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@Lalaland Well, the thing is Lua already has a coroutine / yield combo. I'm just trying to wrap it up so its less cumbersome.
@Mysticial whats that green sign that has 127k reputation gain?
Is that for real lol?
“May your compiler bugs always be unreproducible.” - An ancient programmer curse.
@user5600875 That's the problem with docs. Rep-inflation.
Well, I'm not gonna dive into them :P
Unless anyone wants to make a tag for one of my monstrosities, because i r rep pleb
@Mysticial I remember i did some docs on Storage Classes , missed a point, and everyone voted against it lol. preety hardcore
Goes off to do junk
@Mysticial why does it matter though?
It doesn't directly affect most so users.
@Lalaland If you've been paying attention to meta, there's a lot of rage about how people are getting like a 1k rep a day just from docs. It's hilarious.
I do think Documentation has lots of flaws. But as far as the rep? Eh.
The main issue with Documentation imho is that it is so disorganized.
@Mysticial xD what you need is to edit some of the HTML not a comic.
Like for example
Come to think of, if someone bumps these 3 questions to the top, I can use my unclicked rep:
thats just a stupid one
I'm too lazy to do a real example
if you got chrome, just right click and then do inspect
@Mysticial Need help with trolling docs?
@Darkrifts Don't try too hard. I just noticed that the entire front page MSO is all related to docs.
@Darkrifts maybe you should write a doc for that? Topic "trolling online communities"
Gimme a sec
It would still be better than 99% of the stuff on docs.
lol, can't make a new tag, since that'd need commits and such, so I'll just troll C#
Don't actually make any troll posts on docs. That'll just piss off the mods.
Keep it to screenshots.
Mkay, I will :P
Still gonna be C#
Dolan duk will be my helper here >:D
@Mysticial Is V good enough?
Should I "troll" any more languages?
Gran Turismo 4 is teaching me that I'm a poor driver
And I've just regressed to watching subway fight videos again.
@Aaron3468 Try going slow
I should troll Java with a "sanik" thing, because its slow
@Mysticial Much better in person.
Fights in the D train are fucking epic.
@Nooble I just watch this one:
I need to stop watching these, but I just can't...
8 ball jacket guy!
One of my favorites.
You've seen that one?
Of course.
It's on a Queens bound M, R, E, or F train I believe.
@Darkrifts The trick isn't going slow. It's about slowing down quickly before corners, then speeding up as fast as possible if there isn't another corner
Imma stop now :P
17 hours ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@Aaron3468 Correction: hedhug
Messed with Java
Leaves before flamed
Guys i have a problem with this printf() for OS.. its mainly C++
If you can see here, you see a printf() declaration gist.github.com/amanuel2/c4795370344b1475afc02f02acf78a97 and
whats happening @Darkrifts , @Aaron3468 ., And people seeing this is that let me give an example: lets say i decide to do printf("%d %d" , 12 ,16) . What will appear on screen is 12 12 . the 16 for some reason dosent get updated to va_args im guessing here : gist.github.com/amanuel2/… . But im troubled by this bug i have
Sorry, can you repeat that in english?
No problem (sorry i suck at englsh) . Basically whats happening is
printf("%d %d" , 12 , 20) . When i do that , i get in my OS : 12 12 . For some reason 20 dosent show up
Im thinking this is a varg problem on the line i stated: gist.github.com/amanuel2/…
But im not sure, like i said the 20 dosent appear on screen.
It appears that it may not be incrementing arguments properly. Have you got a for anywhere that iterates through the printf string, then increments a counter for each argument inserted?
e.g for each token in printf: print(args[i]); i++
Sorry i was out um
For each arguments? You mean like the varg ?
Here is the printf:
    void printf(char *str, ...)
    	va_list arg;
    	va_start(arg, str);

    	for(int32_t i=0;str[i]!='\0'; ++i)

@Nooble Is there a video where a genuine martial arts master has to take on cops?
I actually wonder what to cops do in that situation.
In a lot of the videos, all the cops have are night sticks and maybe pepper spray.
Even tasers are rare.
They can easily subdue normal people, but I have yet to find a video where the guy actually puts up a good fight.
Fighting the cops always seems like a bad idea.
Even if you win, you still lose.
Not in Akiba's Trip. /cc @Aaron3468
They're harder to defeat. But they drop higher level items when you succeed.
Found one.
@Mysticial Not that I've seen :P
The one I found wasn't quite what I was looking for. The bad guy ambushed the cop and beat the crap out of him. So no martial arts.
I really need to improve my JP vocabulary. At the moment I can only understand ~30% of expositionary scenes in games and shows. On the other hand, I'm playing the first Akiba's Trip and accidentally got a gameover in the first scene ^^;
You kept picking the 3rd option?
"Gimme my figurines!!!"
The first game; I asked the lead detective guy for his 3 sizes xD
The PSP one?
I haven't played that.
I have no clue what I'm doing because it's in Japanese and I only understand 30% of it ^^;
I've only played the second one. Kept the Japanese voices. Set the subs to English.
I decided I don't like Transmission. I'm moving back to uTorrent.
I generally use tixati. Works pretty well
I have one of the older utorrents before they started shoving ads.
When people speak of compiling source code so it can be run by the processor, what is the actual last stage before something is ready to be run by the processor? e.g. assembler, linker, whatever converts it to microcontroller instructions?
torrent sites are interesting, old ones kept on being shut down, new ones kept on springing out
2 hours later…
@Telkitty What new ones are there?
The Pirate Bay keeps disappearing or giving me some DB maintenance crap message.
time for some coffee .. and to sniff the coffee beans contrainer while at it
> Hi Martinho —

My name is Siavash and I found your email from https://github.com/rmartinho.

We're trying to solve some of the biggest problems around online learning, specially when it comes to learning from YouTube videos.
"help, I'm being scraped"
I just got my first star on github
@wilx I have not been using torrent recently so I am not sure
@StackedCrooked Yeah it's the usual problem when a program jumps a shark, but all the alternatives just aren't there yet
@Xeo lol, solid references
Deluge is quite decent IMO, you could try it
@StackedCrooked The moment when I decided to switch away was when they decided to put a Bitcoin miner in uTorrent. Seriously.
The SENPAI protocol (Secure ENcrypted Protocol for Af-
fection Information protocol) builds on work by [1] to allow
efficient secure two-party computation on a problem of gen-
eral interest with security against covert adversaries, while
avoiding  the  overhead  of  zero-knowledge  proofs.  We  will
discuss historical attempts to solve the problem under dis-
cussion, followed by an explanation of the SENPAI protocol
and its security properties.
I do not understand the abstract at all.
@StackedCrooked Deluge and qBittorrent work well
Fuck uTorrent forever
Deluge is great
@wilx in case you haven't noticed, this is a joke paper
@milleniumbug I did not get past the abstract. :)
@Xeo I'm using uTorrent (although it's basically now just bittorrent)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Actually, this is wrong /cc @wilx. I used the wrong value for "seconds in a day".
The real number is 14 minutes and 24 seconds.
I think anyone can eat a banana in that time.
@R.MartinhoFernandes :D
OMG facebook restyled chat windows
oh wait nevermind maybe it just broke for a sec
Though for comparison, the dose you get from your own body while eating the banana that slowly is ~10 bananas.
@Xeo Deluge is nice, I also use Transmission time to time
uTorrent is a relic of the p2p community which at least for me kinda disappeared when affordable streaming services were born
OK so help me pick an Arduino
@BartekBanachewicz How's uTorrent in particular related to that and not the others?
@BartekBanachewicz What you wanna do?
@R.MartinhoFernandes they had a streaming player builtin, they had the ratings mechanism
@R.MartinhoFernandes build a control panel for KSP
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, lol, that was when it became shit.
this is the best one I found so far
I'd probably want to make it a bit more narrow so it doesn't take so much space
@BartekBanachewicz Just get a Uno.
but functionality-wise it's perfect I think, and it doesn't use overly complex parts like LCDs for the horizon
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm gonna buy a whole kit of accessories together with it because price and practicality
I was also wondering about getting a few sizes of them in order to have some comparison
The official Uno R3 size is like a credit card.
If you really have limited space, get this adafruit.com/product/1501 or build your own (it's trivial).
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's not really about limited space, it's about having a few of them so I can do different things without having to port one across all things I'll want to do
mm the uno itself seems to be costing about 90PLN
Then I'd recommend to get one or two as starters, and then just buy components in bulk and DIY.
It's the best option price-wise.
@R.MartinhoFernandes buying components in bulk is the best achieved in those kits I think
I did post an image of one before
@BartekBanachewicz Er, which components do you get in them?
@R.MartinhoFernandes this is the one I was eyeing
Yeah, not the components I meant.
The ones that are in the board.
oh well
So you can build your own for crazy cheap.
well there are unofficial boards for half the price available
which I suppose would be halfway to making my own
The components cost like five times less.
right now what I want is to raise my self esteem by getting something to work
@BartekBanachewicz That's why I recommended a real one as starter.
I spent two years trying to get my STM to do anything useful
@R.MartinhoFernandes by real one do you mean "an original one" or "a clone, just assembled"?
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, doesn't matter. Just pre-assembled.
That and the fact that you will need it to flash bootloaders on the others.
@R.MartinhoFernandes eh again I could use the STM for that I suppose
where "could" is a very vague and scary word
I think I'm still gonna go with a bag of random parts like in the picture above
it's much cheaper to buy those in bulk and they look fun
the kit above costs about €40
so I guess I can afford the luxury :P
oh right this kit is actually an unoriginal one. W/e
@R.MartinhoFernandes UNO doesn't have a debugger right
@BartekBanachewicz It's all the same components. Really no reason to pick a specific brand.
do you have some sort of JTAG debugger or something?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I meant "w/e" as "passt"
@BartekBanachewicz There's something like that, yeah.
I tend to just debug with unit tests or with serial port output :D
For hardware-level debugging I have a BusPirate.
> Bus Pirate v3.6 available now for $30.15,
that's quite lot
@BartekBanachewicz The Zero has gdb support, but I find the Zero overkill for pretty much anything the Uno is used for.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well I could build one zero then deploy on the smaller one, no?
@BartekBanachewicz All that money I saved building my own :D
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, that's not a bad idea, I guess.
I was actually planning to buy at least two vOv
ah shit but zero is the Cortex one
I don't know if I want another ARM board
a standalone debugger costs like €10
@BartekBanachewicz Actually, it sounds like a lot of trouble now I think of it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah
Even assuming a libs to work in both in an abstracted way, you'll need voltage converters.
I think simply buying a simple JTAG debugger would be easier
The Zero runs at 3.3V, not 5V, so any kind of hardware testing is going to be annoying as fuck.
btw for this panel right
for so many buttons, I suppose shift registers are how you do it
That's how the logitech device I wanted to talk to did it at least
it looped, opening the registers, getting button data in, the sending them sequentially
so that you theoretically can have unlimited buttons using three pins
@BartekBanachewicz I bought a bunch of 74HC595.
@R.MartinhoFernandes great. I just wanted a sanity check
I wonder about LCD as well
I suspect there are some easy ways to put something in between the bunch of 7-segments and the board
to simply send values to display
I mean I know it's going a bit far but I'd much rather make one big order and save on shipping costs
Dunno about 7seg displays, but there's a bunch of single or double digit ones around.
I just used one of those HD44780 ones.
I just have like 30 huge 7-segments that I bought sometime ago
mmm I could actually use a new voltmeter as well
I always wanted an autorange one
mmmm the usb ones
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well you needed to buy parts right
but BusPirate actually looks cool
maybe I could make my own as well
shit I'm so deep in the rabbit hole
my shopping list is growing
thankfully those things aren't too expensive
I wish Microsoft would provide documentation for writing boot applications.
that doesn't sound lime ms' job
...what kind of boot applications?
@Griwes something that can be executed from the windows boot manager, like winload.exe.
@Ben ...why would they provide documentation for something that's clearly not supposed to be written by anyone but Microsoft?
@Griwes it seems odd that Microsoft would provide the option to compile for EFI, and not provide suitable or complete documentation for it.
@Ben EFI != windows boot manager
@Ben EFI is not "the windows boot manager"
There's an entire specification for UEFI.
omg, I know.
There's tutorials for UEFI.
you can run EFI applications from the Windows boot manager.
And UEFI is not really an MS thing, so why would they provide docs for it?
@Griwes yes, I know.
@Ben ...so... just follow UEFI docs?
@Griwes yes, but I want to make a boot application for non-UEFI BIOS-es too
@Ben ...then follow any of the gazillion tutorials for BIOS bootloaders?
Still not an MS thing.
Also why the hell would you want to use windows boot manager for booting into your bootloader? o.O
@Griwes that's not my intention.
fucks sake
buying on Allegro is so annoying at times
> want to buy two items, A and B.
Seller SA has item A for 95 rupees, but item B for 10 rupees. Shipment is for 8 rupees.
Seller SB doesn't have A, but has B for 7 rupees. Shipment is for 7 rupees.
@Griwes Correction: 'to compile EFI applications'.
Now imagine that instead of two items you want to buy 30 of them, and there's 15 sellers.
and the items can have subtle differences you have to pay attention to
this is a job for a machine not a human :/
@Ben "Compile EFI applications" and "compile for EFI" means pretty much the same.
i love when old people in your family make jokes about technology problems you have to solve and they laugh their asses off and you just stay there like wtf is funny about that
@Griwes oh ok :)
(It's probably arguable whether EFI bootloaders are really EFI applications or not, I guess, but I think the specs define them to be those.)
@ChemiCalChems like what
@BartekBanachewicz a joke about obnoxious password requirements which consists of 6 iteration of password must contain x
i don't have to solve that myself, but it's an open problem in computer science.
getting secure passwords and don't require obnoxious shit
and you stay there like lol very funny xd
they laugh cause they don't fucking face that shit, but you do
is this accurate? xkcd.com/936
user image
@ChemiCalChems meh, just use ssh auth everywhere
or only OTP
@rightfold lol
@ChemiCalChems That's a solved problem.
The solution is: don't require obnoxious shit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes not for the general public anyway
if they don't have the restrictions in place, they opt for password1
or mynameiscocksucker
let them get hacked
@ChemiCalChems That makes no sense. People are not a problem in computer science.
I think it's perfectly fine for people to fall victim of their own stupidity
(Hehe, yes, they are, hihi)
@BartekBanachewicz companies don't like doing so, that is why they establish these obnoxious requirements, which affect everyone
@R.MartinhoFernandes class Person extends Mammal
humans entering passwords is a design bug. Hard to work around, but a bug nonetheless.
gonna go for xkcd-like phrases, change them every month
unless i need 3 numbers or 28 symbols
in which case fuck it
I'm guessing password reuse is more damaging these days than low entropy passwords.
I typically use 12-20 characters
Database of some silly service breached, BAM all your accounts everywhere vulnerable.
codinghorror.com is broken?
I wanted to link the god login post
@ChemiCalChems I use poems as passwords I have to memorize, and random garbage as passwords I don't have to memorize (because I can afford to store them.)
^cc @ChemiCalChems
BTW robot you didn't want to believe me about the retirement reforms
Accrording to newest reports, most of the people will get the minimal rate, iow pennies
specifically, "70% people born between 70s and 80s"
minimal rate is like €200 gross
@nwp To be honest, the only things that make me happy there are rate limiting and reveal password.
Fucking reveal password should be #1.
I like never having to login
I login once per device on SO
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes pls
also allow me to use 2FA
@R.MartinhoFernandes I also kinda like the "check most common passwords' hash"
because for some sites that's still apparently not obvious
even a weak password coupled with 2FA is vastly more secure
Though the only place where I'm stuck with a password I type that isn't revealing is pinentry for my GPG keys.
> section `._user_heap_stack' will not fit in region `RAM'
region `RAM' overflowed by 16 bytes
-O3, -Os and -flto don't help either
Well, download more RAM, duh.
no downloading for the microcontroller
maybe I can upload it via the debugger
@nwp That's not annoying when login is trivial.
hmpfh maybe I should order those converters separately
cheapest shipping is 1.50, the prices are 6.90 vs 12
and I'd like dunno 3 or 4
wait can you actually change the address of the HD44780
What address?
It's a parallel interface.
ah right shit the interface only describes the screen
there's a lot of those small adapters to I2C
so it's really about whether the adapter can be changed
that gives 8
oh those are just jumpers, the photo is bad
well okay I guess 8 displays should be enough for everyone
You can always add a shitton of multiplexers on the other side of those i2c adaptors :D
Makes your code a mess and pretty soon you'll realize why I hate that no Arduino lib has any kind of pin abstraction.
I suppose there are some ready-made I2C readdressers or whatever
Lots of rewriting involved.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Do you use the arduino studio?
or a manual setup
vim and ninja
I have a custom GCC build and a python script for flashing.
i had that for my STM more or less as well
but I never got the RAM load to work
not sure what I did wrong but it just refused to boot straight from ram
> I would love to eventually create a fully immersive simulator, which would have two components: A mission Control, with projector and a few consoles, and a 'shuttle' / cockpit.

The two would be separated by a wall, of some kind - and then there would be communication with headsets, which would increase delay to simulate real-life distance delay.
I guess KSP coop would be really cool
the guy who made that Odysseus panel 3D printed a few parts
I guess I'm gonna have to be creative
@BartekBanachewicz "Keep talking and nobody explodes" might as well apply to coop KSP, then.
@Xeo that's kinda reverse. More like Artemis really
except Artemis was really boring
"Keep talking and everybody explodes"?
We still haven't finished KTANE
the super-quick bombs require great precision
and a bit of luck really
@Mgetz ... what.
yeah, notch posted on it today as well
the idea is that Win32 will die and become replaced with a much more restrictive API
because everyone loves Win32 so much
which is the biggest bunch of horse rot I've ever read
as it would mean microsoft basically shooting themselves in the head
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah, right.
btw for future reference
@R.MartinhoFernandes hey I'm not saying that I believe it'll happen
but then again, having android-like app management on windows could be kinda cool in a way
well, and bad in other ways
ueh, I was just told to use "OVERRIDEAPPROVAL" at work
I feel like I've just launched nukes
What was the web version of the standard draft again?
if a rocket is sending a realtime video stream to earth
and is moving further and further away
will the Doppler effect be present?
Doppler shift in EM waves is barely (not?) noticeable unless you start getting close to c.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I see
so realistically just because you're moving away, it won't impact the stream
Wait, no, actually, it's definitely noticeable.
GPS accounts for Doppler shifts and the velocities involved are not that much.

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