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kick, then bin. that works.
Fair enough
Excuse me
How often do you guys use assert or static_assert?
not too terribly often
quite often
static_assert waaay more often though
Is this a good place to ask questions about exam questions? I mean old exam questions I don't know the full answer to.
I use assert whenever I know that at some point I will end up forgetting/violating some assumption
I use static_assert whenever I want to make assumptions about the architecture or doing some checks on template parameter assumptions
Simple question... Someone want to work ?
that's a deep philosophical question ramy
@Ramy I don't.
what does it mean to want?
Ahhhhh, i tried on upwork to find some freelancers.
Just worst developers.
Lost 3 weeks.
Today I bought three different beers I never bought before. I'm tasting one of them and it's rather utter shit :/
It's a buffer overflow problem.
@Morwenn I thought feces weren't safe for human consumption.
You sound surprised. It's beer.
@orlp Tell that to rabbits.
Drink a stiff whiskey straight. Such great flavour :)
@user326964 Are you Jerry?
@Aaron3468 I don't like whisky.
@Morwenn There are rabbits consuming humans? :D
@Morwenn drink vodka mixed with random shit
@orlp I don't like vodka either.
don't consume alcohol?
I dno
Rabbits eat cecotropes, not feces. But that's scientific feces, not colloquial feces
@orlp But I link some kinds of beer. And Génépi. And chartreuse from time to time. And kir. And Elixir d'Armorique. And rosé from time to time too.
@Aaron3468 More like colonial feces.
@Morwenn I had a very bad experience with alcohol in france
we were visiting relatives and they had some home-brew liquor
it literally (and I really, really mean literally) tasted like liquid ash
@orlp Haha, that's generally a bad idea :D
I guess. Syntactical ambiguity strikes again, because I meant that cecotropes are not feces, but only in the scientific sense of the word
it was actually uncanny
I know whiskey has a bit of that 'burnt wood' flavour
but that liquor was basically 'fuck my shit up fam' levels of burnt
I've got some naja alcohol. It basically smells and tastes like what it looks like: terrible alcohol with an animal corpse inside.
Anyways, regarding alcohol. A couple uniquely flavoured ones you may/may not like: gin, scotch, whiskey, wine, cider, mead, soju, sake, tequila, moonshine
Uh, I tend to forget that cider is alcohol.
Another interesting one is absinthe :)
I don't suppose everyone here would think it's stupid to ask about how to make a stack-class and implement its member functions(pop, push etc.)
isn't that basically anything not qualified enough to be classified as literally anything but moonshine?
There's a lot of recipes for it and some of them have really strong flavour ^^;
@Ramy hai
you again
@Ramy just increase the buffer size :)
@Aaron3468 Too bad it tastes like anise and I don't like that either :/
@Ramy That's my line
if you have troubles with buffer overflows
try asking it nicely next time to stay within bounds
@user326964 it's stupid, yes
politeness really helps
there are many resources on the net already on how to make it
@user326964 1. get memory 2. keep pointer to top of memory
but otherwise just use std::stack or std::deque
@Morwenn I really liked the mead I tried, but too bad it's illegal to make or import in my country :S
ah, the good ol' screenshot of code
I've often been told that suze tastes horrible too.
and this is buffer_has_space prntscr.com/badvvq
I'm trying to find some examples, I wouldn't ask if I wasn't in such a hurry, but everything I google just shows people using the built-in stacks, lists, queues etc., but the exam questions are demanding that I make them from scratch. I get about halfway in and then get confused.
See you in 2 hours with a clean install :)
@Shoe you dirty slut
Ramy, I'm not going to help, as you are well aware.
you better clean
Love you all in case I don't make it
I was sure. Bad sehe, bad sehe.
@user326964 Try Code Review. I bet there are plenty of stack implementations over there.
@Shoe We'll arrange to bury you in a casket shaped like a server rig
@Ramy at least he's not posting screenshots of code
that's like a cardinal sin
Is that in stackoverflow too or is it a separate site?
@orlp hyperbolic cardinal sin
@sehe cardinal (e^x - e^-x) / 2
@sehe kinky
@sehe I just don't get it, why you don't like money ? You are soooo honest ? xD
I like my life. Value it too.
And I live my values.
@user326964 Yeah but from what
@VermillionAzure "From what"??
@user326964 What are you allowed to use
@VermillionAzure I'm to assume that a class called "Node" already exists, then I can use that to make a singly-linked list or whatever it's called. I can use ints, doubles, strings and so on.
@user326964 Oh that's really simple
push and pop correspond to adding onto the end and removing the end
@user326964 Does that help?
@VermillionAzure Yes, I'm familiar with the concept and visualization, but I'm having a hard time selecting them I guess. Maybe the stack object has to have a member called "Node* lastNode = new Node()" or something
@user326964 No, it only needs to have a reference to the head of the list
the end of the list is optional for time complexity decrease to O(1)
@VermillionAzure Why the head though? If I want to use pop, then the top of the stack will be removed. Or did I confuse head with tail now? I'm taking the topmost element as the tail, but I've got a bad feeling about this.
@user326964 I believe it can go either way
Actually, having the head be the top of the stack would be better I think
Ah hmm
@sehe you don't have time for skype? or you have a new one
Yeah so the top of the stack should be the head of the linked list
I have no use for skype
I get it.
@VermillionAzure Just a moment, i've got an idea.
@user326964 Popping would be equivalent to replacing the head with its next and deleting the head, and pushing would be creating a new head and setting it's next to the old head
lol this guy
@VermillionAzure Ahh, that's the kind of answer I needed
@user326964 Keeping track of size can be done through increments when pushing or popping with an initial value of 0 or done by just counting the number of iterations it takes to reach a null node of the list
Though I'd stick with an implementation that (in/de)crements a stored value for performance gains because memory is so cheap nowadays.
But then again it's for a class so lol
True, classes are really bad in that regard; 'don't use functions or objects you might not have' xD
@sehe Please come on skye.. I can't find someone.
Does anyone know why g++ might take longer to compile after I added pre-compiled headers?
Please stop acting pathetic. Maybe you can pay someone to hire the right person.
@ktb92677 Templates?
@Ramy You can study with me if you want.
@sehe That guy's a troll.
@sehe Na, I don't use any templates, just a ton of includes (mostly boost related)
He's not
Ok. Let's not flag. If We think Ramy is annoying, I'll kick.
Yes he is
I know him. He's not.
You know him? Where from?
@Columbo You are more than me. :)
Ok, if you're going to play the role, I will kick.
@ktb92677 So, templates ;) Which headers, maybe post a question on SO with the headers you include into the PCH
I get the impression that although the problem is legitimate, Ramy has neither the experience, the ability to recruit properly, nor the urgent need to solve it
@Columbo He's just a regular vampire, except with a shady business.
@Aaron3468 That's pretty accurate IYAM
@sehe vOv I have him on tiny avatar mode, so idrc
@ktb92677 ...
That's not what they meant
@VermillionAzure What did they mean?
Post an actual question
ohhh, I see
sorry about that
1 message moved to bin
Err.. does this look good for starters? push-function:

template <typename T>
void push(T item){
Node* newNode = new Node(item);
currentNode->next = newNode;
//How do I make newNode the new "currentNode" now without overwriting currentNode???
Isn't it newNode->next = currentNode; currentNode = newNode? This is after a cursory glance, so I may be wrong
Wth. I was convinced that was a Cicada alt (due to the picture). That's a weird troll for her thoughh
@user326964 save it in a temporary I think
@Aaron3468 yes
@Aaron3468 Well, the way they taught us was that when you say "node->next = someNode;" then you've attached node to the back of someNode
Oh, I see. Just iterating the opposite way I imagined
@user326964 Never mind, there's an SO answer on it with pictures
Q: C++ - Stack Pop() Function with Singly Linked list

JohnradFor starters this is apart of my current homework assignment for my Data Structures class. I am not asking for answers, I am asking for help. I have a stack class that is implementing a Linked List instead of an array. I am currently trying to write my pop() function. I have a node for my theBac...

I don't really understand why the top of the stack would be implemented as the final element in the linked list, because then iteration must start at the bottom of the stack (you can't travel in reverse if it's singly linked). As such, it is cheaper to have the first element in the linked list at the top; it's the value you will access most frequently...
@Aaron3468 It can be done either way but yes having the top be the first is more efficient
@sehe Ain't that some definition of troll?
@VermillionAzure if you define NDEBUG, assert is removed from your code
@Columbo If you insist
@milleniumbug Then you get free karma POST NOW!
@Columbo A rose by any other name would smell as sweet
1 message moved to bin
That message was so has bin.
just need to wait 9 minutes
The bin has become so huge that we now need a bin ladder.
Does anybody want to listen to a nice piano piece?
@Morwenn > I also have a disturbing sorting fetish
@Columbo Where did I write that?
In your profile description :*
@VermillionAzure just the string, or one of the ebony keys?
Haha :D
@Aaron3468 ...what
@VermillionAzure You asked if I want to listen to a piece of a piano
a composition then
How would it be cheaper to have the first element ontop? Aren't stacks all about LIFO? I'm thinking if you have the first ontop, and you remove it, then all of the others have to move up one step to take the previous' position, instead of just removing the top and reducing the size of the stack by 1.
@user326964 Think of relativity
@user326964 Why implement the list such that all elements move, when you can implement it such that one moves?
Eh~, I should already be sleeping.
@Columbo Is it weird that I don't like most of Chopin's stuff?
@Aaron3468 That's what I meant. I'm thinking in reverse I guess.
@user326964 Haha, yes, relativity is a really annoying phenomena
@VermillionAzure It is to me.
@VermillionAzure Same here.
@Columbo what's "it"
@VermillionAzure ...you not liking most of his stuff?
@Columbo Oh yeah lol brain lapse
Uh yeah I feel like it's too ornate a lot of times
I mean, I don't listen to him a lot, either
The Chopin Sonata is good, but it doesn't sound as harmonic and layered. It's a bit more chaotic to my ear than Snow in Summer
It's 01:11 here, I was supposed to be in bed 10 min ago, got the exam at 9 am, gotta get out by 8. I feel like I'm gonna fail because I don't know how to solve these two tasks. But I know the answer is supposed to be simpler than I make it, annoys the heck out of me.
And then I'd have to wait 6 months for the next opportunity, grr.
@VermillionAzure Not at all. It's about taste
@user326964 It seems like you've got a good idea of how to solve it :D It's just that we're worrying about bigger problems like efficiency while you're just getting it to work
No need to spell out the implications.
I know but my own composing style feels really bad because... it's too simple or something
I must say that Chopin's Sonata is widely not regarded his most palatable work (and this recording is not top notch either)
There's something always missing from it
@user326964 I'd say take the shot at the exam now, you'll do fine and learn more if you fail, user
@sehe This recording is top notch.
And which Sonata do you refer to?
The performance might be. The recording is absolutely not
Oh, sorry.
@Columbo I lump all of them together. Sorry.
@Aaron3468 I know, the problem is I work fulltime, took vacation off for this, I don't think I'll get more later, and I really drained myself going through lots of stuff and literature, would suck so much to forget it 6 months later, plus I've failed this exam once or twice like 3 years ago, I don't wanna postpone it anymore.
This is what happens when I don't like the works enough to play them often.
Another person I kind of don't like is Bartok
Yeah. Congrats. You can get in line
As far as the solutions go; I start off well, and then get stuck at something like that thing about how to make the currentNode switch to the newNode, and that's the only thing holding me back. So I hoped I'd find some ready solutions and just memorize the thought process.
I was blown away by this recording of the Romanian Folk Dances but then the rest of it doesn't sound like it
@VermillionAzure That hits the spot very much (although they might have thought of tuning the grand :))
It's amazing!
Like serious it's probably #2 or #1 for me
It's very well played. I always envy interprets like that that can make any music open up worlds
It's so expressive and there's multiple themes in it and it's all soooo gooooooood
It's weird.I think it's just a few isolated bass notes out of tune. I'm putting this on my play list
@VermillionAzure The trick is that the music is deceptively simple - staying very close to folk music roots.
They're good o_o
I know, but it's also not so simple at the very same time
But yeah. This recording is ravishing. I never really liked the work before
The melody is very changing in length of node, volume, articulation, etc.
It's hard to recreate that using software
I've gotta go, thnx for the help guys! :)
And thus it's hard to compose something like that with software
The choice of sounds change the pieces: my father plays the organ. There are always mistakes but the choice of sounds often makes me feel more things than the recordings of the same pieces I find on the internet.
@VermillionAzure wut
@Morwenn registration is the word you're looking for in that context
@Morwenn They do for a lot of reasons
@sehe I don't have a piano at home and I'm not that good with the guitar so it's hard for me to compose alone
@sehe I had it in mind the whole time but I wasn't sure that the French and English words were the same.
I have FL Studio and MuseScore but eh
@VermillionAzure You can sing
I used FL Studio at some point but I sucked hard.
@sehe Yeah but then putting it down on paper is harder and making it sound like I sing it is hard
Like, I don't know how to do trills properly in either
You don't need to put things on paper in order to compose
To make a recording of it, I do
Or at least in the software, etc.
How... Midi is a thing.
People get too hung up on technicalities to let the creative process flow
Midi you say? :D
I know, because I'm guilty.
@Morwenn ooooh coooool!!!
@Morwenn I like it
Oh my god this could be amazing
Honestly, it was composed with Finale Notepad and recorded with Audacity.
Here I'll show you guys the lastest stuff I was working on
@VermillionAzure Then you might like this one which sounds a bit similar :p
The harmonies get a bit to thick for me; I think there's a compression post-processing filter that wreaks havoc for the definition of the ... texture on the recording though.
I can't play it
@sehe Let's be honest: the sound has always been shitty. I can't even blame compression.
It's just that the sound comes from a score editor, never meant to produce decent sound but to write scores.
@VermillionAzure Strange.
Aaaaaah, I said I was leaving 30 minutes ago already, but I can't leave when people talk about music ç____ç
I'm out, bye!
@Morwenn night
Someone tell me a cool summer project in C++
implement modules for GCC
let me google that...
@qaispak how experienced are you? If you know your way around C++, you can try contributing to an open source project
I am quite experienced with Java, but my first introduction to programming was C++ I guess both are similar. C++ would give me better practice with pointers and memory allocation I think.
> I guess both are similar
Famous last words
ok, so... not very experienced
try making a simple 2D game
yes :D
I did that once...
maybe a snake game
I made a game where a stick figure was catching numbers from the sky
It was an alright experience, but I'm not a big fan of programming games.
In my mind, that makes a lot of sense for C++ adepts
@qaispak Work with OpenCV to create a machine learning system on reading text
Signal processing of music or images
Create a programming langauge
ahh! sounds intense
Creating a programming language.. that's interesting
Create an electrical circuit simulator
Implement a game engine
Learn how to make graphical applications with Qt
Learn OpenGL 3+ with tutorials online
Learn Unreal Engine and C++
Game game game
Bind Boost.Python to C++ and create an interpreter
Implement machine learning architecture in C++
I assume you already browsed project idea lists but you still have no idea
@qaispak <iostream>'s replacement
Here's what I came up with. Boring. Not that great
What do you like most? Melody or harmony?
In harmony: learn to avoid doubling thirds, especially if they're on the dominant (they sound harsh)
@VermillionAzure In general, a basic tutorial in harmonic progression + voicings would seem the next step to ... simplify your left-hand game.
A) Show me the benchmark that shows this is a bottleneck B) Show me the assembly that shows the compiler didnt optimize those to the same thing already — Borgleader 6 secs ago
It's not that you overcomplicate, but I can see you are sometimes a bit "lost" on how to "connect the dots" of where you feel the music is going. This is known as "functional harmony". If you google tonic, dominant and subdominant you'll find the relevant stuff
Alright, I'm alive (for now)
@Shoe What happened
@sehe Yeah I guess so
Computer reset
Ah. That's right. I forgot
@sehe I like both
I mean in this particular piece
I'm not too sure I guess
I want to have the melody strong similar to Chopin's nocturnes
But they have good supporting chords and progressions as well

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