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It's Haskell but without all the backwards compatibility shit and unfortunately without laziness.
@AndyProwl Yes I am
@VermillionAzure so you recall I got some alpaca wool last weekend
@jaggedSpire mhm?
@VermillionAzure I didn't mention I spent $60 on two skeins
so today
I was innocently walking along at the renaissance festival
and someone was selling yarn
and not just any yarn, oh no
there were many kinds
they even had a skein of alpaca as well, though not in a color I wanted
they had Tibetan Yak
and it felt like a cloud
Isn't that like endangered?
I actually don't know
I have now spent $100 on yarn in the last week
You don't kill the animal to make yarn
also that
I think I might have a problem
although you could, if you really wanted to...
it would be a really phenomenal waste of resources though
I imagine the sheep that are good for wool are not so good for mutton
not to mention the less common animals that are harvested for wool
But then the yarn would "one of a kind", which might raise its value
Sheepskin is the hide of a sheep, sometimes also called lambskin. Unlike common leather, sheepskin is tanned with the fleece intact, as in a pelt. == Uses == Sheepskin is used to produce sheepskin leather products and soft wool-lined clothing or coverings, including gloves, hats, slippers, footstools, automotive seat covers, baby and invalid rugs and pelts. Sheepskin numnahs, saddle pads, saddle seat covers, sheepskin horse boots, tack linings and girth tubes are also made and used in equestrianism. The fleece of sheepskin has excellent insulating properties and it is also resistant to flame and...
eh, if you've got others of the same breed it's not gonna be one of a kind though
"Girth tubes"
@Mikhail looks like yaks are classified as Vulnerable for conservation status
We should start a breeding program
The yak (Bos grunniens and Bos mutus) is a long-haired bovid found throughout the Himalaya region of southern Central Asia, the Tibetan Plateau and as far north as Mongolia and Russia. Most yaks are domesticated Bos grunniens. There is also a small, vulnerable population of wild yaks, Bos mutus. == Etymology == The English word "yak" is a loan originating from Tibetan: གཡག་, Wylie: g.yag. In Tibetan, it refers only to the male of the species, the female being called Tibetan: འབྲི་, Wylie: 'bri, or nak. In English, as in most other languages that have borrowed the word, "yak" is usually used for...
FYI, there are domesticated Yaks
yep! the wild ones are endangered
although I'm going to buy some nice bread later today
happens to see some a few weeks ago
two males
tell those teenagers to get off your lawn
Did I show you guys my new piano piece?
I won't mind living some 3000+ meters above the sea level ...
7,000 feet is nice :)
Umm, is it available in techno form?
@Borgleader lol
@Mikhail No
@VermillionAzure So, basically you're going to need to up the tempo to appeal to today's hyper-caffeinated youth.
the title is a "spoiler" (it gives up the funny bit)
@Mikhail It's supposed to be a more tragic piece though
@PatrickM'Bongo did some 3-man wvwing tonight, first real time ever since HoT. was really pleasant, although I have to admit having played the pvp seasons all year long really helped cos post-HoT builds really are crazy
facing people with 45+ seconds of resistance is… interesting. thankfully that will be nerfed next Tuesday
@Mikhail s/up the tempo/push the tempo/
roasted, motherfuckers https://t.co/3fPbrtYmUc
@EtiennedeMartel I cant say I get it (inb4 im a dumbass)
@Borgleader Look at the books. Look at the label underneath them.
@EtiennedeMartel TIL Twitter crops the pictures
I thought it only downscaled them so i hadnt bothered clicking on it
but when you mentioned the label (which i hadnt seen) i did
so did ne1 listen to it?
Yes, that caught me off-guard about twitter as well
@EtiennedeMartel ...the more you realize that everything about Twitter is fundamentally broken, and it must be avoided completely by all intelligent people.
I wasn\' aware that there is SSD / HDD USB adapter
@ThePhD Oh, btw how did the talk go?
1 hour later…
>really pleasant
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@LucDanton uh that's insane indeed
I misspoke btw, I meant to say it’s the first real time I did wvw since they started grouping worlds together
so had a first taste of actual roaming, that was nice
GATE... good stuff
Wait... I'm not so sure. That's Rory from GATE right?
Yep :D
Also, the ending also has a picture of the three girls sleeping after they took a shower or bath. The thing I want to know though is, how does the artist manage to draw hair in a way so that it looks that it has been recently washed?
They must be really good.
It's not that obvious.
@Mysticial I loved that show. I'm rewatching it now since I'm bored.
Lelei's hair looks wet.
But not the other two.
@Mysticial You're good! :)
Hm, I don't remember Kati.
Flash. I liked this when I was 17 :)
@StackedCrooked Neither do I. The only Kati I know is the one from Akiba's Trip.
@StackedCrooked It went super-duper well. I didn't quite have a super flawless presentation, but hopefully the recording comes up soon!
scarf finished and so am I
@jaggedSpire oh
I'm so sorry
@jaggedSpire 'Gratsu. Sleep well!
@jaggedSpire nite
@ThePhD What did you use for the plots?
Python + matplotlib?
@VermillionAzure ... Huh?
@ThePhD For your sol2 talk
Also I'm surprised you're not using your real name for that lol
nonius, python, matplotlib
I try to keep my real name off the internet as much as possible.
@ThePhD Unfortunately it's too late for me lol
It's slowly becoming an impossibility.
Because of LinkedIn + other things.
But I'll make as much headway as possible.
I have running nose, but neither antihistamine nor flu medicine worked
@R.MartinhoFernandes Your mojibake slides are down
@ThePhD Meh.
Just curious what are you again? undergrad?
@ThePhD It's not possible for everything, notably stuff that requires a real ID (= related to money)
For the rest it's certainly doable
@LucDanton Roaming in small groups is very fun
3 is also the group size I ran (mostly because I have only 2 friends, probably)
Guardian + Elem + Engi (me)
Works well.
@VermillionAzure Undergrad.
@ThePhD Year?
@PatrickM'Bongo Do you use your real name for things like LinkedIn, though?
@VermillionAzure Final.
@ThePhD Ah.
I'm a junior
So 3rd
@ThePhD Dude your job prospects must be pretty sick since you have sol2
I bet RStudio would love you too
I, uh.
Don't know about that?
@ThePhD Nah, nah, it's okay. You don't have to be humble ;)
@ThePhD But seriously gj on sol dude
I wanna get that recording.
It's been a very long time since I gave a presentation, much less to a professional audience and not a school one.
@ThePhD Yes
I think in networks where you have to interact with real people who know the real you, it's unavoidable.
@PatrickM'Bongo I agree
@PatrickM'Bongo Also... that profile pic is CGI???
or is it just really good lighting and a bit of photoshop?
Fuck its 2:00am and I'm questioning why I'm wasting my life on graduate school.
Yeah, thats what I thought in undergraduate. I could walk down the street and look people in the eye and tell them I'm better then them.
@Mikhail Oh that's not a very good thing to do
But thats why I did graduate school
And look at my research papers
@Mikhail Ask her what she does for fun?
Ask her if she reads or if she likes movies. Find common creative media to talk about
Talk about current events or even politics.
Talk to her about where she's from and what it's like. Then she'll probably ask her back
Like... regular small talk stuff
Oops, typing into the wrong screen.
:33514830 HELLO!!!!
@Mikhail if she is a talker you could perhaps be a great listener
I haven't caught you in forever
@Mysticial Hey dude do you know how to handle graph problems in C++?
I'm going to do an online coding challenge for a company but I'm screwed if I get asked a graph question
if both are autists it can be hard to get a nice conversation going
@BartekBanachewicz Hey Bartek
@Mikhail Can't say I'm in too different of a position from you. I'm trying to reconnect with an old friend from high school. But I don't know how to not sound creepy.
@deadmg we have 1500 bonus pool
@VermillionAzure hey stalker
@VermillionAzure I hate graph problems.
@BartekBanachewicz Hey so how do you handle graph problems in C++?
@Mysticial I like them but unfortunately C++ doesn't have a native graph structure in a standard library...
And the challenge that I'll be doing isn't going to provide other libraries
boost has graph libraries, are you trying to optimize a de bruijn graph by any chance? Cause thats all I known.
fucking NGS, too many people in that field
@Mikhail I can't use Boost
I guess I'm asking what's a good makeshift way to handle them
It's really messy...
A sparse matrix works for a lot of the problems, what exactly are you trying to do? I did stuff in python with networkx for example.
@Mikhail I need to be able to handle stuff like Djikstra/Kruskal, and perhaps some other stuff like cycle detection
@VermillionAzure vector<int> neighbours;
@BartekBanachewicz Hmmm, yeah I guess that's a good way to do that
so something like
Dont overcomplicate
Graph aren't magic
@BartekBanachewicz One of the problems is generating an edge list from that
as well as node/edge removal and adding to a graph
For example, there was this A* like problem but with finding any arbitrary path that had the most weight
You dont need any of those for dijkstra or cycle detection
For some algorithms some data structures work better
@BartekBanachewicz Well, you might for Prim
Its kinda weird that you have a business requirement to write the graph library from scratch. The people I've worked for haven't given a shit where I got the code as long as it worked. Don't reinvent the wheel...
@Mikhail No, it's just if they give me a graph problem and I have to do it in C++ it'll be hel.
This is for an interview challenge similar to HackerRank
You mean an interview challenge with competitive programming?
Stop applying immediately and run away
@BartekBanachewicz No, they give you a problem and a time limit
Well I'm currently conducting interviews for a ~120k a year senior developer job. We ask people to talk about the project's they have worked on. None of that gimmicky bullshit.
and a HackerRank-like environment to do it in
@Mikhail I'm doing this for a larger company's internship though so I don't get the personal interview luxury until I get past this initial phase
WTF is this that hobbit company?
@Mikhail A job at where? You're still in school right?
@Mysticial But my professor's startup needs somebody to replace me.
You're graduating?
In 2 more years. My PI won't let me go without a fight owing to my "high" productivity. As a graduate student I'm free, for example.
Wait, you're doing the work of a 120k developer and you're getting paid grad school salary?
No, the startup is looking to hire somebody. And I'm doing the interviews.
Maybe I'm misreading something. Your prof is looking for someone to replace you for 120k?
@VermillionAzure Good photographer and a bit of airbrush, yeah.
@PatrickM'Bongo Damn
You look damn sharp
@Mysticial So, I write code and then he sells it at his company. Its fucking conflict of interest bullshit.
@Mikhail ... (how does this even happen)
@Mikhail lolwtf
@VermillionAzure 75% of the projects I know are of this form
Btw, entry-level software developer positions as Google are ~100k-ish base. And that doesn't count stock and bonuses.
I assume that is for CSS
As I grow older I realize salary is less important then the ability to spend it.
@Mikhail I'm glad that what I think in theory is being confirmed
The part nobody told you about was that its really difficult to leave a bad situation, so most of the time you just come home and go to sleep. Then its the next day. and you gotta keep working. So you one can loose a few years to this kind of bullshit. So basically don't do graduate school.
@VermillionAzure so exactly like competitive programming
You're not supposed to write reusable code there
You're supposed to write a mess that does the job fast
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, but I think they'll be looking at coding style
@Mikhail or become a CS/CE professor and sell 'your' project for multi-millions :p
So they'll be able to see how you perform under pressure but act like you're in a job part
But serious I am
I am doing company tax return for my app biz, they subtly change the tax forms from year to year ...
mostly the same, but slightly different, especially on biz category section
@VermillionAzure those things are mutually exclusive
$what is this$
@Mysticial where are they?
Does the cost of living make that money disappear?
My Haskell code is great.
@BartekBanachewicz Hey yo are you good at abstract algebra?
@Ell higher cost of living makes money disappear faster, yes
simple subtraction
@VermillionAzure what do you mean by abstract algebra, you mean, there is concrete algebra also? :p
@Telkitty QQ
170,000 Bosch and Siemens gas stoves recalled because they could explode
more exploding things ...
I'm not enjoying derivatives because my class requires me to calculate them by hand. It's very easy to make a mistake when the chain rule is producing 20 terms/operations
@Aaron3468 what class is this?
@Aaron3468 they probably expect you to be able to do that for homework questions, as closed book exam questions, it's bit too much
@VermillionAzure what abstract algebra
I wonder whether human would mutate on Mars
Sure, we always mutate.
after all, gravity, atmosphere constituents etc are totally different
@Morwenn yeah, but at much faster rate
My combinators are so nice.
I need somewhere to rant.
isn't this why you have a blog
@milleniumbug It's not good to rant about Moogle coding screenings on a public blog
Fuck are "Moogle coding screenings"?
@набиячлэвэли HMM I DUNNO
@VermillionAzure If you don't know then why'd you be ranting about'em?
@набиячлэвэли Are you whoosh or are you just smart
@VermillionAzure Of course I'm playing an explicit <oblivious> card
@набиячлэвэли I'm sorry, that's not a C++ Standard Library header...
Well, I think I'm cooled off about now.
@VermillionAzure But tbh I still don't know what that is
@набиячлэвэли What rhymes with oogle and Moogle?
@Ven lol
> Module coms mn imps exps
reads like some latin spell
exps liarmus
("General" $$=
  (    "ID"      $= projectIDForm
   <~> "Summary" $= textForm))
Fieldsets and labels \o/
@ThePhD Cool
@Mysticial And 60% of that goes into your rent :P
@Ell They have offices in a lot of places. Chicago. Seattle. New York. Los Angeles. SF
Some with higher rent, some with lower.
Yeah & with different salary levels too ...
"I'm driving this bus into the sea." "WTF! Why?" "Just over half the passengers asked me to." "But why?" "Stop whining, you lost."
I want to make a video game.
but how
@rightfold use a language with side effects, otherwise people can't see anything!
dat REPL
@nwp wrong
So, I have this meta-question, but it's kind of C++-related, so I'll ask it here. Someone asked a question on SO which makes me want to talk to him/her about their work, that's related to mine. How can I proposition that user to have such a discussion?
I thought I'd come here and maybe there'd be an option to invite them to chat, but this doesn't seem to be possible (unless I've missed something). And I'd rather not just give out my email in a link on the site. What do I do?
@einpoklum Encrypt it for OP's private key
@набиячлэвэли : Where would I get his private key?
... and where would I send that to?
@einpoklum You don't get his private key woah man what
I'm sorry, I meant, "where do I get his public key"
If he gives me any sort of address, I don't mind sending plaintext, it's not like I want to have a secret discussion with him/her
Get public key -> encrypt message (like "yo can ya e-mail") -> put it on Gist -> link to that in SO comments
@einpoklum you could create a room and leave the link as a comment
@nwp: How do I create a room that only includes the both of us?
@einpoklum Technically you cannot. You just name the chat room "for user X and Y" or "to discuss that question".
@nwp Hmm, not a bad idea. I'll try that, I think.
So I have bought a USB floppy disk drive to try to find hidden gems in my floppy disks. ;-)
So far nothing interesting. :)
omg multiplying by an identity matrix lpaste.net/6762156055972544512
So, the only big C++17 features still lacking from GCC7 structured bindings and non-type template parameters with auto. They did a pretty good job.
So some of the floppy disks are still readable.
No gems though :(
Anybody here good on NP?
inb4 cinch tutorials on NP-completeness
Q: Could someone explain ref and out to me in layman terms? (ELI5)

P. Protasi'm new to C# and programming in general. I'm reading the "C# Programming Yellow Book" by Rob Miles and there is a section that briefly covers the concepts of 'ref' and 'out'. The problem is, i have no idea what these terms mean (i don't understand the explanation provided). I looked on Stack Ov...

@milleniumbug Well can you?
cringe tutorials on NP-completeness
> Edit: I like how asking for help gets downvoted here...
What do forest clans who never came into contact with the civilized world think when they see airplanes?
@VermillionAzure NP?
@wilx I yes
@VermillionAzure As in..?
I'm trying to understand what makes NP NP
And I'm trying to find some sort of parallelism model
e.g. the algorithm "splits" at every non-deterministic branch
such that the choices make up some sort of search space
sounds right?
everything but the 'non-deterministic' part..
Well, if we think about SAT
We want to find an assignment to N boolean variables such that a given Boolean algebra formula is true
Every variable we choose is a split
that is a boolean and testable and a very deterministic value
and every path corresponds to 1 of the assignment value permutations
@VermillionAzure Entscheidungsproblem.
@VermillionAzure Being able to solve the problem in polynomial time on a non-deterministic Turing-machine.
@rightfold How is that the same as SAT?
@rightfold Right. But can I model an ND machine as one that can run all branches in parallel and will terminate in O(poly) time?
@Nooble ho
let's go
@VermillionAzure thread-sort
@johnathon ...
Q: NP with a parallelism model?

VermillionAzureCan we think of NP using a parallelism model instead of using a "checking relation" without loss of generality? From what I understand from the problem statement given by Stephen Cook, The notation NP stands for “nondeterministic polynomial time”, since originally NP was defined in terms ...

@VermillionAzure nondeterministic polynomial time ... this research is older than I am...

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