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@nwp it would be awesome to be able to reproduce the division by zero by providing the inputs that cause it.
gotta say that code looks really clean though
despite the totally random order of #include statements
@StackedCrooked clang-format sorts them
I'm not happy with the code, probably using memory mapped files wrong, using output parameters, that find_files function is quite messy
but thanks, I though people would comment how shitty it is :D
2 hours later…
@BartekBanachewicz You're a troll
@Dmitri long read on PvP, in case you’re curious what it’s like these days. might turn you off getting back to the game, maybe
@LucDanton cicada says hi
@LucDanton borgleader says hi
I say hi too
I should get on this
hi, lounge
> French thought. I took the module because it was vaguely historyish but that was a mistake, French thought is the bane of my life.
a common mistake
> a lot of it is wafflish anthropological mumbo-jumbo (written in French and as such even worse)
@LucDanton Ici on embauche et on ne shafte personne.
y’a qui comme ex-pâtes à part @Dmitri pour commenter sur ça?
@EtiennedeMartel dat french
@nick I meant that that post was a troll post
Ok, here's the reduced sample: gist - that downloads 4.3KiB, a 500,000x reduction - I would need time and MSVC to actually test this. Not today. — sehe Oct 29 '15 at 0:09
hahahaha I had forgotten. Someone was looking for answers apparently 10k+
this guy
@Manu the "obvious" solution is a mixed mode assembly and separation of C++ only implementation that includes the boost headers, and a CLR-enabled translation unit that calls that implementation. Good luck — sehe 8 secs ago
@LucDanton pas moi
someone brought cake
@sehe I think Dash is cool not in those buttons, but in the enable devices
Example? I'm lazy or blind
@sehe there are say dishwasher that can order salt when their supply runs out
> How is DRS different from Dash Button?
For consumables that aren't associated with a device (such as sport drinks or paper towels), Dash Button provides a simple standalone solution for DRS integration. For consumables that are associated with a device (such as water filters or printer cartridges), device makers have two options for integrating with DRS: they can integrate a physical button right into their device for reordering, or they can measure consumable usage so that reordering happens automatically.
this looks like Internet Of Shit though
but does it have a backdoor into your brain
I'm having some problems expanding 'foreach(a, b) { }' into 'for (int i : a) { }' with a function marco.
Any tips?

Heres what i tried:
#define foreach(a, b) { } \
for(int i : a) { }
Not really. Just a scam like they had for centuries. "Internet-enabled" is just a side-note there to trigger new markets of gullabillity
@AndreasDM Function macros don't exist. Also: don't use macros.
how cute to think those { } do pattern matching :P
I know I shouldn't use macros, but this is a challenge on hackerrank :P
@AndreasDM If you haven't sobered up, see stackoverflow.com/q/10522155/314290
Lastly, the macro by definition does nothing unless the iterators on the a range have side effects
@AndreasDM It isn't. Hackerrank isn't in the business of making you write no-op functions in bad style.
I never use macros, I have little experience with it clearly :P
Just steal Qt's and submit it as your own work
@Ven difficile à dire si c’est marrant ou lourdingue. jme tâte encore…
@Ven Oh. Canada
That vid is the definition of "over-producing"
@sehe well, québec is in canada
No. Really.
"Oh canada" was my favorite Age of Mythology cheat code.
lol okay this is a highlight in the mediocrity of today's demotivators
@Mikhail thanks,
@Griwes never not make fun of the french
or anyone else for that matter
it's either that or haskell records
* > French people > Haskell records.
seems apt
but you have overlapped patterns
French people overlap with Haskell records?
I wouldn't be surprised
That's the rudest thing I heard from you, @Griwes.
For the French or for the language feature? :D
(My sense of humor is going to be even more warped than usually this week, so be warned.)
@Ven lol
so over the weekend I did some progress on the components
but I am having even more doubts than before I suppose
oh also pizza day today
How expensive is it to parse and format integers in decimal?
Can you do it in one clock cycle?
1010 is an annoying number to divide by
Perl sucks
don't use it
Perl is love, Perl is life.
Haskell is Hate.
Nice fallthroughs
Well fallthrough'd.
Simply typed lambda calculus is love. Simply typed lambda calculus is life.
@rightfold Doesn't look very groundbreaking to me.
wow I had no idea Satan was so knowledgeable and generous with his time https://t.co/3jOEO6jMre
the laughs. Thanks @sbi
> psychology
just tried ubuntu 16.04 lts. it's such a buggy piece of shit
seems like it's the alpha accidentally thrown into production
Insightful +1 Would read again
@ProblemSlover so what's new
so fart i can see only updated Unity desktop
@ProblemSlover I'd be glad to see anything at all
ask @Ell, his OS doesn't even do that for most of the time
I really feel for people that are too poor to afford a normal operating system
@BartekBanachewicz afford?
@BartekBanachewicz which one would that be?
@nwp OSX or Windows, duh
@ProblemSlover you have to pay for software that isn't free
breaking news
they are essentially free because you are forced to buy the OS when you buy the computer
@BartekBanachewicz what about the matter of preference , huh?
@ProblemSlover well you can prefer either OSX or Windows that's fine by me
@nwp not always, a lot of machines are sold w/o an OS
but it's typically cheaper to get a licence with the PC
@ProblemSlover what are your requirements? My debian works decently well, maybe it would work for you too.
Install Gentoo
Don't Install Gentoo
I love how you can just Ctrl-V paste a screenshot on any imgur paste and have an upload started
I like how all lixun users form a fragmented barbaric society because they fight each other
this is one of the reasons it will never get a mainstream use outside server racks
@nwp the problem I got used to the unity desktop.. and I believe creators worked really hard on the UX
how exactly do they fight each other?
MS worked hard on Windows 8
like when you have a lixun evangelist near you, just check what his fav distro is and say "I actually tried <some other distro>"
then looka at him foam from his mouth and roll on the floor trying to constrain the panic attack
@BartekBanachewicz Ha
H is what your name is missing
@BartekBanachewicz you seem to be surrounded by very weird people, explains a lot actually
@BartekBanachewicz OsX? K that slow ugly UI and the worst even UX
My name isn't missing anything
@nwp you reap what you sow
@nwp like yourself? :P
I suppose
@ProblemSlover oh sorry I didn't know we have an UX expert better than the whole Apple team in this room
were you also responsible for LibreOffice UX
or maybe Blender
or Gimp
or (this hurts me deeply because I still haven't found a replacement) Meld
@BartekBanachewicz you suck.
do I answer with "no you" or a mom joke
I never intended this to go this low
@nick so that post was trolling right?
i need to raise my faith in humanity a bit
you need to raise your dongers
@BartekBanachewicz I am not a troll
@nick that's not what I asked
I asked about that one specific post
I mean you couldn't possibly mean that right
hm this is an interesting post
do C++ developers even write tests
a lot of devs I talk to give me the impression that strict typing is all they need
their errors are caught at compile time blah blah
but do you write tests? ignored
@nick what
of course they do?
@nick that's patently untrue
that's like demonstrably untrue
Many years ago I saw interns writing the first round of tests for a technically complicated networking code written in C++. This thing was running in production for a few years. So, sometimes, w/e
I give up on my patience of endless ui glitches. it wastes my time. switching to Windows 10!@
what ever
@Mikhail well for one you're supposed to start with tests
not slap them afterwards
tests are an inherent part of the codebase, not an addition
@BartekBanachewicz derp
Bartek on a TDD rant?
In their case they had a contractor, who apparently didn't write tests
.C++ game delopers don't write tests /
incidentally C++ game developers are also terrible developers in general
in a lot of the cases
@BartekBanachewicz Stop bartekking before it's too late.
I'm pretty sure Unity/Unreal already have tests
like I wouldn't think that in 2016 someone might genuinely think that not writing tests is acceptable
How about when you gotta pay extra for tests?
no idea why
this just sounds dumb
it's like getting a car but you have to pay extra for wheels
@BartekBanachewicz Nobody here is confused. Maybe @nwp is also surrounded by weird people
Pro Tip: don't be surprised if it turns out hard to get other enthusiastic for your particular reality distortion field
@BartekBanachewicz Oh noes. You didn't. The car analogy. #dying
ITT "good practices" are "reality distortion field"
Really. Take a break.
I think that would explain why so much of software development across sucks
You don't even see what's being said
(That was a lovely typo. It will be dearly missedm but spelling must prevail)
what's being said is "bad practices are perhaps sometimes okay"
to which my answer is and always has been "bad practices are bad"
if you work in an environment that forces you to work badly then the environment is the problem
people who silently agree on perpetuating bad practices are part of the problem
Seems LC.TV is sorting their payment shit out. Not entirely successful, but it could be Paypal:
> I received $57.36 - surprisingly as LC doesn't take provision http://support.livecoding.tv/hc/en-us/articles/213510808
If it were interest-related it would have gone the other way, just saying :)
@BartekBanachewicz yawn
@BartekBanachewicz depends how strong your typing is :P
That's what /you/ were "saying". That is, after the 2 other failed rants.
@Ell you can't really have types strong enough to practically get rid of tests
@BartekBanachewicz what about proofs mayn
What else are you going to make all-important and overruling everything else that people might contribute.
@sehe I'll be the judge of whether they failed
@BartekBanachewicz what's up with meld?
@Ell won't easily showcase spec problems
also a Pontiac GT just drove past my window and I'm drooling
@Ell do you want specifics or just "it's fucking shit don't use it if you can help it"
Dumb speed test service powered by ShitFilx
@BartekBanachewicz well nor will tests if the tests are written to spec right?
@Ell it's all in the way you express expectations. Tests approach the problem from another end that makes it easier.
You don't write test constraints in a way you write formal constraints
@sehe shitflix sounds better
I am trying to think up a car analogy
it's almost like painting the lines on the road
@BartekBanachewicz I'm just wondering what would make an alternative better
@Ell predefined and autoupdatable folder views
also faster
also excluding some folders from comparisons
I'm so happy you plinked me with that. Really. How can I thank you enough
(note I already responded immediately below your message)
this thing has folder sync and other stuff
In general what I personally want is being able to store the comparison 'template' with all the settings
@Ell on paper.
well, try it I guess
also it's not GPL which is a plus for you
is it free software
heh :D
okay I'll try
I've never tried btw :P
yeah np
I was just too busy/lazy to try out anything else
also what dvcs do you use?
I use Git personally, but we're still on SVN companywide
move is WIP
hence I merge from git to svn
you might consider bitkeeper if you want to decrease your freeness
@Ell okay it's infinitely better than Meld
Cool. Subscription was upgraded, apparently
ping is also very, low
@sehe way too much for ordinary user
Thank for confirming my status as a extra-ordinary user
@sehe try to pick server based in china
@sehe just for curiorsity
Not bad for 5200 mi away :)
Holy fuck my algorithm actually worked when I added a trust step to the BFGS part. I can now go to sleep.
Anybody know how to choose a trust step/momentum parameter?
> the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) algorithm
You know shit is serious when there's four surnames in an algorithm name.
@Griwes Nobody wants to take the blame
See the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolis%E2%80%93Hastings_algorithm
According to M. Rosenbluth, neither Metropolis nor A.H. Teller participated in any way.
@sehe Saratov? It's the city in russia
Also, Metropolis-Hastings is often use in research literature to name an algorithm that randomly selects values, like simulated annealing without the cooling schedule.
@BartekBanachewicz if you feel so sorry please can you donate me £60
@sehe ohh sorry. missed your message above
can we talk about salary here?
@O'Skywalker according to the contract we are not allowed to discuss the salary
I almost have a 20k
@ProblemSlover but we are not in the same company, the contract says members from the same company can't talk about salaries with each other
@Ven what's the unit of salary? are they dollars?
@O'Skywalker so is not the same company? :P
@ProblemSlover of course not
@Ven did you mean you earn 20k dollars per month?
@ProblemSlover i'm in Beijing, the money I make is RMB(yuan)
1 dollar is approximately equal to 6.55 yuan(RMB)
hmm, why are you keeping silent?
@O'Skywalker Do you want to discuss your salary or others'?
i think we can share income with each other, most of us don't work in the same country, let alone the same company
@ypercubeᵀᴹ each of us in the room if possible
some may not want to, considering that chat is public, as almost everything at SE sites
I worked as a C++ programmer on Windows since July, 2011. Now I earn 14k yuan per month. after tax i get 11k
oh, only 2 in the room(including me) shared salary info.
such a low rate
@O'Skywalker How much did you invest in your education?
@Mikhail Stigler's law much?
@ProblemSlover what did you mean? I learn programming by myself, my specialty is mathematics
@ProblemSlover now i'm learning Python, Golang. Of course I endeavor to perfect my oral and written English proficiency
come on, buddies. just share your salaries
don't be shy
problem is salaries depend on many things. You can't expect salaries to be the same in USA, UK, Greece, China, even for people with same experience, in the same sector.
yes, you are right. i'm just curious about that.
@O'Skywalker you can look up in google average salary of programmer in EU(or by country). that will be an answer to your question
i have always wanted to know the salaries of people who worked in USA, Canada, New Zealand
hmm, the data from Google is not real
i don't understand why you west keep income and age top secrets
gotcha, thank you for the link
@O'Skywalker Regarding income, people can be envious.
@O'Skywalker But consider that the costs of living can have even greater differences between counties.
if we think on the other side, the difference between incomes can make us work harder to decrease the diffrence
@O'Skywalker If everybody could search for and find my salary, I would have had a lot more pussy but the pussy would also by after my money and not my dick.
It has downsides too.
The income is implied by your job to some extent.
my salary is almost as big as my dick
@nick hmm, don't you think what you just said are rude words?
@BartekBanachewicz show me the tests bb
@O'Skywalker i think your passive-aggressive rudeness is ruder than my rude words
I don't receive the salary. I receive income.and pay zero taxes :D
so how is the education system around there
doesn't that require funding
@nick hmm, these years i watched many western movies, the movies told me people from the west are friendly. am i misleading?
no offensive
it seems it's me who destroyed the friendly atmosphere of this chatting room
no worries
don't mistake rudeness for unfriendliness though
@O'Skywalker euros. year.
nice sarcasm
hmm, no.
no sarcasm
in fact, i feel frustrated recent days
Chinese houses are so expensive that I can't buy even a small one
i don't understand why the price of houses can skyrocket in the latest 13 years
it's amazing, the price is always getting up, never get down. it has been continuing for 13 years. and have not stopped yet
prices will continue rising in any area that people want to live
sometimes to the detriment of people already living there
@O'Skywalker Well probably you should learn more about economy of china in google, don't you think so?
for example, rent in the san francisco bay area has risen @ roughly double the average rate of inflation for decades and decades
@ProblemSlover maybe, but i think the best predicate comes from China. Google doesn't know well about China
time to get off work, it's 7:07 pm at Beijing time.
@nick the tests of tests? :)
@Ell what would you spend it on?
@O'Skywalker the number of people increases, the cities grow even faster than that (a tendency to concentrate), and the earth doesn't get bigger
a real pain point in the SF bay area is the super strict building regulations and the lack of good public transportation
height limits everywhere
@sehe nice. I'll upgrade mine when my contract ends
I'll probably get 300/300
if you're a developer and you want to build a housing complex prepare to subject yourself to years of investigation and studies of effects on potential traffic impact and delays because of old people attending town council meetings to campaign against change
yeah my ISP is oferring 300/300 now for the price I'm paying for 100/100
so basically fuck that just buy an existing building and go full harvest mode
then you're fully invested in a static market and you too don't particularly want an expansion in housing supply
@BartekBanachewicz the great speed for bulk download of 50GB+ PS4 games
I don't download PS4 games
@BartekBanachewicz don't test me bruh
@BartekBanachewicz better say you don't play them
@ProblemSlover Why? I could play them without downloading, no?
@BartekBanachewicz .......... well ps4 games are sold in form of discs as well
actually Blu-Rays are kinda keeping the disc market alive
Netflix doesn't really match BD quality yet
but I suppose that given Tidal's success, we might see a solution to that soon
I'd personally love to not have to buy another disc drive in my life
@BartekBanachewicz also there is awailabe ps4 cloud
@Mikhail optical networks have way better pings
but again it requires as min as 10 Mbps connection to play games
that's not much really
eh crap I hate the fact I can't slide out the Windows notifications with my mouse
OSX wins on that front
Hey folks!
ueh QuickBuild is so unintuitive
> Asus ROG teases 24-inch laptop

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