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Social Justice Unicode
class PartialInjector(Injector):
    """Injector which partially applies callables to their dependencies."""

    def dependencies(self, component):
        signature = inspect.signature(component)
        parameter_and_dependency_names = _parameter_and_dependency_names(component)
        return set(parameter_and_dependency_names.values())

    def inject(self, component, dependencies):
        kwargs = _dependency_kwargs(component, dependencies)
        return functools.partial(component, **kwargs)
oh god this DI tool I once wrote was great
Lol it doesn't use signature.
The nice thing is that you can easily overrule dependencies by injecting them manually.
lol default arguments in python
Where do you see default arguments?
func: dependency("f"))
That's an annotation, not a default argument.
everything builds
just wow
The dependency instructs partial_injector and factory_injector which dependencies to require.
identity_injector ignores them.
@HubertApplebaum Praise \o/
Meanwhile, I'm bothering the entire lua mailing list with my ~~performance~~ issues.
I've also found dirty, kinky UB to make my shit work, so.
I think I'm going to rely on the lua library's UB.
Confirmed working for Lua 5.3, 5.2...
If it works with 5.1 and luajit, then IDGAF, UB all the way.
no UB
But it's 2x slower if we do it the way we are now.
When you say "rely on UB", what do you mean?
he means he's been a naughty kid
In the Lua API, if I search "below the bottom of the stack",
Do you mean take advantage of assumptions made?
I can find the thing I'm looking for.
and therefore he's now on Schindler's naughty list
UB will usually be faster but it's not a reason to go for it.
Don't wanna be a badlet m8.
@HubertApplebaum you must be overlooking something
@ThePhD that reminds me of std::back_inserter, which is one of those awkward named stuff
I still don't know what's the best way to do permissions in an application.
Dynamic scoping seems fun but is likely nasty.
@Zoidberg depends how complex you want the control over things
Just "can the user do this".
Just a set of things the user can do. When you want to do something, consult the set.
yeah, so any time any user does something, you need to check the ID of the action they want to perform and see if the group the user is in is allowed to do that.
groups are always good
def create_invoice(...):
I am not concerned with how to lay out permissions and how to assign them to people.
I am concerned about when to check them in the application.
if every actionable thing follows a set interface, it should be easy enough to do something akin to execute_action(action_fn, user, fallback_fn)
Sometimes you want to elevate permissions.
For example when a user logs in.
At the very start, the set of permissions is empty. Then you check the login cookie and elevate permissions.
well that's just a case of changing what permissions the user has
I though you meant some sort of sodu like behaviour
when a user first goes to the site, they have no permissions, they log in, now this same user id has more permissions loaded, so when they attempt actions they work.
Yes, I know.
But how do you store this information (current permissions) and where and how do you read it?
fucking wanking sites. I want to open some links, but nooo each time I click one, it turns the text into an input
@Zoidberg current permissions can just sit in memory, may a user id to a set of allowed action ids. Store it in a table/flat file
Linux tools respect `\` as a path separator, right?
It's just windows's old tools that don't respect /, right?
a space?
\ is the normal for windows, linux uses /
or the other way around
Do you put it in a set that you pass around? Do you put it in thread-local storage? Somewhere else?
Right, but if I'm writing a cross-platform makefile, I can only write one.
fuck angular
@Zoidberg well... if all actions go through a single 'action executor' then only that executor would need that permission data...
@sehetw [CAN WE ~PLEASE~ STOP WITH EMOJIS] emoji coming in 10.0
> p.s.: CMake sucks.
@thecoshman What is an action?
How do you compose actions this way?
@HubertApplebaum Should be c.s.
@zoidberg I don't know, I don't know enough about what you are doing or currently have
ffs. "if this test fails, make sure it's not the test script. If it's still failing, it might be the code that is broken" well you don't say!
for example ideone.com/1NCNTR
that's using TLS
but even then
When do you check permissions? Do you check them as early as possible, or do you check them as late as possible?
that flow doesn't look very practical, you are going to have isolated requests. Check repeatedly. The sooner you reject, the less work you have to do, but you have to double check before you commit to doing the action.
why would you double check
... reject early to stop processing early, check late to ensure permissions are still valid
depends how much work is between request coming in and actually being acted on
permission errors aren't a bottleneck
it's not about errors
I think the safest is to do it ALAP and use transactions.
Works in Lua 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3.
I'm checking this in.
it's about not doing anything else if permissions check fails
@Zoidberg yes, early checking is about helping save time, late checks are when you have to do it
So permission to create an invoice is checked by the invoice creation business rule implementation, not by the HTTP request handler.
oh god yes
the HTTP request handler should have as little business logic as possible, it just needs to translate those web requests into internal requests
it should handle everything to do with HTTP and nothing else
Great I'll do this in the next system.
and to be fair, that probably wants to be more a 'REST' handler that could be swapped out for 'SOAP' or some propitiatory protocol thing
ok so ASAP vs ALAP is tackled
now the problem of passing around permission sets
TLS vs arguments.
You could probably do basic users auth and rejection in the HTTP layer though. a fairly basic "unkown users can only see login/registration stuff, logged in users see the ~everything~ else" sort of level of logic
nah you don't want that
there's no reason to do that
I probably wouldn't pass them... they need to be stored... may as well read from that.
everything needs to be stored hth
@Zoidberg depends how you are handling user authentication
just a ~random~ session id then, yeah?
you get a random session ID that is associated with your user ID
the session ID is passed through cookies
will you be passing around a dumb user ID, or an actual user object?
user ID
user object is dumb as it can change between requests
yes, but within on request it shouldn't change
session persists between requests
user ID just means you'll have to check the current state more
doesn't matter
@Zoidberg yes, but that session only exists in the HTTP layer. The http layer will be making requests into the logic layer
session id != internal user id, they are just associated via the http layer
the logic layer should have no idea about this 'session cookie thing'
it doesn't
that would be moronic
so if you are passing a U-ID around, I'd have a free function that can check if that u-id can perform that action id. That would be read from the db each time, but you could maybe wrap it in a caching system can keep it thread local during a request
I can't really see permissions changing that fast
When a non-root user logs in, you fetch all permissions of that user and put them in a DynamicPermissionSet.
where's a user involved with that?
uh when you receive the login cookie the user is involved
or does some other code handle finding the permissions and just populate on of those sets?
ok here's the casus
@Zoidberg well, http layer shouldn't be doing this, so it'd be the start of the logic layer that will load these for a given ~proper~ user id
No the logic layer doesn't care about user IDs.
That would make it impossible to temporarily elevate permissions for certain actions.
HTTP request comes in. You read session cookie. You retrieve user ID from session data. You fetch all permissions of said user from DB. You create a PermissionSet object that reflects those permissions. You pass that object to anything that needs to check permissions, such as business logic implementations.
HTTP request comes in. You read session cookie. You retrieve user ID from session data. <!-- now we are pass the http layer and into logic --> You fetch all permissions of said user from DB. You create a PermissionSet object that reflects those permissions. You pass that object to anything that needs to check permissions, such as business logic implementations.
but yes
No, that's super dumb.
http layer should not touch db
seperating business logic from routing logic and server side logic is a good thing for the long run
> So, we are left with a simple proposal to allow f(x,y) to find x.f(y) where f(x,y) wouldn’t work today
you can split the 'logic layer' how you like, but once you have that user id, you are past HTTP
it's your application proper
inb4 "prefer f(x, y) over x.f(y)"
You could have a third layer between HTTP and logic that turns user IDs into permission sets.
@Zoidberg ok, then where I said 'logic layer' read instead 'application layer'
WTF is that?
layers are good man
The application is everything.
yes it is
the HTTP layer should be swap out able...
you should be able to swap it for a CLI interface and the rest of the shit stays the same
HTTP is not part of the application, it's basically just a transport layer
o_0 "SoftAssert"
I'd say that you basically have a function in your business-layer that take login info, verify login, then another function that generate a hashed time-based access-token like OAuth stuff, that's basically authentication.. then to another function that generate an authorization object which has the things the user is authorized to do
Guise it's happening, a coworker and I are doing a presentation about C++11 for the rest of the team
I too like to waste time
even though I am not sure you are a C++ person, thought you were doing a lot of PHP work
@Telkitty Are you talking about me?
yeah, u
Well then you're wrong, like really wrong
that would be a first
I'm not a C++ person, I do alot of things I'm not fond of
People arguing with me on the lua mailing list now.
Why did I even bother.
Linky Linky
Would you happen to know if std::condition_variable uses futex? I'll check but asking regardless
Doesn't everything on linux (pthreads included) end up using it?
@KhaledKhnifer You're not a fond person
hello loungé
@Prismatic Bonjour salon
salutations voyageur
@sehe I have things I'm fond of, being part of this lounge is one. but wind does not always flow the direction ships desire.
@Ell One moment, I want to collect the benchmark data and respond.
God how the fuck did they manage to make SOurceTree harder to use
Jesus Fucking Christ.
I definitely need a new SCM GUI.
w2lrn vulkan
but so lazy
actually want I really want is an API where I can be negligent and just spam a ton of drawcalls without caring about overhead
batching is lame
thanks gdb
I didn't ask for a christmas tree
@Prismatic #anttext
@Ell ^ this is the data I'm going to use in the post
@StackedCrooked So if I specify /Qinline-factor:50 I drop 25% of the binary size for no noticeable impact on performance.
That reduces the "eagerness" of ICC to inline things. But everything that's force-inlined is still inlined.
> Cannot find bounds of current function
Why did I even pay for this shitty debugger
@HubertApplebaum that looks like fun
lol and now it segfaulted
thanks gdb
good thing you dumped a core I guess
never buying GNU software again
Bae, I know we've had our segmentation faults but I didn't think you'd core dump me!
I've rewritten the answer. I left in my foot note in which I predicted exactly this kind of test-load (and note, even now memory usage doesn't quite double) — sehe 16 secs ago
Pwetty graphs and memory profiling. Nom nom nom
You mean it floats around the same levels?
@ThePhD You mean, you're arguing on the lua mailing list now?
@sehe Yes.
@HubertApplebaum ieeeee! :)
@ThePhD Don't do that then
@Mysticial Cool.
in Discussion between sehe and MohsenTamiz, 9 secs ago, by sehe
Lesson learned: use the right tools, reason about facts. Stay calm. Profit.
lua mailing list is probably one of the best training places to prepare you for intense battle heat in the lounge
Telkitty knows, she fought with them when she implemented LuaJIT's newest optimizations
ser une vanne frer?
tg twa c la raibailyon
@Ven you don't need to be psycho to be a psychiatrist
@Telkitty I'd say it helps
@Ell It doesn't look like the mailing lists update in real time, so I can't link you to our conversation. =/
@Ven helps when you torture your clients?
> Thanks to that flyby, by the time the Sun goes supernova, Jupiter's calendar will be several dozen nanoseconds out of sync from where it would be otherwise!
Randal Style
women in red ... can be so very different
pixels in bed
pluck = (p, xs) -->
  map (<| p) <| map (.), xs
This is so obscure.
What is <|?
f <| x is the same as f(x).
(<| p) is (x) -> x <| p.
(.) is (o, p) --> o[p].
application, like haskell's $
so, robot still not back?
gf overflow
I can keep the speed by using UB.
Or I can be correct and have markedly slower performance than every single other framework, all to support this one feature.
live life on the edge
The Edge of UB sounds like a nerd band
pluck isn't worth it.
Just use map (.x) instead.
It's shorter too.
@ThePhD wat
@Xeo Xeo-sama guide me I am lost. ;~;
context, buddy
lua c++ binding
yes. But that's still missing the context for why he wants UB
It's basically for performance reasons, but...
There's 2 ways of letting lua access shit on your user-specified junk.
One is to use a function and let the function return the correct stuff,
and one is to keep out of function land and use a table instead.
There's a significant performance difference between the two (last column, row 'sol2' in both sets).
@ThePhD ah okay
Previously, we were using the function version. This allowed us to support the myinstance.some_variable syntax in lua code, where someone could bind and get/set member variables using the familiar = syntax. However, by doing so, it increased the overhead of calling plain member functions by what you see in that image.
So, we switched to a table implementation.
Long story short, table implementation does NOT hand to the correct C++ pointer when it calls the hooked function. Instead, it hands you an unrelated table plus the lookup key, whereas in the first implementation you got the correct C++ pointer plus the key.
I noticed, however,
that if you purposefully dig below the "0" point on the stack (into, say, -2), you can find the C++ pointer is still there.
> the C++ pointer is still there
So if I make a technically illegal call to lua_getpointer(blah, some_technically_invalid_index), I get the C++ pointer I want. This works in lua 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3: e.g. all the versions I'm shipping for.
is it
wth even is "a c++ pointer"
the T*of data kept inside of lua.
it really sounds like you're overlooking something - why would lua give you something unrelated when it wants you to call something?
Also, how do the other implementations / libraries handle this?
The other implementations do not support my feature, and demand you set these things as functions.
You can bind member variables, but they automatically convert it into function calls and you have to use function call syntax.
e.g. see here
Still seems wrong that you'd get unusable information back from lua
I still say you're overlooking something
def main(): Unit { } is an abstract method in Scala.
It lacks a body. :D
That's because you use explicit : Unit
You're bad and you should feel bad
who is zoidberg
is that you elyse
It's actually spec-defined: the way lookup works is that it recurses through the object when you do `myinstance.foo` like so:

1. Have a metatable? Does it have `__index` ? Check `__index`.
2. If it's a function, call it with `myinstance` value and the string `"foo"` key, Stop. OTHERWISE:
3. If it's a table, look up `"foo"` in that table.
4. Is `"foo"` in that table? Return it.
5. IF NOT: go back to 1., except using this new table.
The caveat here is the step #5.
When it looks back, and reaches #2 again from the new table, it doesn't call it with the original myinstance.
It calls it with the table that it's burrowing into.
So myinstance gets lost if you have a chained __index lookup, which is exactly the problem I have.
It's also how I surmised that maybe they leave myinstance on the stack below and just "increment" the bottom value... which is what they do.
Does #2 only apply to myinstance:foo() calls?
I don't quite get why it doesn't stop at #2 the first time around
In my OLD implementation (the slow one), we did stop there. We did a lookup into a C++ map and returned the right thing, and everything worked out just fine. But it's also the SLOW implementation from those benchmarks.
Hm, looking for ways to enable async callbacks for a Java SWIG front-end.
So we switched to the fast table implementation. But the table implementation means that if you want to find var, you have to keep tunneling.
So when we get to #2 from #5, we lose myinstance and it instead just gives us the table it's checking, which is some deeper lookup table.
So it will call the function in #2 with some_table and the string "foo", and by that time some_table is useless as far as figuring out what the original data pointer was and getting the right member variable.
but why is there another lookup table inbetween at all?
shouldn't it go myinstance -> metatable -> __index -> foo, and that's that?
That would be too simple :p
@StackedCrooked SWIG as in the wrapper generator?
@Xeo That's what changed in the new implementation to make things fast. It goes myinstance -> metatable -> __index (failed lookup, no foo) -> __index (function from C++, call it) -> called with myinstance.metatable.__index (a table) and "foo".
The only two men who gain from a #Brexit are @Nigel_Farage and Vladimir Putin who want to divide Europe.
lol this guy
oh UK is doing the crybaby again
when was last time I can't remember
yesterday probably
just let them do what they want for fuck sake
tired of this drama
myinstance -> metatable -> __index is a table right now (hence the "table implementation"), and it provides fast access to the functions inside of it. But when the lookup fails (as it needs to), in order to hook it I need to have a secondary __index, so that gets called, and that's when I get the first __index table plus "foo".
It's entirely just the pain of the implementation, but the goal here is trying to improve performance, so I'm trying to make it work out.
But the fact that lua doesn't really include "and this is where the lookup originally came from" is kind of... annoying.
@HubertApplebaum what why? :P
it's a reality show
@ThePhD Ahh, okay, I think I get the whole picture now. __index itself can either be a table or a function. I think I was missing that bit
So, why not just include a reference to the "origin" table inside the inner table stuffs? if that's possible
@Xeo Because the initial metatable that gets slapped on is... is like compile-time class information. It's not really replicated per-object: that metatable (and its table/__index hierarchy) are the same for every myinstance.
@ThePhD Not really my cup of tea. I like the funky parts but don't like the voice :/
@Morwenn D'aww....
@Morwenn I had that on repeat for a while when I first discovered.
Good stuff.
My first real intro into Touhou.
I switched between that one and the original version for a while.
And the crazy Ronald one from time to time x)
The original one is also good, but not as great.
Sweeet. I am seeing some Lua conversation up there.
Yeah, it's a great video game track, but stil a video game track.
Feb 18 '13 at 18:55, by Xeo
@BrettHale No headphones, since I'm at home, and I like listening to Touhou remixes. :)
Ok, I'm preaching to the choir.
Lightbulb in the dark i.sstatic.net/BYYz8.png
Hi all
i'm just passing by because i have a question: Does someone of you have experience with using libcurl library in C ?
i'm trying to find a decent library for HTTP GET + POST requests in C
but google fu leads to curls
> C++17 should become feature-complete in the Oulu meeting
I hope there will be more interesting features by then. Currently, it looks more like a bug-fix release.
@KarelG this is a c++ room sorry
finally got a response to my ticket about an MSVC bug, guy didn't read the code and obviously doesn't understand the problem
not much different to C :P You can compile C++ to C libs
you clearly don't actually know anything about C++
@KarelG you obviously don't know c++
just be gone as Ell suggested
it's just my opinion, but for me there is no much diff to C and C++. Some minor adaptions needed
but thanks
Such an enlightened opinion.
@KarelG so naive :P
I've decided to dumb my ArabicStringUtil library in its current form
I came to realize that working with string and encodings is not as simple as I initially anticipated
Just like every encoding library author ever :p
I'm going to re-create the library and take a functional approach
because it can be extremely complex in application, I'm going mainly to provide functions that process as it parse with linear analysis stuff
@Morwenn RIP C++17.
@Rapptz I hope they merge at least 2 or 3 TSs before shipping.
> C++17? Shiny, we got std::void_t and move operations for std::raw_storage_iterator!
Major release (of smelly farts).
let me guess, concepts and modules slipped somewhat?
Apparently some people don't want concepts in C++17 while some people strongly want them.
Everybody wants modules but most think they will not be ready.
Concepts are slated for GCC 6.0, but I heard the implementation is slow and taking time, so...
i'm new to c++ .i get error "couldn't find suitable hedader file "
.h is for c headers
Does #include <iostream> work
@FastSnail Get a book.
@Prismatic yes thanks you
Alright, 6am. I've officially fucked up my sleep schedule again.
Time to sleep.

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