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@Mr.kbok I'll have to use c# to use aspnet right? forgive my ignorance
TIL we hear songs that get stuck in our head while performing tasks that require a "low cognitive load", such as showering or getting dressed. Our brain uses these songs as a "screen saver" to keep us entertained while our brain is essentially idle.
now it would be great if it didn't do that while I tried to sleep
@bitcode Perl 6
@bitcode yeah. nowadays you can run c# code on linux with the open souce vm from MS. I like using a strongly typed language for web.
@AlexM. Or you know, extrapolate universe endgames from your background in physics before sleep.
I could live without that fucking screensaver
you need a SETI@home for your brain
Gah, I have to drive to the city centerish and it's really cold outside :(
@ElimGarak move to brazil. it's always sunny in phi... brazil
@ElimGarak maybe you should buy a car with a roof :P
But I have to walk outside :( I sticked my hand out the window and immediate regret ensued.
I am sure that you have heater in your car? ... do 100 sit ups before heading out helps too
@R.MartinhoFernandes mmm. wasn't the cubing competition yesterday or so?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah
@sehe No, next one I'll go is in April.
Still undecided between German Open or Hungarian Nationals.
Ah. I must have misread something
As long as they don't have Hungarian algorithm notation
@MadameElyse @ElimGarak @Mr.kbok what about Go for web backend?
Also good.
Go owns.
@bitcode Sure, just make sure you pick something and don't sit on your ass thinking about choices all week. :P
@ElimGarak this project has potential to make me rich so I better pick the right tools
before you ask, I don't have a project yet. I was kidding. but I want to be rich
@bitcode you need a mvc framework?
@Mr.kbok this is the most used right? I never used this model. but I think this is the best
I want a house like that :A
How does the game get perspective so wrong
I forgot how shit Sims 4 looked :P
it's a custom resolution with a custom FOV
most likely
That's ... silly
see, it looks normal here
@bitcode :) yeah. basically, you want a big-ass library that handles all that web bullshit for you, so you can focus on what you apps make differently. That's a MVC framework. it's as required as a standard library is for a native language imo.
@AlexM. "normal"
@sehe what's wrong with that screen :P
the way that building pops up suggests the same perspective to me. Just a further distance making it less weird?
IDGI it looks normal to me
@AlexM. You can have an idea of the house id want from this
I realized that my built matrix on Travis took into account debug and release mode but never gave the information to CMake...
@Borgleader I never understood why I have to create an account to see things on that website
it's so lame
and it just screams desperation
@MadameElyse im downloading it to play around with it a bit
@AlexM. Agreed.
@ElimGarak ugh
Inspect element... Find blocking parent div. Delete said div.
@AlexM. Yeah, I hate this trend as well, but in this instance I have an account (that's my board) so I don't see it.
besides I have an email address specifically for creating accounts on websites where i consider i shouldnt need to
pinterest is worth it though, so many cool pictures
@Borgleader eatshit123@mailinator.com? :P
lol not quite
First name: Your
Last name: Mom
@Borgleader Like pinterestsucks@rmf.io?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well I didnt use that email on pinterest because i actually wanted an account.
ITT Hipsterleader
tbh if I had to force my users to make accounts in order to stay relevant
I'd just choose to die off because of the shame
but that's just me
pls help sum1 jsfiddle.net/8a5kmm0r
@AlexM. oh nice
sims 4 looks good
@Ell have you tried the CSS chatroom?
@Ell ye but it's so expensive when I'd technically be playing it with cheats and only enjoying the building part
how much is it?
that's what I liked about the old sims, just building things
I love sims 1 because of makin magic
best expansion pack ever
@Ell dunno, standard new AAA title price and then $25235079235982 more for expansions
any sims that is not < sims 3 is too expensive to get into
I think sims 3 with all expansions costs around 200 eur or more
and it's already antique
549,81€ for sims 3 expansions
+ 40 eur the base game
that's 600 eur
I'd rather buy myself a ton of paint and watch it dry out
buy base game, pirate everything else
I don't think you can do that
since the game communicates with origin at all times
And people buy that shit? :(
usually if you play the sims like a zealot
you don't really play anything else
so in the long run it's not that expensive
my steam account:
$8215 Current account value
$1774 Total cost with sales
@AlexM. did I show you my csgo 5k ultra awesome round extravaganza video?
@AlexM. gamer alex <3
@AlexM. wheres that from?
$3227 Current account value
$745 Total cost with sales
hmm, not so bad
@AlexM. You spent over 3 months playing video games :D
@AlexM. shit
My game time on steam would be much higher, if it included WoW and swtor
758 Games owned
9.4h Average playtime
482 Games not played
@Ell I was thinking overflow:hidden; but it does not do that. I think you will have to resort to some JavaScript.
lol I didn't play lots of games
Oh, Rapptz MkII finally changed his avatar
I've probably spent like 10 days playing games. I have this guilt that gnaws at me if I go overboard.
I don't know the percentage because too lazy to calculate x / 100 * 758 = 482
wish there was a simpler formula for that
@AlexM. erm... 482 / 758?
* 100 :P
percentages are [0, 1], you heretic
@Xeo TIL
@AlexM. lol
I've been using that formula since 6th grade never thought about anything else :')
@Xeo not in russia :)
so I haven't played 63% of my games
@AlexM. Well x/100 * 758 = 482 transforms to x = 482/758 * 100 :P
@Borgleader Orthodox heretic, then.
@ElimGarak ye but never thought about starting like that lol
I'd always do 1/100 * x * 758 = 482 then move things around
I suck at math ok
pls don't judge
Nah, it's okay, some people like to reinforce semantics of the "act". Whatever works for you, bby
@wilx meh I don't want to use javascript for layout :(
I wish there was a better option
Alex is worse at maths than a 15yo
but unlike a particular 15 yo
I don't need my parents to keep me alive
get rekt
@набиячлэвэлиь that's not news though
Well, Alex did nothing wrong really.
@Ell Change your requirements. :)
21 hours ago, by Jerry Coffin
@ElimGarak Burn!
@Ell Or better, ask on SO proper.
@AlexM. you blame yourself?
@MadameElyse what IDE would you recommend for Go?
Sublime Text with GoSublime
@milleniumbug good times
good times
@Borgleader <3 <3 <3
@TonyTheLion <3 <3 <3
good powers
chillin on Sunday?
Chili on Sunday.
Snow here this morning
It's getting a bit colder here but still not enough for snow.
@Morwenn I've never seen snow in my entire life
you can't see it in the pic but it's snowing
I can see snow
yup this was the first decent snow of this winter
I ain't going out to clean it up
so the next time I'll dry clothes there will be...
in spring
@AlexM. what country do you live in?
so what interesting things are there where you live?
@bitcode romania
interesting things hmm
we have castles and food
and you can see a blend of latin and slavic things
and lots of hungarian and german style architecture and stuff in the north
that's about it I think unless you like things like mountains
mountains are cool
@AlexM. don't forget dracula
he's a romainain national hero last I checked
we have this neat road in the mountains called the transfagarasan people like to drive there I don't know why it looks very not straight
I really hope you're being sarcastic about that last bit
@AlexM. looks like could be a nice drive :)
not sure if he's a "hero"
but he's one of the old leaders
@AlexM. how do you say pig or pork in romanian?
pig == porc
we don't have a separate name for pig meat
pig meat = carne de porc
hahaha just like portuguese
I mean
carne = meat
carne de porco
this is it in portuguese
yep that's probably because of the latin part
"carne de porc" is Romanian?
@Mgetz na I liked straight roads back when I was doing the driving school
sounds French to me
@TonyTheLion if you add an "o" in the end, it is portuguese
@TonyTheLion IIRC romainian has drifted less from old latin than the rest of the latin languages
@TonyTheLion "Meat" is "viande" in French.
I know nothing about Romanian, except for what I've just learnt
@AlexM. how do you say "you"?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've apparently forgot my French too.
wow man, our languages are VERY similar
ok now to the obscure stuff: past participles of "to go"?
@R.MartinhoFernandes <cough>
@Mgetz foi?
let me first remember what a past participle is
lol I haven't done this since 5th
"have gone", I think?
to anyone wondering I don't remember what it is in spanish either, as an american I can usually get by with pidgin spanish
@Mgetz is it "gone" in english?
I go = eu vou
I will go = eu irei
I went = eu fui
I have gone = eu fui
I am going = eu estou indo
I would go = eu iria
@AlexM. I think it's have gone
@thecoshman I'm sorry, but my Friday kinda went belly up :( (chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/28164123#28164123)
@Mgetz in that case I think it's...
the reason I asked is because it's obscure enough that it's likely to drift
eu am mers
tu ai mers
el/ea a mers
noi am mers
voi ati mers
ei/ele au mers
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah... well that's an incident for sure...
eu = 1st person, tu = 2nd person, el/ea = 3rd person masculine & feminine
She chickened out and didn't go to the police.
the 2nd part is plurals
Oh look - an attack of verbals. Nasty.
@AlexM. yeah, we use this instead: eu, tu, ele/ela, nós, vós, eles, elas
but I think what I said above
is "perfect composed"
so confusing aaaa
@bitcode On this side of the Atlantic the last two would be just "eu vou" and "eu ia".
@R.MartinhoFernandes "ia" is more informal here. "iria" é what you'll find in books
I make valuable enhancements
You do debug edits
He irresponsibly hacks the code until it's undeliverable.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fairly sure you can though, but yeah, if she's not willing to make a statement it'd have to get rather bad before they do anything.
@bitcode Oh, yeah, I mean how people actually speak.
are these grammar rules created by people on top of existing languages
people are obviously able to speak properly without knowing all this crap
@R.MartinhoFernandes she ok enough now?
just by imitating others
@AlexM. Without knowing what? The names?
Because they do know most rules.
@thecoshman She still has some pain, but she's ok now.
yes you put things in the appropriate tense for the situation without knowing the rules
@AlexM. Er, not true.
It is, in most cases
@R.MartinhoFernandes still going back to him as well?
I obviously don't know the rules but still speak it properly
@AlexM. "put things in the appropriate tense" is the rule.
@thecoshman She's home and he's staying with a friend, but she's wavering on that too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes More specific rules ("one uses past perfect continuous when ...")
@набиячлэвэлиь Yes, everyone knows those rules. They might lack the terminology to describe them, but that's a different matter.
and then there is english... which has exceptions... to EVERY rule
@R.MartinhoFernandes from what I read there, sounds like the sort of situation that would be hard to get her to see she shouldn't stay in.
when I speak I just recall past speakeries and speak based on those shrug
@Mgetz Yes, hello to natural languages
@набиячлэвэлиь hebrew is a natural language and has a MUCH simpler grammar
@Mgetz For most practical purposes, English doesn't really have rules. It's basically a collection of special cases.
@Mgetz Debatable.
English is a collection of exceptions lol
What does "simpler" mean here?
hebrews beer
shebrews beer
ibrew beer
am I doing it right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes not a mix of latin, german, and who knows what else?
Are you interested in the grammar, or in its history?
I want to learn german in the future
but they have some weird sounds when speaking r. like in the word richtig
I took german classes in high school because parents forced me, didn't enjoy it very much
The English wikipedia articles on "Modern Hebrew grammar" and "English grammar" are roughly the same size. (And consider that the English wikipedia will be biased towards the English language)
French is very beautiful but I think german is more broadly used. I may be mistaken
na french is supposed to be the 2nd most spoken language in the world
@bitcode You are.
or is it the first?
@AlexM. No, that's English.
in europe, where else people speak french?
@AlexM. I doubt that, given Chinese, English and Spanish users.
@bitcode in Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Canada.
@AlexM. French is spoken less than Bengali.
yes I checked wikipedia
@bitcode Also some parts of Africa.
@Mr.kbok people say that Canada's french is so different from French's that in france they need subtitles for Canada movies
@bitcode It's mostly their accent, lol. Also French viewers are lazy asses
accent can do a great deal of things
@bitcode That's just like saying the same for Brazilian and European Portuguese.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know but, eh.
there are these romanians in the region called moldova
Geese from the port
I can't really follow a conversation with them
because it sounds so different
even if essentially it's the same language
(Which, mind you, I find a much bigger divide than Canadian and European French; for qualification I am fluent in both Portuguese and French)
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, I would agree with that. I have a real hard time understanding portugal's portuguese. do you have the same trouble understanding brazilian portuguese?
@bitcode Not at all.
A few of the deeper accents maybe, but then so do Brazilians.
@R.MartinhoFernandes people from portugal speak to fast for my brain
What am I doing here?
Also fwiw, in Portugal we put subtitles on some people from Azores. No one would claim they speak a different language.
@R.MartinhoFernandes do you put subtitle in brazilian things?
Brazilian media is imported to Portugal as-is.
what is funny is that when I'm reading portugal portuguese, it is almost the same thing. the differences are the "eu estou indo" and "eu estou a ir"? "eu estou comendo" "estou a comer"
you know?
In France, I've heard they sometimes put subtitles on stuff from Quebec.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Irish and English TV has quite often subtitled the broader accents :\
@EtiennedeMartel does Quebec include Toronto?
@thecoshman No.
@EtiennedeMartel right so, carry on.
@bitcode Yeah, I know. I bring it up often when people asked me about the differences.
@bitcode I hear that a lot, and not just from Brazilians.
Spanish say the same.
My girlfriend says that to read Portuguese you just have to pretend you're in a hurry.
I just noticed there are absolutely no toilets in Elder Scrolls games.
@R.MartinhoFernandes She also Portuguesian?
@thecoshman Nah. Russian-Israeli
Oooh, exotic :D
@ElimGarak see all that vegetation around?
takes a fertile ground
have you taken a look at the vegetation in fallout?
@R.MartinhoFernandes to have a brazilian portuguese accent, you have to pretend you are from russia and you are speaking french. the result is brazilian portuguese
@R.MartinhoFernandes contravisial mix :P
@ElimGarak lol
@bitcode You should hear my Russian accent.
I can't help but say everything with movie villain accent.
@ElimGarak Assuming everyone uses a pot neatly hidden into some furniture
23 hours ago, by Alex M.
and they gave me 3 pairs of chopsticks for some reason
now I got two sets of forks and knives O_o
I mean, actual Russian, not English, but with that special accent and prosody they have in movies when they speak English.
they expect you to try and use all of them at the same time
sooka blyat
this is all I know about the russian language
@bitcode What does that mean? Seems like some kind of idiom.
how do you call a stick with grilled meat on it?
@Mr.kbok shishkebab?
@ElimGarak I mean the smaller sticks
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know it is some bad words
and don't give me the japanese word pls :D
That looks like... Well, it looks like.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you mean, russian?

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