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Yeah, initially the chroot contained a copy of /usr and stuff. And I often needed to rsync between them.
It used to be even messier :)
look at my code
my code is amazing
serialize([], Text) :-
    Text = "".
serialize([{Key, Value} | Hprop], Text) :-
    Value_lines = list.map(func(I) = " " ++ I, string.split_at_char('\n', Value)),
    Prefix = Key ++ ":" ++ string.join_list("\n", Value_lines) ++ "\n",
    serialize(Hprop, Suffix),
    Text = Prefix ++ Suffix.
I think that will actually work for us. \o/ Maybe I can see about multiple chroot directories for different program instances (because we've had, like, 6 programs running 10^(10^10) before).
@MadameElyse wat
how can programs "run 10^(10^10)"
@VoteToClose isn't it beautiful
@StackedCrooked s/uname/ulimit/
@sehe eval pyth "^T^T T"
It kills it before it finishes, though.
does anyone here use TDM DEV C++ for coding cause i have this issue with resource files
@sehe lol, right
people here value their sanity
well. maybe not all of them
:- pred hprop(bug, hprop).
:- mode hprop(in, out) is det.
:- mode hprop(out, in) is semidet.
@Ven logic programming is great.
tradie came and installed wardrobes in the bedrooms today
@AlexM. Completed Underrail? :P
@VoteToClose Coliru can only handle one request at the time. It turns out that waiting lines are not as much of a problem as you'd think since most programs finish in 1-2 seconds.
@ElimGarak no I haven't played any game in weeks
Responsible Alexandru <3
I just don't have 60 hours to finish underrail right now
And during peak times I get about 8 requests per minute.
altho I wish I had
that's the bad part about long games :<
Right now Coliru has about 2.8 request per min.
@StackedCrooked People in chat are trolls though. >.>
@VoteToClose Coliru was trolled a lot when it first came online. People tried to do the weirdest stuff. (Like the #include "main.cpp" guy, lol.)
But after a while they stopped doing that and just started using it.
\o/ Yeah, well, Nineteenth Byte has a tendency to do long-term trolls. :P
this makes my desk vibrate like hell
I can probably just dynamically make sandboxes.
well my mouse I can't tell if it's really the desk you get it
Oh, it's a code golf room?
hey @StackedCrooked
@StackedCrooked Yeah. We'll be running it in this room:
finally convinced Emscripten to allow me to include my parser and my lexer.
Are you into html now? :D
Emscripten, cool.
I just figure that it's easier to advertise tooling abilities when it's easy for people to see the tooling in action
@Puppy I do love dumping reddit links in general, though ;)
much better than that VS addin where you couldn't really see or use it for yourself
and at least here I'm using React and I'm relatively in control
@fredoverflow I do that a sometimes and it often annoyed DeadMG. He doesn't seem to be around anymore though...
@Puppy What is react exactly?
@StackedCrooked You're kidding, right? :)
Been hearing much about it lately.
@fredoverflow :D
it's a UI thingie for HTML&JS.
which makes writing them almost bearable
so the UI is written basically entirely in code, and the code structure is actually not shit.
> It's amost like I don't wanna kill myself!
considering that it's based on HTML and JS, that's pretty high praise.
You know you're bored when you wish the next mailing of C++ proposals was available .______.
put simply, React is the only UI thing I've ever actually liked.
Guess I'll just read the performance TR.
@ThePhD Does Bjarne love you yet, or are you only an annoying fucker in his eyes?
@Morwenn Well, when I tried to raise my hand to offer insights in class, he absolutely ignored me.
I thought maybe he didn't want to take questions... and then 5 other people went and spoke.
That's because of std::ignore.
@Morwenn Bjarne is his father.
So I think I've thoroughly annoyed him.
@ThePhD aww :(
That, or he knows you belong to the Lounge, a shameful community that drives people away from the anguage.
Although I must admit he might have made a wise choice there.
It could just be a misunderstanding.
Tell him that Javaskell is the future.
If it happens next class too I'm going to give up speaking in class, like I do with all my other classes.
Sure. He doesn't even know you. So how could he dislike you?
Silence is the best noise.
is this the bjarne guy who did C++?
bjarne: C++, I am your father
@ThePhD Erm, not really.
being disliked by him must be devastating to one's life indeed
@StackedCrooked Oh, I forgot to ask - does Coliru have a raw text backend for output? We might want to pull data from it in the future.
Not sure what you mean.
actually if I knew bjarne disliked me I'd be writing it on my CV lol
As in, is there a way to get program output via POST requests?
good conversation starter
3 days of entrance exams for a university starting tomorrow, wish me luck, guys :D
There's a simple HTTP API.
\o/ Coolio.
Dennis Ritchie always ignores my mails. It's annoying.
Dennis is dead @Morwenn.
That's the joke.
It'd be creepy if he replied.
If I got to ask Bjarne a question I would ask what exactly he means when he says he wants "code transformation" in C++.
Does he want Lisp macros?
C preprocessor.
In mexico they have tackoverflow.
@StackedCrooked lol
Type inference in 16 LoC: github.com/clojure/core.logic/wiki/…
@Morwenn Three words against boredom: Human Resource Machine
What's, conda, lvaro, matche, fresh ,...?
No idea.
The library is like most libraries written in untyped languages: poorly documented.
@fredoverflow MMORPG is only one word.
@StackedCrooked He probably wants external tools that transform old code into new code.
what do you mean? C++03 into C++14?
Ah. Like how Intel's frontend decodes x86 into risc instructions.
Bjarne also did the operator dot proposal. I think he aims to disconnect object/relational modeling from member data storage.
codepuppy.co.uk now offers live parser errors as well as lexer errors
i want this because of reasons
@Puppy does it also offer no errors?
if your Wide code has no errors in it
@Borgleader Morning!
@Borgleader how expensive is it compared to regular water?
doesn't matter, you only want the bottle anyways
o yea
@Xeo I wonder what use such a... weird shaped... bottle has.
I forgot
Do you have to std::forward when returning stuff?
next task: offer outlining as well
@ThePhD depends?
that's gonna be le tricky
@Xeo Normally, I would just return some_func( forwarded_stuff );, but I have to do some post-call cleanup so I'm doing decltype(auto) r = some_func( forwarded_stuff );. Wanted to know if I should return std::forward<decltype(r)>(r); at the end. Oh, and the return for this function is decltype(auto).
@ThePhD hey :)
Do actual compilers (i.e. GCC and clang) optimise under the assumption you never type-pun with unions?
I have some existing code that does it and I want to know how dangerous it is.
it's very bad.
type punning with unions isn't just silly in terms of being UB, it's also thoroughly pointless.
@sehe Aww, now I hafta make a struct and stuff... :<
You can rip SCOPE_EXIT from folly.
@ThePhD Also, wtf, 1 line of code: struct _ { ~_() { do_stuff; } } hook;
@sehe Well, I have to grab some context too for the function call.
needing scope_exit almost always means you're doing it wrong
struct clean { lua_State* L; clean(lua_State* L) : L(L) {} ~clean() { lua_pop(L, sizeof...(Keys)); } } c(lua_state());
lambdas are good at that
@ThePhD well, yeah, with a bit of plumbing you can make a class that executes your lambda on destruction
@Puppy Except when it doesn't
@MadameElyse I don't understand any of that.
I... think I have that somewhere already.
Oh. I forgot to std::decay in there.
@ThePhD the name is silly ;) But yeah
> scoped_destructor
Somehow that sounds weird..
Beat you
I don't recall if destructor is a name that's taken.
It's completely silly.
otherwise I'd just call it destructor.
Oh boy. That's even worse
it's a scope guard
@sehe I have yet to encounter or have described to me any such case.
@Puppy Oh. The usual puppy argument. Since you were the one with the claim, /why/ do you think "needing" (you must have meant: wishing for) SCOPE_EXIT means you're doing "it" wrong?
Destructors could be considered a scope_exit.
@ThePhD maybe. Though trigger is pretty unclear
I guess scope_exit really is the best name.
@sehe Because they serve exactly the same function as a class, except completely non-reusable.
And sometimes that's exactly what's required. I assume you think lambdas are only needed when "you're doing it wrong". Because exactly the same logic applies
@Puppy auto reuse_me = [] { return on_scope_exit([] { /* do the thing */ }); };
the thing that lambdas express is inherently non-reusable to begin with.
resource cleanup is re-usable anywhere where you use that resource.
@Puppy they express functional abstraction
@LucDanton They express local functional abstraction
it works fine at namespace scope
it does, but it's also not very useful- usually a regular function would do just fine.
I mean you can turn the reuse_me above into a function, I didn’t mention it (until now) cus I assumed there is a limit to your stupidity
@Puppy It depends. Who mentioned resource cleanup in the first place
@Puppy Right. Puppy has been asleep for the last 4 years of modern C++ development?
@LucDanton look at me I'm an awesome function object
@StackedCrooked ... W-What is all of that stuff?
The macros are at the bottom.
I guess I must have been, can't say that I see people using namespace-scope lambdas instead of named functions all that much
There's some machinery for "success" and "failure".
FAIl and SUCCESS seem... weird.
is that for the case where an exception is thrown/not-thrown?
SCOPE_FAIL requires hackery.
I only use SCOPE_EXIT in practice.
@StackedCrooked wow. Why not overengineer if you can o.O
> See folly's codebase for the codes.
I took that code from folly.
... I can see that, they're messign with the cxx ABI itself.
@Puppy Look at any c++14 library that uses generic composition
Can't they just check std::uncaught_exception or w/e?
@ThePhD uncaught_exceptionS! :p
@ThePhD more geared towards atomic update/rollback I feel
@ThePhD No- unfortunately, that's not the same thing.
@StackedCrooked Yeah. "Folly" is what came to mind when I saw it :)
This is the cppreference example, which is... kind of what all that macro stuff is for?
unwinding due to failure and unwinding with an uncaught exception are two different things
inb4 you can't do better than just terminate anyways
you mean like if (fail) return;?
Well, they do have a boolean in the very very very base class... so maybe that's what they're using it for.
@ThePhD to disable it manually, I thought
@Puppy how else can you end up in "unwinding due to failure" except with an exception?
@melak47 You can't, but you can unwind with an exception without unwinding due to failure.
right..what? so don't do that when you want to use scope_guards to guard your transactions or whatever
don't use a scope guard to guard your transactions.
that's just manual resource cleanup.
if you don't have the new uncaught_exception_count jobby, use execute-around, and don't permit other forms of transaction entry
execute-around is interesting in non-C++ langauages
entering a transaction is a generic problem, and if you have to remember to write the scope_guard every time you do it, you're just duplicating critical logic.
perhaps also in C++
RAII isn't just about destruction- it's also about construction.
@Puppy Alf taught me that.
Pity he's gone.
scope_guarding the transaction doesn't tie together starting the transaction and commit/rollback in the way that you need.
ok, yeah guess I can see that.
Scope guard can have some unexpected consequences. It's not the same as having a try-catch block. It does its thing during stack unwinding and the stack unwinding just proceeds after that.
Sometimes the failure case isn't going to be reused, tho: how it is handled here is different than elsewhere, or maybe you are writing the one spot where all X (say, transactions) go through and here is where the failure logic is codified. Or maybe you are modifying legacy code, and it was doing manual cleanup: scope guard/at scope exit lets you lift that code out of the cleanup section and allow multiple exit points without goto.
Without moving the code out of the function in question.
> Gender bias in open source: Pull request acceptance of women versus men peerj.com/preprints/1733/…
people actually write papers about that kind of stuff
Of course. TBH, it's a lot more productive than all the underbelly tweeting
(or can be)
@sehe that’s amazing, I can’t get my underbelly to do shit
I'm going to have to scrap traverse_set and instead codify that a std::tuple for Key does the deep-traversal instead...
@LucDanton Maybe underbelly is a dutchism
> Men also experience a significant drop in PR acceptance rate when their profile is gendered and they are considered outsiders, but this fact is completely glossed over in the text.
I wonder if having cute anime girl avatars on github alters your PR acceptance rate
You couldn't, because than you'd have conflicting interests
At least we have empirical evidence that Tomalak G. has been perceived as (far) more sympathetic using female avatars
yeah but his fans were mostly indians
@AlexM. so?
@sehe s/gas/has/? or did i miss a joke?
not now borgleader
I think lrio using his real face would influence PRs positively
@Borgleader fixed
@AlexM. I'm not sure he does PR's. But at the very least it would not improve his goodwill here on the site, IYAM
Oh fuck me I can't even begin to figure out how I'm gonna do this...
Okay... deep breaths.... I can do this.
I can figure this out.
I got this in the bag.
how peculiar, my kitchen smells like chicken stew
but I didn't cook
When you put 'fat' & 'her' in one word, what do you get, what do you get?? You get 'father'
so father is really just a fat her
@AlexM. Ahahah, that should play at all clubs :D
honestly partying back in high school only felt right when we'd switch to gipsy music
lovely atmosphere combined with great food
romanian folk songs were also great in those circumstances
pretty much anything other than mainstream pop and w/e
WTF. I didn't know Eddy Wally died.
I think I knew. And promptly forgot
@AlexM. on magnetic tape. Mono.
@stix If you can't write a proper question, I fear I won't find time to write a proper answer. Here's your answer though: boost.org/doc/libs/1_60_0/doc/html/variant/…sehe 17 secs ago
Bad posters are arguing a lot lately
This one too
@sk099 what on earth did "btsyaaa" come from now? — sehe 7 mins ago
today is pizza day
Zo kennen we je weer
@sehe woot no I just like it better
> Cock.li — Yeah it's mail with cocks
Oh cool. I became Mod on livecoding. Shame I don't really find time much lately
> Sorry, this content isn't available right now
> The German procesution office in the city of Zwickau has seized two of cock.li's hard drives, about 3 weeks apart, resulting in the total loss of mail storage and everything else stored on the server. I've restored the service from a backup of the user database, but since there was no database replication I cannot enable registration on the existing domains without risking account impersonation by those that register someone else's missing account before the actual owner does
Highly professional
> Can you recover my account / mails anyway?
No wtf, pls stop asking
What would you expect from a site called "cock".
:good job:
@MadameElyse no professional services
Not: professional services done wrong
Anybody wanna play Factorio
So.. do you think Hillary will win?
That'd be hillarious
@sehe just tested the link; works fine.. it's a facebook video
@StackedCrooked No. I also don't think she won't.
I'm indifferent.
@KhaledKhnifer you need a facebook account to view it
Nice one.
not everyone uses facebook
> Indonesian Muslim women take part in a protest against the celebration of Valentine's Day in Surabaya, on February 13, 2016. Muslim clerics across Indonesia have warned against celebrating Valentine's Day, which they regard as Western celebration that promotes sex, drinking alcohol and drug use.
now the thing with facebook videos like that one
is that they're stolen from more accessible sources
so you can just search for the vid elsewhere
you're welcome
stupid facebook
I'm bored wat do
> Rachel claiming sexism is a cop-out move, it sounds like she can't handle being critiqued and instantly plays the victim card. To confirm this, I looked her up. After checking her pull requests here, I found out that Rachel hasn't actually made any substantial pull requests.
@StackedCrooked Ounce every weekend
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper It almost looks as if the wardrobe led into another room. :)
> Hello, I have some brief feedback regarding your bar charts in this manuscript. I am concerned that your bar charts are visually exaggerating effect sizes because they start at 60%.
I need a new project.
Make an OS in leshak
@MadameElyse Your new project: Finish one of the old ones.
@StackedCrooked Why?
@StackedCrooked Thanks Japan.
@StackedCrooked Educational video clip.
I love that they are using some kind of bash tutorial as the stock image for computer stuff.
At least they don't use the 363.23.745.421 IP address as an example.
Wow, I didn't even know about the $[3 * 4] syntax.
@MadameElyse lol
@StackedCrooked wtf is wrong with those video clip makers
previous_release="$(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)"
    git log "$previous_release..HEAD" --format='%B' \
    | grep -o 'BLA-[0-9]\+'                         \
    | sort -n -k1.5                                 \
    | uniq                                          \
Finds YouTrack issue IDs in commits since the latest release.
TIL a new Bash syntax from the Basement Jaxx.
I wrote this at work yesterday and it's really useful.
Release note generator.
Git is great.
I like the sequence of grep sort and uniq.
I often end up using that too.
printf '%s\t%s\n' "$fixed_issue" "$(ruby -e '
    require "json"
    print JSON.parse(ARGV[0])["field"].select{ |x| x["name"] == "summary" }[0]["value"]
' "$json")" >> "release-notes/v$new_version"
I know nothing about git though.
^ YouTrack JSON responses are annoying.
They use arrays of objects with a name key and a value key.

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