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he looks very upset
@slaphappy You sexist you can't assume that his/her/its/haes/hisdhgkjahss preferred pronoun is 'he'. A proud genderqueer-potatokin is no joke.
orlp please don't discriminate against sexual minorities thanks
So I'm at work, browsing for jobs.
this kind of behavior is not only unacceptable but also not welcome on SO
cisgender white males will never understand
@R.MartinhoFernandes Make sure to enable TTS at volume 30
your privilege @orlp CHECK IT
also welcome back mr roboto
@R.MartinhoFernandes Still Berlin, I guess?
I guess so.
I have no interest in moving out, and a lot of interest in staying.
at least 200bp
I'm browsing jobs too, but not too much. I still have a shitton of work to get done.
This library has at least 5 different logger classes
One for each day of the week
some of them have the same name and the same interfaces, so you don't really know which one is used except if you look at the namespaces imported
lots of fun
also I finally won and we're moving to git
from svn?
or zip files sent over mail
Rational RTC
wow that still exists
oh hi robot
Job application form has "First name" and "Last name" fields. Annoyance level: over 11. GAF level: 0.
Google Autumn of Files
Google Autumn of Flies
@R.MartinhoFernandes had to google that
user image
Can't apply.
someone stealing my stars with a 1 letter swap this isn't acceptable
it's a Levenshtein distance of love <3
it was much more funny sorry
You know what, I'm gonna email them instead of filling the form, and mention that I'm doing so because I cannot fill the form, what with actually being a robot.
it's in the details
In correct English it would be funnier* but I understood what you meant regardless
@Griwes is the Steve Jobs of your jokes
@VeronikaPrüssels sometimes incorrect english is more funny
do you think at some point people will just say "vOv" out loud like they do for "lol"
no, not vauve, just... vov
I was doing the french sound
no-one sane makes french sounds, silly
@slaphappy I thought that when people said "lol" out loud, they rendered it as "el oh el".
So it'd be "vee oh vee", no?
People's Republic of North North China
@VeronikaPrüssels this is so bad it is bad
@R.MartinhoFernandes Here "people" say it "lolle"
Thanks @Griwes
I made it specially for you
@VeronikaPrüssels np
@VeronikaPrüssels maybe you should take a break and let griwes and andy do the jokes
@R.MartinhoFernandes because it's "lol", not "LOL"
@slaphappy You'll come crying after 5 mins that you miss my shitty jokes
@slaphappy We're talking about idiots who say "lol" out loud; that logic doesn't apply here.
maybe I could finally get back to work
(I like writing '"lol" out loud')
@R.MartinhoFernandes fair enough. convention, then
I started working here less than a month ago, so I'm still on that phase when you are getting used to the codebase.
I could keep doing that, but then I'll get used to a codebase I'll never use.
I feel like I'm in a weird limbo.
@slaphappy i don't have the faintest idea about what you mean by "inacceptable"
What is ROBOT?
robot here?
nobody really knows
was that for me @VeronikaPrüssels
You people are so strange!
says the illuminati
@R.MartinhoFernandes what are you doing now and why did you leave your last job? I thought it was cool.
its real
@Tim I meant it was inacceptable for sbi to ping the wrong person
robot is the nickname for one of the guys
@BartekBanachewicz What he's doing now is looking for another job.
@Xeo oh right
6 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I started working here less than a month ago, so I'm still on that phase when you are getting used to the codebase.
@BartekBanachewicz Among other things, they started doing more than just medical imaging, and I'm really fussy with that kind of shit so I decided to go elsewhere. I got elsewhere this month, and yeah, starboard.
but what about that
21 hours ago, by sbi
If you know someone who is in the process of opening a software development department in Berlin right now, I have one at hand that's eager to follow. C++, Embedded, Java, Electrical Engineering, SCRUM, TDD,... A fantastically well working team including the best (and hardest working) dev head I have ever had the pleasure to work with.
are you the dev head?
22 hours ago, by sbi
Well, basically they're laying off about 40% of the company.
it's all very confusing
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh
7 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I started working here less than a month ago, so I'm still on that phase when you are getting used to the codebase.
@R.MartinhoFernandes military?
@slaphappy Marketing. Ugh.
@R.MartinhoFernandes so it's like temporary or
@R.MartinhoFernandes could still be the best and the hardest
also guys I've just realized
I'm gonna be in Austria when the unconf happens
@BartekBanachewicz No, it's more like management changed right when I joined, and they chose sales over engineering.
harder bester headder stronger
Since I'm on my probation period, I'm certainly not among the few who will stay.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh so you're the one being laid off right after you joined?
So Bartek can't go to uncon because it's not in Poland, and when it is he can't go because he's not in Poland.
@BartekBanachewicz It hasn't been decided who gets laid off yet, but it would be stupid to keep me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes from medical imagery to marketing???
@VeronikaPrüssels Precisely.
There's simply no reason to do so.
@BartekBanachewicz you suck.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Okay, that cleared things up a bit
Well, there would be one reason, but that ship sailed when they decided engineering isn't their thing.
@Xeo I might just fly back for it :P
@VeronikaPrüssels The funny thing will be if I'll also be out of Poland during the unconf. Which is not impossible.
@R.MartinhoFernandes feel like working in Sweden?
Then you just need to get Cat to not be in Poland by then and you might end up in Poland with no Poles.
I'm easy to drop (probation period), nothing depends on me (barely did anything yet), I have no dependents, etc.
okay so someone has a job for me in southern spain
@JohanLarsson I really don't want to leave Berlin.
@slaphappy warm
TIL There are jobs in Spain
This keyboard loves you @R.MartinhoFernandes
@R.MartinhoFernandes so you can essentially just slack off until they fire you
Half a sentence at a time
I was going to ask for one with a proper Enter key, but now it feels kinda pointless.
you don't need Enter to scroll 9gag pages
@VeronikaPrüssels you got better
Neuromarketing is a field of marketing research that studies consumers' sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli. Researchers use technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure changes in activity in parts of the brain, electroencephalography (EEG) and Steady state topography (SST) to measure activity in specific regional spectra of the brain response, or sensors to measure changes in one's physiological state, also known as biometrics, including heart rate and respiratory rate, galvanic skin response to learn why consumers make the decisions...
Ugh, ugh, ugh.
iow lying to people, now with more science
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have a sound in mind for this, but it wouldn't render well, so that'll just be "ew"
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hello :)
anyway the upside of my stay in Australia is that i can save some money if I play my cards right
Its nice to see you 'round here again
enough to finish everything in my flat and then some
you're staying in australia?
:29395148 phew
@Ell He's engaged with telkitty
@r.m because job?
@VeronikaPrüssels a perfect match
bartek + telkitty 4 eva
@Ell the one with a flag with red and white stripes
@BartekBanachewicz How come you're going to australia?
And how could it possibly save you money? :P
@slaphappy stop ruining the joke, asshat
In Australia spending happens backwards because southern hemisphere
Hence you save money
@VeronikaPrüssels lmao
IME flying to Australia is really expensive.
@BartekBanachewicz sorry I was genuinely confused :P
@slaphappy OH COME ON
I know because I funded my friend's voyage with her kids.
I already had elliotte on the hook. Just needed to pull a little
wait Robot is back like really back?
I'm gonna have to check in here more often
@Ell I'm in Linz, Austria right now for work helping the other team take over my project, and the plan is for me to come here again and stay for about 3 months.
Sydney, Austria
Oh Austria :V
4 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
anyway the upside of my stay in Australia is that i can save some money if I play my cards right
@AndyProwl I don't know.
cmon :P
I honestly don't know why I stopped showing up.
@Ell I don't know what's badder, you or the joke
I wasn't even working for the past two months.
maybe we were not real enough?
@BartekBanachewicz For the weekend?
@JohanLarsson maybe even too complex
@AndyProwl For three months.\
I spent most days studying Hebrew and Russian.
I guess that includes weekends.
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah but like, you can't take a weekend off?
I would probs consider living in Austria
11 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@Xeo I might just fly back for it :P
@Ell not sure how much they're gonna offer me.
The prices are more or less 2x Poland on everything.
but salary too right?
dunno yet.
And after two months, I'm nowhere near any sort of fluency in either Hebrew or Russian.
I don't know what I've been doing.
@Ell given it was the company who wanted me to stay in the first place, I suppose they have something to back it up
It’s alive! Introducing the results of the 2016 Stack Overflow Developer Survey: http://stackoverflow.com/research/developer-survey-2016 #DevSurvey2016 #NoMoreNinjas
@R.MartinhoFernandes it takes much longer than that anyway though right?
I can probably fix your grammar mistakes in either, but I can't speak them.
Nor understand them.
@BartekBanachewicz From Linz? Just come to Vienna or Bratislava by train and I'll pick you up
I'm basically a dictionary away from being able to use any of those two, lol.
I mean even spending a year in a language speaking country and speaking that language wouldn't make you fluent even right?
@AndyProwl are you going to drive? That'd be cool.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol fluency after 2 months
@AndyProwl No, I mean anything.
I can't make any sentence.
@BartekBanachewicz yes
I don't know any words.
I don't believe you
TIL there is a place called Rottenegg near linz
@AndyProwl oh great, that's something I could surely do
@R.MartinhoFernandes grammar is much harder than words though right?
Today in Ell Facts
@AndyProwl I've tried it and I have to hit the dictionary every other word.
@Ell that's nothing compared to the fact that my teammates are called Bernhard, Gerhard and Gernot
@R.MartinhoFernandes Two months is nothing. You're just too strict with yourself and have too high expectations because you know you're skilled. Really, two months is a ridiculously short term to learn a completely unrelated language
@VeronikaPrüssels Hahahaha, the shit you come up with
It took me two years to somewhat be able to understand Czech, and I lived here. I'm not super-talented, but still.
It takes time and effort
@wilx ...so many web devs it's sad :(
> Full-Stack Web Developer 28.0%
Motivational video!
(it's not swimming-specific)
@Griwes Yeah. Web-dev is the shit.
@AndyProwl I speak fluent cantonese after a little over a year being in HK
@BartekBanachewicz let's keep in touch then
@AndyProwl Michael Ventris is my hero, ok?
@VeronikaPrüssels really? :P
No way jose
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, Michael Phelps is mine, still...
@VeronikaPrüssels go play with the other geniuses
(also fuck off)
The female developer age part is interesting.
VII. Development Environments -- Notepad++ on 1st place?
Fuck me.
> Self-Taught 69.1%
With all the web dev bullcrap.
Deja vu. I think I was surprised by this last year as well.
poor emacs only got 5.2% :(
ITT Hipster desktop C++ developers incoming
hey now I'm self taught xD
@Ell Well, I think it is pretty good result, still. :)
Most popular non-web... Delphi xDDD
@Ell no you're not, you're lounge taught
@BartekBanachewicz haha you're right
@Griwes I am at least partially self taught as well. I mean, there are really not C++ courses here that would be worth anything.
I shouldn't take credit away from the lounge like that
Oh wait it's not non web, it's "other". wtf is that
@wilx Well, I'm also kind of self-taught, but I also do have some formal education.
So there's that.
@Griwes If you read the text, you will notice it means those who are at least partially self-taught.
That is a nonsense question then.
Carry on.
@Ell That's way too high for that piece of emacs.
emacs is awesome
@Griwes it's skewing the result p bad. Also I suspect webdev requires more stackoverflowing, so more representation.
@Ell says 5% of developers
Purchasing Power per Country -- Damn, we are cheap.
south africa more comfy for devs
lol south africa
@wilx Slovakia is not even there
@ScarletAmaranth You should have stayed with us! :D
So guys, do you have any suggestions for the least shit way to cross compile for OSX from Linux?
ranked by the amount of Big Macs you can buy per Year ...
Install Linux
Or, should I give up before I even try?
@Lalaland why???
@Lalaland apple have a publicly available toolchain for cross compiling IIRC
^here are some packages
@slaphappy I'm working on a project with someone and want to give them a C++ tool I wrote a long time ago.
@Lalaland and he doesn't have a build system on his machine?
@Ell Shoot, it's a whole cross compiling deal.
@slaphappy He's not a programmer.
I see
lol why do you interact with non-programmers
why not? because they can't be as good a troll as yourself?
Well, actually he is a programmer. But he is a JS programmer.
Taken from Economist twitter post
> JS programmer
like that is even a thing
So this "not a programmer" is actually a "JS programmer" but can't compile something
Perhaps tell him that g++ is in fact a transpiler and he'll understand
> 10% of respondents self-identified as Ninjas. Real ninjas don’t tell you they’re ninjas. They just sneak up on you and slit your throat, which generally constitutes "hostile workplace environment."
not sure programmer actually means a person who code in a language that needs compiling
wow, CoffeeScript 71% dreaded D:
8% have "C++" in their "wanted" :\
> Developers appear to be dropping CoffeeScript, Haskell, and Windows Phone.
@wilx I am too young to understand the situation that was here then; from what I know, it was for a colossal majority of slovaks "important" to have their own country, for whatever reason; just their personal feeling I guess
@ScarletAmaranth My understanding is that Czechoslovakia was already highly polarized, and remaining a single state was a bit of a farce.
Like no "Slovak parties" having any support on the Czech Republic and no "Czech parties" having any support on the Slovak Republic.
well we could switch to a confederation
splitting entirely is not necessarily always the best solution - but what do I know
@ScarletAmaranth Slofuckya
@AndyProwl uz mame aj nackov v parlamente facepalm
@ScarletAmaranth True, and maybe it would have worked with them since the dissolution was peaceful, but History shows a tendency for such things to not work out when there's high polarisation of ethnicity or national identity.
@ScarletAmaranth fakt? Ja politicku situaciu prilis nesledujem
Not saying it wouldn't work, just that it usually doesn't.
No my sme 20 rokov mali vo vlade fasistov, takze vitajte do klubu
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't understand where the polarisation was coming from tho - well I "kinda" do - looks like it was more like a personal feeling of majority of people
Honestly I don't see people so strongly identifying with being Czech or Slovak here
@AndyProwl jj ale tak ti co su u nas su dost extremisticki, urcite viac ako napriklad ta zenska vo fr.
@ScarletAmaranth hej kukam no, vypadaju aj celkom blbo
ako nazi z minuleho storocia ci co
jo maju uniformy na styl Hlinkovej gardy
co je snad uplny vtip
maybe younger people feel the different the most, but those weren't even here when they split
proste chori na hlavu
older people I meet tend to say "czech, slovak, it's like one country". At least from a "people"'s perspective
@ScarletAmaranth hej, je to dost smutne
@AndyProwl ye but they were young(er) then - not sure why want to split so much then; again, forming a confederative republic is always an option
Tematicky vtip:
(teda nie uplne tematicky ale pobavil)
Dva Arabové se usadili v České republice a vsadili se o to, kdo z nich dvou se do české společnosti dokáže integrovat lépe.
Sejdou se za rok.
"Právě jsem snědl vepřo knedlo zelo, zapil jsem to plzní, dívali jsme se na hokej v televizi a zítra jedu se svými dětmi do muzea o husitech," říká první.
"Vypadni z Česka, zasranej čmoude, a vrať se, kozomrde, tam odkuds přišel," odpověděl druhý, lépe integrovaný Arab.
nic, idem pracovat
alebo minimalne lepsie predstierat
@ScarletAmaranth Typically it's because people feel the joint state is being run by "the others".
Same thing you get in Scotland today.
AFAIU the Scottish National Party has huge support in Scotland, but not so much power in the UK parliament, which makes people feel like their voice is not being heard.
Ah, disenfranchisement is the word.
@R.MartinhoFernandes mmmm, this is an interesting point - paranoia at its best
@ScarletAmaranth No, not really paranoia. I used quotes for "the others" because I just meant literally whoever else is in the union, and not that meaning.
@Ven wip WP
sure, but it doesn't have to be the case - it's just the personal feeling (potentially overwhelming / paranoic)
they tried
oh hai robot
been a while
Is Black Lives Matter like a politcal party?
With candidates and stuff like that?
it's a death metal band
Human lives don't matter
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, since Scotland is only about 10% of the UK's population or so, so you wouldn't expect a majority party in Scotland to have huge power in the UK parliament just for that reason.
@Fanael I want to make racist joke but I feel meta is watching me
this is why I like Discord
@AndyProwl let's test it out
Meta doesn't care
well by "Meta" I mean the system
@Shoe let's see if that's cunting true
@Puppy Don't they already have disproportionate amount of power in the parliament?
Except when some external newbie comes in and makes a big fuss about the thing
the snackoverflawed system
the system, man. they're watching you
Then they have to take the matter in their own hands
@Shoe It's just a movement.
It's like GG
@Fanael Not quite, but they have quite a bit.
It's like cops in a criminal neighbourhood. They don't care if they do bad things, as long at that doesn't impact external people.
So like if a guy drops dead, then they intervene.
@AndyProwl Remember. We will be watching.
@Puppy Not quite? They have 56 times the MPs a certain party that received almost thrice the votes has!
@Fanael Yeah, but that's that party getting fucked, not the SNP getting too much.
and frankly, I would sympathise with that party and talk about how terrible it is, except fuck UKIP.
it helps me sleep at night to know they got shafted by the electoral system
It's broken, but that's ok if it's the ones I don't like who get fucked.
it's not OK that it's broken, it's just good that in this case it coincidentally happened to be broken for some terrible people.
I remain conclusively in favour of un-breaking it.
it's just nice to know that sometimes, bad things happen to bad people as well as to good people.
@Puppy But then you'd lose sleep over it!

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