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@BartekBanachewicz The last one is @JerryCoffin I reckon
HXT sucks.
HaXml ftw.
@BartekBanachewicz there's really not a lot to go on about.
@R.MartinhoFernandes meh, I expected a better rant
That's it. Fucking cloud came along and now I can't have RSS without a stupid account
It's all Google's fault with their Reader b bullshit
which is a problem why
i mean using an account
@nwp why
you're not 100k
I'm still waiting for mine :/
I'm awesome? :D
I don't understand it myself, my guess is it has to do with someone else giving me rep through a bounty
you're a huge nerd with too much time
it looks a bit shitty tbh
wait what's the size tag
am I reading this correctly
@BartekBanachewicz it's an unnecessary annoyance that gives me no benefit and requires me to agree to stuff.
why is the logo so tiny
> 2XL
my god you're fat
@slaphappy it has symbolic value
or maybe the shirt is for your mom (congrats on the 100k, probably not rep but tons?)
If I wanted cloud sync, I'd run my own ttRSS instance
It also puts an unnecessary third party between me and the content providers
they don't care about your convenience or end user experience
stackoverflow shirts are fairly small :p
when I saw the picture, I thought they were huge, I ordered M
just fit, wouldn't mind it be a bit bigger
I think I found something.
@nwp Oh neat, theres a store?
@Borgleader don't think so
@DmitriBudnikov I'm even fatter, I weigh 108kg
:D :D
but I'm not mentioned anywhere in that thread
still I got stuff aparently
OMG you have just got it??
@nwp you are mentioned in the linked-to post
apparently there are "passive winners" but I don't know what exactly that is
A: What happened to that contest swag I was promised?

JNat10 Million Questions - Share Your Story (August 2015) Status: Almost... (⊙﹏⊙✿) Completed! Contact: JNat These have not gone out yet. Tim had some technical difficulties. They're going out shortly; this post will be updated when there's news. Update 21 Jan 2016: Still in the queue, and I've g...

> Instead, 35 of the users who filled the form I sent them were picked at random, and are listed below: [...] nwp
1. we are not moderators, just peers trying to answer :) 2. I was the one asking for code. 3. I didn't "take points" (downvote). I might, if the question cannot be improved :) — sehe 12 secs ago
GIVE BACK THE POINTS — Dmitri Budnikov 28 secs ago
@DmitriBudnikov as far as I know the drawing was only for the book, not for the tshirt
and the form was to get the address, not to be eligible to win
not how I read the post but sure
the point of all this is to encourage good behavior, but if you don't know what behavior you are getting rewarded for it kind of loses its magic
not complaining though
why am I not being rewarded for my exemplary behavior @JonClements
@DmitriBudnikov you are rewarded by not getting sent a tiny shirt
My 100k one is still missing. Fuckers
maybe a 4k user needs more encouragement than a 25k user?
But I am female
Minorities need encouragement more than majorities
@R.MartinhoFernandes JNat did say he is sending packages for 100k users now and for people who's package returned
Plus I lost a t shirt the other day
The shirt is fairly light, took it with me when I hiked the great ocean walk
@nwp it's been over a year for me
@R.MartinhoFernandes that sucks, hope you will get it eventually
maybe they throw in some extras for the wait
I have two others and one from scifi.se
Gotta go. Helping make dinner
If you have been following the St John debacle in the past few days, well, he just posted a new article which is brilliant.
My idol
Yo, Tatsoryk v0.1.0 (MVP) is out! Questions, bugs? Gun for the issue tracker or Discord#tatsoryk
good job. I'll test it tonight
it doesn't work for me :(
I'll go to discord
DSLs suck.
Why did I join this project. =/
I should have given a big middle finger to the Professor and TA and did my own thing.
@ThePhD you have to learn to work with others
ehh vagrant doesn't work
Working with others sucks.
I don't have time to do proper planning and shit when I have 4 projects and 3 papers to do.
I don't have time to properly manage their knowledge gaps and I really don't like compensating.
why are you doing so much stuff simultaneously?
Because SCHOOL?
What University do you go to where the Professors all agree to not assign a final project?
Or a University where they talk to each other and schedule their exams in a perfectly staggered stairway of dates and times?
I have one final programming assignment :3
all of my other subjects are examined
There is nothing constructive in your comment. I am not trying to change boost pools, just trying to use them and looking for a workaround for a known issue. If you aren't qualified to answer my question then just stop wasting my time. — LRaiz 6 mins ago
Agar a charming personality
Aaagh this sucks
    somevar[index] = expression;
    othervar[index2] = expression2;

return { othervar, somevar }
Where do I even begin for determining the order of operations
I feel like I need to make a thread_local manager that just sucks up all the expressions in the order in which they happen, creating statements out of chained ones.
And then I can have an absolute ordering and more complex expressions, like if statements and shit.
... Yep. That's actually exactly what I'm going to do.
Ready 2 roll
@R.MartinhoFernandes aw. That's a nice gesture. I didn't see your comment before I posted mine. I'll leave it up even though it makes basically the same point, long-winded.
It did heal my soul a tiny little bit.
How are you yourself?
WhatsApp tells you about public key change of peer after you send a message. 😑
@BartekBanachewicz got another rant: why does everything support Pocket and why the hell does Pocket need an account. It's meant to be something to let me read shit offline.
they need it to make money?
I wouldn't mind just paying for it.
The minority rarely gets to decide :P
Also, they have a "premium" service
Most people would rather get tracked or be shown ads than pay.
So the app is tailored for them.
Everything works in the cloud these days, even shit meant for offline use.
@Columbo Not a chance.
So it knows what to read offline on all devices
I remember when Pocket (before it changed name) was a completely local FF extension.
But everything turns evils these days.
Ugh, I hate when Hackage packages depend on other packages only so they can implement type class instances that I never use.
Instead of publishing separate orphan instance packages.
Hehe (10k+) stackoverflow.com/q/36776175/85371 He thought better of it pretty quickly
@Zoidberg Yup. That sounds intrusive, precisely a thing that type classes should prevent
Forward declared type classes in dedicated namespaces. This is starting to sound like C++ with concepts
Rust traits, which fulfill a role similar to type classes, even prohibit orphan implementations, so you're screwed even more.
Yeah forward-declared instances would solve the problem without introducing the problem of orphan instances.
Even Firefox has built-in Pocket support these days. :<
@nwp How did you get one then? (sorry for late reply, power outtage of a few pcs near me, including mine)
Hmm, ok, so I have this classic problem.
I have a path W and a path P, and I want to ensure that P is in a subdirectory (recursively) of W.
Is grepping for .. safe? Only POSIX is supported.
2 hours ago, by Dmitri Budnikov
> Instead, 35 of the users who filled the form I sent them were picked at random, and are listed below: [...] nwp
actually I think it was this:
A: 10 Million Questions - Let's Share Some Stories That the Number Doesn't Convey

cybermonkeyDetecting an SSD in Windows I had asked this question as I found a way to optimize the server load on a gameserver, but this depended on whether the drive was fast enough (an SSD or faster equivalent). I thought I had it sorted; I had all the code in place, bar the ability to detect an SSD. Ins...

had nothing to do with the form
Nah that's not enough.
I have to join W and P, normalise the result, and then check whether it's a subdirectory of W.
> How to put all your data on the Web—without storing it in the cloud
@JerryCoffin Why not? Too young? :-)
Hi stitches.
Привет, Коммандир
Nice squares!
so, just tried Roland FP-50 I have available in the dorm /cc @sehe
I have to say I'm pretty damn impressed
Is it acid?
@sehe lol
@Morwenn this fuccboi can't even read smh
@Morwenn A motor[cycle] probably
@набиячлэвэлиь it's a digital piano
I stand sit corrected
Yeah, I was asking whether the Roland had some wicked acid sounds.
@R.MartinhoFernandes how is it supposed to sync otherwise
@Morwenn dunno, it's pretty basic soundwise (in the good meaning of this)
@BartekBanachewicz It used to not have sync and it worked fine without requiring an account.
As long as the basic sounds are good, it's okay.
@DmitriBudnikov brb, government calling telling me they would be honored to give me a work visa
@R.MartinhoFernandes since I remember its prime feature was "save on desktop, your phone will download it so you can read it later offline"
@BartekBanachewicz You don't remember far back enough.
@Morwenn yeah. And the keyboard is really nice too
@R.MartinhoFernandes but seriously is registering such a huge deal for you
Sync was a late addition.
Several years after it started.
Bump bump! Someone help please? — VictorCreator 11 mins ago
What a charming lot this day
@BartekBanachewicz Good news :D The good sound is worth nothing if the keyboard is weak as shit :/
I don't even
@Morwenn but then again it costs well over a 1000 eur so
If I'm not mistaken, the Roland I have at home was around 2k euros.
The basic sounds are good. Then it has an extensive bank of shitty sounds.
did I mention I also have an SG now
Did you? :p
Oh, CDATA doesn't work in HTML.
XHTML was such a good idea.
Fuck HTML 5.
@Morwenn don't think so
I got to do some PyQt at work, which was rather welcome.
my coworker lent me his
I'm enjoying it so far
@BartekBanachewicz It is because I don't agree with the terms of use of their cloud stuff. I want to use it without the cloud stuff. That used to be a feature (the only feature), but they removed it to be able to sell the URLs I visit. That's a user-hostile move.
What really annoys me is that the cloud push drove out every competitor without cloud features; all remaining competitors require an account.
Same thing that Google Reader did with RSS.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol, by your logic not having cloud should be a killer feature
apparently people think otherwise
there's still thunderbird, but meh
they want you to not use RSS and instead use their own "following" mechanisms because they're easier to track
see: subscriptions on YouTube, liking on Facebook, following on Twitter
@BartekBanachewicz The existing players are already too established to make competing with them feasible. Pocket is built-in in Firefox, FFS.
life is too short to care about internet privacy
you only live once
@BartekBanachewicz Not mine, it isn't.
"I think this is unimportant, therefore you're wrong"
@milleniumbug No? I think that robot is perfectly right
It's also not so much about that, but more about the user-hostile behaviour.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Google Reader brought back RSS?
In fact, I believe he should find other people who think like him and make an open source RSS reader w/o the cloud
@ThePhD No, it killed it. Killed the competition, and then they pulled the plug.
Oh, right.
@milleniumbug Explained it.
so @milleniumbug have you done anything more on Hate
I am at such a terrible lack of motivation to work on it I can't even
guise i want to save the lounge offline so i have it wherever i go
and I feel terrible about it
Well, I haven't done anything with it recently
@milleniumbug and no intention to, eh.
I seem to be jumping around with hobby projects, almost like rightfold
I mean, if it was really privacy that concerned me, I wouldn't be posting my location, details about my health, about my friends, and a host of other things under my real name in a public chat room.
I am kinda actively looking for someone to cooperate with to help me stop being a lazy fuck
@R.MartinhoFernandes so it's ad money then
@BartekBanachewicz No, it's their user-hostile behaviour. I used Pocket way before it become a cloud business. It was cool. I liked it. Then they jumped on the cloud bandwagon and essentially blackmailed everyone into selling their data to continue using it.
Some people are doing BBQ outside. It smells so good u_u
« Hey, don't worry if I'm in your garden out of the blue, I'm not someone creepy ».
Not as hostile as Google does to trick you into sharing your location, but still.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wow these fuckers
I don't even
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's jail time!
@R.MartinhoFernandes what does "anonymous" mean here?
@Ell In practice? Nothing.
@BartekBanachewicz some of these are indeed surprisingly good (soundwise). I think I liked rd100 best, but it's been a long time,
eh yeah :/
Two geo-tagged posts are enough to uniquely identify you.
And with Roland it's hit and miss
Anonymous means they won't tag the data directly with your identity, but that's worthless because the location data itself is a pretty good unique signature.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I caved yesterday. In a moment of weakness I pressed the wrong button on the nag screen.
@sehe You can restore it in the settings, I think. I mean, you can restore the nagging. Sigh.
Nagging will continue, though.
I use OsmAnd for maps.
I don't like being fucked with, and OsmAnd has more features than Google Maps.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yup
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thanks - will give it a whirl soon
boy I need to change my lifestyle
more privacy
@Columbo I don't watch 32 year olds watching 20 year olds watching 10 year olds. Sounds pretty boring to me.
> The Columbia team found that the algorithm can also identify shoppers by matching anonymous credit card purchases against logs of mobile phones pinging the nearest cell tower.
Also this.
"Anonymous data" really means "we won't put your name in the data, because we don't actually need it."
@R.MartinhoFernandes I always hit Accept. Really appreciate being able to view live traffic conditions when I check the map, commute time estimates, and notifications from Google Now of unusual traffic conditions. To me, the benefit is worth the (very slight) cost in terms of privacy
frankly more concerned about how location polling affects my batter life than my privacy
@nick I don't drive. Also, I think you might be underestimating the cost.
Privacy leaks enable discrimination.
I don't have to opt in to the service to get the above benefits, but since that data is provided by other people's devices, I think it's worth sharing
sorta like torrents w/ seeding and all that (except i never seed, fuck that i need my bandwidth)
@R.MartinhoFernandes you don't even need to drive. When you search for a shop, gym, cafe, restaurant, etc Google will often show you the busy hours
@nick IME terribly.
It always tells me restaurants are busy at lunch and dinner times.
Gee, thanks.
probably because they are
@nick Duh, of course they are.
I don't need anyone to tell me that.
well, that's not helpful
How about the post office, public library, gym, etc?
@Zoidberg I agree
@nick Also trivial to infer.
@Ven Hey <3
@nick they serve terrible food
@Morwenn hi morwenn <3<3
@nick Lunch times, opening times, and closing times. It's when working people have time to go there. There's really not much variation with that.
should google differentiate different business/building types and hide busy times because it's assumed it's obvious that restaurants are busy in the afternoon?
you're missing the point
You don't need Google Maps to obtain this information. You just need to look at the world around you.
Google can't even give me the location of the nearest cheap ganja dealer. I'm disappointed.
So that they can report you to the police? :P
Personally I've rarely (never in the last year?) had to take lunch at a prescribed hour, I do appreciate the ability to avoid the peak hours
\title body ->
    & replace "<doki:title>" title
    & replace "<doki:body>" body
Great template engine.
@nick I appreciate that too, but the peak hours are easy to determine without Google Maps.
@Zoidberg such readable v concise
@Ven They'd be wasting their time :p
They really are always the same.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Perhaps
@nick It is readable the same way Chinese is readable.
but this is a data driven world
fuck asking for directions when google maps has the answer in 3 seconds
@Morwenn you must be pretty well-known around then
@nick It also doesn't matter when you have to take lunch. Most people have lunch around the same time of day, which is why those are peak hours.
@Ven More like the police could spend all of their time after weed smokers and there would still be millions of them around.
@nick Sounds like you're trying to establish a false dichotomy there.
Anyway dude I think we're straying from the main point. Sure, 90% of people will go out at a prescribed point in their day to go eat lunch. Checking busy times is pointless for them. Regarding other types of establishments though, this kind of data is not obvious and is often useful
Your issue is you don't want Google to have your location, anonymous or otherwise
@nick It's pointless for everyone, because the busy times are always the same.
@nick As I established above, there's no such thing as "anonymous" here.
Gathering data is a constant process, regardless if you're in a restaurant or on the beach or in the car
@nick My issue is that Google tricks me into giving it away.
"Don't be evil" "Do the right thing"
perhaps, and it is a bit annoying to me as well
realistically though, how many people would opt in to share this data if Google straight up told them that their location would be tracked 24/7 and used for internal corporate purposes?
@nick Another false dichotomy?
probably nobody, because we're all a bit paranoid in that sense
There's a difference between not telling you everything and tricking you into choosing what you don't want.
I had that prompt on my phone.
In the end, I had to just shut it all off because I couldn't get it to permanently disagree.
Haven't used Google Maps since. =/
@Morwenn I feel a bit like this today
Alright you win, Google is a tricky son of a bitch
@JohanLarsson I... don't really know how you feel then ._.
@nick And to their credit, the prompt does tell you you'll be tracked when you might not expect it.
@Morwenn Me neither, dark in a not so bad way.
my first comment still stands though- I accept because, fuck it, I do appreciate the service
Do you feel like you've got African ancesters?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yup, I'd imagine that it was the softest way Google could think to phrase it while still including that clause
Their privacy policy says they'll only use the data for themselves, and that they'll ask you to use it for other purposes, but we already know how they like to do the asking.
otherwise they'd be sued in a heartbeat
Isn't it "ourselves and our partners" ?
@nick Fair enough. I personally would rather not deal with someone who made it quite clear they want to screw me over.
@ThePhD No.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, it depends on what they mean by « screw you over » :p
Tricking me into the choice that isn't clearly harmless counts as that for me.
@ThePhD They also say they won't change the terms without your consent, but they'll probably trick you into consenting as well.
although this issue doesn't affect me, I do think it's BS that the disagree button would be disabled after checking the box
(They already did it in the past: productforums.google.com/forum/#!msg/websearch/9sA94PkO_OY/…; though this is closer to blackmail than simply tricking)
"Accept or go to hell."
A lot of my data and code is confidential and I cannot share it. Anyway, I found the issue myself, and I fixed it! Thanks — VictorCreator 23 mins ago
The builds that generally take 2:30~3:30 took 9 to 12 minutes today. How high are you Travis?
The fact that they try to "trick" users isn't such a big deal to me- It's just a vaguely worded prompt, and loads of companies do shit like that. I don't like how they try to force the decision though. Never noticed that until I saw the screenshots lol
@nick Yeah, that they try to force you is what I mean when saying they trick you.
ah, got it
48 mins ago, by sehe
@R.MartinhoFernandes I caved yesterday. In a moment of weakness I pressed the wrong button on the nag screen.
^ example
and now he is gone, that was quick
And after you mess up once, it's easy to forget that you accepted it, because there's no reminder.
They also require you to accept the same terms if you want to use the special "Home" and "Work" locations, which aren't much more than favourited locations that display with special icons.
There's no reason for that, but why not add another way to get you in on it, right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes great, now I'll get slightly more accurate commute estimates when I visit NL :) thanks @sehe
i profit off your weakness
@R.MartinhoFernandes I guess "Don't be evil" ran out the door quite a while ago... sigh
Wake up, sheeple.
am sheeperson, can confirm
waking up has been excessively hard lately
congrats you hit puberty

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