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@Charlie thank you u_u
@Jfevold In all seriousness, we talk about anything and everything in here. The topic is set as a joke and changed often.
@CaptainGiraffe <3
@CaptainGiraffe <3
so much <3 ... am I in the right room? :p
@Jfevold The topic changes often enough that it's subject to race conditions itself, so it's difficult to be sure what it really means.
@LucDanton "In this patch we've put all our focus on the LFG tool, to make it the amazing party finding utility we know it can be"
threads are like humans, sometimes they like to hog resources
feature rated -1/unsigned
> when i run it as OpenCL program, it crashes the entire videodriver, but OpenCL example code works fine
GPU programming accurately summed up
@Telkitty :D
I was expecting you to click on the picture ~keyword: red panda~ >_<
my OpenCL program segfaults :(
guess where
in std::locale::_S_initialize()
who'd a thunk it
before _start()
must be some library shit going on there
Any git users here? (this is the busiest chat at the moment)
lol you have serious issues
Kind of ran into an emergency and I am new to git haha
@DmitriBudnikov yeah I have no idea how to progress
as usual, delete some code
Delete code while keeping the issue
I managed to debug a segfault in std::future::~future this way
r u a developer
Also seems like other people are having the same issue and it's due to using gold as the linker
Try another metal perhaps
love the reply to the top comment
@Austin Feel free to ask. You might not get answers though.
here is my reduced program:
#include <string>
#include <CL/cl.hpp>
int main() {
	const std::string lol = "WHAT!\n";
	std::vector<cl::Platform> platforms;
	return 0;
When I run into git issues, I tend to use the brute force approach: git diff followed by git patch.
removing the string removes the problem
...what compiler are you using?
maybe it's some ABI thing
thanks that's very helpful
lolgimme a sec
g++ 4.9.3
g++ -g -std=c++14 -I/opt/cuda/include reduced.c++ -L/opt/cuda/lib64 -o reduced -lOpenCL
weird arg order I kno
@DmitriBudnikov You should also check out news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11615639
So many shitty startup ideas.
I didn't think of ABI problems until now
I thought that'd be a linking issue
I'll gugel for that now
probably the most confused command line I've seen in a while
g++ --some-option -oh-I-forgot-the-libs file.input -wait-I-need-this-too -also-dont-forget-this -and-more
yeah, I was getting frustrated and cba to fix it :V
the -o reduced seems misplaced but other than that I find the command normal
@Lalaland New to git and working on a project. I pulled a project down, added a folder, and then did a bunch of stuff in that folder. To get latest my friend (who is now asleep) said to do the following
git stash -u
git pull
git stash apply
but after the git stash -u all of my changes and the folder itself (that I added) disappeared
Kind of panicking that I lost my changes?
The git stash apply didn't work?
I haven't gone forward yet
didn't wanna do something wrong
git stash save took your changes and put them away
the git stash apply will take them from where it put them and apply them again
@Austin The whole point of git stash is to make all your changes temporarily go away.
Until you do git stash apply
@Lalaland ohhhh
so okay, run the last 2 commands then?
@Austin Yes.
can I suggest not running commands that you don’t know what they do
your command line is correct
@LucDanton stop ruining the fun
ahhh thanks!! :)
learn by doing failing
then you are forced to recover
solve your problems by running cowsay 'Stop running commands blindly', trust me it’ll work
@DmitriBudnikov Gold works well for linking to Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) chips, but is rarely (never?) used with silicon chips.
all your medical records are belong to us
@Ell I would have thought that should not be possible under existing privacy laws
anybody want to commiserate/vindicate me on a series of downvotes for an answer that I'm bummed about? If not I'll quit asking as just get over it
be prepated to call an ambulance though
okay I've managed to reduce my "opencl" program even further
A: Pointer to function-member

JfevoldUPDATED: See below. As explained better than I can here, you might get away with this. Hard to tell from your question if it will cover all of your requirements. typedef void (Super::*TaskFunction_t)( void* ); Further Reading UPDATE: I fleshed out your example, and the results and code are ...

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
	const std::string lol = "WHAT!\n";
	return 0;
^when linked with -lOpenCL it segfaults :(
this is grounds for a Stack Exchange question
@Ell hold up
Yeah ABI issue then, was it built with a GCC 5.0+
can you trace where your OpenCL lib comes from?
I don't have any gcc on my system newer than 5.0, but maybe nvidias was built with gcc mebbe? :V
@LucDanton yes
k, FF is periodically pegging a whole core and it's annoying
elliot@funbox ~/l/p/ocl> lddtree reduced
reduced (interpreter => /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2)
    libOpenCL.so.1 => /usr/lib64/OpenCL/vendors/nvidia/libOpenCL.so.1
        libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2
    libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.9.3/libstdc++.so.6
    libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6
    libgcc_s.so.1 => /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.9.3/libgcc_s.so.1
    libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6
@Jfevold The main thing is that he can't change TaskFunction_t, that definition is from the API he is trying to use.
Thus people downvoted you for not answering the question.
maybe libOpenCL was statically compiled with something that has an ABI mismatch
see, now, that's helpful feedback
@Ell so since that looks like a system package you can look up how that was built, I think
@Jfevold Yeah, people who downvote without an explanation are doing no-one a favor.
it's quite annoying indeed
the worst are those random downvotes you get 2 years later
@DmitriBudnikov To be fair, you do switch avatar faces quite often :P
I'll look on the nvidia download page
to see if it says anything helpful
@Ell are you using gcc or g++?
@Telkitty g++
I’m actually sceptical that this is connected to the 5.1 ABI change. @Ell can you try compiling with -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 (and/or with =1) to see what happens?
I'm sceptical also. I found this guide for linux: developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/7.5/Prod/docs/… with a distro/gcc/glibc matrix
and nothing about 4.9.2
I'll try what you suggest
both -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 and -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1 cause error
I'm relatively confident that <5.1/>=5.1 mismatches should be caught by the linker, they have been careful about that
maybe I need gcc 4.9.2 specifically
I say ask on SO
@Lalaland But I always remain likeable!
@DmitriBudnikov I LOVE YOU TOO!
@LucDanton I'll continue investigation for a while first
lemme guess, alcohol in giraffe's system
you have a hunch or something?
@DmitriBudnikov [CITATION NEEDED]
I have a static initializer not running I don't understand why ;_;
Static initialization can get all sorts of fucked up.
Maybe you should switch to the static local method or whatever it's called?
Where it's created on the first call?
@DmitriBudnikov sanity check: you are verifying this from within main
static ... local ... doesn't sound right together :p
I'm running a Catch test suite
I always associate static with global :x
The Catch executable is linked against a lib that has a static initializer
then yeah that’s after main has started (assuming you sensibly put the breakpoint e.g. inside a test runner)
@DmitriBudnikov how/where do you observe the allegedly bogus initializer?
Oh it was just a compiler flag
You have to set Use Library Dependency Inputs to True
I don't understand why but it's MSVC so trying to would be a waste of time
Sometimes I am under the impression that people here are not using c++ to build things, they are using c++ to break things ...
> std::atomic doesn't work with clang?
> The version of clang I'm using is 3.2.
my clang is broken also
@DmitriBudnikov People like using outdated shit.
I still remember trying to get chromium working on CentOS 6 last summer.
I'm working on CentOS 6.4 as we speak
@DmitriBudnikov Have fun with all the recompiling.
how 2 use AAA with pointer tyeps
auto p = static_cast<int*>(nullptr);
@DmitriBudnikov alias<int*> {}
yes this is joek, I tend to use static_cast as you did there
I'll go with whichever solution has the highest Rapptz-annoyance factor
the syntax highlighter thingy recommended by GH Pages does not care about bool (no, it’s not in the C lexer either)
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(const_cast<char*>(plain_text.data()))
good api
By the way @Luc since you seem to know a couple things about C++
blatant lies and slander
if I auto rob = std::string(uchar_ptr, uchar_ptr + bleh); and then std::string ert = rob;
Does that copy/reinterpret or something
first one constructs, second one copy constructs
It compiles on msvc mais le doute et l'incertitude planent tels l'ombre d'un vautour vorace et francophone
17j avant le nouvel album (je m’étais gouré de mois la dernière fois en fait)
Ok, and if I return rob from a function returning std::string? Does that disable RVO?
Language-wise all is fine. Implementation-wise I have no idea.
heh. so basic_string<char> and basic_string<uchar> are essentially the same thing? or what
naw (what’s uchar)
if you construct a local std::string and return it with return type std::string then everything is fine
unsigned char
I'm lazy
okay cool there are pull requests from helpful people
close them all as insensitive
@DmitriBudnikov you do realise in your hypothetical there is no unsigned char save for the pointers (which are irrelevant to the answer). I mention it cos I feel like you’ve asked the wrong question
Yes, but it's constructing a string from a range of unsigned char pointers.
I'm wondering what it does with those to get, well, a string as in basic_string<char>
oh boy
it’s the range-taking constructor, so each unsigned char value is implicitly converted to char
Ok. That's what I'm asking :D
Whether it just converts the unsigned to char
It just converts the unsignedness away
which you know, bad news for signed plain char if some values are too big so…
@DmitriBudnikov no…
TIL bay is a tree and not a small weedy plant
@LucDanton I'm super confused right now
Let's forget about string for a while
@DmitriBudnikov sanity check: you know that int is signed int but char is not signed char
Imagine I have a range of unsigned int and pass it to some container that exposes a range of int
Then it has to cast away the unsignedness, is that right?
@LucDanton Yeah I know there's uchar/char/schar but idk the minutiae
it’s unspecified whether plain char is signed or unsigned but I was under the impression that it’s unsigned more often than not (implementation details are really not my thing)
Ok, so an implicit conversion from uchar to char exists and is valid?
so I tend to go unsigned char -> char recklessly cos it’s really a pain to handle otherwise
@DmitriBudnikov formally, no
i.e. unsigned to signed is risky business and plain char is allowed to be signed
I don't understand what string is doing to be able to gobble up a range of uchar
> gobble. v. "eat greedily," c.1600, probably partly echoic, partly frequentative of gob, via gobben "drink something greedily." Related: Gobbled; gobbling. "make a turkey noise," 1670s, probably imitative, perhaps influenced by gobble (1) or gargle.
> Some English speakers likely know this word
@DmitriBudnikov more precisely: formally an implicit conversion exists (guaranteed) but it is not guaranteed to be valid
So what I am doing is IB?
maybe char happens to be unsigned char on your system? :V
char c = static_cast<unsigned char>(-1); is allowed to invoke nasal demons
@DmitriBudnikov oh yeah
not UB, implementation defined
> If the destination type is signed, the value is unchanged if it can be represented in the destination type; otherwise, the value is implementation-defined.
> 3 Otherwise, the new type is signed and the value cannot be represented in it; either the result is implementation-defined or an implementation-defined signal is raised.
that’s C11 lol, not C++
that whole business is one of the most annoying deal of the C and C++ world
Okay I'll just assume that it works
6 mins ago, by Luc Danton
so I tend to go unsigned char -> char recklessly cos it’s really a pain to handle otherwise
what is the point of it even?
@DmitriBudnikov did you know about -fsigned-char and more importantly -funsigned-char? :D
@Ell very likely to allow implementations to be efficient with respect to the underlying hardware
@LucDanton did you know about msvc
(also no I didn't)
but what makes char different to an int for short for example? that it needs to be of undefined signedness
there's probably an SO question right
> Each kind of machine has a default for what `char` should be. It is either like `unsigned char` by default or like `signed char` by default.

Ideally, a portable program should always use `signed char` or `unsigned char` when it depends on the signedness of an object. But many programs have been written to use plain `char` and expect it to be signed, or expect it to be unsigned, depending on the machines they were written for. This option, and its inverse, let you make such a program work with the opposite default.
I'm never sure whether to write "an" or "a" before an acronym which expands to a first consonant sound
@DmitriBudnikov it’s more to give background info and demonstrate how widespread a situation it is
now to find a map of (machine type, char signedness)
for curiosity
@Ell the assumption is that every machine has an efficient, naturally-sized signed integral type, for which int stands (ditto unsigned, but unsigned); and that every machine has an efficient, least-sized char. but it is not obvious whether that one is signed or unsigned, so leeway is given
I see
(that’s the C and C++ obsession with being close to the metal in action)
my thoughts exactly (lol)
It seems kinda fair :V
why would one use char in the first place?
if there was better encoding support we could have a saner type
> For each value i of type unsigned char in the range 0 to 255 inclusive, there exists a value j of type char such that the result of an integral conversion (4.7) from i to char is j, and the result of an integral conversion from j to unsigned char is i.
another good demonstration as to why that whole char/unsigned char situation is unpleasant: everything is fine but only up to 255
@Ell both char and unsigned char are valid types for the bytes that make up an object
you're just full of answers Luc
If I didn't know any better I'd say you were an oracle
traditionally the C world prefers char for that purpose whereas the C++ world prefers unsigned char, but of course that varies with preference
@Ell tbh those things are fundamental, it's fairly normal to ask yourself 'hey what’s char/int/etc. all about?' and the answers are strewn about
I'm sure I've asked them before
btw the streams provide a good example, e.g. std::basic_istream<char>::read takes (char* p, streamsize n)
@LucDanton lol, is that to take into account machines where CHAR_BIT=9?
@DmitriBudnikov the opposite I would say, it's to provide more guarantees for octet machines
I could be wrong but wider byte sizes make the rule redundant
Yeah, the guarantees are stronger for octet machines
After that you're on your own it seems?
yup; also feeds into my reasoning as to why I won’t worry about unsigned char to char
just to be clear: I’m otherwise very careful about unsigned to signed
> It doesn't matter it's not a Brazilian company, there are no servers in Brazil, only the users exist in Brazil. They could mandate Mark Zuckerberg run around naked and it would make no difference. Maybe Brazil should create a great wall of Brazil and cut itself off of the internet. Then it could enact whatever laws it wants to affect companies in other countries.
Well... yes... that's why they are blocking WhatsApp, you idiot?
> Why European Children Are So Much Quieter Than Yours
Because they're superior
> European children are quieter because demographically there are fewer children, meaning that children will be more likely to interact with an adult than with other children.
Adults do not like unquiet children, so they become conditioned to be more quiet.
Great analysis by random HN user
> Austria
Oh well
Yet another american thinking "I've been to 1 EU country, let's generalize everything to all of it"
"What do you mean spanish popele don't speak german???"
> For example, it's accepted that everybody in a sauna is naked, but you wouldn't go ogling at somebody's genitals -- even if they're the opposite sex.
what do you mean "even if"
@DmitriBudnikov Needs more discussion about how Asian children spend all day playing video games and develop myopia
can't hear you under my bowl of rice
Mandarin is a fruit not a language, what the fuck
typical ignorant americans
or a Chinese nobility/official position/title
Also recall, that the Russian word for China is actually the Chinese word for the Northern Barbarian tribes rather than China proper.
I know, I'm Russian, thanks
And knowing is half the battle
Half the bottle! of vodka
@LucDanton It's not so much that it's not obvious--it's that by the time they started to write the standard, there were compilers written both ways, and neither set of vendors was willing to admit they'd done it wrong.
Might be getting a Xeon E7-8880 v3 in a few weeks, feels like its going to be impossible to keep it fed for floating point computation. I can't figure out what Intel is trying to do with this processor? It costs like $7,000 and probably runs slower than a $500 i7.
Use the accelerated JSON instructions
Thats bullshit, the only way to fix memory limited code is to insert extra instructions
Maybe mine bitcoins in the event of a cache miss
@JerryCoffin that’s much funnier
@Mikhail I'm experimenting with a new approach to implementing cache-aware algorithms that will handle arbitrary levels.
If it works out, it will be within a factor of 2 of optimal in terms of bandwidth usage at all levels of cache.
What kind of an algorithm? For calculating Pi?
But the approach "should" be generalizable to other things.
That still doesn't solve the NUMA problem though. At that level you'll need either some form of MPI or some really tricky emulation of hierarchical cache.
Probably via some device driver so that you can catch the memory access faults. (I don't know how computers actually work).
BTW the new nvidia GPU's actually have virtual memory so you can use the unified memory space without explicit copies.
@Mikhail It depends on whether the OS is notified on a remove cache miss.
If the OS doesn't know that something is hitting remote memory, it won't know to migrate it locally.
@Mikhail You could before already
I don't know if there are any TLB tricks that can be done to make that happen.
The difference now is you have transparent page-faulting, virtual memory was already there
@Mysticial if you use cpuid to detect cache size it will be numa aware because it will use numbers for one cpu
@DmitriBudnikov Without transparent page-faulting, I would say the implementation was incomplete...
Yes, it was inconvenient.
you go past whole L3?
i.e. if you use 10 cpus, the optimal butterfly size or whatever is same as 1 cpu, no? or am I missing something
@doug65536 It is. But you need to do each butterfly in the right node. Or migrate to a local node. Otherwise, you thrash the interconnect.
ah, I suppose each package could work together sharing L3, then you need to track the multiple L3's
yeah i see
And don't forget that butterflies will cross nodes. So data transfer is inevitable.
@Mysticial When you get it work, let me know I need to take the FFT of a bunch of 400 gigapixel images...
@Mikhail I'm only 50% confident that it will work. And only 10% confident that it will bring any speedup to a mainstream desktop processor that only goes up to L3.
It's more of a thing aimed at L4 eDRAM and KNL's MCDRAM.
RBA has reduced the official interest rate again ... NOT HAPPY!!!
Whats L4 eDRAM?
@Mikhail Checkout the Broadwell 5775C.
Not is my happiness likely to affect anything anyways ...
@Mysticial cpu uses it too? I thought that was video memory for the onboard HD Graphics
@doug65536 yes
The L4 cache on that thing half as slow as memory. IOW, an algorithm that assumes a fast cache and uses the 128MB as a large cache is probably gonna implode.
it's high latency high bandwidth video-ram, no?
kinda I guess
intel always makes it better than the paper says
IOW, with that L4, the cache hierarchy is too deep for single-level cache aware algorithms.
So what do we mean when we say cache-aware algorithm?
@Mikhail makes loops fit in the cache for max performance
In computer science, Loop tiling, also known as loop blocking, or strip mine and interchange, is a loop optimization technique used by programmers or compilers to make the execution of certain types of loops more efficient. == Overview == Loop tiling partitions a loop's iteration space into smaller chunks or blocks, so as to help ensure data used in a loop stays in the cache until it is reused. The partitioning of loop iteration space leads to partitioning of large array into smaller blocks, thus fitting accessed array elements into cache size, enhancing cache reuse and eliminating cache ...
Yep, I see.
@doug65536 But you do it at multiple levels of cache.
One level is fairly easy to do.
Things get really complicated at multiple levels. Especially when you take into consideration the limited associativity.
It isn't as simple as just accessing your data in the right pattern. You need to copy stuff into contiguous scratch buffers.
And if you want skip the overhead of the actual copy itself, you need to merge it into the algorithm itself as an out-of-place operation. And that severely complicates things.
And don't forget the strategic placement of prefetch instructions.
Say your FFT resides in memory. You have two scratch buffers. One that fits in L1 and one that fits in L3. (I'll skip L2 for now.)
The butterfly that you do is the largest one that can fit into half the L3 cache. So go ahead and pull that into L3 and start doing that. While you are computing that butterfly in L3 you are prefetching the next butterfly into L3 cache.
For each butterfly that you're doing within the L3 cache, you further break that down into sub-butterflies that fit into the L1. So you pull that into the L1. And while you're running that, you're prefetching the next one from L3 into L1.
This is what prime95 does. It's a 2-level cache-aware algorithm. But it's hard-coded.
I'm trying to see if I can do something that will work at arbitrary levels without sacrificing too much performance.
yeah, pretty tricky. have you made simulators to figure out optimal butterfly ordering? or do you already pretty much know what you need and just need to implement it?
@doug65536 The latter.
Technically speaking, I have already have a 2-level (hard-coded) cache-aware algorithm. One level between L3/memory. And one level between memory/disk.
So I'm trying to generalize it in to N levels in a way that isn't a nightmare to implement.
Prefetching at the disk level is as simple as spawning an extra thread to do the disk-IO in the background. Of course I can't do that in memory. So it'll need to be done with strategic prefetch instructions.
Basically every computational loop will need to have a version where it has a prefetch stream sprinkled into it.
@Mysticial Are you talking about those gcc prefetch intrinsic? Do those actually do something useful?
What kind of prefetch (L2 -> L1, L3 -> L2, memory -> L3, etc...) will be controlled by a template parameter. But in a way that's generalized for arbitrary types of prefetches.
@Mikhail Oh yes they do...
If you use them right.
@Mikhail they let you give the cpu a heads-up that you will be accessing some address in the future. if you do them far enough ahead of time, it will be already in the cache by the time you need it
and the cpu is allowed to drop them if it is too overwhelmed right now. they wont block retirement like a real load
Every time I used it I got absolute no performance benefit, so I assumed the CPU was good enough at prefetching... I would really like to see a snippet where it helps.
Right now, my single-level algorithm does NTA prefetches from memory all the way into L1. The problem is that it's too deep. The memory can't service them fast enough. Now... if the data was already in the L3... it would be much better. That's why you need an extra level.
@Mikhail either, cpu was good enough, your workload was too easy, or you didnt prefetch far enough ahead
if you "pre" fetch 25ns before you need it, it won't help
prime95's inner loops are insane. It's got prefetcht2's and prefetcht1's sprinkled into the same loops.
Has anybody tried to benchmark prime without them (but with other optimizations).
@Mysticial: Do you write sciency papers about this?
@wilx no
@Mysticial Shouldn't you? :)
I'm just a grad school drop out.
what's the difference between >> and <<
@AjeetKljh Right and left shifts?
@AjeetKljh isn't it obvious?
they shift bits in the direction of the arrows. bit 0 is rightmost
They do the same thing but in reverse order?
This would be a good opportunity post ASCII faces.
so if i do n >> v << t; then v will be t?
@AjeetKljh no
if you have bit pattern 10110010 and you >> 3 then the resulting bit pattern is 00010110
notice you lost a bit there. << 3 wont get it back
Oh i was mixing it up assigning values
new to this
Well, time to go home and cry
@AjeetKljh in C++ << and >> can have lots of meanings... for numbers they shift bits, but on objects they could do anything. like iostreams
template<> struct default_transaction<LogonRequest> {
    static const MessageType type = MessageType::LogonRequest;
With constexpr, that static const would go away, wouldn't it?
sigh this design is b r o k e n
@DmitriBudnikov no, you’d be using static constexpr (you can have const still I think, but it’s implied by constexpr so why bother)
A smart pointer is a pointer that aces standardized tests. A fancy pointer is a pointer that wears a top hat and a monocle.
stop the hate against dumb pointers #NoPointerLeftBehind

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