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Haven't figured out how to use Docker in the way I want to.
@ThePhD you'll manage, i have faith <3
@ThePhD I have faith you'll figure it out. Unfortunately, I also have faith that once you do so, the docker developers will break it within a few months.
@JerryCoffin There's a LOT of posts on the web about how docker likes to invariably break things and then not provide any decent forward or backcompat around it...
@ThePhD Compatibility is obviously outdated.
I had some good results with Jenkins, was easy to use...
Black Friday, Cyber Monday & 11/11, nowadays whole lots of new 'special days' are created for promoting online sales
@Telkitty Black Friday predates online sales by decades.
The fun part is when you see Black Friday in other countries, like Russia. Where there isn't a Thanksgiving.
@Mikhail In Soviet Russia, Giving thanks you!
Normal day on top, Black Friday on bottom
Looks like its working backwards
Commercially, the essence of most holidays are 'buy more stuff' - be that gas/petrol, plane tickets, food, gifts or accommodation
Also Black Friday isn't a holiday
of course it's traditional value is to reuniting with family friends + take time off to enjoy life
@Telkitty Commercially, the essence of nearly everything is "buy more stuff", because buying and selling is the essence of commerce.
"employ more people"?
@Mikhail Classic marketing
That 111P bonus doe
@sehe's morning commute
@Borgleader Obviously photoshopped. I know for a fact that sehe takes the train, not the bus.
that looks like tram, does it count?
@Telkitty Nope. Fortunately, it can sing the alphabet (in three languages) to make up for its lack of counting ability.
Be able to do maths is not a pre-requisite for being a computer scientist
@JerryCoffin Damn! I've been had.
computer scientist != software developer
@Mikhail I have a computer that's a decent composer, but I've given up on raising any of them to be a scientist. They all discover stuff, but refuse to believe that in their case, "publish or perish" is a bit more literal than for their fleshy counterparts.
Dear National Media bleating Trump's psycho-tweets like sheep: Learn from Kansas journalists re: Westboro hate cult… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/803028727265431552
young @sehe
> I turned on LuaJIT and my code is still slow. What do? -- The users of sol2 sometimes...
Q: Can Anyone Code This in C++ Dos Fast Please?

PRinCe SaMiRPlease can anyone Code this for me In C++ as fast as possible .. check image .. (https://i.sstatic.net/9kSnB.jpg)

/cc @Mysticial
is it different if i run two thread in one process. Our two process no thread?
@Mike A process has at least 1 thread
@Borgleader for example: ok let say i run software two times pass different parameter. So two instance process is running correct?
@Mike I'm not going to answer. I'm just pointing out an error in your statement.
And this two instance of process have thread.
But what is the different if i use thread class instance of passing parameter?
@Mike you mean instead of launching a second process?
@MooingDuck yes.
@Mike parameter passing is unrelated. Fyi
@MooingDuck see this:
string get(argv[1]);

	std::cout << "Have " << argc << " arguments:" << std::endl;

	for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
		std::cout << argv[i] << std::endl;

	cout << get.c_str() << endl;

	if (argc == 2 && get.compare("20") == 0)
		while (1)
			cout << "1" << endl;
	if (argc == 2 && get.compare("30") == 0)
		while (1)
			cout << "2" << endl;
And see this:
// Constructs the new thread and runs it. Does not block execution.
	thread t1(task1, "20");

	thread t2(task2, "30");
	// Makes the main thread wait for the new thread to finish execution, therefore blocks its own execution.
@Mike I think you're confused. This is a chatroom.
@MooingDuck Sorry, but i really confuse.
I just want to know: run two instead of process our two thread in one process different is what?
I cannot ask i have reached question limit. :(
@JerryCoffin cleanup plz
Maybe that's why
That means you need to go back and fix up your crappy questions and look at the guide to asking good questions.
You will remain question-banned until you clean up your stuff.
They practically rub the guide in your face when you post questions.
Also @Borgleader fucking kill me, I hate team projects.
@ThePhD Can I just love you instead? <3
@ThePhD when I was in college I just wrote it all myself.
@MooingDuck I have been specifically holding off from doing that.
Because I want them to have a chance to implement crap. But I'm continually being justified in my effort to write stuff myself.
@ThePhD you're nicer than me
For example, I bootstrapped and figured out the entire testing thing, and committed to a separate branch, in the hopes that the actual person in in charge of fucking testing would write some tests and figure out how to bootstrap it all.
They said they would have it done by Friday. I did my work on Monday and there's still no commits anywhere or new work.
Today, I also went to a "Group Meeting". And by "Group Meeting", I mean 2 of us showed up out of 5.
1 person flaked because of a prior engagement. 1 person was sick.
1 person did not say something until we sent out a message asking for them specifically. The people missing are important for the vital work we have to do to actually move on (Codegen is what is next). Right now, we REALLY need a good Semantic Analyzer so we can group language constructs and serialize them into something the Code generator backend can work with efficiently.
They then said they were sick, and that they'd commit the code (that they said doesn't compile) to the repo so others can look at it.
They have yet to do that.
I am very sick of this group. I am going to spend this week finishing my research paper and my final project for this class and override all of their work. I have no intention of not having a final product I am proud of because a few people do not want to get their shit together.
I literally do not have time for anything these days, I am constantly ill and falling asleep and I still goddamn deliver above 'n' beyond what's required for my part of the group project. I'm sick of people who have low expectations and hobble bullshit together after talking a lot of grand expectation about what they want done. There's not even any sign of struggling, for FUCK'S sake.
I'm going to go eat and start on this Preprocessor stuff, and then do a semantic analyzer.
/cc @Mysticial
I'm disappointed in Chandler now :P
alrighty time for bed now
Finally, the Finnish made a useful piece of software: store.steampowered.com/app/516750
@ThePhD that really sucks :(
> Les autorités n'écartent pas aucune piste y compris "terroriste".
Amazon going full Japan.
Cyber Monday ... cyber monkey, spelling so close ...
@EtiennedeMartel redpanels.com/304
@EtiennedeMartel wow
That's terrible
idk, that wasn't too bad of a question
in retrospect it was a C11 question, which isn't a kind of C++
2 hours later…
And starboard is again full of dick size jokes.
@EtiennedeMartel Is it really? I am sceptical to accept what leftist media say at face value. Is this coming from SPLC? -- SPLC lost all credibility long time ago, recently again by branding Maajid Nawaz as extremist. To me this seems like branding all feminists feminazis because some of them are.
@wilx ad hominem much?
The content in that page seems totally logical to me.
> The movement criticizes “multiculturalism” and more rights for non-whites, women, Jews, Muslims, gays, immigrants and other minorities. Its members reject the American democratic ideal that all should have equality under the law regardless of creed, gender, ethnic origin or race.
This is the movement it sets out to discuss.
Do you really think it is inaccurate to describe such as "white supremacist"?
Also this:
> The “alt-right” or “alternative right” is a name currently embraced by some white supremacists and white nationalists to refer to themselves and their ideology, which emphasizes preserving and protecting the white race in the United States in addition to, or over, other traditional conservative positions such as limited government, low taxes and strict law-and-order.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think the issue is that this isn't the movement @wilx associates with "alt-right"
If you actually read the page, you'll realise the article is about not associating "alt-right" with this movement.
There's no issue then.
Just kneejerk.
It's about not letting feminazis get away by labeling themselves feminists.
It doesn't ask for calling "white supremacist" to all the "alt-right" but for not calling "alt-right" to "white supremacist" groups.
I don't understand how it doesn't associate alt-right with the aforementioned movement
@Ell as stated, the movement itself does the association and the article asks that such association not be honoured.
ah that makes sense
@Etienne's characterization is unfair, I'll give you that.
@Ell you could say @EtiennedeMartel did that.
Bad Etienne
@R.MartinhoFernandes What is unfair characterization? Sorry, you have managed to confuse me.
seriously, sometimes you just wish food could look like food
@Telkitty Yuck! Nice. :D
I know right :p
@wilx the way Etienne put it is not representative of the contents of the page.
@StackedCrooked it's Orange all over again...
It's closer to "AP on white supremacy: don't call it the alt-right"
do it all night
do it right
ok off to work
What is the common word in programming for thing[ stuff ] idiom?
Array access? Lookup? Indexing?
Look up the standard. :D
Might as well just take it out of the C++ standard, I guess.
@ThePhD sub something...
subscript? :V
People keep 1) saying they don't know what 'genderqueer' means then 2) asking why we added it to the dictionary https://t.co/wsGZ7Y6XB8
@AlexM. lol
Wait, what? They need some PR coaching
what? no
it's funny
like the sonic the hedgehog twitter
which is official and posts dank memes
I mean the "No one cares how you feel" one.
if you look at the tweet replies people loved it :P
and I'm not sure how to get to the message they replied to
nvm it's pasted in the article
well just saying
if someone came with that tl;dr tweet storm of nonsense hipster rebellious kid to me
I'd reply the same
You have no stakes, though.
interview with them lithub.com/…
Nothing to lose
Though arguably, neither does MW
@AlexM. holy fuck I never realized people on the internet are that retarded
he seriously wrote 6 or 7 tweets about how they're being a big bad dictionary...
I wasn't even able to extract anything useful out of those tweets
the reply was pretty tame lmao
robot the sensitive pudding
It's really childish and unimaginative.
They should have just filed it as "dude gets high and tweets at dictionary"
Don't get me wrong: that guy was an idiot.
Information age = people would get bombarded with info most of which are next to useless to them
It's funny and they get recognition for it so v0v
and it's true
But "no one cares about your feelings" is a 5yo comeback
nobody cares what he feels
the sooner he realizes it, the better
tho he didn't really realize it I guess
since he wrote a freaking ARTICLE
to complain about the tweet
@AlexM. someone replied they do.
eeeh people post anything in the heat of the moment
go message those guys now
do you think they still carry the dude in their minds
was a momentary thing
And fwiw, the reply also makes little sense because he used "feels" to mean "appears".
anyway spent enough time on this
... though I do have second thoughts about going back to js
@AlexM. that was even lamer tbf
"boohoo, got bullied by a dictionary employee having a bad day on Twitter"
internet gangsters - the new age
@AlexM. Hey, I just started following that twitter account.
Ugh, gearbox broke.
lol women drivers
List all natural numbers in alphabetical order, so that 8 ('eight') is in the first position and 0 ('zero') comes last. What position is 5 ('five') in?
reverse alphabetical is still alphabetical rite?
All natural numbers? That would make "billion" come before "eight"
but not "one billion"
@AlexM. This bloke is a joke
He plays with fire and then whines when he gets burnt
@R.MartinhoFernandes after 4
Oh wait. Alphabetical order. Hm..
Question doesn't make sense anyway.
After Eight comes the D from disgusting.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
I assume this is not the solution
and there's some clever stuff in there
That's not all natural numbers.
@StackedCrooked yes, it does
It's a finite list.
So it's definitely not the solution.
well, any number with a most significant digit equal to 8 will come before 5
@milleniumbug the number is "one billion"
you'll have a hard time listing infinitely many numbers
@R.MartinhoFernandes ok
@R.MartinhoFernandes 5 is not part of the set then
but if you consider "15" as being "5" showing up
@AlexM. You can still reason about infinite sets.
You can list them all indirectly.
then 5 shows up in infinitely many positions
so not just one
For example, using a generator like Peano numerals.
No, there is only one natural number 5.
@AlexM. you don't have to actually write the list; you just need to find the position of "five"
Don't confuse numbers with digits, or the word "five" as a substring of other strings.
ok, looks like rightfold knows what he's doing
lemme know when you find the solution
@AlexM. no, there's one definite position.
five comes once you've enumerated all the natural numbers starting with the digit 8
My intuition is that it is right in the middle.
Billion, centillion, decillion, duodecillion, eight, are the only things numbers can start with that come before five.
Just like any other natural except zero or eight
@rightfold in order for "eight" to be first as stated, the names have to be "one billion", "one centillion ", etc.
Oh you mean really eight at position 1.
I thought you meant it came before five.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, alphabetical when digits are written as words. Doh, didn't get that.
So you first get all the numbers that start with eight.
8 - 5 - 4 - 9 - 1 - 7 - 6 - 2 - 3
@R.MartinhoFernandes that would be mine as well
Eight, eighty, eight hundred, eight thousand, etc.
oh no it wouldn't
so it's
it would be after the infinite parts of 8
Maybe you can deduce something by building the list block by block
so 2/9 1/9 of the way through
you can't really multiply infinities
There are as many naturals starting with 8- as there are not starting with 8-
Here it's for 10^1, what would it be for 10^2? -> 8 - 88 - 85..... - 5 => 5 comes at 11
Then 111 then, 1111 etc...
@R.MartinhoFernandes right, and the same with 5, 4, 9 etc.
so you can slice it up into 9 sections right
So 5 comes at position 111...................... infinitely many 1
All infinite subsets of N have the same cardinality as N.
because they all have the same "width"
you should ask Vsauce
oh wait, there's 'eleven' between 'eight' and 'five'
No, 8-/not-8- are two slices.
@Ell two equal slices.
I'm confused
why would you slice it into 2?
@R.MartinhoFernandes do u have the solution for this btw?
@milleniumbug oh yeah
The ones before five and the ones after five.
that throws a spanner in the works
@Ell there's infinite number of numbers before 'five' and infinite number of numbers after 'five'
because you can generate the set of integers starting with the digit 8 by listing N itself and prepend an 8 each time
The only relevant slices
@milleniumbug oh I see
There is not an infinite number of natural numbers before five.
Yes there is
There are only five before five (or arguably four).
there are only 4 or 5
@AlexM. I didn't think too much about it, but wanted to crowdtest my intuition that it's at halfway.
[0, ]1, 2, 3, 4
@R.MartinhoFernandes o
I was asking because
there are countably infinite strings before "five"
I was wondering how we'll be able to tell if we reached the solution
@R.MartinhoFernandes What about the iterative approach? Considering all natural numbers between 0 and 10^n
@rightfold in the ordering established in this context, there is.
Then, for a given n, 5 is at the position sum(i=0..(n-1), 10^n)
@Rerito you can probably try that
@AlexM. you can make some kind of Cantor-like argument for it.
use the results for each n in your range as values a function takes
and then try to find some kind of fn that gives you those things
@Ell I don't think so.
anyway this is rly weird to me because anything with "eight" comes before "five" and you can add infinitely many zeroes after eight
@rightfold well, "eighty-*" right
so you get infinitely many things before "five"
eight hundred, thousand, million etc.
also something something pigeonhole
so I've no idea how one can just take out an actual number like that say "five is at position 600"
@AlexM. you can't, see above
@AlexM. except for "eight" and "zero" you can't.
@milleniumbug eh I'll sit that one out then
the exact position of 5 for the subset [0, 10^n[ is (10^n - 1)/9, if we consider the fraction formed by dividing it by the set cardinality, it gives (10^n - 1)/(9*10^n) which converges to 1/9 as n grows infinitely large
1) I don't have the math knowledge
2) 1) again
@Rerito it doesn't?
starting with '100', we get numbers which require prepending a smaller number before it (like, "one" in "one hundred"), so we need to take care of the numbers in there
> Because Earth moves around the sun faster than Voyager 1 is traveling from Earth, the distance between Earth and the spacecraft actually decreases at certain times of the year. voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/where/index.html
You get (inf-1)/inf, which clearly not 1/9
0-20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
we don't need to take care of the numbers x1-x9, since the two-digit numbers larger than 20 consists of two parts
@R.MartinhoFernandes (10^n - 1)/(9*10^n) = (1 - 1/10^n)/9` this converges to 1/9
@AlexM. Indirection.
It's how you solve all the problems.
you know what I hate .pdf links that ask me to download instead of opening in a new tab
some open in a new tab some don't
I dislike opening in new tabs in general
Oh my bad, I'm wrong, I forgot 11 and 18 which come before 5 as well
Sigh, it doesn't make a difference.
@milleniumbug so you like starting a separate app to view a pdf
so the exact position becomes (10^n + 17)/9 which still yields the same 1/9 fraction
@AlexM. I middle click it
fuck target="_blank"
so middle clicking doesn't work on some pdfs
this one for example
Apps these days use AJAX.
Middle click won't work
I cannot view it in FF
Sometimes middle click works, but then it opens in a new tab in addition to the current tab
Sometimes middle click works as expected, but ctrl+click doesn't work
@AlexM. oh, you mean this
in that case, yes, I want to open in a separate app
built-in readers are garbage
I don't I just want to see the contents
@Rerito this is easy to prove wrong
might as well wonder why browsers don't open LibreOffice documents or MS Office ones
the only things I open in a separate app are books and those are meant to sit on my disk anyway
libreoffice documents are not as common as pdfs
while browsing the web
it'd be an investment in development of dubious gain
The usual countable set arguments
@AlexM. wtf
Maybe it's a trick question.
From January 1st non-smokers get priority for operations.
I mean, it was a trick question because the naive answer is 2nd or something, but there's another tricky part.
what operations?
Like when they cut you open to heal you from the inside.
Is there a systematic way of naming naturals that can name all naturals?
They turned the queue into a priority queue.
any kind of ops?
Probably similar ops.
black ops
anyone using unity for mobile stuff?
ugh katt isn't here anymore
most people
unity games tend to be too ugly for PC
I guess it's a case of don't-ask-to-ask

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