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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@Morwenn Yeah, but you shouldn't let that be your mentality
You have to strive for perfection to be better, knowing that you'll never reach it
hello there, i am trying to compile a application from github using its documentation, however i keep getting an error in VS2015 and not sure why .... i have downloaded the associated binaries and copy/pasted them into the code directory replacing the originals but not sure what i am doing wrong , can anyone help , the url is github github.com/TadasBaltrusaitis/OpenFace
I guess this will be binned
@Columbo potato quality
am i right in copy/pasting binary files into a code project to make it work
@Columbo those poor guys with blue dicks
    for(int rsz = 0; rsz < contentLength-1;)
         rsz += inputStreamReader.read(buffer, rsz, contentLength-rsz);
can someone point me in the right direction, trying to compile this project github.com/TadasBaltrusaitis/OpenFace but not working in vs2015
any ideas guys ?
this stops for me at rsz == 251676, while contentLength is 251696
what could account for those missing 20 bytes?
did you even print contentLength
@user3504751 you can try here, but be a little patient
@Ven I'm watching this in debugger
it always hangs on missing 20 bytes
actually I'm getting this up to the last </html> tag
so it's a complete response
why is the contentLength wrong then :/
because the line you are looking at is not executed when you are there and afterwards the variable is gone?
fucks sake, and there's the chunked encoding to support
amazing idea to tell us to implement HTTP from scratch
@user3504751 Stop using VS
it seems totally random
some web servers return the content length but don't send anything afterwards
some of them use chunked encoding which is a pita
some of them send just a few bytes less than they say they will
@Ven looks like I'll have to switch to agda :V
Apparently I can't do this:
data Mu : (Type -> Type) -> Type where
  MkMu : {f : Type -> Type} -> ((f a -> a) -> a) -> Mu f
and use it in total functions
because I can't tell idris that f doesn't alias MkMu and therefore it might not be strictly positive
and I don't think there is anything I can do about that.
have you even asked on IRC
yeah that's how I found out :P
I see one green and one blue ell
yeah :P
I didn't see :(
@Ell so annoying to not be owner when it happens /@sehe
when i compile in vs2015 it says a dll is missing ... i have the dll but dont know where it is looking
is there a way i can find where it is looking , like an error log or sumfin
i would of expected it to tell me in te error log but it just shows nothing , error box , ""is missing and no idea where it is looking
Lol Visual Studio.
.... not funny
nothing is funny about visual studio 2015
do how do i find the dependent dll location
anyone ?
I want a ∀ key on my keyboard.
@rightfold emacs and agda-mode or a compose-key yay
I just use prettify-symbols-mode :3
@Ven doesn't work in all apps
I want something that works everywhere.
@JohanLarsson what would that change?
@rightfold pipe dreams work everywhere
lets me see deleted messages
downside is null I think
@Columbo Striving for perfection makes me depressed about things not being perfect, and make me give up things early because the amount of work to reach something even close to perfection is overwhelming :p
Just learned that placement new is broken, unless you only use the pointer returned by it, not the address passed to it #cplusplus
alignment issues?
nah, just language mumbo jumbo about repurposing storage or something
the whole std::launder thing has to do with it, and there's some example relating to that specific issue in the paper, IIRC
omg I've only used the address passed to it
gotta change my code
I didn't even actually know that it returned something.
Or did I?
It works everywhere, and there's not much you can do when you use it on pre-allocated storage (new ((void*)&storage) T(...))
Its new, ofc it returns something
I think the new C++17 protocol for what I wrote above would be static_cast<T*>(std::launder(&storage)) whereever you access it, or something. @LucDanton knows more.
I still dont understand why std::launder was necessary or what special thing it does
It's magic
@Xeo yeah that’s why I'm assuming also
@milleniumbug Is that what the standard says? "Its magic" :P
My Little cpp: std::launder is magic
@Borgleader :D
on more serious side of things, the answer here explains the rationale quite well
oh shit, nicol bolas
Wasn't he dead?
no (he survived, he was leader of aery peak in vanilla wow all through wotlk)
not anymore
By the way, I've got him as a Planeswalker :D
I never played the card though.
lol TIL that's a thing
@Morwenn No, it is certainly possible to achieve perfection. You won't always, but if you are gifted and devoted, your work will be of increasing depth and precision. And being excellent at something is much easier than you think, you just really have to want it, and naturally find efficient ways to pick things up
@Columbo The devoted part is the problem.
@Morwenn Why?
Also the better I am in something, the more critical I am regarding what I've done, to a point where I can't even be satisfied anymore with my work .____.
@Morwenn No, there will be a point at which your understanding of the profession outscales your competence. Then you'll see how imperfect your work really is. But that step enables you to address these imperfections, and after a lot more work, you'll eventually be able to create something fascinating.
There's no true objective perfection in music, so...
Maybe in playing music, but it's waaaaaaay too much work.
I'm a lazy fuck before anything else .______.
See pianists, for instance. The very, very best ones have perfect live recordings. In music, Sokolov is a good example.
@Morwenn Lol, you actually took music as an example :)
Oh course, I somehow play two instruments and occasionally try to compose music.
I'll never reach reach perfection in any of them because it's too much work for me to handle.
@Morwenn It is a great deal of work (a devotion on the scale of a lifetime, indeed), but the results are abilities that enable you to immerse into another world.
I already immerse into great other worlds by listening to music. For some reasing it's more satisfying.
Btw., today was the first time in my life a girl asked for my name - right outside the practice room
Shit happens.
@Morwenn Trust me, playing pieces yourself on a high level of quality is far more satisfying. Particularly because feeling the actual vibration of an instrument is far more satisfying.
I don't find the same magic in the things I can do by myself.
The more I progress, the more I only hear the errors.
quick, somebody link me two really bad answers
@Morwenn There are only finitely many (and reasonably few, for that matter) mistakes that you have to work on.
I should've expected nothing less
@Morwenn Yeah, she's a violinist. I guess my Lounge theory of how that instrument is inferior shan't be mentioned in real life x)
Inferior what? Only the sound matters .___.
there we go
I screenshotted it already, so idc
definitely edited HTML
@Xeo only 674 more silver badges, WTG!
@Columbo how is violin inferior?
Oh hey, I got more gold badges than sehe
@sehe Well, I wasn't a 100% serious on this, but I don't think that a violin has the same potential for multiple voices that a piano has. Which does not make it inferior, ergo not serious, but that's something I care about, which is why I don't like it.
?!? that's complete subjective bullshit. Apples and pears indeed.
The piano is probably among the only instruments that I can listen to when played solo.
I like the piano and the violin. For obvious and different reasons
@Morwenn In fact it's one of the instruments that I find most frequently boring. Only a few gods of the instruments are capable of not making it sound like a percussion instrument after a longer period of time.
@sehe Well, a few more things. A violin cannot produce the same depth that a piano can, IMO. Etc. I think the violin is only great in combination with other instruments.
Keeping people interested with a single kind of sound is always hard anyway :o
@sehe Which is why I wasn't serious.
Depth is not in the instrument. It's in the listener
Because this is more subjective than anything else.
That's serious
> I think the violin is only great in combination with other instruments.
That's like saying wine is only great in combination with a meal, whereas whiskey can stand on its own.
That's just convention.
@sehe No, it's not. There is a reason why people rarely give violin solo concertos.
It takes more effort appreciating to solo bassoon, or cello, or whatever
While cello is more popular for that, actually (IIRC).
@Columbo They rarely do? It's likely you just don't know where to find them. I can go to one at least twice a week at less than 5 minutes walking from my office
@sehe If you say that
@Columbo I don't think you remember correctly. At all.
The number of solo recitals would be very close for both instruments, if not strongly in favour of the violin. (No numbers to cite)
@Columbo The point is, you're in the realm of "solo recitals" already and that makes it "for connaisseurs", like you wouldn't draw any comparative conclusions because certain types of art only reaches niche galleries
"Oh you'd not usually see (technique XXX or concept YYY) in a large museum, so it's inferior"
I'm really not in the solo recital niche.
Even though I feel like I'm already in a number of niches ._.
I am aware of the scene because I was in conservatory, my sister went professional. As such I still get invitations sometimes. Not that I engage on all of these
@sehe That was not my point.
Stop twisting my statements.
Points are moot anyway :o
And moot created 4chan.
I must say that the most memorable concerts I do remember from say London or Paris were those. Most notable is one solo violin recital in Paris (that strangely I never bothered to remember the name of the players at the time)
Where people are always trying to make points.
@Columbo Woah.
Which are moot themselves.
@sehe My point was that a violin is less expressive.
Which is completely objective, but probably untrue.
@Columbo You absolutely tried to support your point with that statement. I know the support "isn't" your statement, but I can debate the arguments you use, right?
@Columbo What part of "expressive" is objective?
inb4 piano burns longer
> The ipt gene codes for isopentenyltransferase (IPT) enzyme which catalyzes the rate limiting step in the biosynthesis of cytokinin and has been shown to enhance tolerance to drought in transgenic crops by delaying drought-induced leaf senescence.
Wow I feel a bit of the jargon is quite avoidable there :)
I feel privileged I can still make out some of the meaning there...
I, too, am reading about biology
> It is an erect, suberect or trailing, densely hairy, annual herb.
:) lol. Very sutter, that
I’ll take your word for it papa Bear
@sehe No, I said that there is a reason. Which turned out to be false, because the premise was false.
Huh. What part is the "No" to, if the rest of your post confirms everything I said?
You people care way too much.
That's a bold assumption
@sehe It didn't.
That's not the answer that helps.
@sehe What part of "clever" is objective? Are you really cleverer than anyone?
@sehe Sure it is :)
@Columbo Judge allows it, but urges you to get to your point
I don't think I will. You're turning it into an apparent ad-hominem (apparent, until you make the point you otherwise intended). At the very least "Are you really cleverer" is a straw man. I'm not required to defend or reject it
@sehe My point is that I have no interest in word games. You can always find some definition of expressiveness that makes a violin more expressive and vice versa. According to my understanding of that term, a piano is (but this may be the result of me listening to no "brilliant" violin recordings yet, so if you have a recommendation, feel free to share it).
@sehe Wtf?!
That has nothing to do with you or anyone else. "clever" is just some dummy adjective.
@Sargon_of_Akkad @JeffHollandaise @shoe0nhead @bear_ing @Sugar_Tits_Bear @JohnnyFoxRox @RubinReport @amazingatheist… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/797243468976418816
@Columbo Well. Can you imagine someone reading that message and reading it as it is? [Note I didn't even assume you meant it personally, I urged you to get to the point instead (and then clarified since you told me to "Put that understandably". I hope it was more understandable)]
Gee. That was easy.
The whole thing that gives rise to the discussion was the fact that the claim was arbitrary. It's not that you can "forge" arbitrary definitions to invalidate the claim. The claim itself was arbitrary.
I think you should just replace "expressive" with "interesting" - that makes it clear that the subjective observer is implied
And in that case, I think most people would agree.
@sehe Does that have anything to do with our discussion? Regardless, I can well imagine someone reading my message and understanding that all I meant was to highlight subjectivity of common terms. Clearly you are very clever (no sarcasm intended), so "clever" is a good adjective to use here, IMO.
@sehe Okay, that I can agree on.
For the obvious reasons. It's just easier to be "swept away" by an orchestra than by a whistle, and by that crude measure, piano will be more interesting than... snare drums when taken solo :)
You much care way too people.
@Morwenn I love caring too much if I do it with someone who can teach me how to argue rigorously.
I mean, I feel like there are more enjoyable ways to waste time .__.
Like, hunting down crazy linker errors in Spirit X3?
My current status is using nm -C and cleaning up the template mess so I can begin to read it
@sehe …does that happen often?
Not at all, for me. But apparently it can happen more readily if you start splitting the rule definitions across TUs (using the supplied SPIRIT_XXXX macros)
@sehe Not sure tbh :D
wow that sounds dire
Well. It's not an issue for me (I'm looking at a question from the mailing list)
It's good to know what other people run into, ofc
are you still a streamer sehe?
No :(
@JohanLarsson People have been complaining the vids get offline of unusable. Do you see this too?
no, I have not visited the stream thing for a long while
That makes 2 of us
I miss it :)
That makes 2 of us
Only a little here. It's much less stressful not being online. I found that out when I stopped. It's a bit a fuss letting others in the house know they might be recorded. Or thinking of it myself when I step away, take a phone call or w/e
yeah understandable, sry about the nag
I never got around to stream anything
Oh I don't consider it a nag. I guess when I start spending more time on non-work things I might stream again.
@LucDanton In case you want to know more here's my quick response boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/…
When atmospheric black metal and jazzy riffs blend together *-*
> Louis Dionne and I decided
to team up and develop a comprehensive yet simple set of tools that would
make it easy to benchmark metaprogramming techniques and as such provide
feedback to the development of faster metaprogramming libraries. This is
how Metabench came to be, in very few words a drop in CMake module that
provides a concise API to generate charts out of compile time benchmarks.
I didn't know a thing like this existed metaben.ch
Metabench? It's been a few months already.
IIRC Louis Dionne even gave a speech where he mentioned it at CppCon or Meeting C++ (can't remember which).
With miscellaneous techniques to improve compile times.
Like aliasing long template names on the fly.
You, sir, have missed a career as a photographer — That is my completely layman verdict on @JamesMcNellis's twitter… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/797569626792148992
That guy. Making me jealous everyday. And it's not even about the c++ things
The unfollow button is right next to my name in my bio
More sensible chuckles
aw fuck
I think one of my monitors just died
suddenly went black, with only background lighting
no OSD popping up, no logo when I turn it off and on again
and a thin vertical red line
@sehe reply to you?
Of course not
Preemptive remark I feel. Tay gets a lot of gratuitous feedback on some kinds of posts :)
I'm automagically falling asleep. I guess it's time.
See you later :)
@Xeo age model? size?
BenQ GL2450, bought it April '13
That's not very old.
manufacturer guarantee was 2 years
I didn't budget 120 bucks for a new monitor :<
not that I don't have the money, but still
and it'll only arrive on Tuesday
Yeah, that sucks.
only having one monitor feels so... primitive
I've had issues with monitors from non-major brands. But not to the point of failure.
@Xeo Hehe. I split my monitor to the kid's PC and haven't bought a new second monitor in ~6 months. I'm doing fine
@Xeo Now you have an excuse for an upgrade!
but my other one works for now, and I don't want to buy two monitors :<
(no, I won't allow different brands / models!)
I had like 5 monitors during my college/grad days. 5 different models, 5 different brands.
3 different sizes and 2 different resolutions.
all my 4 monitors are different models with different sizes
I have 6 monitors here. 3 different models 3 different sizes. But the 4 in front of me are all identical.
buying a new display means the worst one gets retired and the best one becomes second best one
^^ that
I mean, I could buy two new ones and roll with three dispays.
@Xeo That's the spirit!
Problem is, I use the (currently) free space on my desk as misc storage, since I don't have any other storage options atm here.
Do I ask C++ questions here?
No, either here or here
Appreciate it.
This guy is amazing.
@sehe oh, explicit instantiations, that makes sense
If Satan was a web developer. (I'd love to take part in hackathon for the worst input ever one day :D) https://t.co/gyBaBNyOrn
> I was trying to be reassuring. Then again, there are the alt-right furries...
@rightfold Net zo verlegen als Hans
o_o /cc @Borgleader
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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