so you really feel like not being able to pay is restrictive? just leave a donation!
@sehe found an inspirational quote: "Misschien moet je accepteren dat veel van wat je doet sowieso gaat mislukken, want we zijn allemaal lompe zakken vlees en botten die niks anders doen dan meedeinen op de golven van existentiële nutteloosheid."
@BartekBanachewicz i use linux, and windows when i'm in the mood to rage at how slow it is on my system when having to play games with friends because social rules dictate that you have to do stuff with people every once in a while
If the spells only protect living creatures, and you need a portable form of currency, you are left with only one rational choice... I give you...
> The Zero XU is introduced as the ultimate urban commuter. It’s our first street bike featuring a removable power pack so city dwellers can charge their batteries away from the motorcycle.
Today - thanks to our amazing community beta testers - we're shipping our [biggest expansion to Stack Overflow][1] since it first launched: Documentation.
Looking at the Google Docs list of announcements and description of the site, I have to say that I find myself... rather disappointed and confused as to the whole purpose of this endeavor.
The part that I'm concerned about is found in The Tour section:
The most important, and only mandatory,...
An overview, with a large number of examples can be found in the README.
An introductory video on the style of code used in this library by Simon Peyton Jones is available from Skills Matter.
A video on how to use lenses and how they are constructed is available on youtube.
Slides for that second talk can be obtained from
how the hell do they propose we deal with such a huge thing
but it probably gets downvoted as off-topic because it explains temporarys, why you care and how you tell instead of giving definitions and examples of value categories as defined in the standard