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@Feeds Thanks to Dave Matthews Band, I'll always remember the next lines of that as "Jack fell down and broke his crown / 'cause he was messing with the preacher's daughter"
online from my laptop
@Xeo :D
tis pretty nice
Does it have a webcam you can take pictures of your cats with? :)
well, considering that I won't be able to see my kitties for two weeks...
aw shit
I actually forgot something at home
my external harddrive, which has the codebase I wanted to continue working on and which was one of the main reasons I got this laptop
guess I'll just set it up from scratch when I'm there
although that's going to be a major PITA with getting all the libraries building properly again...
@Xeo Awwwwww :(
@Borgleader honestly, that's the scariest part of this whole thing for me. what if something happens etc etc
@Xeo I can imagine :(
@Xeo Jerry's rule of travel: set up your home machine to allow VPN connections before you leave. I can't even count how many times this has saved my butt.
@Borgleader I hear the words, there just doesn't seem to be any content
> through the magic
> Downloaded from Windows Store
How are you not excited? D:
I am skeptic it'll actually work as expected.
In other words, I'm looking forwards to finding ways to break it completely.
theres a lot of buzzwords and marketing bullshittalk but some of the stuff is cool
props for bash on windows
should make my life easier
@sehe ?
@Zoidberg You don't want to work ?
I can offer you 4000$
Are names starting with _ + digit reserved?
I can't recall.
@Ramy Sorry, I already have a sugar daddy.
I want a way to make a valid C++ identifier out of a string that starts with digits.
I want just girls in my team.. And i can't find so easy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes naw, think boost::_1 (actually they were global lol)
at least that's how I remember it
@R.MartinhoFernandes No.
only _ followed by uppercase is reserved IIRC
and __
_foo is reserved in global namespace; __foo is reserved everywhere, and _Foo is reserved everywhere.
that 'uppercase' got me thinking there's one of those pointless language lawyering rules here
correct me if I'm wrong, but don't some languages not have the concept of uppercase?
like, does the reservation include uppercase Arabic?
do they mean one of the uppercase basic character, or one of the Unicode properties which would affect _ + UCN, too
and what is the definition of "followed by" anyway?
@Puppy je pense, donc je suis
if you had an RTL language, does it mean the character on the left or the right?
From the language point of view source is an abstract sequence of characters or UCNs (IIRC), so arbitrary directionality I say (but just the one, no mixing).
well… actually I’m not sure that applies to string literals come to think of it
well this would be an identifier so it's not a string literal
oh yeah I was on a tangent/lawyering in depth
@Puppy Yes, but the underscore followed by another underscore or upper-case is reserved rule predates the allowance for UCN identifiers by a couple of decades or so.
Yes but wtf is padawan
@JerryCoffin Personally I'd just relax the rule and make implementers use namespaces like everybody else- std::detail would be just fine for implementation details.
@Zoidberg watch star wars nub
@Puppy And presumably you think you can get the C committee to accept namespaces into their language? Or are you just going to discard compatibility with C?
@TonyTheLion music to my ears <3
@Borgleader heyyy
@JerryCoffin Not sure I see where C compatibility comes into this. If you're a C++ implementation, put it in std::details or whatever. If you're a C implementation, use the C reserved names rules.
@Puppy Those are the C reserved name rules. If, however, I expect to be able to (for example) link my C++ code to the C standard library, my code needs to follow the rules observed by the C standard library to avoid collisions (and that's exactly what's currently required).
In a lot of cases, however, even parts of the standard library unique to C++ still use underlying pieces from the C standard library, so my code needs to follow the same rules, even if I never use the C library directly.
I don't really see that as a breaking case, though- sure, the implementation would have to do something to support the feature, but that's not really new
in this case, the implementation vendor would simply have to update their C standard libraries to not do that ifdef __CPLUSPLUS before claiming to support this feature.
now sure it wouldn't work for old standard libraries, but that doesn't seem any different to me than any other library feature
@Puppy Even in a new standard library, what would you do? Let's say that ::operator new calls malloc, and malloc has some internal functions it calls. If you don't prohibit some sequence of characters in a function name, what sequence of characters is it going to use that we can be sure won't collide with something you use?
oh yeah, but fuck macros, they can stay reserved.
@Puppy So your idea is that the C standard library can't be written in C? Or (going back to the earlier notion) you're going to get the C committee to adopt namespaces?
well, yes.
I see no reason why a C++-compatible C standard library must be solely character-for-character the same as the C-compatible one.
it would be simple enough to add a macro to declare the functions in a namespace #ifdef __CPLUSPLUS or something
the VC++ standard library already uses macros for all standard namespace references, for example
@Puppy In that case you're an idiot. There's an obvious reason: because it would require rewriting the library, for essentially no benefit to anybody. And no, being able to use _Fxxx (or whatever) as a name doesn't qualify as a benefit.
well, that really depends on exactly how much effort is involved in "rewriting" it.
obviously declaring the same functions in a namespace is not going to be the same thing as reimplementing the whole library.
@JerryCoffin MS uses C++ in their C runtime IIRC :)
and if I recall, there's already a very similar gig with e.g. <cstdio>, where they must declare the C standard functions in std?
@melak47 They're obviously welcome to do that if they want--the question here is whether you can require that every vendor do so.
anyways, whilst conceptually I'd like to get rid of it, you're right that there's little benefit in it and it's more of a for-the-future thing.
@Columbo Right, it could work.
> Liczba znaków w Hasło* nie może przekroczyć 40
> (The number of characters in Password cannot exceed 40)
W. T. F.
you think thats dumb? my online banking password can only be 6 characters exactly
That is plainly dumb, yes.
But once you get beyond the 10 characters, it's not very usual to see any actual requirements (w.r.t. max length).
@Morwenn What do you mean?
> Spaces and non-letter characters are forbidden.
@Columbo Didn't you suggest that passing the variable by reference may incite alignof as proposed to deduce the alignment of the passed variable?
Pro-tip: this is NOT how you convince me to register at your website.
Hell, this is how to convince me NOT to register at your fucking website.
No amounts of loyalty programs is going to convince me after seeing that bullshit.
@Griwes When will they every learn? Answer: they probably won't.
Yes It is not April 1. Bash is on Windows now. #Build2016 https://t.co/UwlJAgLY4t
@Morwenn alignof yields (compile time constant) alignment requirements. How would deducing arguments' alignment requirements make any sense? As it stands, the proposal suggests to yield the referenced type's alignment, which is sensible IMO.
@KhaledKhnifer Theres some neat stuff at this conference.
@Columbo Ok, good thing.
@KhaledKhnifer so...is native bash from MS the extent of "ubuntu on windows"?
Now we just need a proper socket implementation that can go up to 65535 open connections and I'll be happy. :v
@Rerito call tonight?
The Jedi /ˈdʒɛˌdaɪ/ are the main protagonists in the fictional Star Wars universe. They are an ancient monastic, spiritual, and academic meritocratic organization whose origins dates back to circa 25,000 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin; the destruction of the first Death Star). The Jedi Order mostly consists of polymaths: teachers, philosophers, scientists, engineers, physicians, diplomats and warriors, who value knowledge and wisdom above nationality. By serving others, the Jedi give of themselves through acts of charity, citizenship, volunteerism, and good deeds, although despite this some sentients...
@ThePhD Lies, you'll never be happy :o
@Morwenn Probalby not until template <auto X> implementations.
And even after that, I want clang to stop being a piece of shit and allow internal-linkage functions to be used in templates.
Fuckin' shitty compiler...
It may be considered in Oulo.
The author got back to me.
@ThePhD I want auto result = auto(input I would need to get what I want);
He said it was voted in (with only minor changes).
@melak47 making it native is a big deal, it means they're building a hybrid layer in windows
@ThePhD Authors usually want to get back at me. :-)
Bjarne hasn't gotten back to me about why my_function_object<int>( "woof" ); isn't allowed in the standard yet.
@JerryCoffin Those who do God's work are often persecuted.
@ThePhD Interesting to know (but I surely don't qualify).
@ThePhD inb4 "because you haven't proposed it"
Q: I want to remove Steam completely but I accidentley removed Steam uninstaller

user143456I recently tried to remove Steam so I manually started deleting files, including Steam uninstaller. There are a few files that can not be deleted because they're open in Steam, however I exited Steam already.

epic fail.
Have you tried re-installing it and then uninstalling it again? — Dave M 2 hours ago
@Griwes hahaha
I do feel Microsoft is going to be stupid, and do it wrong by making it a windows that can run Linux stuff on top. which would end up being very unreliable for most linux users, who would find using windows on virtual box in linux as a better choice.
@KhaledKhnifer At least to me, it seems a bit early (to put it mildly) to start making assumptions about levels of reliability.
Travis, y u no find CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER anymore? u___u
@JerryCoffin ...well, this ain't the first of Microsoft's approaches to a POSIX subsystem...
...the last one was only certified because it answered with ENOSYS wherever it was allowed to, or something like that.
@Puppy Why couldn't he simply run the damn uninstaller?
I have so many questions.
I don't feel I can get satisfying answers for any of them.
@JerryCoffin I don't know much about the details. but wouldn't there be a layer at some point that Bash will deal with as if it was Linux, translate it to windows operations. Imagine operations that are optimized for Linux, but when it work through this layer, it become pretty slow, or because windows core is less efficient at some operations than unix core.
@Griwes The original POSIX subsystem (for Windows NT) worked perfectly well for what it was. It only attempted to implement POSIX.1, not .2, .3, etc., so it didn't have POSIX threads, real-time extension, etc. Unlike most who complain about it, I actually used it. It implemented POSIX.1 (considerably) more accurately than Linux did at the time.
@KhaledKhnifer Windows NT was originally conceived as being kind of like a micro-kernel, so supporting multiple "OS" layers on top of it has been part of the architecture from the beginning. As far as "because windows core is less efficient at some operations than unix core" goes, well that's always possible--but it's equally possible that it'll end up faster because the Windows core is more efficient than the Linux core. You seem to be blindly assuming that the Windows kernel team is incompetent.
@JerryCoffin Yeah, it's Bash on Windows day, not Bash Windows day ;)
They say performance is roughly the same here: insights.ubuntu.com/2016/03/30/…
@Borgleader Zing
@Prismatic Hahaha this article is funny, I like it.
@Borgleader But, for some people every day is bash on Windows day.
@EtiennedeMartel Because he didn't have that much sense. At least as I read it, he started by deleting everything he could by hand (including the uninstaller). Then, when he'd already made a mess of things, he posted a question about how to clean up the mess he'd caused.
16 mins ago, by Etienne de Martel
I don't feel I can get satisfying answers for any of them.
@slaphappy Cannot, currently cooking
@EtiennedeMartel I saw that, but couldn't quite figure out what it meant. Maybe I'm just slow, but it's still not particularly clear to me.
I'm home alone tonight, full of lonely sadness :o
@Morwenn Start masturbating furiously.
@EtiennedeMartel It only lasts a few dozens of minutes at best.
@EtiennedeMartel Masturbation, like drinking, should be done happily, not furiously.
I guess I will take a shower then.
@Morwenn Make sure you masturbate during said shower.
Ew~, no.
ITT @Morwenn is too innocent for the Lounge
I'd rather masturbate in front of the mirror with my wig on.
(Ok, I've never done that)
@Morwenn kinky
The agony of hotel internet speeds is real.
did you forget to bring your unreal dependencies with you? :D
@melak47 nah. trying to download a driver (that is 90mb for whatever reason) since it seems that the installed one got semi-killed by the win10 install
eh, I'll just do that tomorrow at work
@Ramy Code's full of strtok, and you're worried about a mere macro?
The thing about guys who use homophobic slurs on Twitter is when you reply with “xoxoxo” they short-circuit.
@Puppy Arabic letters are not cased, so it's not a thing.
@Puppy Logical order, not display order.
@LucDanton Still irrelevant. Directionality is a rendering attribute. Logical order is the only relevant order for the C++ standard.
@LucDanton I can't find a definition of "uppercase" as it relates to source code entities (i.e. the definition in the descriptions of the casemapping functions are not relevant).
@R.MartinhoFernandes that’s not what I was saying
I think not even "letter" is properly defined.
> An identifier is an arbitrarily long sequence of letters and digits.
e.g. wide string literals are not just basic set + UCNs, it's also wide set which is impl defined
Under this definition, underscores aren't even allowed in identifiers.
The grammar productions define digit, but not letter (they use nondigit instead).
@R.MartinhoFernandes so any nondigit is allowed? :D
@melak47 No, nondigit is extensionally defined as one of the 26 lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet, the 26 uppercase letters of the Latin alphabet, or underscore.
aw :(
There is no definition of "letter" for this context, but I don't think it's reasonable to accept _ as being one.
I'm looking at an older standard, but this is the relevant paragraph:
> An identifier is an arbitrarily long sequence of letters and digits. Each universal-character-name in an identifier shall designate a character whose encoding in ISO 10646 falls into one of the ranges specified in E.1. The initial element shall not be a universal-character-name designating a character whose encoding falls into one of the ranges specified in E.2. Upper- and lower-case letters are different. All characters are significant.
The first sentence contradicts the grammar productions, and the sentences that follow don't correct it.
It's funny, because one could simply drop that first sentence altogether and it would be fixed.
the allowed UCNs are all letter-likes, if that's any consolation
(It wouldn't fix the lack of definition for "uppercase letter" in the reserved name rules, but it would fix this misdefinition)
@LucDanton Yeah, at least they were really careful there.
@sehe I was looking at one of your SO answers about boost::property_tree. If I'm reading the answer right, you're saying that boost::property_tree cannot tell at runtime what the types of the xml values are. All well and good. But if the types of the xml values are known at compile time (i.e. the structure of the XML is known at compile time by the code author), can boost::property_tree be used to store them as specific types?
They also forbid any and all ranges that contain combining characters, thus eliminating any normalisation issues.
what are the disallowed initial UCNs? digit-likes?
An identifier starts with a "nondigit" or a UCN.
(Plus implementation-specific allowances, but we can ignore those)
@caps yes and no. Depends on what you expect to happen. You can register your own translations and have the values "appear" in different format. Of course. It's /just text/
UCNs are not discriminated in any way other than the specification of the allowed and disallowed ranges.
For all purposes they're treated as homogeneous groups.
@R.MartinhoFernandes the stuff in annex E.2
@LucDanton Oh.
That's mostly problematic things, like combining and control characters.
problematic at the start, but not elsewhere?
Wait, now I'm confused. I think I'll have to revisit those ranges again.
Gimme a sec.
I was going from memory from when I checked them sometime ago, but now that you mention that, I might be misremembering.
@LucDanton Oh, yeah, the ranges are as I remember, but I didn't realise they were actually allowed elsewhere.
That's weird.
So you can have RTLOs in identifiers, just not at the start :S
There's no reason to allow formatting characters anywhere :<
I'm sure that nothing bad could possibly happen by using identifiers with RTL overrides in them
We should let Tay write our code
maybe you could craft a pull request whose last character in a given file is an RTL override.
may be invisible on the diff but when you load the file up in the editor
@Puppy now's your chance to contribute to tatsoryk!
Unicode crash course https://twitter.com/pbump/status/714172021056385027
@melak47 You misspelled ‮kyrostat‭!
@sehe What I would expect to happen would be for the values to get converted to the types I specify--assuming they are convertible.
what does that mean? They're all converted to text, of course. They're just bytes in an xml file
XML doesn't require schema. And there's no standard mapping from "C++ types" to XSD types anyways
I'm not sure we're communicating well, but I think it's my fault. Probably based on me not fully understanding the library.
Yes, I misunderstood the example; I read it as what I wanted it to be instead of what it is: boost.org/doc/libs/1_60_0/doc/html/property_tree/tutorial.html
I thought somehow that you could define your own property_tree object (like the debug_settings, in this example) and doing an xml_read would populate your custom object based on the relationships and types you had defined within it.
A: Boost/Property Tree determine the value type

seheThe concept of a Property Tree provides hierarchical storage of data (key-value pairs) where the value is text. That's it. If your application assigns meaning to the contents of that text, the meta-data will have to be in your program. There is no variant leaf storage in the library. This is a...

@milleniumbug That's exactly the question that prompted me to address sehe in the first place. :)
@Puppy hm. If I have a bunch of llvm::Constant*s (or a ConstantArray), and I want to extract an element, where the index is a llvm::ConstantInt* - is there any way to do this? (except AllocA'ing an array, storing the ConstantArray, GEP'ing a pointer to the element and loading?)
you'll need to convert that ConstantInt to an llvm::APInt
oh, I didn't know that was possible
derp. getValue
once you've got it, it should be a simple er, extractelement or something like that to get the correct element
yeah I found that
thanks :)
I do wish you could random-access array values
it's annoying to have to always-in-memory them
aw man, I should've brought a miniature stove or something
living in a hotel sucks!
What are you doing in a hotel?
Hey, don't disregard mechanophilia :o
@Puppy I guess I could delay emitting the ConstantArray further, and just grab the nth element directly from my representation, and emit just that constant and drop the rest of the array
seems dirty to emit all these useless instructions ._.
meh forget em
optimizer can trivially take care of it
@Puppy This is what happened when I just put all the things on the stack :v hastebin.com/dejayetupi.mel
Of course, the optimizer still turns that into return 3; >_>
@JohanLarsson lol
@melak47 You don't need to place your intermediate temporaries on the stack, unless they're special types that don't support being values (e.g. complex classes)
I don't even have floats yet :)
then I recommend place only named values on the stack and keep the rest as registers
that's what I have now, except arrays that aren't constant or constant arrays indexed with nonconst index wanna be special snofleks
really? then what's all that e.g. binary_result stuff?
that's from days ago, everything is different now :p
also it doesn't compile just this second :p
So, for some reason clang 3.8 was removed from llvm-toolchain-precise, so my unit tests fail, great -_-
afterquakes of pad-left? :p
@Morwenn That's just fucking stupid, please tell me if you find a viable solution
@JohanLarsson April Fool's, just a bit early.
what'll happen if you run WINE on windows through their linux support
will the universe explode
@JerryCoffin yeah, still funny text & pic
@набиячлэвэлиь Wait for this pull request to be merged.
@Puppy this is what the almost equivalent code spits out now
As a bonus, with the recent fixes, sanitizers will be usable too.
@Morwenn So, like, never?
@JohanLarsson Yeah, a little, I guess.
@melak47 better
although I always store parameters in memory as they are named variables
I removed the allocas for function parameters, so the equivalent code doesn't compile right now :S
@набиячлэвэлиь Hopefully soon enough.
@Puppy I was wondering about that, would you still put them in memory if they were const?
is there a benefit to that?
well, assuming that I would actually support const in the first place because fuck const
then yes.
because it's way simpler to not randomly special-case it, just let the optimizer do its job
aight :p
so being super smart about constant index into constant array is probably wasted effort
stack all the arrays!
yeah completely wasted
one GEP to rule them all
I only spend time to optimize the IR when a) it's a source language issue, or b), it makes the IR easier to debug.
noisy IR can be a real problem because there's no good debugging tools at all, so whenever you generate crashing IR, it's just "Read it until you spot the bug"
and post-optimized IR makes life harder in that area too because it can optimize based on the UB in your IR.
so it can be worth generating simpler IR but it's really best to do on an as-needed basis and not aggressively.
Time to see if another travis-ci build starts failing because of clang. :B
I don't have an optimizer pass yet anyway. Or any passes. I just dump IR and run it through llvm-as & llvm-dis if I want to see what could happen :D
are you writing a language?
yeah. just for fun
One does not write a language
@набиячлэвэлиь not simply? or not at all :D
@melak47 Not at all
One writes languages' specifications and implements compilers for them
specifications? :p
A programming language is a mapping from source code to behavior. You can't write those. They aren't text.
@melak47 what did you name it?
I didn't, I'm bad at names
the "compiler" is currently called "lang.exe" :p
you can name it daisy
after puppy's puppy?
maybe not very good
@melak47 Call it the Lang language, aka Lang Lang and it will automagically start playing the piano.
I'll make a poll on the awesome forum when/if it becomes worthy of a name :p
Vapor lang, the best lang.
Lol #WeHaveErdoganTheyDont is trending
@melak47 Wide's first name was ClangExperiments.exe ;p
funny, that name was much wider :p
what is your mom's name puppy?
@набиячлэвэлиь A great pianist and show man
Hah. Colbert emoji :)
It's funny.
Also, you can write things that aren't text.
Trivial example: programs.
Learn some English, you pedants.
Learn some pedant, you Englishs?
Learn some... Actually whatever, good night.
@Morwenn night
> >tfw you unload multiple Armour-Piercing Incendiary rounds into a human and it keeps charging at you
@набиячлэвэлиь Pity the fool who try dat puny armour-piercing incendiary ammo on my chest!
> Two weeks ago we polled the WvW community about Desert versus Alpine borderlands. The majority of players asked us to bring Alpine back. We’ll do that.
@VeronikaPrüssels wvw is saved
guis are hard
some one hlep
@LucDanton WvW? Women vs. Wildebeests?
@Prismatic That's what she said!
@JerryCoffin yes
@LucDanton Am I bad if I cheer for the wildebeests?
android's gui thing has an architecture where you can explicitly measure its widgets at any time to get their dimensions
I just realized mine doesn't have anything like that and I find myself needing it
topkek Android GUI
@JerryCoffin nah, it’s to be expected—as the saying goes, the crowd goes wilde
@набиячлэвэлиь Well their layout/measure design is not uncommon, as painful as dealing with android's ui is in general
I based my stuff of Qt where everything is just automatically updated with properties instead of explicit measure and layout passes (afaict)
But to be performant, I defer a lot of stuff in my gui. For example if you have a row of widgets, the positioning and dimensions are deferred until before the frame is rendered
@набиячлэвэлиь terrible
@Griwes pain-ful
Its deferred so you aren't calculating every time you add or remove something to the row. But then say you need to know the dimensions of the row at some arbitrary point -- there's no way to figure them out.
does hlep mean bread in polish
No, "Chleb" does
@набиячлэвэлиь Kinda surprised Luc didn't post that one.
If someone is ill, why can't they do the check it without further damage the body?
Yesterday I did the routine check up, they drew 3 syringes of blood - 3 whole syringes!!!
Today I am doing ultra sound and x-rays, let's recalculate my knowing chance of dying in the next few years.
Another reason to never be sick - they make you book an appointment, asking you to arrive early, then keep you waiting for half an hour ...
I love modern technology - you can whine about anything at anytime to the world - anger management made easy ...
@LucDanton When I saw the notification "www is saved" I knew it would be good
Still 15-16 hours to go for the closest time zone ...
If they don't use a standard time.
@VeronikaPrüssels first they'll take feedback to improve the desert borderland, then they'll replace them with the old ones
makes sense
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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