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@MeltyButter I guess you are young and energetic, most of the people probably view that distance as ... a bit far to walk on daily basis or within comfort limit.
@Ell Well yeah, because there weren't any mobiles around 1970, and IPhone strives to coincide with the time's technology
Of course :P
@Columbo you got January exam marks back yet?
@Ell Wait, there were exams
I had 3
I had three less
How did you do?
I passed all three :V
85%, 58% and 48%
I hope you did so well?
@Telkitty well thats just culture conditioning them to think that walking is for losers without a car... only a really obese person gets beat by a bit of walking
not great :P
But still I'm pleased that I passed.
I don't have to resit at least
@Ell Be grateful, you passed!
Also the 48% one is only 20% of the unit so I can make up for it
As long as I graduate with a 2:1 I'm happy :D
I'll try to get a first, but I'd be happy with a 2:1
Yeah same
@Columbo all the cool companies think grades are for nerds anyway
@MeltyButter ..no, they don't
I will get a first in programming, discreet math & computer architecture
@Ell Discreet mat yo 8-)
I have a 2:1 in linear circuits which is finished now
@Columbo well they didn't ask for them. i work for them. I WORK FOR THEM.
And I'll probably just barely pass engineering maths & electronics :P
@Ell Same
I'm fairly shit at Dig. Electronics
At least the CMOS bit
We aren't doing that stuff yet.
We've just started op amps
You lucky son of a bitch
@Ell speaking of, do you offer discreet service
castle age in 7 minutes, thats gotta be a new record.
@LucDanton yes, I will arrive at the premesis in a paper bag
Brown paper bag.
@Ell wow dem corner cases
@Ell ( ͠° ͜ʖ ° )
@Xeo Are you watching Schwarzesmarken this season?
> this pointer is inizialited
what does that mean
@jaggedSpire It means that someone has difficulty spelling things correctly.
@Lalaland I was hoping for a more exotic definition. Do you have any of those handy?
The emergent self-effecting pattern called consciousness in that person's brain has difficulty constructing the correct, special ordering of symbols which form the symbolic, cultural construct called words.
Excellent. Thank you for indulging me.
python vs tabs
return = pure
(<*>) = ap
yeah that’s real convenient to review
@HubertApplebaum CUDA vs Vulkan
(I am sure we are going to see a bunch of stupid questions like that soon)
y’a pas tant de différences entre les deux nan
ça se joue au CUDA CUDA
> i have seen more than one Haskeller turn to alcoholism while trying to create leakless FRP
@LucDanton Leakless in what sense? No space leaks?
Can't that be somewhat solved by making things strict?
the subject was space leak but in the general context of FRP I’m not sure
@Lalaland can your liver stomach the answer?
But I have never tried to do FRP with Haskell so I have no idea.
@LucDanton Well, I don't drink anyways ...
so probably not then!
@Lalaland I found the the blog post interesting because it suggested that call-by-name rather than call-by-value (which is the one linked to strictness, makes sense) can also be useful for a space leak
@LucDanton nice
i.e. 'unsharing'
are constants in haswell treated as pure functions or
@HubertApplebaum as long as you are not playing dirty everything is pure
I meant is 4 of type () -> Int or sth
@HubertApplebaum In Haswell? Constants are treated as cache lines that are shared and never dirty. Haskell might have a different answer though... :-)
@ThePhD wut
@HubertApplebaum what would be the return type in that function type
@HubertApplebaum Here, you might like it, I dunno ^ /cc @Morwenn
think about it
@HubertApplebaum A function returning an int with no parameters simply has type Int.
ya gotta have Int somewhere somewhen
@HubertApplebaum And 4 is also of type Int.
and () -> Int is not iso Int because reasons
@Lalaland naw mang
elimination and all that
a lazy Int certainly has similarity to a strict () -> Int, but in run-off-the-mill Haskell () -> Int is not strict either
I’m not fond of the usual, handwavy conflating; it makes it look like you are understanding the topic but imo there is no need to avoid facing the non-strict semantics head-on
I thought () was just a special placeholder type? It had nothing to do with strictness or non-strictness.
it’s how you spell unit amusingly enough
() :: ()
Yeah, unit was the name.
the unit type is not a placeholder in any shape or form
unless I’m not understanding what you mean by 'placeholder'
it’s a bona fide type
Yeah, I was using the wrong terminology.
Anyways, @HubertApplebaum () -> Int is a function taking one parameter of type () and returning an Int.
I forget if I mentioned or not but I have a big new screen
How many inches?
What resolution?
it’s nice and all but now the colour distortion of ClearType is becoming hard to ignore
@LucDanton So, are you saying that size isn't everything?
24″ 1920×1080
@HubertApplebaum all of them
> 75% of the 2014/15 salaries tax is waived subject to a ceiling of $20,000 per case.
@Lalaland I can see bluish spots and it’s pulsating before my eyes
okay no it’s not pulsating
"We have too much money pls don't pay too much tax"
@LucDanton filthy windows user
@HubertApplebaum superior HK tax policy?
Apparently I overestimated my tax amount by a massive amount
there's reductions everywhere for no reason
I’d make the fonts larger but then on the smaller screens it looks ridiculous and apparently per-screen settings is from Windows 8 and up or something
time to migrate
il est temps de ne se gratter que d'un côté
and here we can see the expat starting the annual migration as tax season comes to a close
I was pleasantly surprised that my FPS didn’t simply drop to the ground with the new resolution
@HubertApplebaum rofl
I really do play un-optimised CPU-bound old games these days though, that gotta help
@LucDanton Did you readjust Cleartype for the new screen? Different panels require different setting to work (at all) well.
@JerryCoffin kinda, but a lot of the time the choices seemingly amounted to which sort of artefacting is the least annoying to look at :(
still lmao 75% tax reduction
@HubertApplebaum so why would you go away
(save for GW2 of course)
well for GW2
of course
EB queue was full this evening, no idea why (I didn’t hop on)
@LucDanton Yeah, when you get to as low of pixel pitch as a 24" HD display, nothing's going to look good. Need to go for 4K (or at least 2K)...
isn’t that the sort of price range where I could have more 24-inchers instead
cus I really like having lots of screens
Now I remember why I had to make function calls slow.
And it's pissing me off.
Fuck you too, Lua.
@LucDanton Depends on what you go for. Prices on 4K screens are getting a lot more reasonable, but they're still not exactly inexpensive. Being me, I always want something at least a little on the insane side. necdisplay.com/p/desktop-monitors/pa322uhd-bk-sv
I either resort to undefined behavior to get the value I want from lua, or I throw my hands up and resign to being slower than everybody else.
@JerryCoffin 3 grand for a monitor, wut o.o
@ThePhD The competition is using undefined behavior to be faster?
@Lalaland No, they just outright don't support what we do.
@JerryCoffin oh is that thing aimed at professionals?
Oh, so you wouldn't be slower than everyone else?
cus then I wonder how that works out for vidya gaems
ghosting in glorious colour fidelity?
I wouldn't be slower if they supported what I do.
@LucDanton Not particularly well--emphasis is definitely on color accuracy not response speed.
But I don't want to be slower, because nobody cares if my feature list is bigger.
They're going to point to the becnhmarks and say "BUT IT'S BAD" etc. etc.
Fuck it, we're eating the UB pie.
@ThePhD Because, after all, the only reason people use LUA in the first place is for raw speed!
Good morning.
@Borgleader dat one of those emotional remixes?
uh no?
ah ok
welp, I'm out of milk. I don't know what I expected.
In the interest of rectifying this situation, I'm gonna vanish for a bit
@LucDanton OTOH, I have a ~2 year-old TN display (quite fast response) and an ancient Lacie 321. The TN screen is handy for things like displaying menus and such, but even for games I'll take the old 321 without a second thought.
@JerryCoffin It's funnily enough actually one of the big reasons people choose lua. And why so many corporations use it for things it really ought not to be used for. Like powering your entire cloud infrastructure or running a server with 7K concurrent users on a single outated, unupgraded debian machine. .-.
@ThePhD Still not a reason to do UB.
Supposedly there was just another huge Linux security bug discovered.
Every lua thread has a bunch of benchmarks and everyone circle jerking.
So that outdated debain machine is now just a little less secure.
If I don't have the numbers, I don't get the uers.
It's not even C++-level UB.
It's just... cheating the lua stack, and going backwards a few memory addresses.
Listen bby, I'll make you the fastest game engine in the entire fucking universe, you just have to promise me never to use it.
I mean, it works.
It works for luajit, lua 5.3, and I haven't tested lua 5.2.
But cmon. C'mon.
Perfection is only one little -1 past the beginning.
"not even" and "C++-level UB" don't belong in the same sentence except for "C++-level UB: not even once"
also, why was my milk comment starred
idk, but i had a shit day, so im going to bed
@ThePhD Can you at least make a test for your UB?
And maybe have that test run during your libraries initialization process?
@Borgleader sleep well, friend, and enjoy a better day tomorrow
Spit back an error: "Unsupported LUA version" or something.
@Borgleader Sleep well.
And while he sleeps...
@jaggedSpire Maybe someone thought it was a crude lactation joke (no offense)?
... Just a tiny little bit of UB.
A tiny bit.
@Lalaland maybe?
@ThePhD UB is like homeopathy. One drop somewhere and the whole shit is infected :P
@ThePhD i will attempt to do so /cc @jaggedSpire
@Borgleader Sorta like NaN.
@Borgleader Good night.
I do have to take out these 12 milk jugs to the recycling bin though.
@MarkGarcia 12 hours late or so :P
@MarkGarcia Everyone already knows/is lamenting over their crappy GPUs with no drivers.
@Borgleader huh, not in starboard, so gamedev should be jokes to be starrable in the lounge
@MarkGarcia Am I allowed to star that, just out of spite? :-)
^ that instead :D
@jaggedSpire Later.
@Borgleader Overstated, IMO (but then, I spent years writing code for DOS and such, where essentially your only choices were to use UB or write assembly language--or often both)
@Borgleader It is done:
We're almost the fastest everywhere, and support more features than everyone.
@ThePhD How are you faster than the plain API?
For like the 3rd thingy.
@Lalaland Compile Time + Link Time Optimizations.
Also maybe measurement error, who knows. vOv
Try getting multiple samples.
Being faster than the plain API should be impossible.
Unless the test is bad.
So if I install java on aws ec2 sonehow, I put a jsp file in bucket and then what
and we're back.
@Lalaland ~UB~
at least I assume that's part of it
> Suite aux réformes orthographiques et à une recrudescence de la francisation des mots anglais courants, je propose qu'on réfléchisse à une nouvelle façon d'écrire bit. Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, bit vient de la contraction de binary et digit en anglais, ce qui se traduit par chiffre binaire. Je propose donc la francisation suivante : chiffre binaire -> chibre
@HubertApplebaum help can’t breathe
> Bouléun, ça s'écrit en vrai. « Booléen » est un anglicisme fautif. Ça vient de « boule et un », ou « 0 et 1 ».
moins bien mais pas mal quand même
am getting lost in gcc optimization flags
looking for more -fun
> Why does gcc generate 15-20% faster code if I optimize for size instead of speed
optimization flags are one hell of a drug
trop de chibre, ça passe plus
@HubertApplebaum Because your code is bad and you should feel bad?
wow why is flto not working
lotsa shitty getter methods not inlined
you’re gold right
GNU ld
> GNU ld version 20100205
yeah it’s been a while since I’ve read the manual but there’s your problem
thanks luc
once again you save the day
> This option is enabled by default when LTO support in GCC is enabled and GCC was configured for use with a linker supporting plugins (GNU ld 2.21 or newer or gold).
> 2.21
fuck it
oo that looks new
no clue what the configure switch would be, too
good to know about ld, I love gold to death but it still has ways to go
@HubertApplebaum I'm just sitting here wondering why -ffast-math actually makes my math slower.
Should be called -fslow-math
Mebby because denormalized idk
Some of you may be thinking, 'But wait, isn't the brightest star in our sky the Sun?' I think that's a great question and you should totally ask it. On the infinite tree of possible conversations spread out before us, I think that's definitely the most promising branch.
> sorry - this program has been built without plugin support
now I need to rebuild gcc
OTOH those are binutils from forever ago
> 20100205
I wasn't even born yet m8
I can't even fuckin' do it.
I don't know why lua discards all that valuable information.
Like where the fuck the lookup when searching for a member using __index began.
Like, kind've fucking important I know what object started all of these shenaningans, don't you fuckin' think, lua?!
TECHNICALLY, it is there. It's in index -2 on lua's stack when I ignore the size of the stack and purposefully go beneath the bottom of the stack. They leave it there.
Would it have fucking killed them to make it part of the official stack???
They were trying to save lives. It's cursed to kill everyone with a soul who works with it directly, you see. There's no choice, @ThePhD . You're going to have to give me your soul if you want to live through this. I'm sorry. I know you're attached to it. :(
the mental anguish you're feeling right now is the curse taking hold.
Really though I'm sorry about Lua's interface being a dumb.
Where in the world
did you come from?
I've just been lurking.
and actually I'm about to stop lurking for the night, so you can feel safe in your rants again.
I'll never feel safe.
The vigilance for one's soul must be eternal.
I saw that.
of course.
int argcount = lua_gettop(L);
this->fx.item = ptr(stack::get<T>(L, -(2 + argcount)));
I never got around to figuring out what in a logger implementation can be a pooled resource tonight. Instead I spent the time playing a bit with utf-8 and iterators. :\
I have no built in the UB.
I am almost certain that sentence doesn't make complete sense
> provide valid e-mail address
I have no built in UB would, I have not built in the UB would, but it is some mixture of the two
> "You must provide a valid e-mail address"
> But it's my .edu address
> "You must provide a valid e-mail address"
Go to fucking hell, Lua.
no it must end in .com
didn't you know you whole email life has been a lie
really though emails are a complete mess to verify, apparently
@jaggedSpire Which means you should do one of two things: either go through the difficulty of implementing a parser that really works correctly, or else err on the side of permissiveness, and (at most) use your parser to generate an "Are you sure?" for addresses you aren't sure are valid.
@jaggedSpire G'night.
@HubertApplebaum Out of curiosity, I tested my Pi program with O2 vs. Os on ICC. Os was 1% slower. But the binaries were half the size.
> That makes sense. Would you provide a Pull Request?
pull requests welcome
@Mysticial Interesting
So the inlining makes no speed difference?
I force inline all the things that I know are critical anyway.
But even then, there's still enough "stuff" left for ICC to squeeze out another 1%.
1% is almost worth considering for halving the binary size. But I'd like to know what that 1% is.
Unfortunately, 1%, if it's spread out across many places, will be extremely difficult to see in the profiler.
I'd rather want to know where the 50% in size reduction comes from.
Hi guise
@StackedCrooked I'm pretty sure that's all the unnecessary inlining.
I'd like to be able to turn off the unnecessary inlining. But that's easier said than done.
There's also a fair amount of autovectorization in places that aren't performance-critical.
But even if they aren't performance critical, it's very possible that collectively, they do add up to something measurable.
But I am reaching the point where the size of the binary does kind of matter. The developer build which consists of 8 binaries is about 40 MB uncompressed.
And the developer build which has 12 binaries is 90 MB.
@Mysticial: Nah, I'm not. Waiting for the VN :P
@Xeo aww
I'm only watching a few things, again
Gundam from last season, Komugi, Erased
Watching the first 5 episodes, I felt as though there were German references that a German speaker might be able to pick up.
It's set in Germany, isn't it?
The only thing I know is that they know that "Schwarzesmarken" is misspelt
What does that word mean anyway?
The "Stasi" seems like a cold war version of the Nazi SS.
@Mysticial Black Marks
@Xeo I can see how that might refer to the lightning bolts on the Nazi SS flag. But I'm just guessing out loud.
I think you can google how that name came to be
I resorted to the lua mailing list for help
and I think I mis-explained my problem.
Welcome to noobland again
At this point, I'll stop guessing until you show me the exact code we're talking about. So I can do my own measurements and talk facts. — sehe 59 secs ago
@Rerito Hi guise, lo moras
@sehe I don't get it :(
WTF? Why do all the emoticons need to be in Unicode?
Noun: guise ‎(plural guises)
  1. Customary way of speaking or acting; fashion, manner, practice (often used formerly in such phrases as "at his own guise"; that is, in his own fashion, to suit himself.)
  2. 1924, Aristotle. Metaphysics. Translated by W. D. Ross. Nashotah, Wisconsin, USA: The Classical Library, 2001. Aristotle. Metaphysics. Book 1, Part 5.
  3. dialecticians and sophists assume the same guise as the philosopher
  4. External appearance in manner or dress; appropriate indication or expression; garb; shape.
  5. Misleading appearance; cover, cloak.
(15 more not shown…)
Verb: guise
  1. Formal second-person singular (usted) imperative form of guisar.
  2. First-person singular (yo) present subjunctive form of guisar.
  3. Formal second-person singular (usted) present subjunctive form of guisar.
  4. Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted?) present subjunctive form of guisar....
@wilx Can we please stop doing emojis? As if words weren't broken enough
@sehe Exactly!
Day 29: still trying to get CMake to work
ptin t'es pas doué
I am surprised there is not a participation medal as well!
@sehe: BTW, The book you have linked. It is pretty good! :)
What's JFC?
john fitzgerald cennedy
Jesus Fucking Christ.
why do you ask if you know ffs
I like this one.
Seriously, people are so thin skinned...
Code review is like a game, where “this mishandles short and unsigned short” is as satisfying as casting Tree Of Life for 21 fatigue damage.
@wilx I say, let them go at it. I won't judge
Mrs. Claus
Is this just for gender equality bullshit or is this real somewhere?

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