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@Zoidberg So every let compiles to a lambda? Sure, why not... but performance?
How about getting it to work first?
That's always a good rule to follow!
Compiling lambda expressions is difficult.
Instead of optimizing code, I usually stick a TODO optimize in front of it and either a) forget about it, b) throw the code away or c) actually optimize it much later when I have nothing better to do.
The compiler first has to determine the free variables, then compile the body, and then generate instructions to create the closure.
Oh, I only have one TODO optimize in my code...
public void setCursorTo(String prefix)
    // TODO optimize
    int index = toString().indexOf(prefix);
    if (index != -1)
I have an instruction that takes a number of free variables as an immediate operand, and a bytecode sequence and the values of the free variables as evaluation stack operands, and pushes a closure onto the evaluation stack that is bound to those values.
I need to generate code for that.
How exactly is the closure represented on the stack? ELI5
Pointer to closure object is on the stack. The closure object itself is layed out as a pointer to the bytecode followed by one pointer for each free variable.
What is FELDSPAR? A new language? :)
What happened to confx?
Same thing, new name.
You can run the code with make && target/feldspar.
It'll give you thread dumps of a simple interpreted bytecode program, followed by tokens from the lexer.
what's the deal with the random macros?
And the type of a dummy expression, computed by the type checker.
@Puppy I didn't want to make them lambdas inside thread::resume(), I didn't want them to take the thread as a parameter, and I didn't want to make them member functions.
So I made them macros.
Does FELDSPAR mean anything specific? It sounds really retarded.
It's Feldspar, not FELDSPAR.
It's called Feldspar because Perl and Ruby are named after minerals too, and they have the same intended use-case.
I'm pretty sure practically nobody's gonna get that.
For now I'll just make it so that lambdas capture everything in scope.
you could have used amber
Amber? Isn't that some JavaScript stuff?
No, that's Ember.
ew, not amber then
I don't like words that start with vowels.
he says, starting his sentence with the word "I"
Or just Feldspar.
@Zoidberg Free functions accepting the necessary parameters?
does not roll off the tongue in a nice way
> I didn't want them to take the thread as a parameter
oh that's what that meant
@fredoverflow Amber if SmalltalkJS :P
wait what, emacs?
@KhaledKhnifer Hm. Interesting that they have machine with 192GB memory for the elastic search servers, since ES does not recommend more than 32GB for the JVM, and the rest just for disk cache: elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/…
assuming they listen to what is recommended
@Nican It does say you can run multiple nodes on the same physical machine- 192GB would be enough for three 64GB VMs
I guess
that that would imply that running a VM has lower cost than true 64bit pointers
But that would also imply that the GC has to handle a much larger heap.
well both VMs still need to be GCed
I'm not sure how GCing one heap twice the size is nastier than two heaps
@Ven What what? What are you surprised about?
pistache.io I bet they're counting on the guerilla effect: "Pistache, isn't that nuts?"
Gorillas eat bananas, not nuts.
sehe help I got into writing VMs again
@Zoidberg just get a job with a challenge ;)
> pure C++11
Pure, man.
> no external dependency
How do they, erm, access the network?
> Also, Pistache does not support Windows yet.
it's all clear now
Oh they use sockets.
@EtiennedeMartel std::cin :P
I guess that means whatever platform you use doesn't count as an "external dependency".
That's reasonable.
> >Also, Pistache does not support Europe's most widespread in use OS yet.
Supporting Windows sockets is a challenge
Still a bit miffed about that "no Windows support yet". I mean, come on, what's so hard about it? Is it made by like one guy on his spare time and he only has one Linux box?
Oh wait.
@EtiennedeMartel they don't! That's the beauty. Really really restful
At least it has a cool name and a website.
@EtiennedeMartel POSIX
It's alright, he could have said "does not use Boost!"
Or Qt
Or PoCo
Or 0MQ
Or Asio
Yeah, yeah, I get it.
@набиячлэвэлиь For example, Windows socket API has to be initialized before use. Initializing stuff in libraries is a big deal, there are many ways to do that, but all of them are lacking
Or libev, libuv, etc. etc.
@milleniumbug Just pass-the-buck
@milleniumbug Why are you replying to me
I'm just greentexting
I have this weird feeling that Windows isn't popular with open source C++ devs.
I have this weird feeling that door didn't need to be knocked down
@Zoidberg Not true. Nuts eat bananas too.
@sehe You don't know what it is, you with your Linux, to find some cool looking code and not being able to try it out.
@sehe So, manual initialization? My trivial socket wrapper for a uni project did this because it was the simplest way.
ahahaha poor thing
@milleniumbug precisely. Anything else would potentially be restrictive. Rule #0 of frameworks and libraries: don't be intrusive
If you want max convenience, people can use Rails make a header to include.
@milleniumbug If I just have to instantiate an object in my main and let that object's constructor and destructor handle the (de)init, then it's no big deal
Win32 APIs are more finicky. Think DllMain, thead attach, detach and shit. #loaderlock
You see. There might be a direct connection between knowing these things and not preferring Windows.
Wait, you mean some people don't really care about not being usable on the most common platform?
But I thought this was all a big popularity contest!
I do care. Which is why I prefer to avoid the pain
Depends on the target audience
(To be fair, I use C#, so I don't really feel the Windows pain)
I assume if you run a server with open-source software, you do it on Linux
Hahaha. Never heard of finalizers, native handles?
@milleniumbug That's actually pretty trivial to handle. stackoverflow.com/a/15344218/179910
OTOH if a program is desktop software, there is more motivation for developers to introduce Windows support
Is that safe for use in a library that "privately" uses winsockets and the main application may not know about it? {Think an inprocess COM+ component DLL} — sehe 7 secs ago
@sehe Just use SafeHandle and dispose them when you're done.
Lol. Spoken like a true oversimplification
@sehe I really just don't encounter those problems in my day-to-day work.
@JerryCoffin What about people who create connections in the constructors of their globals? (I'm not one of these people, but if I'm making a library, I can't make assumptions wrt what (l)users do)
@EtiennedeMartel Lol again. We were talking about "caring". And supporting a library in the wild, you may want to care
Not even mentioning app domains, code-access security etc. All of them nice CLR things
@milleniumbug But you can stipulate what they can do in the docs
Ok, diving in my code. Laters
@milleniumbug If somebody creates a connection in a constructor of a global, they get exactly what they deserve. If somebody is sufficiently intent on writing bad code, it's essentially impossible to stop them.
Precisely. What if the user disabled UAC, invokes debug privileges and pauses the distributed transaction controller. Will your SQL library still function?
@sehe If I ever write an SQL library, I guess I'll have to worry about that. As is, I'm just glad I'm not in @Mysticial's place, trying to get a simple Java GUI wrapper to run on both Windows and Linux...
@JerryCoffin lol
@milleniumbug Be careful about laughing, or you may be stuck trying to do the same.
Karma's a bitch that way.
looks like everyone is dead
I'm not
I just missed the deadline to add 6:11
@VermillionAzure Everyone is dead, please leave condolences after the tone
@Zoidberg Congratulations on implementing your 12th language!
fred@blackbox ~ $ clj
Clojure 1.8.0
user=> (defrecord implementor [name numlanguages])

user=> (def zoid (ref (->implementor "zoidberg" 11)))
user=> zoid
#object[clojure.lang.Ref 0x71a29452 {:status :ready, :val #user.implementor{:name "zoidberg", :numlanguages 11}}]
user=> (deref zoid)
#user.implementor{:name "zoidberg", :numlanguages 11}

user=> (dosync (alter zoid update-in [:numlanguages] inc))
#user.implementor{:name "zoidberg", :numlanguages 12}
user=> (deref zoid)
I might do a toy project in Clojure real soon.
rich hickey can be the best talker on the internet
Too bad his slides are usually just a long list of bullet points...
But yeah, gotta love Rich!
I don't mind his slides
He seems smart and has a nice mix of humor in his talks
And the slides are not full of memes.
I thought "rich hickey" was a meme though
@fredoverflow I like his talks as well.
I also like Clojure. (From the little exposure I've had.)
@sehe probably is
lippert doesn't talk much right?
he should start streaming :)
> HN is the most intelligent and open minded online community of this size that I know online. I have deep respect for you guys and girls and your opinions are always enlightening and thought provoking. I really feel much smarter because I have access to all these very valid points of view that you are surfacing.
Post it!
@JerryCoffin hey
Not funny.
Oh and the thing that made it not run on anyone else's box was in fact a localization thing.
Java's toString() for doubles uses the local locale and inserted a comma instead of a decimal place.
That fucked up the server-side parser.
What else
@Mysticial Did I ever tell you the story of GFWL that had a similar issue except the game would crash and burn on startup if your locale's digit separator was set to comma instead of dot?
yeah, i spent 3hrs figuring that out until i went full cargo cult and tried every silly thing to fix it, and then that worked.
So yeah, I couldnt start Batman or Fable (or both I cant recall) until I changed that setting.

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