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@BartekBanachewicz ATS
u git ADTs n refinment tips
@BartekBanachewicz Rust
@rightfold not ready
@sehe ah, you found it
@milleniumbug did you get my ping
I wouldnt trust a tutorial from cpp.com
@BartekBanachewicz Last time I did something related to LLVM it was quite a mess; also I don't even have an AVR
ah so you're an non-arduinian
the set of people interested in terra is already quite small here
@LucDanton Now what if bar...
@LucDanton nice one. Indeed, that leaks similarly on my libstdc++
I recently saw an Arduino Uno kit and it was well provisioned considering it's very cheap.
@Borgleader That username is overly ironic
can we stop getting emails altogether when we disable emails? that's just spam (and illegal here) — Ven 24 mins ago
apparently @sehe is not the only one to agree with me :P.
make -j 4 for gcc 6.2.0 is taking a million years.
It's been 20 minutes with 4 cores and 8 GB RAM to compile with on an SSD.
clang+llvm took half an hour on 4 cores + HT with -j8 for me, so that seems reasonable
@ThePhD Remember that it compiles itself three times.
it also occasionally got over 32GB RAM usage, so I'd be a bit afraid to run into swapping issues making it actually take forever
how much of that would be template busywork? (I'm guessing 99.9%)
@Griwes That's... a lot of self-compilation.
So compiler-compilation-time-wise, Clang+LLVM is much, much worse.
@ThePhD It first builds a first stage with the host compiler, then second stage with the first stage, and then a third stage with the second stage. Apparently that's to weed off any errors, but to me it just sounds like "we can't be bothered to properly test this thing so we'll do it by making you test it".
It's also probably building gcc for every language rather than just C and C++...
Nah, it does take like half an hour for C and C++ typically.
Id idn't configure it to be restricted.
"Sine Labore Nihil". Nec omnia laborum utilia — sehe 8 secs ago
I’ve been tracking a GCC regression and I would appreciate additional eyeballs on the reduced testcase since it’s all a bit abstract now. think of the canary as an std::unique_ptr<int>, and we’re making sure there is no double-deletion taking place in the program. (which there isn’t with GCC6)
@sehe I dont know what that UN means so I missed out on the irony :(
@LucDanton Isn't that 0 the expected result?
@Rerito yes, Coliru has GCC6 and we should be expecting the normal behaviour there
What is the problematic version?
canary.active is never set to true?
that’s right hopefully, I’m a bit tired so I welcome any double-checking
so counter can never be incremented
Well after reading it, active should never be false
(at least for canary)
you can #include <cassert> and play with the asserts if it helps
They are not triggered
@Griwes mm, I think this is more than that
self-bootstrapping is kinda complex
@MarkGarcia it is indeed
@BartekBanachewicz any reason they don't trust the host compiler to just get it all correct?
well it could be broken or compromised
anyway compiling with yourself guarantees that for example you'll get the compiler with all optimizations, built with the compiler with all optimizations
so you can build fast programs, fast.
that accounts for the second step
but not the third
unless they read the "trusting trust" article one too many times
@LucDanton Well I uncommented your asserts and added some of them everywhere I can check if active is set to true (except in the dtor obviously): nothing thrown
thanks, just a bit of bisecting and then I’ll file
though theoretically even self-compiling a hundred times wouldn't fix that because every output is created using something you cannot trust
maybe you can then binary compare 2 and 3?
even then 2 could be compromised to the same extent as 1 was
the only real solution would be to have a hash of a trusted output for the machine and compare against that.
@ratchetfreak First of all, most assume that their compiler will produce better results than the existing host compiler (otherwise why write it?) So, if they just used the compiler as compiled by the host, users might be subjected to all compilation being unnecessarily slow. So, first self-compilation is to get faster compiler. Second self-compilation doesn't assure actual correctness, but does give at least some assurance of repeatability.
Anyone can help with a question? (C.. memory allocation)

C++ Questions and Answers

Solve problems and approach solutions. Just ask and lurkers wi...
@JerryCoffin thx
yay for not knowing exactly what I'll be working on :D
Badass Cpp Framewo0rk for deep Learning
nice spelling
heyo :3
@jaggedSpire que?
qu'est-ce que c'est
@rightfold la bite
le coq sportif
I'm bored. What do I code?
@Ven AMQP library for PureScript.
fuck no
Why not?
I'll take on PureScript when I'm unburned-out
@LucDanton 7 is great
@Ven A replacement for C++ IO streams.
it has store combining
@rightfold I havn't coded at home much. too tired of programming. I need some fresh air
> What do I code?
@rightfold something lightweight
Play Minecraft with me. :3
huh, why not
but I can't from school :(
I can't from work :p
@Ven Refactor my app to use a single bus for all vertices instead of one bus per vertex ID.
You'd get to delete this horrific code:
freshBus <- Bus.make
bus <- liftEff $ do
    buses <- readRef busesRef
    case Map.lookup vertexID buses of
        Nothing -> do
            writeRef busesRef $ Map.insert vertexID freshBus buses
            pure freshBus
        Just bus -> pure bus
pure bus
that's a weird way to write a default function
Yeah well, I needed a mutable map with an effectful default.
But in the new version I don't need the map and default anymore, just a single bus.
In a constructor, can you add that object being created into a vector? I can't think how to do it. Something like this:
public myConstructor(){ vector.push_back(this) }
I did *this and fixed it woops
@snowy500 That doesn't sound like a great idea
You cant install the IDE but somehow you can (manually) install the 2013 toolchain? Odd... — Borgleader 1 min ago
A constructor's only responsibility should be to build an object into a valid state. Nothing more.
I felt like it made sense, what should I do instead
OP wants to use 2013 toolchain in... VS2005?!
Reference cycles are a massive pain.
this paired with the memory leak stacked posted earlier
I've no idea why ppl don't do their darnest do avoid cyclic anything
@snowy500 I don't know, something like vector.push_back(MyObject(some_args));
like even if you're a noob
does your spidey sense not tingle a little bit
that your brain is going in loops
Wow @AlexM. are you okay?
@AlexM. :c
@Rerito ?
user image
@AlexM. lol!
Guys, I need a multithreading exercise that's a) not terribly complicated and b) is a good educational example of how atomics should be used.
@Griwes have you seen The Deadlock Empire?
@Griwes try this deadlockempire.github.io
Yes; did it have something interesting to write with atomics?
I need something that people I'll be teaching about multithreading could write.
I'm not sure it talks about atomics, but it shows the dangers.
Sure; I will give that to them as a learning tool. But I also need some actual examples where they can just... use this.
example of stuff that works, then?
A somewhat limited example, because with just a single atomic boolean, is a limited logger and they'll write something like that, but I want to also showcase atomics and everything that comes to my mind is lockfree masturbation that they'll fully ignore (which is the correct way for them to behave when faced with lockfree at their level).
just show an example with a simple ++ / --?
@AlexM. lol
@Ven That won't showcase the utility very well, though, especially given how complex std::atomic is.
well, have them implement... a refcounter ptr. show them how that can go wrong without atomics :P
That might be a good example. Thanks!
Just make sure you remove as many moving parts as possible as to not burden them with unrelated problems
@Borgleader Google says "United Nations"
@rightfold nicest way to write join($x, @y) in APL?
I'm using Wine, my Windows 8.1 install is broken and can't boot to it. I really don't have the time to refresh my Windows and install all apps again. I decided to install Lubuntu and Wine, then run a compatible version of VC++ Express on it (which is why I'm using 2005). Also, I want C++11 features that VC++ Express 2005 doesn't have. What I'm asking is very clear: Is it possible to add 2013 toolchain to VC++ Express 2005 IDE? — Hadi77 6 mins ago
oh my lord...
@sehe ofc it does :)
@rightfold ','{1↓⊃,/⍺,¨⍵}'+-' :(
@Borgleader wow how do you even
The ADE 651 is a fake bomb detector that was produced by ATSC (UK), which claimed that the device could effectively and accurately, from long range, detect the presence and location of various types of explosives, drugs, ivory, and other substances. The device has been sold to 20 countries in the Middle East and Asia, including Iraq and Afghanistan, for as much as US$60,000 each. The Iraqi government is said to have spent £52 million on the devices. Investigations by the BBC and other organisations found that the device is little more than a "glorified dowsing rod" with no ability to perform its...
Wow /HT @KonradRudolph
@sehe o_0
oooh, it was just a scam thing
At first I thought it was some strange thing the gvmnt was in on
@Ven you gotta implement join one day
you can just make a function that does it
that's join :(
So you don't have time to reinstall Windows, but you have time to deal with unsupported configurations? My recommendation is that now you have Lubuntu installed, install VirtualBox, install a Windows virtual machine, and install the new version of VS on it. — milleniumbug 29 secs ago
but it's effin ugly
few languages have join as a built-in language feature
not "few"
in most it's a function like any other
ah, well.
@rightfold (⎕ucs 13)∘{1↓⊃,/⍺,¨⍵}{⍵⍴'#'}¨⍳10
that's my shortest implementation of "staircase"
@Griwes pls
there's APL and then there's your face
@Ven what is staircase?
@Ven pfff
> #
> ##
> ###
> ####
I feel like I'm missing an obvious solution
lol that flag
@Griwes by now you should know I like all sorts of things :p.
@Ven doesn't change the fact it's gross
you realize I'm a Perl proponent right
still gross
Perl is far less gross than APL
Something like {{⍵⍴'#'}¨⍳⍵}?
oh that's exactly what you wrote
@rightfold Am I the only one that doesn't understand what that means?
Omega rho string in a function each iota omega
it's Greek to me
@rightfold the join-by-line is the part that bugs me most :(
Whee. First day of using git for front-end stuff, and I already have unrevertable files. \o/
what? how?
I have no idea.
But no form of nuking them works.
nuke the repo and restart?
like... how?
checkout HEAD, reset --hard, clean -dfx, they resist everything.
are they in gitignore?
ITT git commits have become sentient
they're also multiplying
first it was one file
then two
now it's 10 or so
ITT no really, they will soon be looking to apply to the UN for formal recognition as a territorialess nationality
@milleniumbug rofl xD os-ception
@Xeo TIL you're bad at git :P
Just rm :>.
I've been using git just fine for months on the back-end side ;___;
Try using a GUI client. :D
that doesn't help if the underlying git commands fuck up
One of my students managed to crash svn last year (got a segfault).
Reading that article about python 3 being bad makes me wonder something...
What is the record for levels of VMs running VMs for other languages
like, COBOL running JS running Java running Perl running WhiteSpace running Erlang
@thecoshman lambdas all the way down
Compiling GCC is so... expensive.
> I've been professionally coding in C++ for the past 20 years and never learned STL. I don't know why nobody's ever said anything in code reviews.
Probably his coworkers don't know STL either :)
> About a year ago I wrote a tool that automates away almost all of my work, and haven't told anyone. I just dick around with hobby projects and video games instead of working. My confession is that there are three other people on my team struggling to keep up with the load but I haven't given them the tool because I don't want management to find out they're paying me to do nothing.
smart guy
Is that really a programming job?
@Mysticial yes, but he programmed his way out of having to work for money :D
Cause I'm thinking like, most of the stuff that I've done in all my jobs aren't really automate-able.
wtf markdwon? [string ](link) confuses you, because of that space after 'string'
Yes they are...
Computers don't do anything you couldn't work out by hand, it's just you use the computer to automate that task because they are a spot faster usually
I'd like to see you calculate 22 trillion digits of pi by hand
hell, I'd like to see you calculate just 22 digits of pi by hand!
I mean like, I don't know how to write a program that would go online research algorithms to compute Pi. And then produce code that actually computes it.
Code in Stack Overflow sometimes feel like automation to me.
Likewise at work, I don't even know how to approach writing code that would automatically research ways to get implement lockless data-structures and then implement them and push them into production.
I guess a JS person said that.
Well yes, you are not just automating, you spend a good bit of time learning how to automate something
once we automate working out how to automate an abstract task, humans loose and computers take over the world
IOW, task automation is pretty much limited to really repetitive tasks. So if the guy is able to largely automate his job, either it's not programming, or it's some guy using 1000 named variables instead of an array.
Putting extra space in my root partition in CentOS
@thecoshman And many would still prefer that.
Is a fucking nightmare
wait until you lose data
@ThePhD why?
@MarkGarcia That won't happen depending on who is in control of the government. If robots take away too many jobs, they'll get deported.
@thecoshman Because it just won't let me do it.
Apparently I need to make a new one, copy data, and then swap.
Why is resizing a partition this hard. =/
no no no no no
@Mysticial Still stuff of robo-dystopian fiction right?
robo ghettos
just stop now
@Mysticial unless we put the robots in charge of deportation first :O
@Mysticial who would get deported?
@MarkGarcia It's not too far out actually. The mass transit strikes in the Bay Area came out of this. The majority of transit workers can be replaced with machines. So the idea was to phase out the "expensive" human employees with machines that sell tickets and answer questions instead.
So they went on strike.
I was still at Google when that happened, and there were jokes going around that Google should just acquire the entire mass transit system and do it themselves.
Of course not everybody laughed - namely those who worked at the mass transit system.
In the end the complainers die, but Elon's Gigafactories will keep producing the robo kind. It's inevitable.
Yep. The economic forces of automation is too strong to hold back by just complaining.
Eventually, the guy sitting in the ticket booth is still gonna lose his/her job and get replaced with a machine and a touch screen.
I think some Japanese grocery stores are like giant vending machines.
Think forward a few decades, and taxi drivers are gonna be in trouble from self-driving cars.
I wonder what's in store for China.
Why would they be in trouble? You make it sound as if jobs had value. They don't. Only the problems that are solved by the jobs have value and if that value persists without the jobs on average everyone wins.
@thecoshman You get a ClassCastException at runtime.
@fredoverflow ooh, that's a bit hairy...
bit a code smell then I'd say
Writing Python in VS Code is nice.
s/Writing Python in //
Haven't tried C++ in it though.
@thecoshman Is that your own code, or did you find it somewhere? You probably want this:
params.filterIsInstance<Password>().forEach { param ->
@fredoverflow It was in an article you linked me to
But nice to know you can do that
that's a very amazingly cool generic function there :O
> let's assume that list only contained Password objects
^ crucial point
The point was probably smart casts.
Yeah, the heading is called "Smart casting in Kotlin" :)
val objects = listOf(42, "hello", 3.14, "world")
objects.filterIsInstance<String>().forEach { str ->
Vulkan SDK on Windows is MSVC-only right? No MingW?
@thecoshman The implementation is almost trivial:
 * Returns a list containing all elements that are instances of specified type parameter R.
public inline fun <reified R> Iterable<*>.filterIsInstance(): List<@kotlin.internal.NoInfer R> {
    return filterIsInstanceTo(ArrayList<R>())

 * Appends all elements that are instances of specified type parameter R to the given [destination].
public inline fun <reified R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Iterable<*>.filterIsInstanceTo(destination: C): C {
    for (element in this) if (element is R) destination.add(element)
Note how inline and reified save you from having to pass in .class objects at runtime (that's what you would have to do in Java).
The <*> part is explained here, and I have no idea what it means :)
> Note: star-projections are very much like Java's raw types, but safe.
This is a safe place. No side effects here.
Reading Chinese docs
.... That I can't read. To install this software.
Someone kill me.
Also, I need to download and install gcc and g++ again.
Why does CentOS pack GCC 4.4 and 4.7 as their latest? =/
Why do so many software package manager distributions do this?
Their tools are always horribly outdated and they don't seem interested in catching up ever.
imagine in the future all search everywhere will be driven by an AI advanced enough
that we could just input "messages where ThePhD complains" in the SO bar
and it'd spit out "someone kill me" "please kill me"
"this doesn't work" "please shoot me"
@AlexM. huh? did you delete your old SO account? lol
We're currently at that point already.
The problem is no one is not-lazy enough to make a scraper.
@Callionymusneptunius oh wat @AlexM.?
says member for 5 months, you were around way before that breh
it'd be an interesting exercise
@Callionymusneptunius who are you?
writing an AI that tells where users complained
inb4 "in 99% of the messages in this room"
I think there's a Google Cloud API for that.
I don't care enough for that
@Callionymusneptunius Vermillion?
APL is fun.
but anyway just curious when you deleted
a while back
this place is kinda boring, the discord is better
lol discord
> 11 months
calm down sexy
I see why I don't recognize you.
It isn't. Apparently everyone here was more interested in showing everyone how smart they were instead of sitting down and writing their own benchmark to see if they could replicate the OPs results. As my code below proves, this whole question is ignorant non-sense borne out of jumping to conclusions before attempting to replicate the OPs results. Move on, nothing to see here, just a lot of off-point misdirection masquerading as knowledge. — RocketRoy Feb 4 at 6:15
^^ lol
I'm tempted to start a flamewar with this guy.
But I'll probably get banned for that.
> Senior software engineer
you better not argue with a senior
Señor software engineer
> Senior software engineer focused on C, C++, STL, SQL. If it ever hoped to manage data, I've probably used it, enhanced it, and optimized it. I've spent the bulk of my career writing budgeting, forecasting, and derivatives models for regional and Wall St banks.
> 've used every kind of dbms dreamed up over the last 25 years, and wrote a couple of my own.
wow what an asshole
1k rep
so much knowledge keeping it to himself
@AlexM. It must be a sad life Oracle put him through.
The guy couldn't reproduce the benchmark results and is calling out the OP for faking it. He seems to have missed the point that Intel has largely fixed the problem on recent processors. That question is 5 years old.
I was only able to reproduce it on a 2008 era Core 2 system. He's trying to do it with Ivy Bridge.
> Ever had a testicular torsion? Woke up one day feeling like someone took a cake mixer to my sac and had at it.
I have intermittent testicular torsion. That's exactly what it feels like. It usually resolves itself right when I decide that this is the time I actually need to go to the hospital.
flaky testicular torsion
I only had one episode in my life
and indeed it stopped right about when I thought about going to the doc
@AlexM. says 76 rep
my about me is blank
@Mysticial Could Skylake be different? IIRC it changed cache associativity.
no, it says "Apparently, this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them."
obviously cause I don't want people to find out that I'm the einstein of programming
Alex M's theory of relativity: everyone's code is bad relative to mine
@Mysticial Oh, I missed the crucial aliasing part and thought it was all about associativity.
@MarkGarcia TBH, even now, I'm not entirely sure on what the exact cause is.
Higher-level cache effects are harder to understand.
I can't hold it back. I'm gonna flame the guy.
@RocketRoy Before you go around accusing people of making stuff up, why don't you actually try paying attention to some of the details? You say in your answer that you can't reproduce it. This question is 5 years old. Have you considered the possibility that processors have improved since then? Look at my answer, it shows that it reproduces big time on Core 2, but less so on Nehalem and later. — Mysticial 8 secs ago
Let's see what he says. inb4 mod nukes the comments.
@MarkGarcia Doubt it. But it still might matter maybe. There's 4 strides in the loop. So it shouldn't have any effect on pre-Skylake processors since they all have 8-way associativity. Skylake drops it to 4. So that exactly matches the code. But since there's no room left, all it takes is one other (random) thing to collide with it and it will knock it out of cache.
Out of L2 cache. It'll still land in L3 if it fits.
1 message moved to bin
just want to confirm that the Bin is for questions
Binning as a Service (BaaS)
I'm the bin master these days
@Puppy negative
fraid that room is clearly for C++ questions and answers
@sehe not really c++ related though :/
Sorry, the other exchanges use their lounge for questions. MBaaS.... my bad as-a service
Question Triage:
- Is it about C++? -> C++ Q/A room
- Haskell? -> Here when Fred's around.
- Boost Spirit? -> Here when sehe's around.
- Anime? -> Here when me Xeo, Stacked, or a few others are around.
- Java or PHP? -> go to hell
there's still a chance for JS!
hej guis XD
how is the this formed????
in js pls
use React noob
Just turn your functions in arrow functions if you have random problems with this. If you're lucky enough, it will solve the problem.
Eh, I happen to use React at work.
me too
Too bad I don't actually know shit about JS.
use Typescript noob

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