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I contributed to a FOSS project with C code.
How was your day Mr Applebaum?
great went hiking
probably sunburnt
Did nick hike as well
what about yours
t’es arrivé en Chine à pied?
not too bad
but, I am somewhat tired
stayed up too late last night
not doing anything particularly noteworthy today
> Il avait pris la fuite peu après le vol de 52 kilos de cocaïne au 36, quai des Orfèvres : un «indic» surnommé «Robert» a finalement été écroué
@LucDanton je cherche le jeu de mots
Sep 8 '15 at 3:42, by Luc Danton
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva ah, alors t’arrives pas à pied par la Chine du tout
jerry de mon message précédent
@MadameElyse it's not supposed to rebase anything. That would be Hg or git
Yes, I know.
Let me clarify for your pedantic mind.
@HubertApplebaum moi aussi
@MadameElyse :allears:
Bitbucket is bad at dealing with commit history after a rebase.
Wow. Commit history ~after a rebase~ is ~just commit history~
It shows the wrong commit times.
It shows the time of the rebase.
o.O how on earth.
What does git log show? Sounds to me you do the rebase wrong or have some iffy config settings
git log shows the correct times.
Oooor you mistake a bb "activity list" for "branch history"
This probably it. I completely disregard bb UI. It's just a way to encloud the repo
For that matter, I also disregard gh UI. And gitlab UI. In general, I disregard GUI
@HubertApplebaum your avatar makes me happier
The smile, likely
Oh wait, +1100.
I also disregard timezones
Thanks ticket queue, now I've missed my train :(
Can someone explain to me why the 2nd version fails? offhand ive no clue why. (VS2015 Update 1)
@Ell Should've been a ticket priority queue.
Funfact: regular queues are just priority queues where the priority is the inversed time of enqueueing.
(Considering what I'm passing that should be an l-value ref in both cases)
@Borgleader In the second example, type for Container is deduced as &
@HubertApplebaum Ohhh its a reference collapsing thing?
so all i need is a remove_reference
Not sure it's reference collapsing exactly, it's the deduction rules
Maybe @Luc can explain
he'd have to be able to see my message first :P
well he did unplonk me eventually I believe everything is possible
@Borgleader Container will deduce to some_type& if you pass an lvalue
You need remove_reference
(and potentially remove_cv, the composition of which we call unqualify)
wow Xeo has me plonked or is he repeating what I said for fun
oh wait, somebody answered
I mouse-overed @Borgleader's message, saw no replies, and replied.
@HubertApplebaum Deduction rules make it some_type& &&, collapsing makes that just some_type&
Ah ok, so when I have an l-value ref Container is T so it works, but when I use a universal ref I end up with T& hence the problem.
and T& && collapses to T&
wait so if it's not decay what is it
decay works
I'd just use decay
decay is fine too, yeah
I'll re-read that chapter in Effective Modern C++ it seems I didnt fully grasp everything
hello everyone, i need to understand a c function . can you help pls?
of course with pleasure
thanks a lot. im not a c programmer but i need to convert a c function to a shell script in unix. Can i paste the function here?
Can you not ask on Stack Overflow?
I mean, thats what it is there for
@xGen sry I don't know shell
yes. but most probably it will just be downvoted as it is to understand the function :( thats y i am checking here .
No need to convert . just need to understand the meaning
so then post the function.
shitty code incoming
#define MAX_STR_BUF 50

/* Function: str2long */
/* Desc: Determines whether the input string is a valid */
/* long integer (in the mathematical sense) and */
/* writes the converted version to output variable */
/* Input: tempStr- string to test */
/* length- expected length of number */
the comments explain exactly what the function does???
dude, you could just have posted just the function name
instead of a wall of code
Sorry :(
lol if I was doing comments like that
Can you edit it please?
I wouldnt have time to write any code
I can write the function just given the comment mate
don't know why you need to understand the code
yea the comments are pretty explanatory
This function is to convert a data string into a long integer
yes that is correct
i am sorry to put the entire function here
Can i know the meaning of few lines?
if ((other = (char*)calloc(1,length+1)) == NULL)
this one
do you know what calloc does?
it allocates a memory with the given space.
just googled for few of these keywords
and the other = .... assigns the result of calloc to other
and then a check is performed if other == NULL
I didn't even need a ticket after all :V
oh ell oh ell
My platform was before the ticket barrier
Though that might not have been the case had I not missed it
ok so it is checking if other variable is null?
So who knows
@xGen yep
its a little confusing because of the assignment occurring in the if statement
can you tell me in what scenario it might be null?
when allocation fails
ie never
the scenario in which I boot help vampires for fun
> On failure, returns a null pointer.
its all in the docs really
programming is as much about writing code as it is about research in understanding code
a lot of things can be found by a simple Google
like the kick button, which you clearly need to find more often ;p
Yeah i know. i actually did some google. but no luck in understanding the logic. Anyway i ll try it again
u try ur best but u dun suced
Botany awaits all the lost souls.
I wish I hadn't refunded neo scavenger
I could have gone through a successful career in botany there
botany :P
I'd pick up buttany anytime
Cat and I are now following each other on GH so you could say that our marriage is practically official
I wonder how cat is like during sex
I think he wonders that too :P
one more guy thinks the same
Feb 19 '15 at 1:55, by Cat Plus Plus
Lounge Sex Tips Corner: it is a good idea to shout "COMMENCE DOCKING PROCEDURE" every time you do it
@TonyTheLion lol
@HubertApplebaum lol
@HubertApplebaum lolwat
reminds me of that tip with the girl on top
starting to swing her head around screaming THE ANTICHRIST HAS AWOKEN
how does that remind you of it
just to spice things up eh
@HubertApplebaum what you don't see anything in common
both are inappropriate :<
there's this really great soup here but they use whole chicken legs in it so I have to take each out place on a separate plate then take off the skin and the meat and so much effort ugh
@AlexM. the second one is very appropriate
@fredoverflow Never heard of him.
@ElimGarak and then they wonder why their kids are messed up
@Borgleader This is going to come back to her later in life... For example, as a teenager, she won't desire a cabriolet/convertible.
back when I was a kid I used to think that sitting in front of stopped cars would make them turn on and run you over
you were stupid as a kid
I didn't even tell you the worst part
I also believed santa existed D:
for about 13 years or so
thx parents
that's just because you were being lied to
actually I'm honest I appreciated my parents for that
I am going to teach my kid there is a place on the internet called the Lounge where the forsaken go.
most don't bother trying so hard to make their kids believe in nice things like that
The scope of x in if(auto x = some_optional()) { } else {} is extended to the else part. So disappointed :/
for that long
@AlexM. 13? wow, i think at 9 that was over (prob 7 though)
I am not a clever person
or you have very convincing parents
To the dismay of my parents, I stopped believing in god at 8. Not that I believed before, they just carried me to church, so I had no choice.
@ElimGarak When all is lost and hopeless, you come to Lounge<C++>
@ElimGarak I used to read this fun book as a kid
it was like the bible but written for kids
whats that dark place over there? go there if you need love, kinky kinky love
there it is
so much good deeds on one cover
"here let me give you some vodka so you can die happy"
I was thinking the same
some muslim taking the vodka from a binge drinker dying on the beach
allah knows best
If you could zip between places via safe teleportation, but your naked body rematerialized 1-2 seconds before your clothes, would you still use it? Under the condition you can only rematerialize in populated areas ayyy.
maybe someone would notice me and afterwards asked me for sex
wishful thinking
wow this cabling D:
Teleporter.exe has crashed. Meanwhile, you teleported to the US and you're butt naked.
@ElimGarak I'm still wary of "safe" teleportation :D
recommended win10 update rolling out this tuesday it seems
it's a pretty crazy move I don't understand how it's ok
thank for reminding me. gotta fix the update setting on my grandmas PC
yes do it
there's this option in the update menu that lets you get recommended updates the same way you get mandatory updates
I figure lots of users turn it on since they're "recommended" and thus good
not sure they're even aware that they'll switch to win 10 this tuesday
what's win 10
the shock must be huge
@AlexM. "Something happend"
@AlexM. thats sexy as hell, but i would never have the patience to do that
the guts of my PC are kind of spilling out the side at the moment :(
@AlexM. i dont think it will install it, well it'll definitely download the thing, but i dont think it will install it automatically? pretty sure you get a prompt first. youre in for a big surprise if you absent mindedly click through it though
im a bit surprised at how aggressive MS is in moving ppl to Windows 10
@Borgleader it will install it automatically that's why it's posted on the internet by everyone :P
yes it's pretty obvious there's something in it that's not very nice
hi lounge
@Borgleader it started automatically downloading it just in case you decided to click yes on the nag screen last year
> While the upgrade process starts automatically, existing Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users will have to choose whether they upgrade to Windows 10 or not. Windows 10 will automatically download and start the upgrade process, depending on your Windows Update settings, but you can opt out and not receive nagging prompts to update. Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users on a metered connection will have to turn off automatic updates to prevent the Windows 10 installer from downloading automatically.
I'd dual boot linux and keep windows for the games only but holy shit even that is non trivial now
users will have to choose whether they upgrade to Windows 10 or not sauce
I read crap like fast boot and uefi and shit I don't know what that is
really how did computers turn to shit so fast
they were so easy 8 years ago
uefi is just this a bloated bios replacement
fast boot is some kind of hybrid hibernate on shutdown
@melak47 well its not like bios was less of a mess, afaik its a proprietary thing that ibm made in the stone age and which everyone else had to reverse engineer since
how you have mouse pointers! fancy graphics! bloooaat! :D
Uefi adds support for GPT which is good
Also "secure" boot
I'll tell you the source of these problems
it's because everyone has access to technology
because php developers have access to technology : ^)
just got an answer accepted, two years later. cool.
Also uefi is cross platform
Bios is an x86 standard
the new doom looks great but I hope you can turn off the death animations and stuff
just wanna shoot things
don't get why devs do this who is it for
Also uefi gives the feature of being able to accidentally brick your mobo by deleting filesystem nodes hhuehue
like are there people in this world who say "you know what I don't have enough of in my life, close up of my intestines flying around"
Nah that's a driver issue
@AlexM. it's a way to share love
@AlexM. they loved those in the reboot tomb raider, too
I want to order food tonight
what are you gonna order?
@melak47 ugh yea
it's the reason I didn't play it
Nothing like meeting a millenial who thinks Cerberus was invented by BioWare.
@ElimGarak the name?
@melak47 Aye, he thought it was original.
I fancy a chinese
@Ell hardware bug
what's the lounge up to?
@melak47 oh ffs its not bloat, navigating those other menus sucked. :P
What's a hardware bug? O.o
lol variable swapping as a service
> Why would you enter programming contests ? You like solving problems and showing off how smart you are. Most overengineering I've seen is people trying to be clever about solving all potential problems they see and overgeneralize to cover hypothetical scenarios. This rarely pans out the way they planned in real world and you're stuck with massive complexity burden, missed deadlines, etc. for no practical gain.
true dat
it's easy not to go to places where there are programming contest crazies
just don't get a C job
What would C have to do with "programming contest crazies"?
C is the primary language used in programming contests
Programming contests are usually based on algorithm knowledge, not fine tuning.
they say it's C++ but nothing from C++ helps there
yea sure
@AlexM. If the contest is run by fucktards
it's fine tuning because of memory and time constraints
note that by programming contests I mean things like IOI and equivalents
not smaller scale contests
@AlexM. You are describing a very poorly designed programming contest.
@fredoverflow what I see happen more often is that people underestimate user stupidity and other incoming data and write code that doesn't handle those cases for all sorts of reasons.
Stuff like Google Coddejam doesn't have that nonsense.
You can use any programming language.
yes, that's true
The usual reason is that they have an incomplete understanding of what they are doing.
I was just describing the main programming contest in the world
They have some example data that they want to deal with, but don't consider any other possible incoming data.
The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) is an annual competitive programming competition for secondary school students. It is the second largest olympiad, after International Mathematical Olympiad, in terms of number of participating countries (IOI 2014 saw participation of 84 countries). The first IOI was held in 1989 in Pravetz, Bulgaria. The contest consists of two days of computer programming and problem-solving of algorithmic nature. To deal with problems involving very large amounts of data, it is necessary to have not only programmers, "but also creative coders, who can dream up...
also probably ACM's contest for college students
I'm not familiar with that one
ACM has C++ as the top choice in programming languages.
(But they also support C and Java)
fwiw I may have exaggerated a bit in the end algorithms are making the most difference but knowledge of the language and optimizations are required
wtf, why do you need powershello attach to process in VS2015
e.g. the thing I posted some time ago where not using C++ streams to read the input file made my program run 5x faster because of some weird thing that I forgot about that I did not use
@Borgleader powershello? :D
@AlexM. That's the opposite of everything I have seen.
Usually they give you like 10X buffer time for these programming contest problems.
@melak47 powershell
Well, at least for ACM and google code jam.
whaddya mean. Debugging -> attach to process?
I need to go outside to buy coke
I forgot to add it to the order ugh
hows that involve powershell
They design the time limits to catch people using n**2 instead of nlog(n), not to catch inefficient implementations.
@melak47 idk, hence wtf
@Borgleader does it spawn a power...shell? or what
@AlexM. go and found COCK (Coke orders coming kwickly) (or CAAS. Coke as a service.)
@melak47 "PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio requires at least Windows Management Framework v3, which you do not have installed. Would you like to download now?" <-- this is what i get when i click on attach to process
@AlexM. I do agree with you that programming contests are quite artificial. In the real world, writing high quality, maintainable code is more important than getting that nlog(n) implementation most of the time.
@Borgleader huh.
I guess the answer is "yes" :D
though I've not gotten that prompt before, and I usually don't select any extra options in the VS installer...
@fredoverflow I call BS.
lol, Bitbucket shows you who's looking at your pull request
@MadameElyse How do they call it? Stalker detection?
I do not know.
@melak47 Well i removed the powershell extension (i dont remember installing it in the first place)
lets see if that helps
ok it works now

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