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I must proclaim
@milleniumbug wtf my comment got removed... how is pointing out a sock puppet grounds for removal
I've seen where this leads
@Mysticial I think he based it on something found on the SE network that day. Something like a "hot question" or so
I have a friend
@VermillionAzure Have you considered a career in botany? :)
@Mysticial Have you considered a career in botany?
@Borgleader Pointing out or accusing?
Okay I need to come up with a nickname for Mysticial
@VermillionAzure Very strong comeback!
He's managed to get EMACS to act as a Google Hangouts client and it makes me a little afraid
@VermillionAzure How about, stop shouting
(and your blood pressure is rising according to a scientific study)
@sehe I said "I swear I saw the same question earlier... heres the link (oh different user ... plot thickens)", I'd say thats pointing out.
@VermillionAzure inside voice, please
@VermillionAzure So you do know what I'm talking about
@sehe Yeah I know yes
@Borgleader I'd say that's passive aggresively suggesting. If that wasn't on Meta, it makes sense to remove it (it should be on Meta)
@VermillionAzure Thank you
@sehe Aggressive? Wasn't meant to be aggressive vOv
@Borgleader what did you just say, punk?
> the plot thickens
@jaggedSpire brillant. I'd love to be English, just to be able to use that phrase. It's so on point
@jaggedSpire But emacs is pretty interesting
@sehe Thats essentially me admitting its a coincidence for example a class mate who happens to have the same homework and the same issues in completing it
@sehe it is a pretty great turn of phrase
(that has actually happened before)
actually, I think it might have happened today in the c++ tag
I think it's pretty cool how you can just do tetris and snake and gomoku
and then you have dired
albeit one of the two times was on a different problem for the homework
and then SLIME and elisp for doing stuff
and I can run GDB form inside Emacs too I think
have you found the how to set emacs up for c++ guides yet?
I think I still have the links...
@Borgleader lots of times. I'd say there's a noticeable surge of those "incidences" about every 3 to 4 months
IME its more likely that OP reposted the question, but YMMV
@jaggedSpire I've just found them
it doesn't really seem to be a common or a homework-type problem, really
Seems pretty awesome
@VermillionAzure coolio, just checking
Right now I'm working on SICP with MIT Scheme and Edwin though
I'm sooooo sad I can't use MIT Scheme with GNU Emacs
Windows meh
I don't speak emacs, my emacs friend was just trying to convert me :V
@jaggedSpire So you lost a friend? :P
@Borgleader my my, no. I just converted to a different highly configurable text editor
I'm actually not sure how much of that decision was to taunt him by not using emacs. Probably a small amount?
I do like ST
@Borgleader I usually just close as dupes (provided it's still accessible)
The original was deleted (none of the answers had upvotes)
next time, say you just saw the same question posted by a different user, how fortunate! But oh, it seems to have been deleted, pity.
@jaggedSpire Structure and Interpretation of Computer Languages is SICP or MIT's intro course book in Lisp/Scheme
It could have been so useful to people who came after, just like OP!
@VermillionAzure ah, thanks.
@jaggedSpire Yeahhhh
I just wish I could learn faster and stronger and harder
@VermillionAzure since PhD's not here: kinky
@jaggedSpire I've always got that kind of problem at work. Religion everywhere :o
@Morwenn :P
@Morwenn I've not said anything other than variations on "good night" for a while. How've ya been?
Pretty fine, but pretty bored. I don't have the motivation to actually do stuff.
Except random programming things, but nothing that actually matters :/
What about you?
pretty average, too
found a new reserve of okay fanfic recently but it's getting depleted fast.
I'm visiting my family for six days tomorrow, so that's gonna be nice :)
Hehe, I guess it's the same problem than when you reach the « end » of a webcomic :p
I think I'm going to get a new laptop on Cyber Monday
@jaggedSpire Oh, that's cool. Being around family can be cool, even when you end up doing almost nothing :D
I like being around family
@jaggedSpire Is your laptop too old?
even when doing nothing
this one is clearly stumbling through its final stretch
@Morwenn It turned six a few months ago, a few months after the HDD failed :D
Six years isn't that bad. My first laptop dudn't last 2 years.
it is pretty long-lived
but I think next time I'll try to avoid waiting until the point where it would be going to school were it human
In other news my goldfish is so old it could almost do porn movies.
16~17yo if I'm not mistaken.
Older than most of my cousins.
I had a guppy when I was a kid that survived until it was 9 or so, despite me forgetting to feed it for days at a time
nothing survived my tender mercies for longer than that, thoug
My first goldfish lasted like 2 weeks.
Anyway, I've got to sleep again, so see you later :)
You too :3

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