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@HubertApplebaum thanks, I had been looking for something like this
and it won't fuck up warning-free builds :D
I might as well ask but do you also have a module loading (i.e. dlopen etc.) lib to recommend while I’m at it?
@jaggedSpire -isystem :|
kay what happened to the inline code styles, it looks different
@LucDanton Just noticed it's also listed on loungesome-cpp
@LucDanton stuck with VC++....wait. I'm doing C# when I have to use MSVS. I'm free. I'M FREE!
@HubertApplebaum never heard of that
I'm unable to make memory mapped files work under Windows 10. Linux works fine but not Windows :(
@VictorLopez You suck
starts dancing around
@LucDanton Are you looking for something that can load the C++ ABI?
Or are you going to extern C everything?
@Lalaland that’s fine but not necessary
@LucDanton yeah it's ugly
hi I was just wondering the difference between using a double* and just a double?
@Rapptz yeah but positional arguments are eeeeeeeh in a lot of cases
@milleniumbug oh the original one seems better
@HubertApplebaum Are you able to do so?, actually I'm running out of ideas. I even tried by using file pickers and thought it was because of unicode paths.
@milleniumbug ...why is MSVC listed as an actually decent cimploler
@LucDanton damn, that's not the reaction I expected
oh well
@milleniumbug more=betterer
is it to be cruel to newbies
because I am on board with that plan because I am in fact a soulless monster
@jaggedSpire I'm not satisfied with this, but there was a vote
@VictorLopez No reason why it shouldn't work, what do the error codes say
What do they quietly whisper in your ear
@HubertApplebaum tl;dr
@HubertApplebaum Microsoft C++ exception: boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector‌​<std::ios_base::failure> > at memory location 0x0018E498.
for too long don't read
well walk the stack I don't know
@ScarletAmaranth not to mention the whole IEEE 754 NaN thing etc., what if someone wants to have something similar in a UDT etc.
@milleniumbug and a majority of people in Lounge think it's a good compiler?
I always wonder about what are you talking about when you start talking about things I don't quite get because they did happen or quite before I was born or just very deep into the Internet jungle.
Right now only the subset of lounge knows about this
okay a search for MSVC2013 in the chat logs is about 1/3 me swearing eternal vengeance/generally hating on MSVC2013. I'd thought I was in better company
So I pretend it's funny and try to imagine that if I close my eyes and really, really wish to understand, one day I will know.
You are part of lounge, you too can make a comment in the issue "discuss compilers"
@milleniumbug <3 will do
I quite get that Microsoft is dropping support for Win32, sandboxing Windows applications now in the new fashion and scoping into the new APIs.
@ScarletAmaranth I also remembered this recent paper on comparing, which suggests amonst other thing using something like total_less(x, y). I tend to share the feeling, it’s not the superficial syntax we care about but the semantics. So forget about <, ==, ! and so on, let’s use words (in a Prophet-affiliated fashion of course)!
@milleniumbug how many sockpuppets are allowed per person in order to skew votes?
can we vote on that
Ah, Github, the Open Source place.
I'd prefer none but my words won't deter you so yeah
@milleniumbug actually, @Morwenn raises a good point that it presently has experimental support of features that other compilers don't, AFAIK. Some of its implementation is unforgivably behind the times, but most of the parts that are well and truly broken aren't commonly used by the average programmer, I'm pretty sure. Of course, this might be because MSVC doesn't implement it...
I don't actually know what the average C++ programmer is like
@VictorLopez I don’t like spoonfeeding, but this isn’t that obvious: try e.g. boost::diagnostic_information
no free noodles
when cicada is president, there will only be expensive noodles. Vote cicada today!
I'm hungry
std::exception::what: failed create mapping: The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.
: iostream stream error
I'd say go through the syscalls with the windowsy equivalent of strace
But does going from json to something else really count as "parsing"
well, originally you just said string
to_robert("totally json folks trust me on this")
Ok, it works now, but only if there is a file already created with content inside it.
That'd be to_robert(std::string) but there's also to_robert(json::value)
robert is a versatile man
I'm so bored
and feeling oddly depressed
@jaggedSpire The argument is only valid as far as the experimental features are relevant to you, and it doesn't mean much. BTW I need to clarify the scope of the loungesome project, but that's a task for tomorrow though
@Rapptz bikeshed
to_robert should take const std::string& and const json::value&
gotta sleep
can never avoid parameter passing
where did life go wrong
@Rapptz play gaems
@milleniumbug so basically, only use it if you don't use the more obscure features of C++, or if you want to use sketches of what future features might look like :P
@VictorLopez argument passing in C++ is almost a flamebait topic
make your json lib easier to use
you torturer
boy I'm hungry
what's hard about it
@HubertApplebaum you are the master baiter
do you want dynamic typing and type erasure m8
@Rapptz Always having to check types and producing traces
It's extremely annoying
@HubertApplebaum are you writing serializers/deserializers?
I'm sorry C++ is statically typed and has UB
what do you suggest though
I want auto robert = get_path<bool>(json, "is.your.mom[0].fat")
@LucDanton yes
oh implicits
@HubertApplebaum also, to_robert should take in consideration if, for example, generic data types, why not using to_robert<int>(data) where data is void*?
that’s a good place to introduce a 'types don’t know #' approach
Cicadas don't know <how to code>
my lib does use types don't know #
before that talk was even a thing
so you’re saying Hubert sucks
hey I watched that talk too you guise #
maymays will be banned
@HubertApplebaum btw I know you totally copied your nick off my Norn and I despise you for it
also, what kind of return type are we talking about?
So many software engineers in "to catch a predator"
I was thinking of implicits
as I like to call them
@LucDanton I don't even remember it, what was it?
where things just werk™
but I got demotivated p. hard
it'd actually fix Puppy's issue
@Rapptz yes you know like useful software
things just werk in the lib too ya know :'(
theeeeeeeeeeee problem is operator[]
@HubertApplebaum it’s awesome to the point it must have influenced you subconsciously
@Rapptz I almost immediately thought of Microsoft's IJW term
well, I've added the standard quotes to my answer
@LucDanton undeniably so
hmm, robert[/*probable datatype*/]
@Rapptz yes but it's painful to use as-is, actually
I had to write plenty of json_utils::rapptz_no_good_design wrappers
when I use it I don't do a lot of is checks
does this mean I am a casual
I do the yolo approach
yes you don't write ~~actual production software~~
that has to stay up
@Rapptz lol
yesssss my tag score is finally updating properly! 2/3 of my way to a bronze tag badge for c++ :)
my thing has been working
for 3 years
well 2 actually
3 years ago it was in python
it's losing stars m8
that must mean something
@Rapptz don’t you have a Lua thing where you had to roughly speaking design the same thing?
auto bert = new robert("very");
auto ro_json = bert->to_json();
@LucDanton I did
holy fuck useless new warning
the Lua one is a lot more complicated
@VictorLopez terrible
it’s syntax again
more, really. I've got three more upboats since midnight
why the new why the member function
what syntax
it's implementation
I'm talking about implementation though
the implementation of operator[] was more complicated than the json one by miles
i.e. plugging the hole of not having operator[]=
What scares me is the std::to_robert or plain from the class.
so how would you go about types don't know # with json
it's json::dumps all the way down
rn I just recursively chain to_json
@Rapptz am I allowed to specialize that one
it already does it
I designed it like Python ._.
m8 it's C++ anything can be UB
mutation-style algo.member("foo", x.foo) and so on can work, maybe
shit man making me get out the C++ compiler
I'm already feeling down today
Or for example,
#include <future>
std::promise<robert> robert;
std::future<robert> bert = robert.get_future();
@Rapptz die you cis pus pus scum
Seems like a promising future for robert.
victor are you serious now
@HubertApplebaum no he's Victor
@Rapptz would you object(hah) to an API that had something like set(thing, "foo", val)
then no operator[] cleverness
nice setattr friend.
@Rapptz is that relevant?
same exact thing in Python
yes, but is that relevant?
urgh dump has a EnableIf
forget it
I guess not
It's just not really C++ like
@HubertApplebaum lemme show you what I mean
calling a function?
@Rapptz I feel like I’m missing something
Are we talking about robert tuples?
I used to have jekyll on this machine but it went away, that’s weird
@LucDanton I guess I am too :|
We're talking about x["foo"] = 10; right?
Do I want to know what robert tuples are even?
set(x, "foo", 10) has all the information to do the job, no?
@Shoe p sure you do
it does
@HubertApplebaum I do?
I don't
I’ll grant you that it looks like something else, which is why I asked if you’re against it
robert["bert"] = to_robert(robert);
@Shoe well your wrong
who is this robert and why has he obfuscated all this code
sorry sir
@LucDanton The reason why I'm against it is because it reminds too much like setattr & co. in Python.
Knowing that robert is a dynamic datatype how will robert define robert datatypes?
Which have a heavy association in my mind with dynamic attributes.
There are non-dynamic attributes in python?
The = operator?
@Rapptz m8 we could be having the same discussion with some_map.insert(x, "foo", 10) vs some_map["foo"] = 10
I know
It's just a matter of syntax at the end of the day
inb4 oh no syntax
@Rapptz righto
not the syntax
I knew he was going there lol
Maybe I should just call it table.single_get
I've started noticing it lately that syntax seems to be bashed around here T_T
I’m not against operator[] cleverness, it’s just that it’s EDSLy where things look like they do one thing
it’s a design choice
@Rapptz specializing your dump sucks
Can we have explicit operators from keywords?
operator bool
@Rapptz so what I do is have a semantically-precise set(x, foo, val) and then I alternatively provide syntax-sugar for operator[]—the trade-off being that you then get the whole shebang with proxies etc. which can sometimes rightfully frighten people
woop woop
it’s up to you what you want (just the one thing, both, or even none)
I should get kahlua and join the Lounge drinking club
how do you add an entry to an object btw?
How is rapptz not bored by this conversation
Even I am
fuck I'm stupid
Hrm nevermind...
@ThePhD tempted anyone to the dark cat side lately?
I forgot a very very important constructor
@jaggedSpire No, I've been good. :<
@ThePhD Don't worry, I believe in you!
main.cpp:10:74: error: 'operator robert&(std::ostream&, const std::vector<T>&)' must be a nonstatic member function
@jaggedSpire This worries me.
@Rapptz according to your docs you can only set the attributes at construction time, is that accurate?
for what
@ThePhD why would my belief ever do that :3
@Rapptz I misread :(
@jaggedSpire sobbing begins
@LucDanton ah we were talking about jsonpp lol
@ThePhD :P did you see/have you seen the shiny cicada posted?
it’s as + regular map operations then right
Aww fuck jagged made me forget what I was thinking about.
@Rapptz ya
@ThePhD sorry
@Rapptz gold
@LucDanton yea
@ThePhD you were thinking about corrupting the souls of the innocent, but we've since changed topics to a subset of that: c++

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