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I am slowly starting to like the more recent microsoft APIs; is this a sign of age-induced brain degradation?
@ScarletAmaranth More liikely substance abuse. Are you being poisoned without your knowledge?
@MartinJames Let me introspectively review recent events to perhaps notice some previously-unseen clues.
Is there a reason why std::function is a library thing rather than a language construct
@MartinJames Noooo I don't think I'm being poisoned really. I've been making my own food and drinks almost exclusively for the past few months.
@ScarletAmaranth Maybe an undiagnosed allergy then, or an auto-immune disease. I am allergic to WaitForMulitpleObjectsEx().
@MartinJames Mmm... I had my allergies tested a while back. Only linux-for-everyday-use allergy showed up.
@ScarletAmaranth Yeah, that's very common:)
I've really tried on numerous occasions to cure myself of the said allergy... with little success tho.
@ScarletAmaranth There won't be any lasting cure until linux apps work after installation without manually fixing all the missing/outdated libs, chmod/chown etc, (ie. never).
@MartinJames If you can even install without manually fixing something :-\.
Lol installing linux apps
@ScarletAmaranth lol
lol drivers
The good news is its finally starting to get simpler
GPU drivers for linux are JOY
The bad news is they're 40 years late. \o/
"Oh, you have this distro with this version and this revision. Please compile your driver from source, here's how: step #432 - and you're done, enjoy."
I like how on my plain Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 install, I could literally just plug in an HDMI cable and that shit would make things display on my new monitor ASAP, no problem.
No drivers installed yet, Windows update never run, etc.
the one reasonable argument I consider very valid is that Linux is free
@ScarletAmaranth lol, one advantage of closed-source - if it's not supplied, nobody can make you waste a day building it:)
@MartinJames lol ^^
.. only to have the link fail after 23 hrs of compilation:(
I will admit that building native stuff on linux tends to be easier tho; many a build-guide for win starts with "install cygwin"
@AngryLettuce yes, in that it can be a library thing to begin with
that weighs in heavily
Anyone here know how to make PuTTY
try all SSH keys, not just the first one loaded?
I'm having trouble where SourceTree just picks the first SSH key even though I have multiple loaded for the work/hobby accounts.
@LucDanton Don't know why but it feels kinda weird to have a language construct that can be stored in a library construct
@AngryLettuce you can store ints in std::vector!!!!
Not what I meant you silly
ints can live a life on their own
lambdas not
@AngryLettuce they can though
@ThePhD I use my SSH keys per-machine. I think that's better than per-account.
@LucDanton Not outside of auto robert = []().... no? I mean as actual verbols
lambda is a "function literal" similar to how 42 is an int literal; not to mention that in C++ they directly translate to a function object - why can they not have a life on their own?
Notice my precise usage of clear vocabulary
@AngryLettuce what’s not actual about that one
You can't store them in, say, a class member
you can
has GOT to be
the STUPIDEST application when it comes to Auth EVER.
the only weirdness about lambda expressions is the restriction on unevaluated operands, other than that closure objects (and their type) behave as you’d expect
Try SmartGit.
@AngryLettuce example
you suck
@AngryLettuce if you care about the actual expression then the usual factory([] { … })
e.g. std::make_pair([] {}, 0).first is such a member
@AngryLettuce nail in the coffin (okay that’s a GCC extension)
Nailin' Jerry [NSFW]
@LucDanton what is this sorcery
@AngryLettuce we call it… C++
Luc d'Anton knows random GCC extensions by heart it seems
@ScarletAmaranth hey I’ll reuse that one
I dunno, literal closure types is kinda old hat
hence all the pfultz huffing and puffing
What's the new thing?
@LucDanton I like it
@MarkGarcia concepts
I don't even care for concepts as much as I used to - I really need faster compile times (with modules???)
It seems concepts makes compile-to-error faster.
@ScarletAmaranth and if that doesn’t help, we’ll add more things!! until everything goes faster
I want my compile-to-success faster
@LucDanton yeah we've been vehemently adding more things for the past 2 decades, now everything is just blazing fast
oh that reminds me, reflection so far in C++ has been not nice to compile times
I'll need to replace my HDD for an SSD soon it seems; linking 10kloc in 30 files for over a minute is getting old
@MarkGarcia They make errors clearer also
@AngryLettuce well, they say that
Note that making errors less clear would have been difficult anyway
brb groceries
> caputered
your whole point invalideted
dat flag
@ScarletAmaranth consider writing fewer bugs
@AngryLettuce oh it becomes even easier (and much more useful) without the capture
@sehe what are you talking about - my code, is of course, flawless; just adding new features takes a long time to compile!
Consider adding fewer features
wtf. consider giving up coding :P
Hello, world!
SslStream is hard.
Encrpyting data is hard.
life is strange.
@ThePhD Let others do it.
That's what SslStream is for.
But that doesn't make using it any less of a PITA.
I don't even know what is that.
.NET is one of the reasons I like programming languages with case-insensitive identifiers.
But SslStream takes a stream and operates on a stream.
It's SSLStream, not SslStream, goddammit.
then, mark is right, let others do it :D
I want it to operate on just memory....
Maybe I can force a memory buffer of some sort, I dunno
@ThePhD Of course it is. Only a moron would make it monolithic. (OTOH only a moron would call it SslStream instead of SSLStream so.)
@ThePhD Use an in-memory stream.
@MadameElyse Practically what security libraries ought to cater for: morons. Don't mind if it's monolithic.
.NET has std::stringstream equivalents.
I wonder if MemoryStream will copy...
... WHATEVER not my problem.
XMLHttpRequest is the funniest.
It combines moroncase and nicecase in a name that makes totally no sense at all.
Which one is moroncase?
XMLHTTPRequest doesn't look nice though.
Good guy C++ and snake_case.
This is too fuckin' hard.
@JohanLarsson Http
@MarkGarcia It does. But even then, it has nothing to do with XML. It should be called HTTPRequest.
How should AJAX be properly called?
I don't know at which level
MSXML2::IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr pPrefixAttrMap = spNode->Getattributes();
if (pPrefixAttrMap->getNamedItem("name"))
// the encryption should be placed
Where do I intercept this.
... Probably at the Socket level, I guess...
How i change the value of the name?
@ThePhD Quick, edit that with // the encryption should be placed!
@MuhammadRaza Well it's really hard to change society's view on things, including names.
> SecureAsyncSocket.cs
Here we go.
@MadameElyse I moroncase it and don't feel bad about it
Also, WTF MS branding everything not their own with "MS".
Perl 6 generates command-line option parser and usage info from the parameters of main.
sub MAIN(Str:D $file) {
    my $ast = parse($file.IO.slurp);
    say translate($ast);
@JohanLarsson all lowercase! no discussion about what to uppercase and what not to
% perl6 -I lib bin/emerald
  bin/emerald <file>
@Mark Garcia Sir, How i change the attribute value?
@Xeo only in chat :)
<file name="D:\\TestFolder\\Client\\LocalOldFile"/>
In other news: Kicking now notifies all room owners including who was kicked and by whom. No need to make a scene out of kicking anymore. All the relevant personnel will be notified.
@Xeo I’ve been meaning to grep for all outstanding using MisguidedNotQuiteBjarneCase = … in my code to burninate them
/cc @R.MartinhoFernandes @Puppy @sehe @JerryCoffin @Rapptz @TonyTheLion @Mysticial @Xeo ^^
thanks nerd I'm already lurking
I can read
@MadaraUchiha yay
@Rapptz I would not have known
I'm always watching
@MuhammadRaza Stack Overflow's the proper place for those kinds of questions.
@MarkGarcia Its not easy one?
@MadaraUchiha Can't remember anyone making a scene out of kicking before? At least not outside potential complaints by the kickee (which won't change a bit right?)
@MuhammadRaza I can't find the proper API. Also, I hate COM stuff.
It's good that room penalties are streamlined a bit
@MadaraUchiha Can we also get a massively instrusive ticker tape to shame the perpetrators pls
Oh I forgot CatPlusPlu- wait he's not a room owner anymore huh.
the damage is already done
@LucDanton BINAC (Bjarne Is Not A Camel)
@ThePhD was he ever
Ugh, [ has no <= and >= for strings.
@MarkGarcia Sir, So what is the best and good library for xml read, write and change?
@AlexM. ...
@AlexM. He was, for a very long time.
Then I think he RQ over.. something.
must've been before I joined
@MadameElyse Is '[ your new language of the week?
@MuhammadRaza Come on. Is google down?
@sehe No. Perl 6 is. I generate code that uses [.
@sehe hey all I've seen about cat and RO is how much he doesn't want to be RO
don't blame me for not being born earlier
[ is awful.
@AlexM. Oh thank goodness you changed your avatar.
I should read up on [[.
when will C++17 be released in theatres
> Travis CI and Modern C++ (genbattle.bitbucket.org)
oh boy
@sehe I remember a fuss about it in the JavaScript room, some room owners wanted for anyone who kicks to explicitly say in the room, so that there's no confusion
Also I'm not sure whether I'll make 0 or 1 true in Emerald.
let's test out the feature
Also, when a RO goes rogue and starts kicking other room owners.
who wants to be kicked
@MadaraUchiha ok
Maybe making 0 true and anything else false is a better idea than the opposite.
someone kick me
let's go
will I get the notification on who did it
I was born ready
kicks ex-Alex M. 2
did anyone get a notification
@MadaraUchiha Makes a bit of sense. Thanks for clarifying. (Clearly, we're not the worst for room for drama yet, despite repeated reports to the contrary
@Rapptz I did. What was that for
user image
@sehe I wanted to see how it worked
Pfft. Flags and kicks are not for playing, remember.
wow did you just kick me for no reason? power abuse wtf
@MarkGarcia Sir understand thank you very much.
this fucking nazi mod
Hmm, that confirms that mods who are not in the RO list also get notified if they're in the room
see totally not useless test
I thought you meant that indeed /cc @Rapptz (that was not very nice)
@AngryLettuce You're now forever marked.
@MarkGarcia Nah, bans mark you forever
@Rapptz Assuming people can't/didn't test things in the sandbox
Kicks don't really leave a visible mark
p sure I have the most suspensions in this room anyway
r u jelly bras
p. sure cicada doesn't care heh
@AngryLettuce I'm not so sure.
(gave consent too)
@Rapptz Cicada is not a mod
@sehe I dunno, pretty hard to top him :P
@sehe not with that attitude
I wanted to be kicked
someone kick me
I wanna see if I get to see who did it
Nope. It's over.
We can go into the bin if you insist
That's actually an interesting question
if it makes you feel better
Already tested
I don't get what the big deal is about testing
Well, software quality
Everyone writes tests nowadays
I'm surprised you don't
k I'm in the bin
kick me there
@MadaraUchiha try from a running start
@Rapptz Because it annoys in the same way as flags. But worse in a way
annoys who?
@Rapptz Come to the sandbox
I'm not owner there though
come come bin
jar jar binks
lol http://i.imgur.com/mLWyJtt.png
making you owner
@Rapptz I'll make you into an owner :P
Rapptz bin kicked.
I don't see who kicked me
dat moment when u so bad you get kicked even from the bin
@Rapptz Wait, when you rejoin?
let's see
@Rapptz You're kicked for not being a trash. Make yourself feel good.
Ah, well, you should have seen the notification in other rooms you're in as well
I didn't see it here
time to file a bug report
I'm guessing that you need to be in the room to get a notification, and since you're kicked...
That's good (otherwise it would be as annoying as the flag system)
k bin can't be tested anymore
one more kick and I wake up the mods
glorious ruling regices
@Rapptz Did you get notif now (I copied the screenshot in case you're back in the bin now)
I mean if room owners are kicking each other how would the kickee know which RO kicked them?
They send you a screenshot ofc.
If room owners are kicking each other, then there are bigger problems.
makes sense
Time to make Bartek RO
@sehe I got a "you got notified in bin, a room you're not in thing" but I didn't actually get the screenshot you posted here about it notifying you who kicked who
jfc this is hard
@Rapptz that basically means you cannot see who kicked you then. But other ROs can
on the bright side you can note that flags are still broken
well we don't have a RO kicking other RO problem here
so it's whatever
@Rapptz well, now there’s added rage incentive
pls no
my butt is already sore from the two sehe kicks
you literally asked for it
I know
so on other streams
how's everyone's monday
can a monday ever be good
Cat Plus Plus softly whispers: 'no'
mine is, it started with finding out that someone accidentally fixed my bug over the weekend, get that
best monday 2016
the only logical explanation is that it's still sunday for you or already tuesday
wow spotify crashed
it's 2016 and software still crashes
thanks Obama
must be the jabberscripts
@Rapptz they are bugs from the Bush legacy

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