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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

My language supports parallelism with this parallel block.
But it doesn't support concurrency.
how? :P
That code does what its supposed to do: it produces "28" in the sum.
But the problem with parallel blocks is that they are still executed sequentially.
Sure, the contents of that block can be MASSIVELY parallel.
And the contents of that block can SCALE utterly, but what happens when you want to do a shit ton of work, and then go back to the regular sequential execution of your typical program?
Dependency analysis?
That's an unsolvable problem.
But what I mean is, there's no way to say "go do this work, I want the result later" in LePiX.
This is a problem for concurrent design.
You cannot create interleaved or ordered sequential execution.
It's either MASSIVELY parallel or absolutely sequential, and there's no in-between.
Granted, in-between is where all the fun stuff happens.
Why not just encapsulate the block to output a set of futures?
And then you can wait on the futures, etc.
You can even do a version of coroutines I think?
Something like modeling the producer consumer scheme with a wait resume thing with futures
e.g. until (consumer.return) wait?
@ThePhD That way you can also do dependency analysis by exposing what could be dependent from the output
@ThePhD lepix still looks p damn cool
@VermillionAzure What I'm saying is we don't have abstractions for that.
@ThePhD ?
@VermillionAzure We don't have an abstraction aside from parallel that supports the idea of futures and shit.
We have an atomic block for synchronization
and a parallel block for running X times in parallel.
We don't have futures or promises.
@ThePhD how about you do something zany
allow nesting of parallel blocks
Hm, according to Google maps a drive from New York to San Francisco takes 42 hours. Do people sometimes actually do that?
parallel {
    work = parallel { // stuff}
    nicethings = join work
Never been in US btw :)
@StackedCrooked surprisingly short
I've thought it would be more like 5 days
I suppose in practice it's gonna be something like that. Nobody can drive for 42 hours straight.
But if you're taking turns then it's feasible perhaps.
@StackedCrooked It's like 3000 miles right? If you're driving a constant 75m/h for 42 hours straight - it'll work.
You'll probably get stuck in traffic getting out of NY, through Chicago, and into SF.
Oh right.
What about the road on the main land. Is there lot's of traffic there?
So plan for two 12 hour breaks to nap, no strings attached. If you get there early, awesome
@StackedCrooked Highway 80 all the way. I'm not sure there are much in the way of detours to get around Chicago.
TIL where Chicago is.
@Mysticial watch out
Just on a 14 hour drive to Vancouver, we stopped for food and gas a total of ~5 hours
Actually yes. There's a tollway around Chicago that avoids the city. You can get on it from 80 prior to entering the city. Then make a hugeass loop around the city before merging back into 80.
@Mysticial Plus some minor slow-downs at Salt Lake City and possibly Reno.
Does anyone have any idea about this question ? math.stackexchange.com/questions/2009897/…
All the way to Reno.
Jan Garbarek
@StackedCrooked In younger days, I once drove a tad over half that distance (Spokane WA, to Pierre South Dakota) stopping only for gas. I can't imagine ~doubling that without at least a few stops. It'd probably be (literally) deadly. Even that drive I drank (if memory serves) a six-pack of one-liter bottles of Mountain Dew...
Me and @ThePhD
@JerryCoffin Wow.
@StackedCrooked At that time, I drank Mountain Dew so much it didn't affect me all that much though. I routinely drank a bottle in the evening, and had no difficulty going to sleep afterwards.
What motivated you to drive such distance? Was it a girl?
@JerryCoffin 6 litres of mountain dew? :V
@StackedCrooked definitely
lol I have a function named getRoot
@StackedCrooked Worse. That was when I was discharged from the Air Force. Drove almost all the way home in one sitting. Stopped mostly because I would have arrived around 3 O'clock in the morning if I just kept going.
@Alex I'm not sure the answer to that question is easy without a very strong mathematical background or a brute-force algorithm. Depending on the n, it may literally take years to find a solution using the brute-force approach. In other words, we probably don't know the answer
@JerryCoffin Cool, I didn't know you were in the air force.
@StackedCrooked The US Air Farce. It's a great waste of life.
Node.js only has a URL parsing module, not a URI parsing module, and searching for "node parse uri" lists only this module.
Oh, so military discharge basically means being free again.
@JerryCoffin Really?
@StackedCrooked Their recruiting ads back then used "The US Air Force. It's a great way of life" as their tag-line. I just edited it to something I considered more appropriate/accurate.
What types of discharges are there?
@Aaron3468 Urine, Feces, ...
I guess doctors talk about the nasty goo that comes out of some sores as a "discharge" as well.
@Borgleader Basically. But I ❤ you anyways.
I need to print this and frame it somewhere so I have an idea what mathematicians mean when I need to read their papers for an algorithm
Seriously though, assuming you mean military discharges: honorable, under other than honorable conditions, bad conduct, dishonorable. Honorable: finished enlistment. Under other than honorable conditions: thrown out for fairly minor infraction. Bad conduct: convicted of less minor crime. Dishonorable: convicted of major crime.
@Aaron3468 this stuff is easy - you just need to remember what is what
@Aaron3468 I guess that's a side effect of having learned English from TV and Internet. There's probably a lot English words that are used in daily life that I've never heard.
@ThePhD ❤
@StackedCrooked "Discharge" is basically only used by doctors/hospitals and the military. Medically, it's used both for stuff coming out of your body and for getting out of the hospital. Military, for somebody getting out of the military who wasn't in long enough to qualify for military retirement.
Oh, thank you. That helps a lot because I'm not from a military background. @StackedCrooked Really, the words necessary for daily life are easy to pickup through exposure; you can learn most languages to that level in ~2 years. It's the specialized vocabulary like '確認' or 'monoid' that take many years to acquire
And military vocabulary is a little different than general vocab. I pretty much only knew about dishonourable discharges and AWOL until today
@JerryCoffin Thanks.
@Aaron3468 It's not that I have trouble learning words. It's simply lack of exposure to certain kinds of words. I remember when I was in high school. Most kids here have a good grasp of English because of TV (English shows and movies are subtitled). The teacher challenged us: How do you say kraantje in English. Nobody knew. (We were around 17 back then.)
@Aaron3468 That's why i asked it on stackexchange :P
@rygorous @grumpygiant "why is DNS so hard? It's just naming things and cache invalidation."
@rightfold hehe
@StackedCrooked tap!
@Aaron3468 Military vocabulary is a lot different from normal life. Military acronyms remind me a lot of the Win32 API. Names that are supposed to be self explanatory--but end up so long you nearly need to abbreviate them, so you end up with something that's utterly meaningless unless you already know it.
americans might call it a faucet?
Stacked, that's alright in my opinion. The first things that are usually helpful are greetings and directions. All the minutiae can be learned later. (faucet, tap, and spout work fine for that object)
@Ell Right. That's what she told us. (I'll never forget.)
I'm glad you learned the british version :P
I think in America there's another word commonly used for it. But I forgot that one.
@Ell Hah.
For example, nearly every Air Force base has a "consolidated base personnel office". Since that's way too long for normal use, it's abbreviated to "CBPO", and pronounced as "See Bo".
Right, faucet.
Still got my dictionary open :)
Personally, I'm happy I remember a lot of little words like 蛇口. Where I am, it's usually called a tap
@StackedCrooked Could also be called a "spigot" (though that would be more common for one on the outside of the house where you'd connect a water hose). sidney.ca/Assets/Finance/Faucet.jpg
In NL we use the same word for tap and crane
@Ell fountain
a water fountain is something differente
Right! I knew there was a third fourth word that sounded as unique as faucet. I wonder if spigot is plumbing terminology for the type of valve
> Spigot is used by professionals in the trade (such as plumbers), and typically refers to an outdoor fixture. -- Wikipedia
ah spigot
I would never use that in every day use
Would you be a deer and counterclockwisely rotate the wall hydrant to emit dihydrogen monoxide?
@Aaron3468 I would never be a deer. Maybe an elk, but definitely not a deer.
@StackedCrooked depends. Could be little hoist. Or a taplet. Or spring. Or faucet. Or whatever :)
@rightfold Not bad
@Aaron3468 I learned a new one
Video Games running arbitrary code after disabling protections.
will you be a beer then?
N i c e .
> However, changes in technology are beginning to change the number of dogs that watch TV. High-resolution digital screens are refreshed at a much higher rate so even for dogs there is less flicker, and we are getting more reports of pet dogs who are very interested when various nature shows containing images of animals moving.
Nice :)
@ThePhD Sounds like it's nice and cleanly written though--once it's destroyed your machine done, it turns the protection back on.
I wonder what percentage of the rootkits are antihacks/DRM, and what percentage are for snooping/supervillain purposes
@Aaron3468 From what I've seen, ~80-90% are done out of laziness, not malice.
Yeah, most of the time the intention is just to circumvent something irritating about the environment or its users.
[boost] Parallel sorting sub-library mini-review starts today! http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2016/11/231544.php #cpp #cplusplus
/cc obviously redundant info for @Morwenn / @orlp
@Borgleader /cc my apprentice @jaggedSpire
@sehe a while back I asked if you could figure out a fingering for some arpeggio's for me, I would still be interested in your opinion :)
@sehe This will be of interest of me. Probably writing this in lepix and then seeing if it works faster than a regular quicksort would probably be pretty nice.
@LucDanton Just realized that "Plus de X ?" without further context can equally mean "More X?" and "No more X?". :clap:
@sehe neat
@GundolfGundelfinger even I knew that mate
Talk about "plus de stupide"
@sehe bragger :P
@Borgleader :D
@GundolfGundelfinger ça n’a pas de sens
comment t’as pas remarqué ça plus tôt ._. c’est pas ta langue maternelle ?
This isn't fun. I'm getting intense aching in my arm after consuming alcohol. Time for me to see a doctor .-.
yes please do that
It's your Anti-Alcohol sense.
God gave it to you to protect you.
Well it's tingling too much methinks.
Have you tried more alcohol yet?
@Aaron3468 tingling you say? if it isn’t too painful or distracting, you know what to do
@Lalaland Well I have a problem and clearly alcohol is a solution.
@LucDanton Amputation?
well if that’s what you’re into
@LucDanton jusqu'à très tard j'ai cru que "granvée" était un adjectif indicant une vitesse hors du commun (mais c'était "vitesse grand V" :( )
@GundolfGundelfinger oh mon pauvre trésor
normalement c’est là qu’on complimente sur la personnalité mais j’ai une autre mauvaise nouvelle
Hey, quick question. If I have a char* (we'll call it str)in a local scope, and I want to put it into a string in an outer scope, if I do string(str) do I need to worry about the string object pointing to invalid data, or does the string CTOR take care of creating new memory?
Pretty sure it should create new memory, but I want to verify.
@David It creates a copy. You are fine.
Cool, thanks!
anyone else enjoying their coffee
@LucDanton je suis toutoui
tu a été adopté :(
when you feed birds ...
3 magpies, 1 dove and 1 pigeon in the backyard right now
bread & prawn heads ...
Wow, I don't usually see large birds in varied flocks like this :)
it's not a flock though, it's a few hungry birds
birds of a stomach...
also recorded magpies' singing and play the song back at them ... :p
Telkitty using cheap tricks to attract birdies :3
given telkitty's post history
I think she attracts birds by just existing at this point
Biggity bootstrappin' cooode.
1 hour later…
so similar ...
fully fenced yard, only birds can get in ... mostly anyways
@ThePhD Can't you build that from those primitives anyways?
Also YAY my blog article got 9k views!
So, I have an std::queue<bool> that I need to make thread safe, I'm thinking of throwing unique locks on the push/pop methods, but I'm curious as to the alternatives...
@Mikhail Seems like the most reasonable solution to me
@Mikhail What about top() though?
The real thing messing with me is that on x86, most of these instructions would be atomic, in the sense that no jagged writes/reads will occur.
@Mikhail How does that matter though?
I don't understand the category of race condition that motivates the use of unique_locks, in this case
Lockless queue?
Doable with only acquire-release semantics.
@Mysticial What is that?
@Mikhail Isn't this, like, monitors?
But in the case of an std::queue<int> where exactly are the potential race conditions?
Reading an empty queue at the same time something enqueues to it.
@Mysticial Confusing but... those are functions to enforce ordering, right?
Yes, it's very confusing.
It took me a while to understand it well enough and even longer with trial-and-error before I got the hang of it.
@Mysticial If I get this right -- the CPU and the compiler can reorder your instructions as you like... unless you use those functions, which enforce a certain paradigm of ordering, whether that is write before you read or read before you write?
It's, uh... more complicated than that.
@Mysticial This seems similar to memory fencing at the instruction leve
So, to enqueue we need to increment a size() and copy in a pointer. This seems like a such a common task that we could have some hardware acceleration :-)
(Right? o.o)
@Mikhail whoa what happened to int?
or w/e, we can do any structure if its a pointer.
@Mikhail fetch add + store release.
No lock needed.
Ok, I'm oversimplifying. It gets ugly if you need to enlarge the buffer or if the queue is full.
If you have only one thread writing to the queue, then the fetch-add isn't necessary. Just a normal load + store release.
@Mysticial Whoa whoa
I've thought all this time that
Indeed, although I think on x86 you gotta hit up a lock;, which isn't the default behavior for std::
lock-free programming = programming without semaphores wtf that's not right
@Mikhail Lock prefixed instructions aren't necessary at all for a subset of single-producer queues.
that would be semaphore-free programming
I should take a concurrency class
unless you’re doing sense-less programming in which case lock-free can mean anything
Oh btw. If you need standard-compliant 2's complement arithmetic: std::atomic::fetch_add/sub. ahahaha
@Mysticial I don't get it, if you're reading an empty queue at the same time something enqueues to it. Don't you need the lock prefix?
@Mysticial welp that’s weird
pointer arithmetic, too
@Mikhail There's a way around it. Lock-prefixed instructions are really only needed when you have a write-write race. But the case you described is a read-write race.
but why?
@Mysticial wtf
also whats wrong with 2's compliment?
@Mikhail I think it's because C and C++ don't define the number format but they require a specific form for the atomic fetch-add? weird
Actually, I take that back about read-write races being able to avoid lock-prefixed instructions. I can think of one situation where it's unavoidable.
stupidest thing is that it says there is no UB and it mandates a representation, but not the actual results. the intent is clear, but the wording reminds me of the is_modulo nonsense
@Mikhail Instead of having a single size field, you split it into two variables - one that keeps track of how much has been read and how much has been written. Each thread writes to one and reads from the other. That eliminates the write-write race when you enqueue and dequeue at the same time from an empty queue.
and read-write is impossible because of the ISA? (to clarify)
The concept of size() is actually undefined in the asynchronous queues since enqueue and dequeue operations are not sequenced with each other when the queue is neither empty nor full.
@Mikhail It's not an ISA thing. Though x86 does make it easier to think about it.
read-write races can usually be resolved entirely with acquire-release semantics.
On x86, loads and stores implicitly have acquire-release semantics. (with exceptions) so the std::atomic::load/store with std::memory_order_acquire/release doesn't generate any fencing instructions.
But on other ISAs like ARM, the ordering is relaxed. So acquire-loads and store-releases will be an atomic load/store paired with a fencing instruction.
do we count the fencing instruction as a lock?
Depends on what kind of fence.
is the x86 lock prefix a kind of fence?
load and store fences don't lock. I'm unsure about the full fence.
I think a lock-prefix instruction is some combination of the normal instruction with the full fence. And it's probably implemented by acquiring exclusive ownership of the cacheline and locking it for the duration of the instruction.
So any requests for the cache line from the snoop bus are denied with a "retry later" signal while the core has it locked.
The load and store fences are mainly to prevent the OOE from reordering shit.
Which is a much weaker requirement than freezing an entire cacheline.
@Mysticial interesting
how do you know this much again?
@VermillionAzure Lots of reading and playing around with code.
@Mysticial what
@VermillionAzure A lot of it is just understanding how the cache coherency protocols work. Locking instructions are merely "hacks" that "intrude" into the cache coherency protocol.
@Mysticial well ok
@Mysticial isn't it kind of late over there?
It's also a weekend.
yo bois
@sehe Indeed. I've had plans to stole that one for a long time already, but I'm waiting for a standard implementation of execution policies to start the whole parallel stuff :p
Which might make my overload resolution explode even more...
Eh, a few minutes ago I entered my brother's bedroom right after he broke up with his girlfriend, and both of them were crying. It was so awkward u____u
Moreover I just learnt that I had totally forgotten to change my numberplate after acquiring my car more than a year ago. I'm changing it today, but I could have been in exceedingly big trouble had I been controlled :x
Great way to start the day.
Good morning :)
Hey :)
Looks like they'll be trying to get Howard's endian paper into C++17 (I like how it's supposedly closed for new features but nobody cares).
Probably shit
How good are you at writing fast code? https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/backend/compress.c needs to be faster. #dlang
If I'm not mistaken, std::all_of, std::any_of and std::none_of explicitly take a predicate. There is not default. — Morwenn Jun 10 at 8:22
@Morwenn I finally fixed my answer :)
@fredoverflow I don't even remember commenting on that :x
Well, it has been five months... :)
So old.
Have my humble upvote.
Any answer that is older than one week is basically a legacy answer.
square :: forall a. (Semiring a) => a -> a
And pursue slaying him whose answer was accepted.
@Morwenn It's all his (her?) fault :D
@fredoverflow I wish they had named std::conjunction and std::disjunction more like those.
std::all, std::any or sth
I wish std::any and friends had an overload that doesn't explicitly take a predicate.
for sequences of bools?
I wish C++ had a standard identity function template, then you wouldn't need those overloads.
@Xeo For sequences of shit convertible to bool.
@fredoverflow eh, identity is hard to do with C++'s lifetime stuff
Is it time for a new functional language, C(x)?
(meta-function yes)
@fredoverflow It's coming in the Ranges TS (and it's already in cpp-sort :p).
Wait, it's a class, not a function template.
@Morwenn Hm... I kinda like to be explicit with those, tbh. if (x != nullptr) instead of if (x) etc.
@fredoverflow XD
@Xeo I can't blame you for that :)
@Xeo What do you mean, can't we just write:
template<typename T>
const T& identity(const T& x)
    return x;
@fredoverflow the const-ref-extend-lifetime rule is for locals
@Xeo Is that a footnote or lisp code?
@fredoverflow lol
@Ven I don't need any lifetime extension, I just want to write std::all_of(vec.begin(), vec.end(), identity<bool> )
@fredoverflow The identity in the Ranges TS looks like this (I copy-pasted it from the working paper).
Haskell is like lisp but with lambda terms instead of lists and atoms.
@Morwenn nice
Anyway, I've got to go. I need to change my tires and my numberplate.
See you later ^_^
Identity in C++

struct identity
    template<typename T>
    constexpr auto operator()(T&& value) const noexcept
        -> T&&
        return std::forward<T>(value);

    using is_transparent = void;

Identity in Haskell

id x = x
Apparently there is a website all about the geo: URI scheme
@fredoverflow now make one for changing the value of a variable in haskell :P
Changing the value of a variable is undesirable
It's like asking to write a program that dereferences the null pointer
@AlexM. modifySTRef ref f = writeSTRef ref . f =<< readSTRef ref
what’s so special about that?
as opposed to
int a = 0;
a = 5;
that’s writeSTRef ref 5
wrapped in an ST context
which you omit
it’s in the type
but it's still unusable in a context outside ST
you can’t have an STRef outside of ST
it's what I'm saying yeah
so what?
@rightfold If dereferencing a null pointer invokes UB, can we say with 100% confidence that a null pointer was actually dereferenced? ;)
@LucDanton it's a requirement wrt the scope in which you can apply the operation
Wow, a Haskell battle. Bring on the monads!
whereas you can mutate variables in any scope (might be wrong?) in C++
basically you're hiding the real cost
of mutating a variable by showing just the operation
there is no cost, mutation is the same deal no matter the language
ok leave it at that
you're right
if you say 'Haskell variable' I will assume STRef--the same way if you say 'mutate a variable in C++' I don't assume you’re saying 'how do I mutate int const x = 5;????'
maybe it’s a clever joke the first time
@LucDanton const_cast -> yay UB
and I don’t like that sort of joke because it perpetuates the attitude that somehow Haskell must be out of reach of mere mortals. like I’ve said, mutation is the same deal no matter the language and it’s hard everywhere
@AlexM. and there was nothing to be right or wrong about
It's easier when it's more restricted such as in Rust and Haskell.
I forgot my keepass password
this was the worst idea ever
Pain in the KeepAss.
@AlexM. gg
luckily I don't need to reset passwords anywhere important
like steam
@Morwenn Didn't make it, AFAICS. Wasn't addressed on Friday.
This is so easy even little children can do it! — nwp 13 secs ago
probably gonna get banned for that but seems really funny to me right now
> Currently on my phd in nuclear physics. Programming as a hobby. Prefer c, vb.net, python. Hate with a passion c++ and c#
why do you like VB.NET, C, but dislike C#
> Yeah, I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose
Probably because when you have a lot of physics in your head you don't have space to learn a programming language properly, so you prefer a language where you can do reasonably well in without knowing much about it.
VB.NET is just a C# reskin
Intentionally nowadays
@nwp flagged as too chatty
Why would you do that to me?
@Columbo That's ok. Shit happens :p
Finally changed my tires and my numberplate /o/
@rightfold It got removed. I don't like you anymore.
just a little bit less shitty content on Stack Overflow
You'd hafta delete your account for that
@R.MartinhoFernandes Bad choice by Lego I think
somebody should hold the Daily Bullshit to account but random corporations isn't the right way to do it
if only we had some kind of press regulator...
you want more press regulation? :V
More press regulation means less diversity of opinions. What the press needs is more such diversity.
Mainstream press is very like-minded these days, and this is harmful because it gives readers less PoVs to form their own opinions about matters.
It's basically indoctrination.
When you're supposed to have a rehearsal at 15h30 but in the end it's 18h.
that's not even contradictory
@Ell Press shouldn't go around shitting on judges for making legal opinions.
unless they have actual evidence that it wasn't impartial
freedom of the press is a good thing but there is such a thing as too much
@Puppy just because somebody shouldn't do it, it doesn't mean it should be illegal right
@Ell No, but what they did should be.
I want to make software.
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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