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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

Birthday cake I ordered yesterday (got it today)
I think it's pretty :p
& upside down 😳
> You hear this finger? Oh, it's upside down
> Here, let me turn this motherfucker upright now
Turn your monitor around (for better viewing angle) 😹
Easier if you have a phone (but cake wouldn't look as big) ...
@Telkitty Happy birthday.
@набиячлэвэли congration
@StackedCrooked you done it
That's pretty good.
@StackedCrooked Hello, are you the author of Coliru? Or one of the authors?
Yeah I made it.
Kudos to you sir.
The lounge helped me though.
Mar 30 '13 at 22:07, by StackedCrooked
@Zoidberg My webserver lost permission to bind to port 80 after an Ubuntu update.
@StackedCrooked do you have a twitter account?
I have one but I never use it.
Hmm, okay.
What's a good way to reach you?
24 tweets, 76 followers, following 125 users
Which leads us to StackedCrooked <[email protected]>
So I'd guess there
OMG you hacked my tweet.
@StackedCrooked What?
Never mind. I'll be resuming my anime watching now ;)
Both twitter and GH accounts are trivial
Got the signing slug by cloning coliru
simple, really
@RawN not my birthday :p
birthday in the family
how many people buy birthday cake for themselves :p
@Telkitty I didn't think it was yours.
@Telkitty How much was it?
A$35 + an hour return trip to that cake shop
That's a fair price.
yeah, cake shop nearby are more expensive with less choices of design to choose from
@Telkitty people that enjoy cake?
it seems a good excuse :P
they buy cakes
though, actually, I do enjoy cake and don't buy cake for myself
not birthday cakes ..
I would buy birthday cake for myself ... if it deems necessary :p But generally people don't ...
Actually in my part of the world if you throw a bday party and invite friends you are expected to provide a cake.
Mostly alcohol.
It's a fun series :D
Full of lively characters and ..drama and crying. Damn I need a better show.
Try Brexit.
Season 02 the last I heard.
tfw std::cend doesn't exist in older compiler versions.
It's the beginning of the cend.
Still watching the first ep, but damn, Yuri on ice is entertaining as hell! @Xeo @Mysticial @ScarletAmaranth.
Oh, I skipped that show since it didn't look very interesting.
I started watching it because I was getting desperate.
Apparently I made a good choice :)
Yeah, most of the recent Anime has been pretty shitty.
Oh man.
@Mysticial New e-mail crisis might put Hilary in the hole. RIP.
Another new e-mail crisis?
She's recovered a little bit. At least the polls show the bleeding has stopped.
But her firewall still has a hole in it: New Hampshire
TIL there's a place called New Hampshire.
Yeah. It's a small place. Only 4 EVs. But it's the tip of Hillary's "firewall". If she holds all her firewall states, she wins with 272.
Either way, shit is gonna hit the fan win or lose. Unless she wins in a landslide (highly unlikely at this point), the whole "rigged election" bullshit and not accepting results is gonna cause a huge mess.
2 hours later…
Hi lounge
sunset 🌞 -> 🌙 ✨
@StackedCrooked So much for sleeping early tonight. I previewed Shuumatsu no Izetta and now I'm several episodes in already. fuck
@ThePhD A 3rd new one or the 2nd email crisis of emails from the different case?
@Mysticial but my Wild Kratts
@StackedCrooked I would normally dismiss sports anime but considering how much I enjoyed Shokugeki no Souma... :P
1 hour later…
@StackedCrooked What e-mail crisis? Is she using POP3 instead of IMAP? Does she not use PGP?
I should stop looking at PGC. They have C++4 and #import<iostream>.
@ScarletAmaranth That's a sports Anime?
What's it about?
I watched the entirety of Major (thanks to the suggestion from @StackedCrooked) and Kuroku no Basuke... and that's about it.
Couldn't stomach Prince of Tennis and the like.
Oh you watched Major? Cool.
@nwp PPCG
@Mysticial Cool. I still need to check that one out.
@StackedCrooked I did. You were right in that it took a REALLY long time go get rolling.
Also. Arm-breaking, head-smashing baseball.
People destroying their bodies just to play a game. When you looked at it from that context things got HILARIOUS, fast.
Gotta do something with that body since it's not gonna last anyway :)
It's still supposed to last a few decades.
He's referring to the baseball pitchers. Throwing a ball very hard many times takes a toll on the arm. So they sometimes need operations in order to repair the damage so they can continue doing it.
They don't really destroy their arms. They just wear it out until they can't use it for top sport anymore.
@rightfold Is programming web applications in Clojure fun?
@fredoverflow clojure is a nil-chasing simulator
(Do you like spending a lot of time in emacs)
@Ven What?
@Ven no
@fredoverflow what are you gonna use to clojure then
I don't know, Cursive? Night code? Light table?
Also, I once built my own "Clojure Linqpad clone" called Clopad :)
A: Choosing an IDE/Editor for Clojure coding

Alex MillerI have spent significant chunks of time (on a Mac) with: Textmate w/ Clojure bundle Netbeans Enclojure Eclipse CCW Emacs.app (not Aquamacs) My opinions on those: Textmate - was a great way to get started and is obviously a very functional text editing environment. At some point I wanted bet...

@fredoverflow cursive crashes a lot, randomly loses highlighting, is terrible at definitions and REPL. (Caveat: last tried one year ago)
And LT is not usable for most things
After reading this about linker order the solution to not having to care about lib ordering seems pretty obvious. You just need to make sure every lib comes before every other lib, which is easy to do by just specifying the list of libs twice. Except that nothing is easy and stupid build system feel smart when they remove duplicate flags. -.-
At least there is an option to turn that off.
CONFIG += no_lflags_merge
why is that not the default for every project?
Because some tools might balk at duplicate flags.
They're shitty tools, but they exist. :v
@nwp Specifying the list of libs twice isn't enough to guarantee that you get them all.
would need to list them N times for N libs I believe
As far as I know there is no conditional symbol adding, so twice should be enough.
Twice -1 actually, but that is hard to script.
the new symbols you add can have their own dependencies
e.g. if lib5 depends on lib1, and the new symbol depends on lib3, where the new symbol depends on lib5
in fact I think that N times wouldn't be enough
symbols have dependencies? I thought only libs had dependencies.
And I didn't get the trick with -( libs -) to work.
me neither and this is a fucking stupid way of doing it
but nevertheless, each symbol references other symbols, which can come from anywhere
the libs are nothing more than (in)convenient groupings of symbols
dynamic linking may be different but not certain
@Puppy what's going on with brexit? I heard it was postponed or something
the court said that the government does not have the right to initiate Brexit without the consent of the legislature
so much for democracy
bring the bombs, quick
quite the opposite
it's a triumph for our democracy, since the government needs the consent of the democractically elected representatives to make a giant change to our country
sounds like something from 1984
what, the freely and fairly democratically elected representatives of the people having a say in what happens?
direct vote is not democratic enough, the "representatives" should decide
well, the representatives gave themselves the right to totally ignore the referendum if they wanted to
which is what they could have done anyway but this time they wrote it into the law that called the referendum
@Puppy the legislature - does it mean that lobby thing where you can see where your man goes?
you mean the House of Commons and the House of Lords?
@Puppy yeah probably. I don't know much on UK politics
well, they are at the top of the food chain and they can choose to ignore the people if they want to
they just can't really do so in practice since they won't get re-elected
and their opponents would have a field day
I wonder what the backlash would be. EU surely should have some grudge against Britain
what, if Parliament decided to ignore the results of the referendum?
like, look those bitches tried to escape from us
not sure but I think that in Britain at least, there would probably be a few riots
@Puppy no I'm more about how it would affect decisions of EU executives. E.g. "let's send more refugees to UK"
I think that they would probably just go back to business as usual
officially Brexit hasn't even begun until our Parliament approves it now
that would be too simple
I dunno
there's not really much else they can do
Britain would still have all the same rights and representation as everybody else
yeah, maybe. we can only wait and see
personally I am fully in favour of this outcome
fuck Brexit
filthy globalist
btw, if Scotland voted for independence, could it also be blocked?
yep, the vote would only be legally binding if Parliament agrees that it is
@Puppy did you watch that and is it somewhat realistic?
there surely would be riots
I think more likely is that Scotland will not get another vote
it's only been five years since the last one
and it seems like Scotland will just hold independence over the rest of the country to get their way indefinitely
yeah there should be some cooldown
they voted to stay in the UK, so they're in, and they don't get to hold another referendum because we made a decision they don't like
@Puppy no no no, there was never any democratic vote ever in Britain before. There's nothing else to consider legitimate other than last June's vote, which is the only democratic election ever held in Britain, hell, the world.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you forgot the referendum in Crimea.
heh, that was a good joke
what's really shitty is how the public and media have reacted
lots of them shitting on the judges, claiming they're not impartial, etc
Have yoy seen the Daily Mail?
yeah, it's terrible.
it's one thing for some fuckwits to say it and another for it to be plastered all over the papers
@nwp The odds of Maximum Brexit have gone up considerably since then.
It's particularly infuriating because these "enemies of the people" are the ones that they voted to make decisions on UK matters instead of those foreign "enemies of the people" in Brussels, just last June.
@Puppy they could just make it binding on the outset
could have done but decided this time not to
I think the Scottish referendum was binding
I mean if they held another on Scottish independence.
ah yeah
One would hope that they had learned their lesson and either not hold one or hold a binding one.
they could do but I imagine there's no way they'll get another referendum
everybody is too busy dealing with Brexit and we just had one for Scotland
What constraint should I specify in C# for a type that can copy itself?
ICloneable I guess
should be ICloneable<T>
@BartekBanachewicz there is nothing good really
I often use serialize/deserialize for deep copies.
Not ideal as serialization is buggy and slow
And @HillaryClinton secures the programmer and parents-of-young-children vote. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/hillary-clinton-i-would-consider-ending-daylight-savings-time-201151539.html
> Hillary Clinton said she would consider ending Daylight Saving Time
uh also apparently drawing stuff on the screen with wpf is impossible
> Before SP1 there's no really good answer to this question in WPF unless you resort to some serious trickery.
C# is such a fucking pain in the ass to use
shitload of objects everywhere that cast to each other freely producing buggy as fuck code
Why are you casting?
@BartekBanachewicz That's just really poor design of WPF, it's not something you really should do.
@Ell because there's no other way in this clusterfuck
ugh and this uni assignment requires me to use those templates or w/e is that
I'm already angry enough at this thing after trying to draw a fucking bitmap
apparently with all the crap .NET brings in order to reasonably manipulate images you still need to go over raw pixel data
and do at least 10 copies of the whole buffer in the process
okay, with this lib it starts to become reasonable
Java is a higher level language than C++. A higher level language means lower performance ESSENTIALLY! Java uses a virtual machine (for cross-platform purpose) thus it has many overhead for virtualisation. C++ uses direct power of HW. So Java is more simple in cost of lower performance. @fredoverflow don't try to affect a decision, just share your knowledge — S.M.Mousavi 2 hours ago
yay the people who comment on ancient answers thinking they're helping
@milleniumbug Comments on old answers can be helpful--but an utterly ignorant comment like this one is no help to anything, regardless of age.
what you don't think Java Slow! C++ Fast! adds anything to the discussion
(CellState)Enum.Parse(typeof(CellState), reader.ReadInt32().ToString())
welcome to C#
fucking EnterpriseFizzBuzz all over again
there is a generic TryParse
but then there is the out parameter
@jaggedSpire I've already posted a comment with a link to what I think is an (at least marginally meaningful) addition.
@JohanLarsson just wanted to say that
reader.ReadInt32().ToString() that part doesn't really make sense
your code looks weird
Enum.Parse gets you the enum value from an enum name
var state = (CellState)reader.ReadInt32();
somewhat risky as it will happily take any int
that's fine
it's uni code after all
@JerryCoffin what an excellent way to handle that :P
@BartekBanachewicz It did occur to you that maybe you're just writing shitty code, right?
@Xeo It keeps occuring to me every 10 seconds or so
c# enums are not awesome
Fucking fuck
Fuck fuck fuck
you said that
TV program about metro station typography paid from fucking tax money
And then they complain there isn't enough money for healthcare for the elderly
Worthless fuckers
How can you be so bad at budgeting
cost of the show probably wouldn't make a dent in a national healthcare budget
The cost of everything that is an utter waste together likely would.
user image
> Implicitly typed variables cannot be constant
are you kidding
A: Type-inferring a constant in C#

Eric Lippert I'm actually hoping Lippert pops by and and takes a look at the question If there's something you want brought to my attention, you can leave my name in the text -- not a comment -- and I'll find it eventually. Or, better, you can "tweet" to @ericlippert. Note that this does not constitute a...

@Borgleader terrible reasoning
@Borgleader They left out one important part: the "war on drugs: how many truckloads of money would you like to waste today?"
Almost a week without drinking alcohol. Am I on the right path?
@Morwenn Yes--abstaining for a while makes it even more enjoyable the next time you do drink.
drinking is ok, being drunk is no fun, hangover no fun
1/3, not enough
@jaggedSpire Not good enough to dissuade an ignorant bigot for even a moment though.
@JerryCoffin I already know that information. The question not discussed which language is faster. So this answer is irrelevant. 'fredoverflow' discussed about performance by him assumes. the questioner not mentioned to performance nor productivity nor other secondary factors. Furthermore in natural if a C#/Java application written best and a C++ application is written best, C++ is faster certainly. — S.M.Mousavi 3 mins ago
@JohanLarsson So drink, but stop before you get drunk (and be sure to drink plenty of water to prevent hangovers).
ok almost finished that
@JerryCoffin oh jeez
@JohanLarsson In the midst of it, being drunk (to a certain degree) is fun.
In light of the current meta stuff about us...
Welcome to the Lounge! The line to shittalk us on meta is on the left. Don't forget to take your ticket and to read The Rules
What's the problem with meta again?
@Morwenn nothing. they're just shittalking us as usual
I missed any drama
@Ven Link? :o
Or Zelda FWIW.
:/ cmon
I think @Borgleader or @milleniumbug linked some comments
just browse the context in the mysticial's starred message
Looks like the linked message has been deleted :(
nothing interesting as it seems
anyway fuck that
did the C# thing
who wants to play Vermintide
@milleniumbug In the end, it doesn't look as aggressive as some other times.
@Morwenn Much of the excessive aggressiveness was... swept under the rug deleted after I complained about nothing being done when many Loungers have been suspended for (much) less.
Oh, ok :/
@fredoverflow nothing is fun in Clojure
Untyped crap.
have you learned idris yet?
@JerryCoffin Any links? I missed all this
@Ven I need a fun new project
@Puppy Sorry, but I didn't preserve the thread before it was deleted.
fair nuff
@Ven Wasnt me
@Ven wait, did you mean "linked some comments from meta" or meta is shittalking us cuz i/millenium linked some comments here?
meta was shittalking us because it's mod election time and thus the question of how a prospective mod would deal with difficult chatrooms came up, and then apparently got out of hand.
don't know the full story--only a single reference to Lounge still existed in that comment thread by the time I got to it
Well they could just buy our loyalty by electing @Mysticial :P
Does Mysticial have time to deal with user bullshit
@jaggedSpire Doesn't that mean that new mods aren't ready to cope with us? x)
@Morwenn I mean, there is that theory that Madara was sent to deal with us as a sort of hazing...
Also, I hope all U.S.A Lounger's have started packing their things for Canada in preparation for Tuesday's disaster.
Oh, so it's Tuesday.
yeah our elections are on Tuesday
it's because you can't expect people to work on the sabbath, and they need a day for travel (Monday) from their farms to the polling place
of course
I'd tell you to come to France in case of disaster, but our own elections will probably be a disaster too in a few months.
All of our elections happen on Sundays.
let's just all move to the principality of sealand
make them deal with an immigration problem
Not enough room :(
Remember that time when the platform caught fire and a significant part of the country was severaly damaged?
no, actually.
That sounds hilarious
I mean
tragic >_>
> A Royal Air Force rescue helicopter transferred one person to Ipswich hospital, directly from the tower. The Harwich lifeboat stood by the Roughs Tower until a local fire tug extinguished the fire. All damage was repaired by November 2006.
Holy shit.
The MAME engine is using sol2... ??
Or maybe this is just someone's fork.
@ThePhD downloaded source from here mamedev.org/release.html and there's 3rdparty/sol2 directory
isn't your library just unequivocally better than pretty much all the competitors?
Well, yes. But that doesn't mean I expected anyone to give a shit.
@ThePhD You've already got plenty of issues on GitHub, with generally means that people do give a shit :p
> You've already got plenty of issues
it's impressive how context changes everything
Will you change my context? :)
@milleniumbug That's the whole purpose of stars.
@Morwenn that pickup line
The words are a bit random but the structure of the sentence gives context.
I hope that you fuck right off and go spam somebody else
1 message moved to bin
Bah. I need to choose new general MD.
Dat typical puppy *-*
@StackedCrooked Do you keep the complete coliru framework source code on GitHub?
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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