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Trying to define a coroutine interface in C++ is p a i n f u l .
I think I'm about to implement C#-like awaitable coroutines using lngjmp in C++.
... Heeeere we go.
Trying to .... in C++ is painful.
> status - the value to return from setjmp. If it is equal to ​0​, 1 is used instead
But... why?
because fuck you, that's why
Probably because... terrible API.
You should probably avoid using longjmp and setjmp and just hand-roll your context-switching routines (that's how every sensible person does this). :P
void Foo(int a, int b) {
static array<int, 2> t = { a, b };
@Griwes Gotta interop with Lua.
@ThePhD setjmp/longjmp are broken
@ThePhD ...how is that contradictory with what I said
Context-switching = the thing that any OS does.
you'd like to do everything in too easy way griwes
like a sane person
noone does that
Are you saying OSes aren't able to switch on apps that interop with Lua? :P
in the lines of code i posted before (wrongly pressed enter), the space to store the array is static and the values are filled runtime, right ?
@Michele Yes - function-local static variables are initialized on the first call, but the storage duration is (duh) static.
Lua expects me to jump out of the function using lua_yield. But, it also expects me to pass a different function to return to. Which means rather than having a single function with lua_yield in it, you have to basically write stuff.then( ... ).then( ... ); wrappers... all while making it compatible with the Lua API.
but static variables are literally cancer
no they aren't
they are like global variables except hidden deep in your program
they only are in the warped eyes of someone who has received a lethal dose of haskell radiation
assuming that there is only one thread accessing that variable, it's ok i think
it's not about haskell, it's about not shitty code
Code needs implicit global state sometimes, for sanity of the user.
haskell isn't the only language that treats state like shit on a stick
@Griwes I call bullshit
I decided that that was bogus, so instead I'm writing a sol::yield which will call lua_yield but set a jmp_buf/lngjmp point that will return back to the yield call's point, to make it feel more natural.
mainly for optimizations
most of the time it achieves the exactly opposite effect
I'm not going to pass logger context around to every fucking function in existence.
also static constants
by the way thanks to both
@milleniumbug static constants are fine
inb4 a logging monad
@Griwes no, your shitty language is too bad for that
but I am sure a smart person like you would figure out a way to do that
Having a thread local static instance of std::random_device is no different from creating it every time in a function is called
inb4 I don't know why I (and I mean I) just unplonked you
inheriting from some context class or someshit
it can be done
fuck shitty adhoc code and people who write it
you're the worst cancer of the industry
that's literally nodejs level bad
thank you
@milleniumbug Really? I thought it only gets init once.
I think the same about you
glad we agree
@ThePhD On a conceptual level
It's an optimization because you don't need to initialize it every time
@Griwes see the difference is that I believe in better code and try to write better code. You believe in nonexistent ideal code and write shitty code.
Go figure who brings more value in the end.
I don't care about "bringing more value", I care about not having to write boilerplate code in every line.
implicit global state has been proven over and over to cause more problems than any benefits you might claim
Especially when I don't need it.
> proven
@Griwes yes I know you care about unimportant things
please give me the formal proof of that
I'll cry if I don't get the non-boilerplate code I want
@Griwes :laff:
@BartekBanachewicz I care about the easiness of writing code.
@Griwes and yet you write in C++ by choice
You care about the "better code" that gives you short to no benefits.
you've gotta be either kidding me or be straight delusional
@BartekBanachewicz Still easier than Haskell, m8.
Either way, back to the plonk list with you.
You went even more nuts after the whole taking not important stuff on discord waaaay too seriously.
@Griwes yes we wouldn't anyone disrupting your ivory tower would we
@Griwes oh fuck haskell
@BartekBanachewicz what is wrong with a global logger instance?
it's not "better code"
(whatever that means)
as griwes said, the alternative is manually passing it everywhere
seriously if "BUT HASKELL HLUBRG GLBUGS BLURB" is your only argument then you have to really rethink your stance on things
which is no different to it being global, but more effort
@Ell Nothing, except it may not be as elastic if you want to change the logging level for your class later
I use over a dozen languages in my day-to-day coding and implicit state is bad in every single one of them
It has no state
it's not a language problem, it's a paradigm problem
The alternative is passing it literally everywhere, so also across other APIs, so requiring thunks because some of those APIs will literally only accept a function pointer.
@Griwes Yeah I realize you wouldn't know what that means
Which is worse than having a convenient global thing.
@Griwes now do tell me how C++ is your language of choice again
But I guess Bartek's "better code" is too detached from reality to notice that (funny how people tend to try to use that argument against me).
Yes my code at work isn't code but actually pony magic in equestria
@Griwes yes because who dare say that you might be wrong
how dare them
@LucDanton Basically just training.
@Ell that's one alternative
What is another which gives benefit without cost?
@Ell Any language with parametrizable contexts can do that easily
like scalas implicit or what?
@Ell IoC containers
10 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
inheriting from some context class or someshit
that could work as well
or simply having a member context
IOW what @milleniumbug said
I don't get what you mean by context
well if you have an action, right
some computation
it is typically defined as a function of input to output
but sometimes it's convenient to say that the part of input is "reading context" , and part of output is "writing context"
state is both combined.
but what is context... in this context? :P
Would the logger instance be the context?
@Ell a logger is a write context associated with the function
a specific realization of it
Consider f :: Int -> (Int, String) vs g :: Int -> Writer String Int
obviously in Haskell it's relatively simple, the language is all about writing code against certain contexts
in a typical OOP language the object instance becomes the universal context carrier
in JS that's gonna be this
that's one reason why JS inheritance model is so powerful, it allows you to not just add classes together; it allows you to use contexts together
now if you go even more backwards to a language like C++ or Java, you have to utilize the class-based inheritance and composition models
in C++ you can inherit from multiple classes though, so that's a bit easier
one of the problems is obviously that now your actions are going to be trapped in classes.
but since C++ coding relies on mutable state anyway, grouping them into things that share the same state context kinda-sorta works
it's still awkward and primitive, but then again pretty much the whole language is
seems like effort with no gain to me
what do you gain from it?
@BartekBanachewicz ITT bartek calls JS powerful
@Ell First of all, you make the context explicit. That means easier code reading.
you could simply read about DI benefits
because for the most part, they're gonna be applicable here
the differences will really pop up in a language like Haskell or F#, but until you're using that one, well, classical DI model should be fine
>that's one reason why JS inheritance model is so powerful
my eyes
In software engineering, dependency injection is a software design pattern that implements inversion of control for resolving dependencies. A dependency is an object that can be used (a service). An injection is the passing of a dependency to a dependent object (a client) that would use it. The service is made part of the client's state. Passing the service to the client, rather than allowing a client to build or find the service, is the fundamental requirement of the pattern. Dependency injection allows a program design to follow the dependency inversion principle. The client delegates to external...
thanks Etienne
And ofcourse the output is : void out(uint8_t data,uint16_t port_number_param);
you're a true friend
Please use some kind of pastebin service for your code dumps
Taking half my fucking screen is definitely going too far
ah i thought i can paste here. ok one sec
@BartekBanachewicz I think there are cases where the effort is not worth the reward
This explains the warning and situation: gist.github.com/amanuel2/c16d5a08bbe400bc1fc1f702d72acb7b
im trying to get the warning off , but it wont listen !!
Help would be appreciated
GTFO should be a link to Friday
try renaming your source file to .cpp instead
@milleniumbug ? . @KretabChabawenizc that will help resolve the warning lol? Im sure any extension is acceptable
how will you know if you don't try
@user5600875 I'm saying it works on machine
@milleniumbug if you want to see my actual code here is updated code: github.com/amanuel2/OS_Mirror
No I don't
make an SSCCE
The reason it didnt give you that warning is becaue your PORT @milleniumbug im guessing
what might bug your millenium today
so, you failed to provide all the relevant info in a form that I can compile in less than 10 seconds
Just like all the other people that whine about people on SO who downvote their questions
lol i dont wine when people downvote my questions. i simply do not care about reps
you're a badlet hth
also, I didn't say you whine
read carefully
your talking with a lot of slangs :/ . im going to try to reproduce a minimal explanation one second
Post it on Coliru
Don't cast the integers at the slightest provocation BTW
The problem is shown exactly on the line the arrow is pointed on coliru
I dont see an arrow pointing :(
main.cpp:23:18: warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type [-Woverflow]
     p8b.out(PORT + 1, (uint16_t)0x00); /* Disable interrupts */
@user5600875 It's displayed when you hit "Compile"
i cast the constant integer to a (uint16_t) , but that dosent do any good :(
of course it doesn't
4 mins ago, by milleniumbug
Don't cast the integers at the slightest provocation BTW
hmm uint8_t let me check
does anyone here use audacity?
Hint: check how you declared your function and what are you trying to pass to it
nope uint8_t dosent work either
Nvm. That was an awesome hint!
Yeah, the types matter. Casting may only hide the problem
@user5600875 If you had casted the first argument, you wouldn't get a warning, so you wouldn't notice the problem until you ran the program
This is why you don't cast
Not until understand your problem
If i hadnt casted the first argument?
I casted the arguments then the warning went off
Because you literally told the compiler to shut up
While it had pointed out the problem
oh so can you give me another hint to actually stop the problem?
I thought you had realised what the problem is by reading the first hint
Sec let me try to. realize the problem again
@milleniumbug if your saying the problem is that i declared the data as a uint8_t ,well i have to. That function is from a 8bit port , so i can only send it a 8bit data.
Read again the function signature
@milleniumbug im still not getting the problem :(
Hint nr 2: what is the first argument in your out function and what are you passing as a first argument in the initalize_serial function
1) uint8_t   2) uint8_t
    `p8b.out((uint8_t)PORT + (uint8_t)1, (uint16_t)0x00); /* Disable interrupts */`
Like i said it has to be uint8_t. and another thing , i cant do this also: `const uint8_t PORT = 0x3f8;` , because that will give me warning: warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type [-Woverflow]
Hint nr 3: stop looking at types for a moment
@LucDanton I'm a lot behind on Archer. Can't watch shows all day anymore rip me
Passing the port where im suppose to pass data.
that is probably the solution to my misterious serial issue , one second
What was that "Immigrant scum" message for?
wow , and i see now why casting can cause you majorrr error , i would have never seen this
Was that a UK thingy?
guess so
Immigrant scum is awful. Nice immigrants otoh are very nice.
So I watched this Stranger Things tv series
Everybody says it's awesome, but it's way too spooky for me
I don't want to have nightmares and shit
it's not promotional at all.. I'm sitting in office right now and I don't have the picture I needed to tag with this ques. The picture is saved in my laptop and it's at home.. I had previously asked this ques. on quora, that's why i pasted the link here.. please don't downvote questions like that.. Already it's so hectic to ask questions on stackOWflow and by voting down , you increase chances for getting my account blocked. If you don't understand, better leave it. the question , indeed, is very easy to understand. — Aditya Vrm Jul 21 at 9:31
@Borgleader Another one:
Q: C++ virtual machine implementation

ndrewffghtI am trying to make a virtual machine in c++. It reads input from a text file, and executes it. Command mappings: read(read from keyboard) = 00 (args = memory location to read to) write(write to screen) = 01 (args = string to write) write(write to file) = 02 (args = filepath, string to write)...

> All of the implementations on the web do not satisfy my conditions, or don't compile on msvc 2010.
^^ ahahahahaha
Oh geez... Half the stuff on the lowest-voted list is good.
Usually it's only like 1 in 10.
I need it now thank you mysticial
@Shoe yeah, a joke about how the UK has so many people in such a tiny island.
your face is a tiny island
1 message moved to bin
no not really
@Ell yes short bad programs don't need great code
but we all knew it already
This is so weirdly nice but heavy album:
I like it but I cannot listen to it as easily as other songs and albums.
@JishnuUNair You should put it in a gist then ask C++ Room :)
That C++ room bin should better advertise itself as a helpdesk.
@Ell there's also this thing that if you write in Haskell for a while and then go back, regular, normal practices from other languages appear savage and that's a well-known fact. That's one of the reason people learn haskell in the first place. So really, you might not feel the pain nearly as much, but people who wrote C before C++ appeared didn't really feel the pain either, and nowadays we all scoff at C and rightly so.
Got the serial port working :)
@BartekBanachewicz dank
time to get high again
What'cha takin'
@BartekBanachewicz I wonder if it's even gonna be fast. Isn't writing to non-volatile memory flash cells a lot slower than dram?
@Mysticial I guess it's supposed to be swap
Actually no, they can't be using flash or anything like it. It'll get destroyed.
> The SSG memory would be treated as part of a huge pool of RAM. If the GPU can’t find its data in the local GDDR5+ or HBM RAM, it would then search the SSG. Only after that would it have to ask the CPU for what it wants.
IOW, faster than CPU main memory. It can't possibly be flash. It'll die after just one stress-test.
Btw, I don't think Akiba's Trip is gonna drop any time soon. It's been a stagnant $30 since back in like May when I got it.
ok i need to get more science
how do i get more science
@Mysticial it's doesn't have to go via chipset though
There is a demo
@Mysticial That's what I'm thinking as well. And considering they speak of terabytes of data, it's probably a more standard HDD-like technology.
I can see it being good for content producers
@Aaron3468 it's just SSDs
Samsung evo 950 or something
also what are radial heat shields good for
If they are using SSDs on a gpu, I'm not sure how they've overcome the problem of limited write-cycles
should I put a radial heat shield on the bottom of the command module?
i suppose that's where it fits
ugh now I'm 38kg too heavy
@BartekBanachewicz Hardware is one of major improvments :) .
can I somehow control the amount of solid fuel more precisely
welp i just took a bit of liquifuel
k this thing is supposed to get to 120 km
fingers crossed
Apoapsis: 538.000m
fuck fuck fuck fuck
@Ell A chipset bottleneck will be nothing compared the bottleneck of having to actually read/write from flash cells.
@Ell It can't be that. Standard SSD's don't have enough write life to them.
Flash cells will die in like 10k write cycles. Maybe up to a few million if you specially design it.
This is way harder than I anticipated it to be.
But if you want something that'll last when used like ram, we're talking on the order of at least 10^20 write cycles.
@Mysticial And gpus are constantly writing transient data like vertices, so if anything, flash cells are the worst type of memory for them to choose
@Mysticial It still has typical DRAM in it.
So it seems like this is specifically just for shuttling and keeping large pools of (stream) memory totally on the GPU.
That is, not having to bus data between CPU main memory vs. GPU.
@ThePhD The fact that it sits between GPU memory and CPU memory means it has to be at least as fast as CPU memory.
And if you use things like CPU memory, we're talking 10^20 write cycles over the lifetime of say a fully utilized server.
I'm probably a couple orders of magnitude too high but still.
@Mysticial what is a write cycle?
1 billion write cycles a second. Server runs for 5 years. How many seconds are there in 5 years?
I am 145 km from Kerbin
now how the hell do I land
@rightfold Every time to write to a memory cell.
I want a Commodore 64
@Mysticial 1.567e+8, or something like that
@Mysticial so you toggle a bit 10k times and it's ded?
@rightfold For SSD flash cells yes.
Yeah, that's more or less how it works. Basically after 10k writes, you can't tell the difference between 1 and 0
this is way too fast
> The SSDs themselves are a pair of 512GB Samsung 950 Pros
I'm going at 1500m/s and accelerating
@rightfold: Where has Bessie gone?
SSDs have wear leveling algorithms to spread out the usage so none of the cells die early. But then they all die at the end.
If you take an SSD and max it out at 500 MB/s over SATA3 for a few months, it'll be dead.
I don't buy that its only 10k. That seems low
I've run this calculation a gazillion times while trying to spec out potential boxes for 20 trillion digits of Pi.
@Mysticial so you don't want defragmentation!!!
@rightfold Correct. Defragging will only fuck things up.
If my SSD dies I'm really sad
fuck my mystery goo containers exploded
8 TB SSDs are expensive
@Mysticial well I never
Defragging isn't even useful on SSDs is it?
I should've sent the data
@Ell I'm not the one running them. But there's more than a handful of people in the world who have money and want to take a shot at it.
I disabled PostgreSQL sequential read/write preference on a server with SSD :)
Again, I don't think AMD here is suggesting that the only memory it uses would be the SSD's flash cells. I think they're trying to avoid the latency between transferring tons of data from the CPU's main memory or HDD memory to the GPU.
Told it random reads are equally costly as sequential reads
For example an 8K-resolution video would take around 33 megapixels. That is, uncompressed per frame, 4.42ish gigabytes of data with floating-point pixels, half for half-float, and 1.13 gigabytes whereabout for typical RGBA byte pixel data.
You could conceivably fit at most 2 frames of RGBA data on conventional 2.5+ GB Graphics Hardware.
So bus transfer speed becomes a humongous bottleneck as you ship that data into the GPU.
CPU Memory bandwidth right now tops off at about 50 GB/s if you 4 channels of DDR4 and are using it under optimal conditions.
You're not getting all that through PCIe x16.
PCIe v4 x16 we'll get you halfway there.
Right, and that's where the problem comes from. You're gonna drown the PCIe slot trying to shuttle data, compressed or no, to the GPU every single frame to then expand out to be rendered, and eventually struggle to render things on time.
So you have some storage that can feed right to RAM inside the GPU, bypassing the PCIe slot entirely.
IOW, that's what GPU ram is for - a cache.
So what AMD plans to do is insert another level of cache between the GPU ram and PCIe/CPU-memory.
Basically. Cache humongous amounts of data on it (e.g., feed a bunch of compressed video frames to the GPU's SSD and let it sit there), and then just let the GPU tug it into and out of RAM as needed. Which means now the cost of speed is only onboard-SDD -> GPU RAM -> Display, and not PCIe -> GPU RAM -> Display, where PCIe -> GPU RAM was the big struggle.
Intel's Knights Landing chip will have 16GB of MCDRAM on the chip essentially. That effectively serves a really big last level cache for main memory.
I've got a graphics card that has 3.5GB RAM, and about 500MB flash, and whenever the RAM fills up performance basically gets so low loading from flash that I only have enough time to save before the game crashes
I would imagine you can only just beat out PCIe -> GPU RAM by using an SSD: if you tried a conventional HDD onboard a GPU it'd probably be too slow.
But they do away with the L3. So it's just L1, L2, 16GB of MCDRAM, and unlimited DDR4 memory.
16 MB sounds like a pretty sizable chunk for Cache.
Not really unlimited DDR4, IIRC< it's something like 384 GB.
Either way, if they've done what they've announced, they've succeeded in solving some very difficult engineering problems
@ThePhD Sorry, I meant GB. Which is massive.
Which makes me wonder at how fast it is.
Because the thing is being shared by 72 cores.
wow 16GB cache on a processor
That's... a lot.
You were only getting around 64 MB L3 caches.
this is how much RAM I have
Conceivably, you could run an entire PC without any RAM if that works. :B
I have a feeling that it will be significantly slower than the L3 of a normal CPU.
@ThePhD That's kinda what they want you to do. Otherwise, how are you gonna feed 72 cores 4-way hyperthreaded? (288 threads)
So much stuff is moved from the motherboard to the CPU
soon CPU will contain everything :D
I'm actually interested to see someone run my Pi program on a Knights Landing chip. The 1 billion digit benchmark only needs like 5 - 6GB of memory. That fits in the MCDRAM.
CPUs already have onboard graphics.
yes, they also have on-chip cache
CPU Masterrace, incoming... ?!
CPUs are becoming macroprocessors
I can't imagine this being energy efficient at all, though.
I would imagine lots of batteries will cry out in protest.
Assuming that it is implemented as circuitry, it will be many times more efficient than separate peripherals
@ThePhD No, that's Rocket Barrage
@набиячлэвэли But I don't want hot justice exploded all over me.
It's already headed in that direction with the wide vectors.
OTOH, I don't think separate peripherals will die out either. It'll just get to the point where the average gamer can get by with a $200 chip in a box, and everybody else will still be paying $1000+
@rightfold nope
@ThePhD As @rightfold would say: "hot"
For the AMD card, they get 4GB/s instead of 900MB/s speeds on the ssd
I can't wait until cpus have embedded displays

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