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@classdaknok_t Are you using libgit2?
@rubenvb yeah.
heh, just read you saying that before...
Is it any good?
It's awesome.
Even though it's a C library.
Is it feature-complete already?
Not sure.
I remember some end-year project and/or a GSoC project to write a cli client based on libgit2. Never happened as far as I know.
Seemed cool though. Away with msysgit at last, but alas.
is this "new Activity" stuff bugged for you guys too?
What are you talking about?
you mean the bug or the feature?
Get:325 no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu oneiric/main libtelepathy-glib-doc all 0.15.5-1ubuntu1 [1,147 kB]
@bamboon The feature.
for algorithms
is it a bad idea to rip my first implementation directly from Wikipedia?
@RMartinhoFernandes the message which pops and saying "23 questions with new activity"
@DeadMG Why would that be a bad idea?
I just realized that I'm declaring like, 9999 data structures :P
oh well
in the last days it randomly says "1 question with new activity", then I refresh and nothing new
I'll condense them later
hey everyone
anyone alive?
Hi, first time in chat, is it allowed to shout out loud like this?
Q: What makes virtual functions so slow? C++

user1344723I'm trying to refactor my code, and everywhere people say that using virtual functions is a huuuuge nono performance-wise, why? and is there another way that I can inherit a class and redefine functions that are defined in the base class?

Oh dear.
Apr 15 at 5:39, by Cat Plus Plus
If you are new here, please read the newbie hints and keep the acronym list under your pillow. Thank you.
@RMartinhoFernandes Thanks for the information
> It's sort of hard but only because it's weird. Think of it like you go to a new country and they love wearing pants as jackets. You first land and you are walking around saying, "What the hell are these idiots doing? Pants go on your legs morons!" Then you realize that everything about this country is designed so that putting your pants on your arms and head is just easier.
> So, if you want to survive in PantHeadistan you've got to get used to it. Once you wear your pants like this for a few months you just stop thinking it's stupid and begin to realize how "easy" it is (but really only in PantHeadistan).
OOP, according to Zed Shaw.
@rolandbishop no
there is no way this is going to work
I told you not to bring the rhinos.
does deque have fast random removal?
Only at ends.
oh well
doesn't that depend on the underlaying container?
deque has no underlying container.
deque is an underlying container
deque is INSANE
robot, do you want to look over my A* code?
ah crap I always think of queue when I read deque
Sorry, not right now. I'm a tad busy-ish.
I'll post on codereview or somethign then
Is there a *nix command I can use to make sure a process is restarted as soon as it dies?
This crap dies way too often.
Hmm, bash until seems like it.
what, until your mother loses weight?
4 hours ago, by jalf
anyone else wanna have a good rant at the MSVC team? http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2012/04/18/10295093.aspx
wow, a whole page of rants... awesome...
They really deserve it.
It's a braindead decision.
@jalf's rant is still the best, and is the first and is at the top. :)
MS will never get it, will they?
apparently not
@TonyTheLion They do get it. But their business model conflicts with public interest. So they are trying to cover it up - abeit not very well.
@Mysticial I don't get it. What business model? It's not like they will get more customers this way.
How many will just skip VS11?
@RMartinhoFernandes They make much more money off of Windows than VS.
that's not true
@Mysticial Why not just pull the plug on XP?
By dropping support for XP, in various ways, they are help to "force" the world to upgrade.
their Windows ecosystem depends on VS to operate
it's not like there are 99999 other Windows C++ compilers
@RMartinhoFernandes That would be too drastic to do suddenly. They tried though...
@Mysticial But this only forces devs to not upgrade VS.
most of them work badly, if at all, and Visual C++ is pretty much the only Windows-centric one
There might be some longing from within the developer teams to be free to use the new APIs without having to worry about backwards compatibility.
@RMartinhoFernandes That's something they probably didn't expect.
time to find out how hilariously bad my pathfinding algorithm is
Fuck. Stupid emulator dies as soon as I connect to it twice.
gone quiet here
I'm actually working productively for once
oh wow
shush you
you're doing better than me then
I'm in a lazy mood
Q: SE question URL to title converter stops after 10

Nick TTypically if a bare URL for a SE question is pasted into a post, it will automatically use the title of said post and hide the URL, e.g. http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/9134/jon-skeet-facts => Jon Skeet Facts? But after 10 in a list this seems to stop working. My wife is stuck in a w...

Breathing is already quite an achievement for me
read the links
Hey, that's my question!
No, wait, not that one.
lol funny
A guy in China wearing 33kg of bees.
ghosh, I'd shit my pants if there was that many bees even close to me
@sbi where's this from?
Q: Why should I buy a barrel of blood?

R. Martinho FernandesI just noticed a dwarven caravan brought about a dozen barrels of blood from various sources, and a few barrels of ichor too. What's the use of this? If there's any, how can I "collect" the blood from my victims?

Confused with this one, somehow.
@TonyTheLion China.
@sbi Jesus Beezus.
@TonyTheLion From the web. Where else?
@sbi is there some article that goes with it
@jalf they didn't publish my comment. maybe technical problem but i do believe it's the old thing about not liking to have error pointed out. namely, that no matter what the compiler depends on, be it a Cray IV thing or whatever, it is no problem to make it produce code that can run on Windows XP (contrary to the dumb statement in the blog)
@RMartinhoFernandes yea, that was obvious
@TonyTheLion Yeah, but it's a German one. Lemme see...
Here you go, @Tony.
@sbi thanks :)
I can't believe I'm dead-staring at implementing a lerp
I really want to try and embed V8 in my engine, but every single time I try to start working on that, I get bored by the utter lack of documentation, close Xcode and start playing Minecraft.
just embed Lua instead
it's not like the parts of Javascript which aren't in Lua are any good
@EtiennedeMartel lol
@DeadMG I couldn't imagine you staring any other way.
@DeadMG Meh, it might surprise you, but I prefer JS.
honestly, I don't really see the difference
@DeadMG a "lerp" sounds like a variation of "derp", can't imagine you starting at a derp :P
@DeadMG I thought you thought Lua is incredibly bad.
except JS comes with much, much worse in terms of implicit conversions, semicolon insertion, etc etc
That semicolon crap is really stupid.
@RMartinhoFernandes It's hardly my favourite language, but it does serve a purpose
@RMartinhoFernandes you're wrong, he thinks everything is bad
@TonyTheLion Everything except Wide.
@EtiennedeMartel Are you sure?
that'll prob end up crap too, in a few years :P
@RMartinhoFernandes it will be better than ALL THE LANGUAGES!
@TonyTheLion If it ever ends up as anything
true that
@TonyTheLion double true!
if he were to whine and bitch less on here, he might get somewhere :P
Yeah, booze and bitches are problematic.
@RMartinhoFernandes Nothing is certain in this world.
@RMartinhoFernandes I have booze, but no bitches, so for me, no problem
what's everybody doing?
workin' n' shit
what kind of music?
@CheersandhthAlf nah, it's a bug in the MSDN blog software (which has been known ever since they "upgraded" it. If you take too long to post, something times out, and when you submit, your post is just thrown away
ah I see
you get a green confirmation box just above the first comment when it goes through. If it doesn't, the page looks exactly like it did before
@rubenvb no, I'd rather not. :) But like you say, Boost does it, and I'm pretty sure that the VC++ team knows more about their own CRT than Boost does, so they should be able to do it too. Or, of course, they could just say std::thread is unavailable on XP, if it's such an insurmountable obstacle for them. That'd be better than nothing
although honestly, std::thread should be fairly straightforward to implement on XP. It's the TLS stuff that's a pain, and they haven't implemented that in VC11 anyway
Why would std::thread be hard to implement if they already have CreateThread and such?
it wouldn't
what do you guys think of this?
Q: Are the days of passing const std::string & as a parameter over?

BenjI heard a recent talk by Herb Sutter who suggested that the reasons to pass std::vector and std::string by const & are largely gone. He suggested that writing a function such as: std::string do_something ( std::string inval ) { std::string return_val; // ... do stuff ... return ret...

and why does it matter? A C++ compiler is hard to implement too, but we still expect the VC++ team to do it
> War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.
But, yeah, I was just reminded of that book.
Trollwell ?
I just had a nightmare where my computer had infinite memory, but every time an object was allocated the compiler asked for the maximum amount of memory "just in case", and then tried to fill it with zeroes. So my programs never ran because the compiler could never complete zeroing out infinite buffers. I was sad.
You had a nightmare about your computer... maybe you should get yourself checked out. :P
there's something wrong with you
@Mysticial thanks btw. I haven't tried your solution yet, but I think it'll be faster than what I had, even with the latest, messy less-than implementation :)
Yeah, SSE never really had good integer support. Very annoying. But the not a lot of integer code can be vectorized anyway.
once I had a function template overloading nightmare where I struggled to find the right overload from thousands of other functions.
still, I actually think it's shorter (and probably faster) than my current MMX code
@cpx Sadness.
@jalf I've never used MMX, but I suppose once you factor in the mess of setting the floating-point mode and crap - it very well might be worth it.
@Mysticial yeah, exactly
hmm, I just had a crazy idea. I could make do with 62-bit integers, which would allow me to zero out the msb of each 32-bit component. Then they'd look positive even when treated as signed values
so the comparison would go a bit more smoothly :)
wow... though I doubt eliminating the two xors will save much. They're the cheapest operation. (3/cycle I think)
anyway, bedtime!
night :)
I implemented A* to get a path
but now I'm not at all sure what to do with the result :P
As a (stress) test you mean?
@DeadMG That's sounds logical. I wouldn't implement A* to order pizza, you know.
> Josh, you had ONE job. ONE.
How do you pronounce the a in "nasal"?
There are two.
The first one. :P
it's like anal
Similar but different.
Both have smell.
Like the a in StackedCrooked?
That would be StakedCrooked.
uh, no
Or like the a in alien?
Hello there .)
I have a question:
When stepping through the statements in the debugger, is it possible to terminate the execution at the paused statement?
What debugger?
(So that the remaining statement are not executed...)
@RMartinhoFernandes Any...
Most debuggers have an option to kill the process they're attached to.
I just would like to know if such a functionality is implemented in any debugger...
I actually need this for the in-browser debuggers when stepping through JavaScript... but the JavaScript folks couldn't help me, so I thought I'll ask here... :)
if they couldn't help you, it's fantastically unlikely that we can
I mean, if the debugger implements hot swap, one could just insert a return; statement after the paused statement....
And that's how I can do it in Chrome, but IE does not provide hot swap... :(
@DeadMG Well, I thought that C++ programmers surely have much more experience in debugging than web developers... and I'm not even sure if the functionality I want exists... (I haven't heard of it)
well, in C++, we just terminate the process if we want such a thing
@Å imeVidas: But debugging C++ isn't going to be the same as debugging other languages.
not something that's going to help you
@GManNickG But the general functionality is the same - breakpoints, stepping in/over/out, etc.
But the general environment isn't.
@Å imeVidas Different toolset I mean.
The problem is the environment, not the debugger.
@EtiennedeMartel I see. If only the browsers executed JavaScript in separate processes...
OK guys, thanks for the help :)
I implemented some new simulations into my game and it's running slow as all hell
how does anyone, ever, debug games if they are too slow to run in debug mode?
Turn off everything you don't care about ?
print messages
@DeadMG You have to write debuggers yourself, basically.
Be able to record and trace everything, so you can play it back while tweaking things.
If you have a code-level bug and need to step through it, you need to have a setup where you can run minimally, to avoid the slowness of things you know aren't the problem.
@DeadMG: Is your world split into a uniform grid?
@GManNickG Yes.
@DeadMG: Hm, for a space game you might not want a uniform grid, because you'll have tons of empty space.
if I want to use JPS, I need a uniform grid
but also, I only search uniform grid as A* explores it- I don't even store the points
Ah, gotcha.
@sbi hasn't been seen? I'm traveling to Erfurt tomorrow. Concert in the Reglerkirche.
I have no idea how big of a venue that is, really.
Going to spend 3 days traveling around, so a chance for me to see whether I can get my German module back up and running.
@sehe A few hours ago. But he's gone now.
@DeadMG just warning him about alien visitors :) though it should be easy for him to stay out of my itinerary
y would anybody take the effort to replace all the while(1)'s with for(;;)?
@SSHThis Because for(;;) is way cooler.
I believe that in C++11, one of them is explicitly the infinite loop, and the others are UB
@GManNickG lol any particular reason for the coolness?
@DeadMG Nah, they're the same.
oh well
@DeadMG for(;;) is explicitly an infinite loop (otherwise it's expansion via definition would fail), but that's since the beginning, AFAIK.
@SSHThis for(;;) has two semicolons.
In the past for(;;) was a little faster IIRC.
As long as the body does something like output or use volatiles.
@StackedCrooked Idiot compilers actually tested true for truth. That's a long, long time ao.
@StackedCrooked good point, this code was written in 1988, this may actually be why a commit made only these changes
ty guys
@SSHThis The age of the code doesn't matter w.r.t. infinite loop performance, the age of the compiler does.
fuck, I hate linear interpolations
There's nothing quite like a well aged piece of code ^^ :)
they should be so simple and yet my mighty brain refuses to yield the appropriate code
Whoa, a valid flag?!
@DeadMG template <typename T, typename U> T interp(const T& first, const T& second, const U& t) { return first + t * (second - first); }?
that's the easy part
I dunno, I just wrote similar code like 5 minutes ago
@DeadMG, for(int xi = 0; xi <= 1; xi++) - cool code, bro
@Abyx Eh, when you have to nest it 3 times, going 0-1 manually every time is irritating
let the compiler unroll it
when I saw it, I thought "aw, post-increment", but, uhm, when I looked again, there was <= and range [0; 1] o_O
btw, does random-access iterator have operator[]? *(it + 2) looks strange
I don't think so
it should as long as you know the size of the datatype i guess
The expression X[Y] expands to *((X) + (Y)), so yes in a way. I don't think it is required to directly define it, though.
let's look in standard...
note to self
no i mean, there's no point to NOT define it
if you expect something to happen when you push a button, implement the damn function
so unless they are insane
it exists
The standard says r[i] must work on random access iterators (where r is such), it doesn't say how though. (Though it must be exactly equivalent to *(r + i).)
It's not required to have a operator[] member.
But it[n] is required to be valid and have the semantics of *(it + n).
@RMartinhoFernandes But it's a very common conveniece ?
24.2.7 Random access iterators [random.access.iterators]
a[n] convertible to reference *(a + n)
It's actually pretty dull ...
This shit is working again. Fuck if I know why.
my units position and rotation is suddenly dying and I have no idea why
Note to self: if it finally works after hours of trying, don't poke to it to figure out why it works.
what is it you're working on?
The emulator is crap.
I struggle to imagine how an emulator can be so bad
if you have an ARM CPU instruction reference.. then it's just emulating a bunch of CPU instructions
Well, it's bad enough that apparently many people prefer to develop with an actual device.
that's impressively bad
I have my android device sitting at the top of my case, that emu is trash.
Also the most preferred language for Android development is trash :(
(ndk is so much hassle ...)
The emulator is still supposed to have the advantage that you can test with various resolution and hardware setups, but I've been trying to automate that and it keeps failing on me.
Can't be arsed, i have a froyo and an ICS device, if it works on those, I'm done :)
now it spins for a while and then errors out
You broke it :)

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