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@BartekBanachewicz That depends on the CPU. With an x86/x64 CPU it isn't a whole lot different at all. Most RISC CPUs simply don't support misaligned access, so the compiler has to fix things up. If (for example) you wrote it in assembly language so you really forced it to attempt a misaligned access, most would throw a hardware exception.
the discussion in osDev about this just went nuts
well @BartekBanachewicz the "dont use __attribute__((packed))" was mainly for OsDev
@набиячлэвэли that's like the whole internet, maybe with the exception of sites related to holidays
they meant to be in OsDev.
Not C++ In general. i misinterpreted. sorry
@JerryCoffin sure, but assuming the compiler fixes it?
I wonder whether people interact more in person during traditional & school holidays
@user5600875 That's why you shouldn't do cargo culting.
im afriad i dont know what teh term cargo culting is.
@user5600875 Altough I still don't see why OS development would be special
A cargo cult is a millenarian movement first described in Melanesia which encompasses a diverse range of practices and occurring in the wake of contact with the commercial networks of colonizing societies. The name derives from the belief which began among Melanesians in the late 19th and early 20th century that various ritualistic acts such as the building of an airplane runway will manifest in the appearance of material wealth, particularly highly desirable Western goods (i.e., "cargo"), via Western airplanes, though the meaning of the behavior is more complex than a simple misunderstanding of...
Cargo cult programming is a style of computer programming characterized by the ritual inclusion of code or program structures that serve no real purpose. Cargo cult programming is typically symptomatic of a programmer not understanding either a bug they were attempting to solve or the apparent solution (compare shotgun debugging, deep magic). The term cargo cult programmer may apply when an unskilled or novice computer programmer (or one inexperienced with the problem at hand) copies some program code from one place to another with little or no understanding of how it works or whether it is required...
@BartekBanachewicz well thier has been a very complicated discussion about this in OsDev . I cant explain ask griwes
I am not that good as of now to understand thier conversations to well :(
> 06:01:23 <mrvn> amanuel2: it is never neccessary, it only can be correctly used and usefull
this is the thing.
Oh lol your there
sec i will give you more quotes
no, I just looked at the logs
@user5600875 you don't have to. I read it myself.
The reasons they are bringing up are utterly non relevant to what I was asking about
The argument against __attribute__((packed)) was entirely philosophical though.
Not technical.
So... vOv
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd say that since compilers already have it, and it's widely used, the standard should follow
ok well this is what i heard. guess discussion is over
and Griwes is taking my -.- and -_- away from me
@user5600875 please do verify you understand the topic before getting into it next time
It was more particular to OsDev @BartekBanachewicz
@Griwes lol
bir prog. dilinde exception desteği olmayınca varılan nokta bu oluyor. halbuki bu kod tertemiz olabilirdi. #golang http://t.co/eIdrjFhdse
@BartekBanachewicz i formyself use attribute. but im trying to stop my self. As you can see on mirrors and so on : github.com/amanuel2/OS_Mirror
that's a very badly organized repository
@user5600875 "im trying to stop my self" - why?
because people on the internet said so?
#define SWAP(a, b) do { typeof(a) temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } while (0)
@Griwes yes its terrible
Oh God.
mainly because
@Griwes what the
I'm not looking any further.
I dont care about it?
Lunch time.
@user5600875 that's the most stupid reason ever
its for my training
@user5600875 even more so
thats my actual repo. and i havent started real OsDev and Structuring.. Give me a break
im yet learning OsDev.. seriously
@BartekBanachewicz yea. with reasons...
@user5600875 which are?
srsly werent you in the room?
@user5600875 I was. I am asking you.
3 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
because people on the internet said so?
which are :
@user5600875 read this again
no thanks. I will give you logs
@user5600875 I know what's there
I am merely saying you don't understand it
You can't state the reason for that in your own words.
Yes i dont. i woukd have but they have these complicated reasons
What if they don't?
You're blindly following guidelines you have no idea whether are true or not
yes. that is whats happening here. I cant deny that
Aug 1 '15 at 12:29, by unordered_meow
> Good advice comes with a rationale so you can tell when it becomes bad advice. If you don't understanding why something should be done, then you've fallen into the trap of cargo cult programming, and you'll keep doing it even when it's no longer necessary or even becomes deleterious.
@BartekBanachewicz Then you'd have to look at the output for a particular compiler to say anything intelligent. At one time I could have told you pretty easily, at least for a few specific compilers, but I haven't had much reason to keep track of such stuff recently enough to comment meaningfully.
@milleniumbug is putting me in the statue of shame
@user5600875 and rightly so
@BartekBanachewicz How is rep farming on Doc?
Ok i gotta get going with OsDeving.. it was a good discussion
Hit rep cap yet today?
@Shoe not super great
I guess because I stick to the less popular tags
I got my edit into opengl texturing though
so maybe that'll get me something
It's +5 rep now per upvote
I think
I want to get some motivation to work on a side project but can't
wat do
Enroll in university where they force you to do side projects
write askol
@BartekBanachewicz well, you can join me on my multiplayer networking prototype
I guess they are not side projects then though
@Lalaland is it still in Rust? What could I add to it?
@Shoe lolno
@BartekBanachewicz rust on both ends.
In other news, I have to choose a project in Scala, Ocaml or Haskell and then execute it.
@BartekBanachewicz Try reading some productivity blogs
I'm still deciding how to do the networking protocol
I was thinking of some interpreter of some simple lambda calculus language
Never done unreliable networking before
Can anybody tell me if I'm like pointing a shotgun to my foot before I pull the trigger?
@Shoe you can look at Turnip and see if that's too hard
it's written in a really simlpe way
@Lalaland which repo is that
@BartekBanachewicz I see, thanks
Q: C++ Reading labeled data from file

DimChtzI have a file with labeled data such as: Label1,0.002546,0.054126,... ... ... LabelN,0.025413,0.985412,... What I want is to store labels to std::vector<std::string> and data to std::vector<std::vector<double>> So, this is what I tried: input.open(files.at(0)); while (std::getline(input, lin...

@BartekBanachewicz another noob who cannot use debugger
@Shoe there is probably a "write a lisp in x days" tut whiuc you could follow
@Shoe just write a lisp
Writing a brainfuck is cool too
a bit too simple
simpler than bf
bonus points if you implement GoL using comonads
yo slap
yo ven, sup
golfing a bit
3 examples
4 contributors
my topic on factories got +7
also there's a third example now
@BartekBanachewicz it's not pushed to GitHub yet. I'll do it tonight when I get out of work.
@sehe ...it's not like I hide that (also kinda hard to hide that when you go running around conferences giving (better or worse) talks :P).
Also lol, it's only now I've noticed those pings. :D
(...I've had some 2 hours of being late to work today...)
@milleniumbug hehehehe yeah
Q: How to use find fuction in c++

Khaled Mahmoud OmranWrite a function, findElement that takes three parameters: an array of integers, the number of elements in the array, and an integer ‘toFind’. The function should find all occurrences of the integer ‘toFind’ in the array and print their locations to the user. If the value does not exist or the ar...

Ah lord I'm writing some disgusting code
I don't really know what I'm doing with this WPF stuff
Hahahaha! Visual studio code dosent recognize .c++ Extension :(
@milleniumbug :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes Whats so funny?
"for debug reasons"
Visual studio code?
Q: Coliru alternative for C to use on SO/SOD

TobyIs there a commonly used online C editor and compiler that is, or can be, linked to in SO answers and SO Documentation? I understand that coliru works well for C++, however it does not allow for --std to be set equal to any C only setting (i.e. not C++). This makes it less than ideal for use in ...

@Mysticial lolwut
so iphone pictures don't have the same ratio as youtube videos?
Lol A Os Created in Java. Who would have guessed? github.com/ravindukaluarachchi/jos
@JerryCoffin yea. i thought to my self "he must be using a library". Because assembly is required
Common misconception.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I thought you cannot write a valid boot sector except with assembler because nothing else supports the "put 2 magic bytes at location 510"-instruction
In computing, PEEK is a BASIC programming language extension used for reading the contents of a memory cell at a specified address. The corresponding command to set the contents of a memory cell is POKE. == Statement syntax == The PEEK function and POKE command are usually invoked as follows, either in direct mode (entered and executed at the BASIC prompt) or in indirect mode (as part of a program): The address and value parameters may contain complex expressions, as long as the evaluated expressions correspond to valid memory addresses or values, respectively. A valid address in this context...
@nwp Also, C++ supports that with reinterpret_cast.
And you can also do the same with just the linker.
And you're assuming everything needs the "put 2 magic bytes at location 510"-instruction.
That's architecturist.
It's not really an instruction.
It's two static bytes that need to be at offset 510 in the first sector of a HDD for an ancient booting method. :P
did UEFI get rid of that?
UEFI will boot you whatever you have in the ESP.
@nwp Of course, UEFI uses a proper filesystem instead of silly two-byte magic numbers to determine what to boot.
I actually wonder whether I should bother with bios HDD boot for the next iteration of my OS thingy.
Hmm, is there an UEFI-based variant of PXE?
I thought PXE got subsumed into UEFI.
@Griwes I'm not sure it qualifies as a "variant", but UEFI includes PXE.
> The concept behind the PXE originated in the early days of protocols like BOOTP/DHCP/TFTP, and as of 2015 it forms part of the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) standard.
Hmm, it did.
> Version 2.5 of the UEFI specification adds support for accessing boot images over the HTTP protocol.
@Griwes I would say no.
The deciding factor might become whether Bochs actually implements anything not ancient in that regard. :D
I had PIT implemented previously, just for the sake of Bochs which didn't have HPET yet, for crying out loud.
I might just scrap the idea of using Bochs at all, but... I would prefer... not to.
Ooooh, apparently some people booted OVMF in Bochs somewhat successfully years ago.
I know what I'm going to tinker with today.
And it's neither wrestling with SystemVerilog nor trying to figure out where the problem with my lockfree experiment is this time.
Well, time to check my implementation of FOS-X against the documentation to make sure I didn't mess any of the things up
@Darkrifts Wouldn't want anything to accidentally come out sane, after all!
I know right
Wait, what purpose does ASCII 01 serve?
Depends on the encodings/procotol. It's a control code (look it up in wikipedia)
@Abyx you have to admire those people who can have a career in programming before they encounter their first bug
K. The fos-x thing Aaron made (chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/31898272#31898272 if you want to see it) infinitely outputs 01 as an ascii character, which shows up as a ? box in the console :P
Not sure if its a bug in implementation, or in his thing. Kinda hard to follow control
The "?" output?
That's an artifact of your terminal.
Yeah, but the problem isn't that it shows as a ?, the problem is it outputs at all :P
I have a feeling, based on some of the commands, it was supposed to output "Hello, FOS-X!" or something, but idk. Has a hardcoded string of that encoded within the file.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is the environment really scary in Germany atm? I'm like holy crap, shit is blowing up every other day.
Looks like OVMF actually boots in bochs (well, at least from bochs' console logs - I don't really have an x-forwarding setup ready to see what it shows on the screen...). That's good news.
I'm drunk. AMA
@Lalaland great. I don't think I can motivate myself to tower eweork work on anything alonees one
There was a party at work because I'm leaving
I mean not because I'meanving but as an occasion
I think I'm gonna become an absfinent
Well, I fixed the issue with 06 at least lol

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