R.MartinhoFernandes why you call him asshole?
reddit: the front page of the internet
@AlexM. I'd put him very high on a list for Person of the Century (20th).
more like backside
9 mins ago, by ratchet freak
@R.MartinhoFernandes someone who isn't an A-hole?
but unlike face, buttock doesn't pretend ...
@Abyx I wanted to challenge the idea that it is wrong to pick an asshole, without diluting the point by asking whether he is an asshole or not.
My main problem with this is that they select the POTY before the year ends.
@Griwes does it matter if they do it the same time every year? :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes butthurt
@Ell Yes - it makes it dumb every time. :P
@Griwes maybe it is not possible anymore for anyone to catch up in their metric
like they stop counting votes when the number of remaining votes is less than the number of votes required to make the leading candidate not become elected
Does Git have an interactive log browser?
That works in a terminal.
Even just having a list of people to consider closed before the year ends is silly.
@rightfold tig?
ooh right thansk
@Griwes Well it's for next year for us to see what's really in for Trump.
@nwp Maybe if Obama assassinates Trump?
@Griwes There's an age factor. I think the argument is that at this point any one individual's actions would have little effect in this year, and mostly in the next one.
Yes, tig is amazing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Arguably people would still be talking about trump and therefore he would still rise in the metric.
@nwp Yeah, true.
It would be "Trump's assassination by Obama", not "Obama's murder of Trump".
Suppose Hitler invaded Poland in 2000 instead of 1939. The influence of that action would be mostly felt in the 21st century.
these colors though
very weird
my god
> oom oom ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
what the devil is that :S
13 mins ago, by Griwes
@rightfold tig?
oooooh, tig
travail d'intérêt général
Sup boiz
I really should sort out a script to install all the stuff I want installed by default in linux
@CheukKinSing Jdm validé
oh yes, tig is v nice
PureScript AJI isn't too bad.
> tig: Text-mode interface for git
that's a backronym, right?
it's like tui
@Ven not really
@Ven it's like oiduts lausiv
@Ell wasn't tui a backronym as well?
backronymed to text user interface or w/e
maybe I don't know what a backronym is then
yes you can read it as "text interface git"
@Ell isn't it retro-deciding a word to be an acronym instead..right?
oh lol
I thought it was something to do with tig being git backwards :V
see if you used smartgit
you wouldn't be having this problem
@Story Teller So next time I am given a number with decimal point in it, how do I say it's a double or a float ? Is the 'f' needed to differentiate? Basically I need to know what is the best method to identify whether its a float literal or double literal ? — HitX11 12 mins ago
sigh If only someone had told him that already, oh wait, at least 4 times on that very page
lol Ionic
if you want to develop an app that has a menu
you actually need a menu with an app inside.
@HitX11 5.5 is double, 5.5f is float, as explained here, here, here, and heremilleniumbug 18 secs ago
can't it be ... the app is the menu or the menu is the app?
@Telkitty every view uses the menu as a template, and the component is actually a subview of the menu...
@rightfold tell me you can do PureScript on mobile :[
@Ell I emailed them explaining the situation. Fingers crossed.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hopefully they will be understanding :)
@milleniumbug <3
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fingers & toes crossed over here. Good luck! :)
@Ven why couldn't you
you can even use react native
did anyone write react native bindings is the question
cuz i'm not doing that
you can also use pure11
i'm not in any life of mine targetting C++ ever again
yes this is the C++ hate room
More like C++ Anonymous
"Hi, I'm Rerito"
"I wrote terribad code today"
@Ven a Halogen driver with React Native would be super duper fucking rad
@rightfold it would
forward : Double -> TurtleCommand ()
forward x = liftF $ Forward x ()
I don't like this >:(
@Ell Why not? Free monad ftw.
I don't like the (). it seems arbitrary to me
I know it means a forward followed by a "continuation" resulting in () right
forward produces an output with no information.
() lacks information.
This is the way to go.
But now when I compose my program of TurtleCommand ()s, then I don't know how to fold it into a string
because iter : Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Free f a -> a
foldFree :: (f ~> g) -> Free f ~> g
I'm unfamiliar with ~>
type (~>) f g = forall a. f a -> g a
foldFree :: (forall a. f a -> g a) -> Free f b -> g b
You may need a Functor constraint if you use inferior implementations of free.
but TurtleCommand () is still a Free TurtleCommandF (), so b is still () right?
I should have mentioned this earlier probably :P
@Borgleader I'm a nervous wreck today. It's impossible to focus on anything.
Un collègue qui supporte pas RTC non plus à l'instant vient de me dire "RTC = Ruine Ton Code"
Très bon jdm
@rightfold well, if b is (), how do I get a string? :V
hmm nope >.<
@rightfold can I show you some code on fpchat?
@AlexM. Probably. Note in particular that it's clearly brighter outside than inside, yet if we look at the shadows on the floor, there's a much stronger shadow cast toward the window than away from it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It may have hit the numeric score pretty badly, but anybody looking at it can see that it's basically a single mistake. That's fairly recoverable, because anybody looking at it can see that it's one slip-up, not a long-term pattern.
@JerryCoffin Also my gf has a perfect score.
But reason ain't gonna calm me down.
Ingesting abnormal amounts of caffeine is also unlikely to help.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Depends. If you have a tendency toward ADHD, it actually could.
@JerryCoffin I think not, except when I'm extremely anxious.
Then I can barely finish a thought without active effort.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's a perfectly normal reaction, not related to ADHD at all. The thing with ADHD is that (apparently) some parts of the brain aren't running fast enough (so to speak) to keep up with the rest. Impulse control (for example) is poor because in a lot of cases they've already reacted and done something before they get a chance to think enough to realize that's a bad idea. Stimulants speed up some parts of the brain enough to correct that.
The good thing about this is that I can't actually think through all the ways things could go wronger, which is what my brain is trying to do atm.
Just spent about half an hour trying to work out why a new server provisioning script isn't working... it's because when vagrant started the vm, it put it into a different host only network so it can't see my nexus repo ¬_¬
@R.MartinhoFernandes Your credit score has taken a ding, and you can't think of anything more than could go wrong. Definitely falls into the "first world problems" category.
@JerryCoffin Well, I might end up homeless (again!) if I don't solve this by the end of the month, so there's that.
You silly robot.
Well, you still have 18 days.
The only nice thing about those months when I was homeless was that I would more often get invited by girls to spend the night at their place.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I find that doubtful. Although you don't have a date for signing yet, they've already agreed that you'll be able to. If it comes to that, chances are pretty good that with a perfect credit score your gf could sign the lease on her own if truly necessary.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm...if I didn't have a wife and children who also needed to live there, I think I'd be giving away my house about now. :-)
@R.MartinhoFernandes wow
I suppose you were a showered homeless at least
There were showers at work.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you ever sleep at the office?
A few nights.
I "camped" a couple of nights (i.e. went to the park and spent the night there), but otherwise had a roof most of the time.
FWIW, spending some nights in the park is something I do in summer regardless of roof-availability.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Would your boss have been upset with you if he knew you slept at the office?
@R.MartinhoFernandes German girls have a thing for homeless bums?
@ThePhD Come back to discordlounge, we don't hate you.
@thecoshman Yes--if they're young, good-looking, and have good jobs.
@JerryCoffin Ha!, the alarm company called him in the middle of night about it once, and then the next day he told me it was ok to do so for a couple of nights as long as I warned the alarm company that the alarm was not going to be armed.
He was mostly upset about being called in the middle of the night and not about me being there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That seems pretty understanding. I'd have been pretty upset if I had to wake up in the middle of the night...
Oops--half a second to late.
@thecoshman Foreigners too, to be honest.
@R.MartinhoFernandes In that case, it seems like it only barely qualifies as homeless.
Did you have a tent?
You had a pretty-much guaranteed place to sleep under a roof, with a fast internet connection, heat (if needed) and a shower. Seems to cover the necessities pretty well.
@Ell I stowed it away in storage when I moved out. Didn't walk around with it.
@JerryCoffin homeless != never having a place to sleep inside
@JerryCoffin FWIW I only considered that near the very end.
Four nights or so, IIRC.
@thecoshman Yes, I realize that. There's a huge difference, however, between "you might be able to sleep indoors tonight", and "you can definitely sleep indoors tonight, if you want to".
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'll bet there are Googlers (who even do have homes) who go home less often than that. :-)
@Borgleader lol
@Borgleader :D
@JerryCoffin true
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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