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Is there a backwards variant to "e" in vim, like "b" is to "w"?
The Poutine Week is slowly getting international.
3 restaurants across the entirety of Europe. It's a start.
Isn't that the asserted logo of Periscope? Ah, different color signature.
@Ven ge what you looking for?
@EtiennedeMartel Hmm....and it's quite close to my house, no less.
@EtiennedeMartel I have to ask: what the hell is a poutine
You already know that.
@slaphappy Checking out from work, I'll be home around 8
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm gimme
@Ven That kinda looks like delicious cheese.
I should rubberdikk a thing, but too lazy to type the text
@Lalaland would you rubberduck in this room?
why did you delete? was accurate :)
@JohanLarsson Even I have standards for the crassness of jokes.
I just ate whole table of chocolate. >_<
@Lalaland But what about those jokes that aren't crass enough to meet your standards? Have you given any thought at all to how rejected they must feel? You are clearly cruel, thoughtless and self-centered.
never heard crass before today
@Ven but... but... why??
@milleniumbug SCIENCE.
@Borgleader swap the fries with some meat and I'm in
> During the call of the function FindFirstFile(), symbol < gets replaced with *, what means the regular expression mask of any amount of any symbol. But there were found cases when such behavior does not work as expected. To ensure proper replacement to symbol *, two symbols << should be used.
@Ven ge
:help e also
"Hey, Dom, I have to pass this thing on the 2nd of February, something to write in the C program. I already know the basics, so if you could help me see how the pieces of the puzzle fit together, I'd appreciate it a lot."
Knowing people is bad for my health.
@Borgleader Free money, basically. :P
@Xeo Theres another variant where you swap gravy with spaghetti sauce. Its even better (imo) :)
@sehe Nice!
@CatPlusPlus lolololol
@CatPlusPlus Is that a Windows function or a VCL function?
Youtube comments be like ..
Why would you think it has anything to do with VCL
Let's see if I can fly this one under the radar
It's WinAPI
@ElimGarak I spoke to the advanced Computer Graphics Professor today. He started talking about the course and said things that made sense, but then he said "Differential Equations" and my mind just kinda zoned out. q_q save me
@ThePhD Why is it such a surprise to people, always? :D
@CatPlusPlus Because I used it when I used the VCL; wasn't sure if it was used elsewhere or not. Also, because I expect that kind of terribleness from the VCL, but not necessarily from Microsoft.
@ElimGarak It's not, but.... I don't know HOW deep they expect my knowledge of ODE to be.
Does VCL even have free functions
It's all components
@sehe I think I just followed you on Twitter
for a programmer, sehe sure tweets a lot about politics and social stuff
maybe he is... dare i say it
@ThePhD If you're going to be doing advanced graphics, really deep. But you'll be running into PDEs, as well. It might be prudent to get on top of calculus, vector calculus, signal processing and statistics. :D
> Advanced Computer Graphics
That's just to name a few, of course. :D
Avalanched Computer Graphics :D
Jan 16 at 2:34, by Jerry Coffin
@AlexM. A lounger failing to recognize that he's abnormal? You'd better see a psychiatrist immediately. :-)
kaffo KAFFO
Arg, it's impossible to follow twitter conversations.
RIP my spelling too.
Om nom nom, home-made taco. Delicious.
@sehe Who are you accusing of performing motte and bailey type games?
@Borgleader Ça fait au moins 7 ans que je suis pas allé à la banquise
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix moi ca fait "juste" 3 ans :)
any idea what to do when I can't go back home with my wife because Canada isn't giving her a visa...
pas mal
Oh, that reminds me.
I can turn in Furrovine for one of my classes and basically get ezpz credit.
But I think I'm going to save that for later.
@ThePhD Which class though?
The intro to C++ class?
Worth like no credits?
@Lalaland Topics in Software Engineering
@ThePhD Wait until you start chasing the masking/shadowing function for energy conservation between the macro (deterministic) and micro surface (stochastic) used in specifying the modern BRDF (As proposed by Torrance in 1967). :D
@ElimGarak .... M-Maybe I should take the course some other time...
Well, he proposed a V-cavity model which has since been superseded many times over.
@ThePhD Just bite and don't let go :D
@ElimGarak I mean... if I drop it now. I won't be able to take it ever again. It's only taught every 2 years...
... But on the other hand, failure is not something I can... do...
@ThePhD failure is not an option..
failure is mandatory
Fury X2s are still not out. :(
@JohanLarsson I am surprised how little people are motivated to do their best instead of just giving into immediate failure when things dont go as expected.
@Nathan Well, if you have limited resources, why not invest them where you get the most bang for your buck?
@Nathan I-I didn't say I WOULD fail, it... just looks hard!
Calculus is my weak point...
@ThePhD that's what she said
Imagine that there is a crest of CG knowledge at the bottom of the ocean and your submarine's hull is made out of your understanding of calculus.
@ElimGarak ..... We're fucked.
@ElimGarak didn't know you started doing drugs
cg = computer graphics?
@JohanLarsson Celestial Gem
@ThePhD Just pick up books and work on it :D
@ElimGarak Yessir...
@JohanLarsson AKA: Adventures in realistic shadow rendering.
@ThePhD well if you really struggle with calculus, then I guess remember that C's get degrees....
@Nathan He want's to go to grad school.
So GPA is probably of some importance.
I forward all my calculus-related problems to my lady, so I'm safe there
@ElimGarak how high are you
@Lalaland for a masters in.. Computer Science?
@Borgleader 197 cm <3 More like 196.5
or something else?
My lady promised to get me high one of these days. I've been an upstanding citizen thus far. :/
@ThePhD i've raked million a credit by handing in shit I made years before taking the classes
@Nathan Yeah, probably that.
speaking of uni... I'm basically almost pretty much nearly done
need to finish me thesis
and that is pretty much that
@ScarletAmaranth I'm trying to do that as much as I can these days.
I am gonna be so masterful of science
@ThePhD it's the way to go
I found the most dangerous calorie bomb
they look small and inoffensive
but 300g of these = 1400 cal
Can't wait for PhD to come face to face with these. :D
@ThePhD my shitty raytracer got me an insta-A for a CG class, I didn't even have to write finals
@ElimGarak those are relatively simple analytical surfaces o_O
1400 cal is > largest mcdonald's menu
@ScarletAmaranth Unfortunately I did lots of work on my Raytracer after my first CG class was over.
Maybe it'll go over better for my second CG class.
@ScarletAmaranth Visualization of a few spherical harmonics (only the real part)
@MadameElyse What a provocative title :)
@ElimGarak Ah, the electron orbitals.
> functional oriented brogramming
Hi fellers!
@Lalaland Yes, they're used to model electron orbitals. Also, gravitational potentials. And also, they can be used to model lighting. :D
sup ruben
Have to take a shower and shoot some people in GTA V.
@rubenvb how have you been
@JohanLarsson what else exists?
hey what are the best books to learn java?
any recommendations?
@Nathan Gang of four
lol no
Also no
@Nathan here
not sure java is the language of the future
@JohanLarsson gneiss
@ScarletAmaranth Wut :O
@JohanLarsson Java might not be the language of the future, but it's being used on Android and android isn't going to die anytime soon
@AlexM. 300 grams of this = 270,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ergs, same as 300 grams of anything else.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix ok, you are probably right
Yet, I wouldn't recommend learning Java unless you want to develop for Android..
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix yeah I have the android developer studio on my laptop... but It need java. and I heard java is where most of the money is at...
@ScarletAmaranth Working in real life
@Borgleader some (imho reasonable) profs let you pass a class without bullshit if you demonstrate knowledge with an interesting project
I'd say mentally challenged but that would not cover the charge.
@rubenvb what is your day to day job?
@Nathan well if you're looking for money, better look for anything you like. I make a living with python and javascript
@fredoverflow lol
@ScarletAmaranth Currently I'm an SAP (System Analyst Programmer) at a young company
I'm supposed to work with a "C++" (by which I mean C++CLI) code base that was written over the course of 1.5 years by a single programmer.
@rubenvb sounds a bit pretentious, but better than "architect" :P IIRC you studied physics? - ever considered getting a physicist job?
I was hired for C++, but it's really .NET, but it doesn't use any of the .NET "standard library" (collections, etc., only string).
@ScarletAmaranth Well, it's a title. I analyse systems and think about how they fit in code. Well, I will, I just started.
Next step will be actually putting them in code.
C++CLI ?... somebody really ever used that?
I thought its only use was wrapping C++ in .NET/C# or vice versa.
But apparantly you can write real code in it.
And apparently C# is evil.
So you use these ^ and * as ?
I don't use these. the code used these. Since it's .NET all the way through, I'm planning on just using c#
@MadameElyse I haven't watched it yet. Is it worth watching?
But I don't have a clear idea where I need to plug things in.
Well, as far as I remember you don't have choice with strings, you can only used managed pointers (^)
@fredoverflow I don't know. Probably not.
@JerryCoffin that's hilarious
Currently, "devices" will be inserted as database tables containing function names and they're supposed to be called from there through special constructs the programmer thought up.
@rubenvb The square peg goes into the round hole.
@rubenvb P sure Microsoft said that much
At least ^ doesn't lead to half-assed lambda-predecessors in ObjC called blocks.
It doesn't really work the other way around, it's just bridging existing C++ code to CLR
Currently its a dense heap of well, C++CLI that in itself does very little.
I remember how this char ^ is the most stupid char for programming... on a french keyboard you have to type it twice... and you might end up writing â by mistake
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix You can use plain ol' std::string or any other C++ class in C++CLI.
Fix yer layout
But if you need the .NET functions, you'll need to create ref classes (^) somewhere.
ah if you use the std::string then I guess no need for managed
There's no reason to use anything other than US international with maybe AltGr/Compose for programming
But it's really all ref classes.
Not making your own keyboard layout is like using editors on default settings
d u m b
I've thought about running away very fast a couple of times.
The boss feels the same, but he invested too much to just throw it away
But I shouldn't be discussing this in public I guess.
@CatPlusPlus ¬_¬ I beg to differ
lol, people branding mods and plugins.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix yeah and the money the job opportunities and corporate investments are in silicon valley... not necessarily where I live. After a few years of an internship or so, I wanna see what silicon valley is like...
for the most part
@thecoshman Translated strings don't belong in the source
@ElimGarak ergh... well...
@CatPlusPlus sure they do :D
yeah, go on
damn, I find myself agreeing with cat now - something has gone terribly wrong
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix ^+space :p
Dead keys are annoying
First thing to get rid of
luckily, I don't have much use for ^´`. 'xcept murkdown...
@melak47 ^_^ it's a great character
boy I am hungry
@Puppy girl, you best eat something then
I just did
but I'm still hungry.
Then keep eating.
Here in the Lounge, we fix problems.
that is my intention.
in fact, I'm going to go back and prepare more food right the fuck now
We also create several other problems, but at least we fix some of them.
@ScarletAmaranth Man, I wish teachers at my Uni did that. Im sure I could have skipped a class or two.
@EtiennedeMartel pretty self-sufficient.
sub errno-location(--> Pointer[int]) is native is symbol($*KERNEL eq 'darwin' ?? '__error' !! '__errno_location') {*}
:D :D :D :D :D
wait no that was the other way around
That's interesting, considering half of Earth's population is female.
@EtiennedeMartel Its so fucking cold outside today, i had ice in my beard by the time i got to work D:
@Borgleader I always have ice in my beard in the winter.
I cover my face when I go outside with the collar thing
it gets really wet because of my breath in there
but it's warm
@fredoverflow I was expecting better arguments
Also 38:43 is just evil
inb4 I'm violently promoting short functions
@AndyProwl Why exactly does the presenter think longer functions are better?
@Borgleader I skipped CG, assembler and formal verification this way (only FV I consider myself reasonably good at, the rest was just the case of "one eyed is the king of blind")
Less code scattered over the place?
@Lalaland Fear of getting lost in sea of small functions, surface vs. volume metaphor, etc.
I'm usually lost in a swamp of long functions
I think we should all just quit programming
fuck it
also lol at his strawman about OO requiring no references to be passed around
hello, guys hope you are having a good day
actually mine's being terrible so far
like the past 3 or 4
lol the same I guess
saturday was good
but before that, it was again shit
and it looks like the next 3 or 4 days, if not more, are also going to be shit
anyway sorry for being such a leech, do any of you understand synchronized threading ?

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