@JerryCoffin You have a good point, although I can mention situations where it can be dangerous to play with the code within the loop instead of the looper header
@TheQuantumPhysicist If your program consists solely of one reverse loop, then Boost probably won't save you enough to notice. If your code is much more substantial, you're probably losing quite a bit if you insist on ignoring Boost. And no, it's not just for complex things--it can help a lot with simple areas as well.
@Griwes I disagree. In an awful lot of cases, it's because the would-be successors were simply inferior, at least for the general case. They fit one person's ideas of how things should work, but often departed widely from many other peoples' ideas.
You literally just check a bunch of boxes that say "this build depends on the output of those projects", and it drags all that stuff right in.
Sure, you still have to set up the headers and stuff but at least it takes care of the output and puts it all in the right directory so I can package / run my exec easy.
@Griwes ...as long as that build tool didn't completely screw up something else that mattered to more people more often--which most did (and still do).
@Griwes That kind of inability to see what's in front of your face is what leads to the build tools that fit your notions perfectly and are completely ignored by the rest of the world.
I also shouldn't have to goddamn fight with the difference between rmdir and del on windows: if my build engine can't give me basic file system IO in some system-agnostic way, fuck that build engine.
Move, Copy, Rename, should be build system primitives.
Not something I have to ask the shell to do after giving it a footrub.
@Griwes For varying definitions of "sanely", and with the added limitation of "in exchange for a small and (especially) predictable amount of work on my part."
@Griwes Nobody said it was hard. I did say (or at least implied and do say) that regardless of how easy it is, most attempts at build tools screw it up even worse than make does.
@CatPlusPlus Dreading school, feeling like shit, feeling worthless. At least in this chatroom I don't have to see Elim being amazing and Borgleader doing great things and I can huddle up in a corner and slowly waste away.
@Lalaland The worst part is that when you get done, you're going to realize you didn't learn enough... Anyways, take a bunch of math classes, because you can't learn that anywhere else.
I like this fresh take, slightly different vantage point. I think it adds insight [I admit a lot of the appeal is the brevity. It's just easier for me to grasp & recall :). @TannerSansbury, do you see any problems with this as a highlevel mental model?] — sehe1 min ago
@jaggedSpire the only difference between my solution and some of the passing ones was that they used a map to determine powers of 2. but mapping is O(log n) and mine is O(1) no?
@sehe whats abominable about it?
@thepiercingarrow Your code is sorta incorrect though in that it will fail very badly when n > 100000
> Not many C/C++ programmers are aware of partial regex capabilities built into the C standard I/O library. Although scanf/printf are C-style I/O routines, they can still be used in C++ code. Many C++ programmers 'force' themselves to use cin/cout all the time even though it is sometimes not as flexible as scanf/printf and is also far slower.
@nwp not sure, haven't read much yet
@sehe also, about 2 months ago a guy here was asking for help with cout printing non-printable characters. I rewrote the program using printf, and it fixed his problem.
Another problem is that some teams are vastly more experienced than others, some have been working on the project weeks before the competition
You just have to ask yourself why you woke up early and blocked off the time to do something when you could have just played with the problems after the contest is over.
@thepiercingarrow If you're interested almost exclusively in code simplicity, it's probably sort of all right. In terms of execution speed, it's almost certainly open to substantial improvement. Powers of 2 follow a fairly specific pattern, which it completely ignores.
@thepiercingarrow I think @Mikhail is talking about a different type of competition.
@thepiercingarrow cin and cout can definitely be slower when they are synced to each other. They are also much safer than the C-style functions you mentioned; that is probably why C++ programmers generally prefer them (similar to why they avoid things like strcpy)
@thepiercingarrow Never done the USACO. Only did a couple of the codejam competitions. Did poorly. Stopped caring.
This evening, I found that my account has been deleted and my co-worker's (who is also my friend and fiance) account has been suspended for 7 days. Why was this done? I researched this topic and found that because I used to like his posts, you have killed his account and my account. Please try to...
@thepiercingarrow Let's say your N is 5. By brute force, you find that the next power of 2 is 8. From there, you can compute successive powers of 2 directly (2 * the current power of 2). So, we start with N+3, then N + 3 + 8, then N + 3 + 16, N + 3 + 32, and so on until we get to the upper limit. Then we get N = 6. For this, we get exactly the same set, except that it's N + 2, N + 3 + 8, N + 2 + 16, and so on. Likewise for N = 1, we get N + 1, N + 1 + 8, etc.
That means, as soon as we compute the count for 1 greater than a power of 2, we also know the count for the next M numbers (up to the next power of 2).
@Lalaland Oh, you have to do a quick lookup to find if each target addend exists in the input, sure. Of course, to optimize that you want to start by inserting the numbers into some sort of set to get fast lookup. You could use an std::unordered_set, or just a std::vector<bool> (numbers limited to 10^9, so that uses only about 120 MB).
@nwp strncpy is actually quite a bit worse--in fact, it competes with strtok for being the worst designed in the entire library (now that gets is gone).
one could argue that strcpy is better than strncpy and strlcpy because strcpy has a chance to properly crash when an error happens while the other ones are guaranteed to hide it
@thepiercingarrow Start by inserting all numbers into some sort of set. An unordered_set (for example) gives expected O(1) lookup to see if a number to produce a power of 2 is present so you can use it. Then walk through powers of 2 and compute the difference between that power of 2 and your input. Check if that difference is present. If so, count a hit. If not, on to the next.
@Lalaland Pretty much, but he skips one I pointed out above: instead of a hash table, you can just use a std::vector<bool>. It'll take up ~120 MB in this case (inputs have range 10^9) but then each lookup is guaranteed O(1).
I have numerous examples doing this/similar written up on SO.
Let me list the most relevant:
I've done quite a few of these benchmarks. Yes, for sequential freading, read/scanf have a tiny edge (see e.g. scanf/iostreams and files vs. mappings, and parsing floats, or read being slightly faster ...
@thepiercingarrow scanf is not a good interface, regardless of capabilities. I'm not necessarily defending cin here, but if you're going to say "cin doesn't have the capabilities I want" my response would be "use (or create) something that provides them safely."
With Boost you can use Spirit's qi::match manipulator:
std::istringstream input("some text that i'd like to ignore 42 \tthe rest of line");
int number;
if (input >> std::noskipws >> qi::phrase_match(
"some text that i'd like to ignore"
>> qi::int_
>> "the rest of line", ...
Note how sscanf falls woefully short in areas of strong typed extraction and extensibility. There's no thing like alternatives or conditional parsing. It's just an antiquated tool that /is/ nice for a very limited subset of tasks. "Competitive coding" might just be the best arena for it.
I'm myself not fond of Karma. For most text serialization I'd either be better of generating some flat stuff without karma OR it is just too inconvenient to things with Karma