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"I want to begin with a broad observation: there's a gender pay gap among full time workers around the world"
Bringing up this ^
Which comes from here
@Shoe Do you have the source?
Which again divides the median wages of male and female which is not an indicator of a gender pay gap
So many confounding factors.
@Lalaland It's literally one message above
@Shoe Oops.
That site has surprisingly few details.
@Lalaland That's exactly what the video is about. This is the big, broad picture - straight up median income men vs women by country. He then goes deeper and talks about what the current state of research is on what exactly those confounding factors are, with details and sources.
Also "men work more hours than women... actually they don't, they work more paid hours than women"
Gaps: The gender wage gap is calculated as the difference between median earnings of men and women relative to median earnings of men. The age wage gap is calculated as the difference between mean earnings of 25-54 year-olds and that of 15-24 year-olds (respectively 55-64 year-olds) relative to mean earnings of 25-54 year-olds
What are we talking about here?
NVM, I found the details.
@Shoe He's talking about housework.
@Shoe Childcare.
@EtiennedeMartel How is that relevant in any way
We are talking about discrimination in the work place, not house work.
@Shoe Because taking care of the home and the kids is still seen as a "female" activity, so women have less time for paid work.
@Shoe Our society exerts social pressure for women to be in child caring roles.
Lol, libstdc++ still has problems to handle abs.
@Morwenn No wonder it couldn't handle me.
I sometimes feel like abs is the hardest function to specify.
@Lalaland I don't think this is true anymore, but even if it was... so what?
Bleh, booking flights is annoying
@EtiennedeMartel So they work less...
And more expensive than I feel it should be.
There are interesting questions about gender pay gaps though. Why do so many women go into low paying fields? Or is that fields women go into become low paying?
Which actually validates my point
@Lalaland That's actually such a cool question
The research on that is awesome
@Shoe Got any proof to back that up?
@Lalaland Turns out it's a bit of both, but mostly the latter
@EtiennedeMartel No, that's why I prefixed it with "I don't think"
@Shoe In the US, sometimes only mothers are given maternal leave.
That is in essence, social pressure.
And a concrete fact.
Again... so?
@Shoe Also it's a problem. Men don't spend as much time doing housework and childcare as women. Why? Shouldn't it be split 50-50?
They are free to not make that choice
They are also free to not have kids
They are also free to keep working and hire a baby sitter
@Shoe Yep. But they are a little less free than their fellow men who cannot get parental leave.
They are free to give the baby to adoption
They are free to not carry out the pregnancy
@Shoe The point is women don't work fewer paid hours because they are lazier, they work fewer paid hours because they are expected to do a disproportionate share of house work.
Ah, the whole "freedom" argument. You know, societal pressure is a harsh mistress. Sometimes it forces you to do things, and it even makes you think that's what you wanted to do in the first place.
I agree it's a little tangential to the point he's making there, but he's trying to put ice on comment trolls
@Jeremy Who ever said they work fewer paid hours because they are lazy?
he's trying to put ice on comment trolls
It's kind of the raison d'etre for the video (see: intro)
sup lounge
@Jeremy I have actually recently heard an interesting theory that the gap is partially due to men racing into high paying fields.
Start by talking to your company's human resources department. Many employers are required by federal law to allow their employees (both men and women) 12 weeks of unpaid family leave after the birth or adoption of a child under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Can memory mapped files be allocated contiguously?
People were talking about how during bubbles, usually men have the largest shift in employment (towards making more money).
Taken from here
Evidence was the Dot Com boom and increasing nursing salaries.
@VictorLopez not sure what you mean
So tell me again how men cant get paternal leave, please.
I have a question for the community
Is a hungry man free?
what does '13 mean?
@KhaledKhnifer 2013
@Lalaland If it was paid, then you would not have that excuse to explain the pay gap, right?
@Ell The man would have some freedoms. And could have essential freedoms.
@milleniumbug C++ allows a maximum file size, under Windows, as far as I've researched, around 1 or 2 GB for both x86 and x64, larger than that there are allocation errors.
@Shoe What? We are talking about how company policies towards leave encourage women to take up more childcare duties.
You brought up the fact that women work less paid hours by saying that they are the only ones to have maternal leave.
If maternal leave is paid, how would you explain the less paid hours again?
Nah, that wasn't my argument.
@Ell No. In fact, they're generally fairly expensive.
well that would mean I answered a question from 2013, I see
My argument was all about social pressure.
I think the (non-)freedom you're bordering on is always present and tends to get ignored for that reason (even a non-hungry man is under obligation to do things in order to stay alive)
@Lalaland Can you show me some document describing this fact that women get a paid leave and dads don't?
@Shoe Also, that law has very strict requirements. A lot of people do not apply.
@JerryCoffin suddenly, a jerry pun
I like you
@Lalaland Both women and men
@VictorLopez You can around that if you directly use the API.
1 message moved to bin
@Shoe Looking up some stats now.
Eek, wage gap discussion. At least it's between the opposites of SJWs this time.
@EtiennedeMartel The social pressure works both directions--in quite a few cases men take jobs they don't like as well (but which pay more, have more room for advancement, etc.) largely due to social pressure--and often more specifically pressure directly from their wives.
@VictorLopez on a 64bit system the limitation should not be APIs. I've mapped multi-terabyte files
@EtiennedeMartel Could you narrow it down a little? Some specific statistic or some specific document? That page refers to many documents of 100+ pages each.
@JerryCoffin For me, that's the same issue.
@Shoe I think the point that @EtiennedeMartel and @Lalaland are making here is that there are societal pressures pushing on all sides for women to put in more (unpaid) time at home. You're right that any individual woman may have the ability to resist that pressure, but this pressure is what makes the big picture look the way it does.
@Jeremy So wait, is it unpaid or paid time?
Because each one of you is saying something different
It matters a lot while considering the pay gap.
@Shoe preparing kids lunches, cleaning the home, making breakfast/dinner, taking the kids to sports practice, picking them up from school...
Disproportionately done by women.
:28546175 lol :P
@Jeremy Do you have stats to back that up?
Because from the experiences I've got that's not how things work
There is my evidence.
lol united states
26% no paternal leave while only 5% no maternal leave.
And more maternal leave at every level of duration.
With most paternal leave being only 1-2 weeks.
@Jeremy Ok, how that does prove the pay gap exists?
gender gay gap
@Shoe Wait what? Are we changing gears now?
Let's all stop for a second and let's define what we mean by "pay gap" before we go even further and some smart ass comes up with his own definition like "there's a difference in the median annual earnings between male and female".
@EtiennedeMartel It may or may not be the same issue, but at the very least it's a different side to it.
@Jeremy What gears?
We are talking about a video on gender pay gap.
@Shoe So, do you accept women do more housework now?
@Shoe You asked for stats proving that women did more housework than men, and I provided it, but now it sounds like that's not sufficient.
Yeah, what Etienne said.
Perhaps. It's not relevant.
If they earn less because they do more "unpaid" work then there's no pay gap.
@Shoe It's relevant if social forces coerce women to have more housework.
And that might explain the difference in the median.
stackoverflow.com/questions/20785687/… Come on. It's a bloddy auto d = duration_cast...(...)
@Shoe Difference in salary between a man and a woman who fulfill the exact same position and perform the exact same amount of work of the exact same quality per unit of time.
@Lalaland Let's say this is true.
@Shoe The point of the video is that yes, this explains some of the difference in the median, but not all of it.
@Lalaland What if the social forces are actually generated by the women in question?
The actual research done to establish this gets technical very quickly.
In effect, they do exactly the same thing. The only difference is their gender.
@Jeremy No no, the video explicitly claims there's definitely discrimination in the workplace.
What's this discrimination?
@JerryCoffin Then the discussion gets more complicated. But I think things like biased company maternal/parental leave are pretty straightforward.
How do you prove the discrimination?
@Shoe this is true
@Shoe Statistics.
What statistic?
@Shoe The video goes on to say that even if you take all possible factors, all possible data sets, throw them through whatever fancy statistical whatevers, there's still a pay gap of about 4 to 8 percent that's not "explained" by those factors.
It's possible there's some other factor we haven't thought of yet that explains some part of that remaining 4-8%, but we don't know what it is
What you do outside work is none of the company's business and should not influence your salary.
@Jeremy Where does this 4-8 percent comes from? What source?
@Jeremy Also... and then he goes ahead and claim that that "unexplained" percentage is definitely due to discrimination.
@MadameElyse Even if hiring women is more expensive because they might request maternal leave more often then men?
@Shoe Why are you so quick to dismiss discrimination as a potential cause, by the way?
What if men have more hobbies than women, and tend to work more on their hobbies (unpaid work) then women do at home?
@Lalaland I have to admit I'm a little fuzzy about the concept here. You're saying that giving women paid time off that you don't give to men is actually discriminating against women?
What women do at home and not during work has no relevance here
@EtiennedeMartel I'm not dismissing anything, I'm asking for proof.
It's different.
@JerryCoffin It helps perpetuate the social requirement for women to take care of babies.
@Shoe If I was saying there were no discrimination, would you be also asking for proof?
If I believed so, yes.
@JerryCoffin In other words, it doesn't allow a balanced share of the burden between wife and husband.
@Lalaland IMO maternal leave should apply to both women and men, in case men get pregnant. It shouldn't be specific to women.
But even then, you yourself chose to have children and you should therefore suffer the consequences.
@MadameElyse You don't think we as a society should give some benefits to people who have children?
@Lalaland Says who?
Children are in the common good.
@Lalaland No.
What about sports men practice?
What about hobbies like chess, cards or whatever?
If you don't have the resources necessary to raise children, DON'T GET CHILDREN.
@Lalaland This seems to me a situation that the workplace is going to be not only accused, but also essentially "convicted" of wrong-doing, regardless of what they do.
@JerryCoffin Simply have equal leave for both parents.
there is individual level female discremination, social level female discremination, community level female discrementation, and country level female discrementation in goverment laws\policies
@Shoe Lots of analyses by lots of people at different times. It's a popular statistical pasttime, now. There are some studies linked on the wiki page
How to make sure people live a terrible life: bear them when you're broke.
Or even better, transferable/shared leave.
... great. Now they don't accept my IBAN. Whyyyy
@Shoe The difference is that society relies on having a next generation. A society without children is going to be a failed society very, very quickly.
@Lalaland surely you should let the parents decide
Any given raw wage gap can be decomposed into an explained part, due to differences in characteristics such as education, hours worked, work experience, and occupation, and an unexplained part, which is typically attributed to discrimination.[21] But, this can be further explained when you take into account that men are far more likely to negotiate for higher pay.
I love this
I think that's how it's done in the UK. I'm not entirely sure and I could just be making it up
but give the parents x weeks and allow them fight each other to the death for it
@Ell Yeah, "Or even better, transferable/shared leave."
Men are more likely to bring out the cojones and ask for more pay and negotiate better.
Oh I didn't realise you meant that
How is this discrimination
@Xeo maybe it's not supported ?
@Shoe It's just more indirect.
They specifically ask for it, IDGI
Researchers say women who do request either a raise or a higher starting salary are more likely than men to be penalized for those actions.
@Lalaland When there was basically no such thing as maternal leave, it was equal, but that was considered discriminatory too. Maternal leave was instituted specifically to eliminate what was seen as a discriminatory practice.
you can't just say "Men are more likely to negotiate for higher pay"
Am I talking with socialists here?
@Shoe Yes. Most people here are fresh from university, and universities are full of Marxist indoctrinators. Socialists went to universities because only capitalism works in industry.
you've gotta say, "Why are women not getting the message that they should negotiate for higher pay?"
@Puppy I just said that
@MadameElyse cool!
it's been too long since you've done any erlang, @MadameElyse
is it perhaps because we just stereotype women into accepting more passive roles in our society?
@Shoe Yes, do you know why? It's because that's called "ambition", and ambition is a male trait, so a woman who shows ambition is seen as trying to act like a man, and that's wrong!
@MadameElyse let macros
@EtiennedeMartel Ambition is a male trait? Says who?
says society at large, so women at large get the message
@Shoe Society. A man who shoves his way upwards the ladder is an ambitious man. A woman who does the same is pushy.
@Ven Outside the macro, not inside it.
I mean look
@EtiennedeMartel wat
@MadameElyse ah ok
all you've done is shift the discrimination to a place where it's harder to see
misread sorry
you haven't shown that none exists, or indeed, that it's of a lesser magnitude.
@Ven e.g. macro m { }; m(/* function, not macro, call */);
@Shoe Etienne is trying to give an example of how culture may/may not contribute to the problem.
I'm starting to see where this is headed
in fact, I'd say that your argument opens up the possibility that it could be far more severe.
@Shoe Seriously. You don't notice discrimination because it doesn't affect you. Go around. Ask the women you know about their experiences. You'll get plenty of anecdotes.
@MadameElyse let macros, that passes through when parsed as a call
@Ven for properties I could just do x["m"] instead of x.m but that's still ugly.
_$[(]($expr ...)$[)] or something
@EtiennedeMartel Discrimination doesn't affect me?
@Shoe Gender discrimination doesn't.
@Jeremy €760 net salary is so low I don't even care.
@Puppy From what I've seen, it's more the opposite: men taking roles they don't particularly want or like, but accept solely because it's what they need to do to keep their wives, girlfriends, etc., happy.
I've choosen one of the jobs that almost nobody considers a "true" job and which is considered nerdy and makes you look like a sad neckbeard man closed in his mancave
@MadameElyse Hungarian cost of living c.a. 2012
We all have our social pressures to not pick up certain jobs or hobbies (like dancing or whatever).
If you're salary is your cost of living then you're constantly broke.
That's no fun.
There are people that complain about it and there are people that do it anyway.
@JerryCoffin Same effect either way, really.
Because they have good friends or good parents or simply because they are morally strong
Everything comes into account.
@MadameElyse Oh, i don't mean that's actually cost of living monthly. I just mean cost of living in Hungary is quite a bit lower than (e.g.) Netherlands
@JerryCoffin Hence why I said it was the same issue. It pushes people to do things they don't want to do, all of that because of what is or isn't between their legs.
Ok. :P
Saying that social pressure is bad and everybody should stop saying that women are "pushy" (whatever that means) when being ambitious is simply stupid
@Shoe Except whether or not you have good friends or good parents is not an independent matter.
@Shoe Just because something has always been that way doesn't mean it's the best we can do.
@Puppy So?
and whether or not you are morally strong, whatever that means, is also not an independent matter.
Social pressure is bad.
@EtiennedeMartel I never said that
@Shoe So you're just shifting it around again.
Stop putting words in my mouth
@Puppy Shifting what up again?
We all born not equal
I was born as a better person than you.
And I still am.
It's a time-invariant relationship between you and me.
People are born with disabilities, people are born with cancer, people are born with any kind of discrimination
sadly, Elyse's parents never finshed her.
@EtiennedeMartel It's not anywhere close to "all because of what's between their legs". They want their partner to be/do something "respectable", and if they were lesbian so their partner was female, that wouldn't (from what I've seen, doesn't) change a thing.
Life is not fair
they coded another child instead
TIL people are born with cancer
@MadameElyse :(
Speaking of being born with diseases, why is the zika virus not a hot topic on the interwebs yet?
congenital diseases are just about the saddest thing on the planet
@Shoe None of those, however, are just made up by humans. And furthermore, when people are born with cancer, we don't just let them die, we treat them.
@Shoe Do you think we should work towards making it fairer, then?
@Puppy Who said we should let them die?
we threaten them
@EtiennedeMartel Making what fairer and how?
@Shoe Then you agree that in the case of this discrimination, we should act.
How do you make life more fair for a man that is borned paralized and is about to die in a couple of months of a disease we know all about except for the cure?
does a fair coin exist in the physical world
@Puppy That's not an example of discrimination
Well, it is, but from God not people
there is no God.
@Ven having the first part of my treatment tomorrow \o/
ok guys convo's over tl;dr shoe is now a cruscader for women's rights and equal pay
and we may not be able to fix all of life's unfairness right now
but that's no excuse for not clearing out what we can.
@MadameElyse good luck
This song is great.
Also talking to 5 different people is exhausting
Especially when they're all right ;)
I should reimplement the one at a time plonking mechanism
Search for flight DUS <-> WRO
Presented with flight DUS -> WRO, WRO -> Eindhoven (NL)
I've branched from different discussions to much that even git couldn't be able to keep track of what's going on
I don't see how gender roles are "just made up"
or what "made up" means really
@Ell Created my humans, not nature.
who is nature?
meh fuck it
@EtiennedeMartel Humans are works of nature, there's no difference.
@Xeo why are you going to Eindhoven?
If you are a woman and you feel like you are being discriminated against then go ahead and sue their asses.
I don't care vOv
@MadameElyse I'm not.
Humans are works of Allah you fucking racist.
in this case it's really irrelevant, though.
what matters is that humans have the power to prevent it, so we should exercise that power.
@Xeo Why is the city mentioned?
@Shoe And get branded a "professional victim"?
And yes, suing is not cheap, but there are ways to bring attention to your case for free if the story is really juicy
@MadameElyse That's what I wanna know.
@EtiennedeMartel Except when you win
What is WRO?
@Shoe I'm sure that having like 50% of your population all making the same case at the same time will make each individual case super juicy.
Then you are that "badass who won a bunch of money from people that were being stupid"
@Madame wtf happened to the minecraft map
@slaphappy I'll reset it soon
@Puppy The difference is that now you have to bring in concrete proof
I installed a temporary adventure map.
can I play it?
@Puppy I agree that humans have the power to stop wrong things in this world, but not in the direction we always look at
@Shoe The effect under discussion is a subtle effect caused by a billion different things in the minds of literally billions of people.
@MadameElyse :)
I'm not sure how you suggest that proving it in any individual case is feasible.
Are you guys also in favour of having 50% women, 50% men all all jobs
@slaphappy I guess. :P
@Puppy No, you as a single discriminated person you bring it to court
I mean how :/
statistically, that's highly improbable even with a true random coin toss.
@Shoe no.
@Shoe No. There are some jobs for which there are more women (and vice versa) who are skilled at it.
@Shoe That doesn't actually change the parameters, though. You can't reach inside the brain of a person who denied you a job and determine why they were denied.
most people when they end up at a hospital, they assume it's a natural part of life, they didn't accept the fact that they are there mean they have a failure
@Shoe Ideally, yes.
There's no "I feel like we cannot explain this gender gap, and we somehow accounted for every single variable but we somehow got 4/8 percent which doesn't turn up so it's definitely discrimination"
@Morwenn why
But it isn't something that has to be forced upon people.
@MadameElyse That... just changes the location of the effect, not what the cause is. You just have to answer the obvious followup question of "Why are there so many more women in some fields and so many more men in others?"
@Puppy what
I think we should have 50% black people and 50% white people also :3
If your male workers are actually paid more than you are for the same job then you have proof
@Puppy because one of those sets tend to be more skilled at it due to natural reasons.
@Shoe Gender distribution across all jobs should tend towards 50-50, as in most cases, gender is irrelevant for skills.
I'm going to leave this convo again actually
@EtiennedeMartel why
I think I'm going to leave too
@Shoe I mean, if it were naturally the case it would be cool because everybody's equal and stuff, but I wouldn't force people to hire with quotas to achieve the goal.
@MadameElyse Then I challenge you to prove that natural reasons are the cause.
And my sentence globally doesn't make sense, lol.
I challenge you to do the opposite.
@Puppy truthfully, I think it's because men are greedier.
They are more willing to chase money.
well, basically all of our scientific studies, ever, have shown very little difference in skill in most areas between genders.
@EtiennedeMartel What about race distribution? Should it tend to be equal too?
What about blue eyes vs green eyes?
@Shoe And it will.
genetics will see to that soon enough.
@EtiennedeMartel Why?
I think I just want to believe that education plays a bigger role than natural abilities in a modern society.
@Morwenn tole :D
@Morwenn Pretty much all the evidence suggests that natural talent has little to do with the success or failure of most people.
it's more about what opportunities you had, particularly as a child
@Shoe Because, again, they are irrelevant. In an ideal world people would go to jobs based solely on personal preference, and as such their physical traits would not be factor into it, which means it would be pretty much randomly distributed.
You are the one making it relevant
You are the one considering it
@EtiennedeMartel Well, I disagree. If you have a person who's born with no hands, they should probably not become a hairdresser.
@Puppy Until we develop cyber hands.
@Puppy And if this is indeed the case, then having equal distributions of people everywhere would mean than everybody has the same opportunities. And I'm all for that.
however, it's more than a little hard to believe that women are, on an industrial scale, incapable of programming a computer.
You can take any subset of the people and it will never be that all types of subset will represent the same distribution
@EtiennedeMartel In which case, I totally don't have a problem with it.
Gender and races are just subsets that you arbitrarily choose
@EtiennedeMartel why make cyber hands if you can just make cyber hair!
@Shoe Arbitrarily? They're not arbitrary. Otherwise there would be no racism.
Just like the color of the eyes, or whether you write with the left hand and right hand
@Shoe It's not arbitrary; they're the largest.
@EtiennedeMartel So (for example) in what percentage of Olympic sports where men and women carry out exactly the same tasks (running, swimming, bicycling, etc.) are the records for those tasks being carried out by women competitive with the identical tasks being carried out by men? Last time I looked, that percentage was within close striking distance of zero. Granted, most jobs aren't sports--but most do involve more physical activity than many (most?) people realize or admit either.
damn damn daaaamn I forgot to include some case in my fmap thing and lost a loada marks :V
arguably, people may be discriminated against for being left-handed, and indeed, some people do suggest that.
@Puppy No, people that have both arms is larger than any of those
Now I finished 8th in the class
@JerryCoffin Hence my "in most cases".
@EtiennedeMartel Hey, racism is a bit arbitrary.
@Shoe Yes, but nobody discriminates against anybody because they have two arms.
Says who?
Also why does it matter when considering the size of a subset
well, you could argue that millions of people are discriminated against because they have two arms.
@Shoe I don't see why gender should be an important factor. What I want to see is 100% skilled people, regardless of their identities.
Is {1, 2, 3} larger than {2, 3}?
@Shoe Because we have a finite amount of time and energy and should focus on what could bring the best result.
@Shoe I'll just ask this straight: which point are you trying to make anyway?
@MadameElyse Me too
@MadameElyse That's got nothing to do with it.
@EtiennedeMartel Yet the reality is that in essentially every case where we actually measure things, we find that there really is a difference--yet somehow, we decide that in every case where we haven't measured that there must not be any difference at all.
@Puppy I don't think there's gender discrimination
And if there's it's a small amount
@Puppy Which part?
Not in western countries at least
@Shoe Hence why I told you to go ask women.
@MadameElyse The most skilled people.
Why not?
You want the job done well, not crappily, so you need skilled people.
@EtiennedeMartel My mum and my granma say they were not discriminated against
because it's perfectly possible to discriminate against people by just not giving them skills.
I have a lot of female friends. They have all faced discrimination in a point in their lives. Whereas none of my male friends did (except those who are gay).
instead of giving them skills and then denying them a job anyway.
And why are we talking about personal experiences now
@MartinJames worst nightmare warning, truly horrific!
It's irrelevant
so you can easily have a shitload of discrimination without violating the most-skilled-hire rule.
@EtiennedeMartel I too faced discrimination
You don't give skills at all.
People thought I was nerdy
we certainly do.
You hire people who already possess the skills.
@Shoe Because you mentioned your mum?
They acquire the skills somewhere else.
@Shoe We're talking about gender discrimination. Just because you've never faced any, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
@MadameElyse Then they can just be discriminated against somewhere else.
@EtiennedeMartel My point is that everybody has something to whine about
the fact that it occurs somewhere else doesn't mean that it doesn't exist or that it's not a problem.
You just give one topic to a person and they will whine about whatever comes to their mind
@Shoe That's irrelevant.
Which is typically in school, and the last time I checked people weren't discriminated based on their gender into any secular schools in any of the places I care about (the Netherlands).
if I shoot you in the face, the fact that I also can complain about a scratch is immaterial.
If we were to go around and ask the same question to men they would tell the same thing
@Shoe Oh so now it's just "whining"? Can you sound more arrogant?
what matters is how many people and how serious the problem is.
How is that arrogant
Everybody whines about something
You dismiss the issues that a subset of the population face as "whining".
and in this case, we're denying massive sections of our population the opportunity to contribute to our society and lead good lives.
@EtiennedeMartel No, I'm saying that asking people for their personal view on the issue is not relevant
@MadameElyse Then I gotta ask why the Netherlands doesn't have 50% female computer programmers?
You're not even stopping to maybe consider they might be legitimate issues.
Because everybody will complain about something
@Shoe That depends on how many people you ask.
@EtiennedeMartel I feel like they are not
@Puppy Not really
well, certainly.
People tend to be terrible witnesses
My point is: you can't know if women are discriminated against if you don't ask women.
we'd never achieve anything if we didn't just ask people shit.
statistical studies can certainly involve just asking people shit.
you just have to ask enough people and control for other factors.
asking people is certainly a legitimate experiment when carried out correctly.
@EtiennedeMartel My point is: even if I did I would not have a proof of that
@Puppy Not about something subjective
@Shoe Indeed, you would just keep moving the goalposts until it is completely impossible to prove, and then you'd end up being right.
You can ask how many people they live with
You can ask how many jobs they had
How many days they worked and so on
@EtiennedeMartel That sounds, frankly, next to unbelievable. The notion that a significant number of men have never experienced any kind of discrimination is, to put it simply, utterly unbelievable. At least part of what you're seeing/experiencing here is clearly a matter of perception--specifically, that the men involved don't perceive discrimination, even when there's essentially no room for question that it's happening.
@Shoe Certainly you can.
All of these are verified facts
for example in physics
the Higgs Boson discovery could have just been completely random chance.
but we calculated how likely that was and below a certain point we just said "Fuck it, it's real".

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