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But yeah, I think you made most of us (including me) feel stupid. But I'm willing to admit it.
Not me, I feel smart. Me gusta.
@classdaknok_t "most" of us... Since you gave the answer so quickly, I couldn't finish my attempt.
Well, it's 0100 here. I think I need to get some sleep. Later.
But yeah, it would've taken me a while.
@JerryCoffin night - 2AM here, but I still got work to do.
@Mysticial 9 AM, got sleep to do :P
@Mysticial I have work I probably should do too, but I think I'll do it better with a bit of rest. Besides, I've already hit rep-cap for the day, so why stay up any more? :-)
@JerryCoffin Capped in 7 hours? damn... I haven't done that since the denormal-float question back in February...
Hi, everyone.
hi guys, just earned enough reputation for entering chat room. like it already.
@Mysticial Yeah -- of course, in this case, the single highest score is from telling somebody to use "rb" when opening a binary file in c... :-(
@gustafbstrom Welcome -- and goodbye (nothing personal -- if you look back a couple minutes, I already said I needed to go to bed).
How small is the chance that this is not a dupe?
Q: Building a variable's template type from a different variables template type

mmurphyIf I have a variable whose type was a templated class, and I want to build another variable of a different templated class, but use the same template parameter, how could I? While the example below does not work, it hopefully gives the idea of what I am looking to accomplish. If there is no very...

@jerryCoffin Sleep tight :-)
@gustafbstrom Thanks. Later.
Is there anyone who participates in TopCoder?
@classdaknok_t me?
@classdaknok_t :) unfortunately, not yet. Just want to ask a few questions...
damn phone thinks the SD card need re-formatting... well see about this. <turns phone off and on again>
@RMartinhoFernandes is this same ACID that is used when talking about web browsers passing ACID tests?
oh yeah, phone is all right! Though I forgot to check my high score uptime before I restarted it :(
@thecoshman You can check uptime on an iphone?
@Mysticial how very dare you! I am a respectable Anroid user
is there a more elegant way to clear an std::queue, other than declaring a new, empty queue, then assigning it to the queue that you want to clear?
for some reason, I thought I saw an "i" in front of phone... meh, maybe I do need some sleep
Pointers are the root of all evil.
In fact, C is the root of all evil.
Oh and, I have an iPhone because I didn't like my dad's Android. :)
@IntermediateHacker a rather random point to bring up
@newprogrammer std::swap(myQueue, std::queue<T>())?
@newprogrammer What's not elegant about that?
@jalf Can't bind temporary to reference.
Q: Is a debugger the mother of all evil?

RanSome say that a debugger is the mother of all evil. What do you think of this approach? I have a friend at work, a colleague, who's completely against using a debugger whatsoever. I asked him: So, you just write code without bugs? Is that it? He answers: Of course not. Everyone makes mistakes,...

@GmanNickG not sure. Anyways if I do that, the std::queue that I am assigning to will free the resources for the stuff it previously held right?
@newprogrammer yep
@newprogrammer Right, in order to have a value equivalent to that of an empty queue.
Thanks again guys
@Mysticial There is some true in the statement. Debugging allows to write code in roughly manner, hoping that debugger will point out all errors.
@gahcep the same can be said for a compiler
That's an absurd statement to make
@jalf true indeed
I see where that guy is coming from, if code is not working properly it is better to understand rather then just look for exactly where an error occurs.
Personally, I think good programmers just get the job done, we are hackers not artists
I'm pop()ing this queue more times than I added to it
how come it's not throwing a fit?
Why should it?
@thecoshman I don't think everything can be framed as a "job". Believe it or not, some of us really do program for the sake of creating a program at its own pace, not for money, not on a timeline.
@newprogrammer because it is not idiotic?
@GManNickG programming is like construction work. First and fore most it has functionally do what it has to do. After that, you can start to make things look pretty
@thecoshman Says who? This entire issue seems to be based on some dichotomy that doesn't exist. Why not both?
Sure there are sculptures out there, but they tend to be left alone, people come and look at them every so often. The usual train of thought would be 'oh... well that's a thing, looks nice I guess; but it's a bit pointless'
@thecoshman And if making pointless things is my thing?
I just find it hard to believe everyone thinks programming is only done for money or for a specific purpose. Does nobody program for fun?
@jalf how much efforts does it take to you to obtain such high SO score for C++ field? :)
oh yeah, I program for fun, but I do so with a purpose. I don't just vomit random commands
well, my profile says "member for 3 years, 5 months"
@thecoshman Well, actually - I do in fact vomit random commands and see what happens.
That's why it's fun. I do the same with hardware - that's how I end up destroying hardware every once in a while. :)
@jalf yeah, I saw this...
@thecoshman Okay, that's fine. You just seem to be equivocating "this has no use to me" with "this is useless".
I was actually one of the biggest repwhores during my first 3 months on SO... then it got old very quickly... So I've officially quite the rep-whoring game.
@Mysticial really? you really just blindly poke at the keyboard and then take a look at what appeared? I don' think so, I think you are investigating your tools
@thecoshman More like, "oooh... what happens if I randomly reorder a few statements - maybe that will make it run faster..." (occasionally it does)
I noticed, the questions with C++ tag are answered in one! minute (with all related stuff - links, code listings, etc.) ... Seems too weird for me. Like at TopCoder, where you always have a notes, sheet cheats, etc.
@Mysticial but you are not doing it at random you are investigating
When I first joined SO, it took me about 2 weeks to "learn the game". Once I had it down, I pulled a 60-day rep-cap streak - before finally failing over Thanksgiving because there weren't enough questions..
@gahcep there is a small window in which you can edit answers without them counting s edits. A lot of posts are not much more the "yeah, it can be done" at first and then get edited a few times, adding more info, then some links
@thecoshman I think you're being too literal. We didn't mean "without purpose" as "literally ramming my face into the keyboard", we just meant without a schedule or without a clear goal in sight. Just doing stuff for the sake of creating what can be created.
@GManNickG yeah I know what you mean, that casual projects you are just playing with
Actually, a majority of the algorithms/methods I used in the Pi computation were from random things that I thought up and implemented for fun...
so true
@thecoshman hm... I see :)
@gahcep The grace window is meant to allow people to fix typos
@thecoshman next time answering i'll try this by myself
@gahcep it also helps that these guys know their shit
And if you don't know your shit, you''ll be downvoted until you do. Then you'll know your shit really well... Color, smell and everything. :)
@Mysticial ... feel ...
That's what happened to me... I didn't even know what "undefined behavior" was until I learned the hard way on SO...
huh, 'Speaks' doesn't have a second 'e' what do you know
@Mysticial where you one of those cocky know it all kids who learnt what 'C++' means and thinks they can answer all the questions? :P
@thecoshman No, I learned from getting downvoted.
Hi room
@Mysticial 'where'
@thecoshman TBH, my C++ actually sucks. My gold C++ tag says nothing. I don't know lambas, I don't know metaprogramming. I suck at templates. My C++ is littered with C.
Don't beat yourself up my Cpp sucks too
@user1220811 Hi, hi
Everyone can learn
@gahcep Hi
@thecoshman If you go back to my earlier days you'll see that I'd get a downvote every day. There were more, but they were revoked when I fixed my answers. (or just outright deleted it)
@Mysticial lol, me too. I have very little knowledge of what lambas are or what they can be used for. I have no idea how this TMP wizardry works. I am able to make use of templates. My code is never as generic as it could easily be. And what makes this all worse, is I am stuck with Java at work ¬_¬
The STL library really is nice
I imagine if you get lucky, one of your questions or answers will be one of those few that always get linked to
@user1220811 FYI 'STL' is a misnomer
Standard Type Library right?
In C++ there is a a Standard Library, that makes heave use of templates, but there is no 'Standard Template Library'
Boost is nice :)
AFAIK it was just a working title from before C++ was standardised. It's some how stuck around like genital warts
Especially boost::function and boost::bind ;)
@user1220811 It's Template, not Type, and strictly speaking, it names a library that was developed before C++ was standardized
@thecoshman That's rare aside from FAQ questions. Even my top two answers don't get linked much since the questions themselves are pretty localized.
The C++ standard library incorporated most of the STL (with a few changes here and there), but technically, it's not called the STL
but that doesn't really matter
everyone calls that part of the standard library "the STL" anyway
People will generally know what you mean if you use "STL" to name the containers/iterators/algorithms part of the standard library :)
I don't see why we can't use it to mean STandard Library
@thecoshman huh?
@thecoshman because that would be confusing :)
I would assume @jalf 's top answers get linked all the time?
@CheersandhthAlf oh, welcome back :D
@Mysticial hmm? What do you mean?
@jalf well, it stop all the damn "STL IS NOT THING NOOB" flame comments ¬_¬
@jalf Speaking of which, how many residuals do you get from all your top C++ answers. They're all really good and broad.
@jalf We're talking about how much a question gets "linked" to from other questions.
Which are most common for FAQ-type questions.
@Mysticial these days, most of my rep comes from people upvoting old answers :) Got 134 rep in the last week, 50 of which is from two new answers, the rest from old ones people upvoted
I still need to upvote all of those, but I can't do it all in one day or it'll get reversed...
@Mysticial oh, no clue really. I don't really keep track :)
@jalf I clicked through on a few of them. And I guessed right. The right-hand column is filled with linked questions.
Same here, even without any activity I get several upvotes a day, usually.
@GManNickG Well, your --> question is #3 on the top questions list...
> You have fully used your vote allowance for today
^ Anyone else got that?
@Mysticial It's CW. :P
@Mysticial ah, don't bother. :) There's a reason it'd get reversed. Just upvote good answers when you come across them :)
@sehe me
Seems the flagging system is even more broken then
@sehe Not in a long time, but I have before, sure.
@Mysticial wow
Clarifying: I'm talking about chat flags
(I have had it before on numerous occasiongs regarding Q/A/comment votes)
@sehe Oh, nope.
There's basically 3 ways to get a high volume of residuals.
1. It's an FAQ question.
2. You're an extremely active user and many people visit your profile. (Jon Skeet, Eric Lippert)
3. The question has enough critical mass to make it onto the first page of the top questions list.
yeah, I don't really qualify for either of those. So I just got an upvote a day or so, simply by having a lot of answers, so occasionally someone will find one of them
I tend to get an upvote a week or two from residuals, which I personally think is not too bad considering how few answers I have
But yeah, @GManNickG I'll probably gonna try to contact you offline sometime this summer. You seem like the right person to plant a crazy performance question.
@Mysticial I was planning the reverse, so sounds like a plan. I'm going to try to build a superoptimizing compiler.
btw @Mysticial, where'd you dig up all that performance/SSE knowledge? Been pretty impressed lately :)
And I thought I knew a fair bit about it already...
@GManNickG If you can build an stellar question, I'd be happy to ask and you can answer. I'm missing out on the question badges...
@jalf Completely self-taught with 100% hands-on experience.
@Mysticial Ha, alright. :P
@Mysticial doing what though?
Do I really have that many SSE answers?
I have posted 10 answers (no high ranked stuff, avg. 1.8 upvotes) and received 616 in reputation during that same period (since april 5th). That's roughly 300 per week, of which approx. 70% is residuals.
@Mysticial I think you stand out to everyone on SO as the guy that knows SSE.
@Mysticial Probably not, I've only seen a couple
but they were impressive nonetheless :)
The residuals invariable are low-activity answers, some very old too
I stand corrected.
@jalf My pi program. I started it writing it during my undergrad. Then I discovered SSE. And started playing with it...
Yeah, SO is RPG game for programmers
This guy, I run into very often on the SSE questions:
Paul R, Brighton, United Kingdom
49.1k 4 32 88
@sehe Pretty decent.
I'm pretty sure he knows more than I do.
> Optimisation, SIMD, SSE, AVX, NEON, AltiVec, Cell, GPGPU, CUDA, DSP, audio processing, image processing, embedded, real-time, algorithms.
I should post a question for you guys to have fun with then
From his bio ^
@sehe You mean 300 rep? 300 a week is high... But either way, that's a lot more than what I get.
I'm on the lookout for a fast way to emulate certain 64-bit integer operations on x86
@Mysticial more than me too :)
Got 996 in the last month
@GManNickG I don't spend more than 10 minutes on SO these days and I don't run blogs. Heck my bio isn't even filled. I guess it is just the number of answers out there then :)
@Mysticial Really, not more than you used to get :) I bet you used to get ~300 daily
90% of the residuals I get are on my top two answers. And that's about 1 or 2 a day.
Like me, anyhow, from begin 2011 (when I became active) I made it a sport to repcap for some months. Then I tired and retired
@sehe I did average 25 - 30 upvotes a day during my repwhoring days, but I don't count those as residuals.
@Mysticial Me neither. I forgot about residuals for a moment. As I described, 70% of the 616 over the last two weeks were residuals
I like finding Bounty Questions with no answers. If you are the only answer, not matter how shit you get the bounty :D
@jalf my current solution uses MMX, which is such a pain to work with, because you have to clear the fp register state all the time. Would love a SSE solution, btu so far, haven't been able to write up anything reasonably efficient
It's also hard to estimate residuals on a big question within the first month. Since it's heavily inflated from people visiting the "Month" tab.
Dec 15 '11 at 0:26, by sehe
I'm on a SO break - kind of :)
^ never came back to old rep whoring
@sehe yeah, it gets old pretty fast
@thecoshman That seems to imply that this answer is shit, then?
Q: Android orientation detection complexion

comp sci ballaand so I needed to know when the android-based phone was rotated the x,y,z directions for a tilt-based program and then I used the well circulated code that uses magnetism and acceleration to find orientation since the orientation detector is unreliable and this was well and good in the x,z plane...

@Mysticial isn't less then a month old kind of still new though?
For me, it got old after 3 months. The final 20 days of soft-caps to legendary were very agonizing - except for the week following the denormal-float question.
@sehe you are applying flawed logic ¬_¬
and a lot of those bounty questions are really bad
@thecoshman For questions that never make it above 10 votes, then anything after 24 hours would be considered a residual. For the big questions, yeah you need at least one month before all visibility stops.
@Mysticial ah, I never got that one. Far too much effort for me :)
People visit the month tab?! See, I totally don't get it with that 'fashion' / popularity thing. Who cares what popular questions are... I'm not going to read questions that other people like. I'm gonna search for answers to my questions.
@sehe and yeah, my answer there got me 25 rep, so even if it was really shit, I would have to be down voted 13 times before I started loosing rep
Can anyone explain, what is residual?
@gahcep upvotes on non-new answers (or questions)
Despite what this sounds like, I don't just hunt easy rep and give a shit "thanks for the bounty" answers, I do still put a bit of effort in
@sehe thx
@thecoshman My point was, there is only one, according to my search, and I linked to it
@sehe Nah, I've learned quite a few things from looking at popular questions. Sure most of them are stupid, but some are good for the right reason. Those you learn from.
@Mysticial I suppose I did that while monitoring the incoming stream of 'new' questions. I thought that was more useful because I could simultaneously moderate, classify, edit etc.
@sehe what search :S I know I've not got many bounties if that is what you are getting at?
Basically, I define a residual to be a vote that you get after the post is old of enough to have no visibility. (It's not in the "newest questions", "hot", "week", "month", etc...)
Of course, I did lateral 'excavations' as soon as I hit something that surprised me or I wanted to know more about
I don't think any answer of mine has ever been 'hot' (or published outside the main site)
"Hot" and "linked" are definitely two different things.
Pretty much any post that goes 20+ will make it onto the "week" list.
50+ almost guarantees you a spot in the "month" tab
100 will usually put you in the top 10 for "month"
10 mins ago, by thecoshman
I like finding Bounty Questions with no answers. If you are the only answer, not matter how shit you get the bounty :D
Obviously this ^ begs this search: stackoverflow.com/users/300797/…
How's life going?
As for posts that get linked... they can range from the awesome to the very stupid...
forward in time, but that is from my viewpoint in the time/space continuum
See this for example:
Q: Moving decimal places over in a double

BlackCowSo I have a double set to equal 1234, I want to move a decimal place over to make it 12.34 So to do this I multiply .1 to 1234 two times, kinda like this double x = 1234; for(int i=1;i<=2;i++) { x = x*.1; } System.out.println(x); This will print the result, "12.340000000000002" Is there...

52k views, I saw that on reddit when it was a hit... I was like WTF?!?!
@Mysticial Wow a handy scale that
@sehe The ranking is weighted heavily in favor of questions with lots of answers.
@Mysticial agreed. Non worthy, and largely a duplicate of 'why is floating point inexact'?
So even though the loop question was #2 in votes (behind the Waldo question), it took #1 for the whole month.
@Mysticial I shun those. I just lend my vote to one of them. Though, occasionally, I would decide that people completely missed important aspects of the question.
@Mysticial I guess I'll have to flag that question since the OP didn't accept Jon Skeet's answer.
Such as this one:
A: Is there a better way to split this string using LINQ?

seheHere is a 'somehwat' nice snippet showing: precompiled regexen Linq to anonymous type projection Culture-aware (correct) number parsing and printing You would want to extract certain code (e.g. the number parsing) in real life. See it live on IdeOne.com using System; using System.Linq; usin...

No other answer remotely cared about input validation or localization dependencies
The denormal-float question was denied #1 for 3 weeks by the CSS/Javascript question because it only had 2 answers. Only after ycombinator pumped another 100 votes into the question did it finally take #1 - for just that last week.
The good thing is that things that get linked on reddit do "to some extent" get voted on fairly. For example:
The one I linked to had 100 votes for 50k views. That's a horrible ratio. Most of the other things that get linked have a much higher ratio.
@sehe :O you search wizard
I wish I knew enough C# to judge your answer.
Unrelated, but this is a good wise beardman:
That 'phsychic' Derek Ogilvie is really popular on TV in the Netherlands
Plink me please.
@RMartinhoFernandes Hi
Flags are more powerful than plinks, it seems.
Stupid useless asserts.
No, they just have lower z-index
Have you been tinkering with user script/css?
@Mysticial a question for you: stackoverflow.com/questions/10224966/… :)
@sehe @Mysticial was wondering what would happen if there were a million flags.
Also stupid useless gdb. What's the use of debugger that exits when program asserts.
@CatPlusPlus it shouldn't. Tried catch assert? Tried attaching to remote process (by PID)?
I don't have time to fiddle around in GDB.
@classdaknokt Heh. Left your signature :) Thanks for the boat
@CatPlusPlus That contradicts the fact that you are reporting to have witnessed a failure mode (presuming that was recent)
GDB doesn't want to cooperate, I don't use GDB. Simple.
Thankfully Qt doesn't slow compilation by much.
(sarcasm detected)
No, really.
Yeah, they're pretty good at keeping their headers minimal
of course that's easy to do when you're basically writing C with classes :)
Their macros however break when trying to use Qt with GCC 4.7.
@jalf: You may be interested in agner.org/optimize.
@StackedCrooked Rightly so. Macro's suck
@GManNickG Wow, great link!
@gahcep stackoverflow.com/search?tab=votes&q=agner lists quite a few very highly ranked answers that refer to it too
@sehe Yeah, this top I saw already )
@gahcep Each of those answers link to the same site ;) (I just noted a false positive due to some other person named Agner :))
@sehe Now i know this. Thx! ;)
@sehe Should I be concerned that 3 of the things I've answered are on that list?
@Mysticial Absolutely.
@RMartinhoFernandes what the holly fuck!
Apr 3 at 10:56, by DeadMG
holly is a plant
Apr 11 '11 at 12:21, by Chris Becke
Holly is a kind of mistletoe that you hang up during christmas and try to kiss girls under
This is getting old.
¬_¬ I wish I could learn this shit
hi all, I was wondering if anyone here is programming in Qt? I need help about porting an Qt written Android app to iOS. If anyone has some ideas let me know and we can discuss it
@denonth scroll up about 1 screen. Porting to iOS is likely wrong room
We Object to C :)
yes I know and Qt is C++
@sehe and class with Obj-C
deliberate pun right there ¬_¬
@denonth No shit, Sherlock. That's why I said scroll up a screen. Yes ppl do Qt here.
@thecoshman You mean, you made a pun? I missed it
@sehe I mean that for once the miss spelling was not accidental
@sehe hehe Sherlock that's a good one :)
Anyway does anyone has such experience with porting android to iOS?
@sehe It's nice to see that phrase is internationally used
@StackedCrooked gonna port your tetris challenge to the iPhone? Someone wants to help out :)
I find it funny when people put so much effort into porting apps from one platform to another, when all they are really need is a web site
@denonth is your Android app written in C++ or Java?
I'm not saying dedicated apps are pointless, but so many are basically just mirrors to web sites and require a connection in order to be used
@thecoshman OMG. After looking at if for about a full minute, I start to suspect you though class resembled clash?
Here's a hint: nobody knows what you think while you write stuff. You have to make sure the actual information goes in the words.
If it's written in C++, just reuse the non-GUI C++ code and rewrite the GUI using Objective-C++.
@thecoshman It is a big discussion...I don't think we should start it :) It really depends what you want from it
It's written in Qt
Oh wait, you use Qt everywhere, not just for the GUI?
Must be a real pain in the ass then…
yes it tottaly Qt app
@sehe hence the pun, which do not have to homo-phones you know
oh nice. Another sample of people using Qt like a 'free' MFC
@thecoshman You mean, that's actually the 'pun' you intended? Newsflash: it didn't work
I thought Qt was just a GUI library... how can it be totally written in Qt?
I mean Qt is great because it's multi-platform
If you use Qt's crap instead of the standard library, you'll be punished.
@sehe (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@thecoshman it's a big framework with lots of different functionality
@denonth the standard library is cross-platform too…
the GUI stuff is just one component
@denonth C++ is great, because it is actually cross platform
I personally think it is good. And whole company is working with Qt...
It's easier to use Qt stuff than convert back and forth, if most of the app is GUI.
@denonth 'you'll be punished cross-platform' (there, FTFY). You see, cross-platform is relative
@CatPlusPlus agree
Qt is good. That is not the question. It isn't universally portable, though. It seems you are about to find that out
Does Qt work on machines where a byte (and thus a char) is 16 bits wide?
I have same app written for Android, and desktop and I could port it easily with no additional changes
That is what I like about it
Qt targets Windows, Linux, OSX and Nokia phones, basically.
@classdaknok_t What platform is that? A char may be >8 bits, but a byte is 8bits by definition
They have no reason to care about arcane platforms with 16-bit char.
And android, you have Android Necessitas
That is what I have used
@sehe byte |bīt| n. a group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated on as a unit.
usually eight, not per definition
@Mysticial: hmm, now I wonder if I'm forgetting some important constraint, since most of the ops are so trivial in your answer
@sehe No, a byte is CHAR_BIT bits by definition.
C++ definition.
maybe it's just the equality test I got stuck on, because shuffles always give me a headache :)
This being the Lounge<C++> I believe that is relevant.
Buttons y u stop working.
@jalf Multiplication isn't. :)
What is the etiquette when receiving a recruitment email from a recruiter (not a head hunter) when you’re not interested (and did not solicit contact requests)? Ignore it? Reply & decline?
@classdaknok_t AFAIK the DCPU-16 has no video output. What use is Qt on it?
6 mins ago, by jalf
the GUI stuff is just one component
@RMartinhoFernandes I stand corrected. So I just learned
@RMartinhoFernandes but isn't that like saying x86 has no video output? As it stands the Dcpu-16 computer is nothing more then a CPU and some RAM
@CatPlusPlus In order to royally annoy you
@classdaknok_t Ah, what else does it have that one would really want?
There is an LLVM back-end and a clang front end for the DCPU-16. -_- github.com/llvm-dcpu16
@thecoshman There is no video hardware for the DCPU-16. Happy?
@RMartinhoFernandes it appears that some people like Qt's non-GUI parts for whatever reason. Google does, for example.
What the hell DCPU-16 even is?
@CatPlusPlus :O
Dcpu-16 is the fictional computer system developed by notch for 0x10c
@CatPlusPlus It's a search term that does well after inserting it into DuckDuckGo or Google :)
> It's now the year 281 474 976 712 644 AD
> it's not a good opening song, it's not a good ending song, it's not good middle song, it's not a good standalone song, it's not a good looping song, it's not a good background song, it's not a good soundtrack song
I didn't like the song :P
@Mysticial yeah, but I don't need multiplication :)
so has any one started playing with Dcpu-16 yet?
I guess it was the less than I got stuck on
@thecoshman No, no one at all has.
@jalf Yeah, I had a case where I needed 64 x 64 -> 64-bit (lower half) multiply - on x64.
I had a messy solution with SSSE3 and SSE4.1. It ended up being faster to just pull them into normal registers and put them back.
@sehe ಠ_ಠ
are you sure about the less than btw? Equality is relatively simple since the two components can be compared individually, but with less than the lower half only matters if the upper halves are equal
if the one you posted works, I'm happy :)
@jalf I'm doubting myself...

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