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Its 1:24 AM on a Saturday and I'm in the lab fixing bugs in some Qt interface.
aaand all I need to do on this scarf is finish the ends so they don't unravel. And all done at a nice sane pace. Yes siree. /cc @ThePhD
can you burn (the ends)?
@Mikhail I'm not even remotely tempted to, actually.
TIL that scarf isn't a c-style string operation
English words are weirdly multi-purpose like that.
Theoretically I could, but I don't think it would really help.
actually, it says it's acrylic yarn.
The question is, does it melt or burn?
Do I have to launch an ec2 instance I'm a newbie just trying to host my CSS code
"it is much more flammable than its natural fiber counterparts" I'm going to go with I can burn the ends but doing so would get rid of the scarf
reading "Effective STL". I could save a lot of time if I read this book before =(
Effective Reading would have helped you save time reading the book, too. You could fix everything with Effective Time Travel, but that hasn’t come out yet.
@LucDanton Yes, I am skipping some parts
Choose carefully between map::operator[] and map-insert
when efficiency is important.
I did not even think about it.
since c++11 maybe it doesn't matter
Something feels conceptually wrong when most qt functions are const, as ui elements are mostly pointers.
2 hours later…
Jurgen Klopp looks like a U-boat Captain.
@Mikhail lol, yes. With a pointer to a massive component with many members/properties and list trees of similar components, applying 'const' to the instance pointer does seem a bit pointless:)
oh Cinch
@Borgleader dayum, you're like my person RSS feed for Sarah :)
I got all my ns records back on a DNS lookup... Why is my website still not Fandangle d
@GettingNifty You are the only one who can actually be bothered to look up your site? :)
What do you mean?
Ive been trying to configure it right for a few days now
@MartinJames smack those newblets into the right shape! ~smack~ ~smack~
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper lol
What is so special about std::function which can't be done by raw function pointers I wonder? Thanks a lot :)
@AngelusMortis state and type erasure. Next
@sehe a little example please?
Yes. en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/functional/function (add a member to PrintFun e.g.)
@AngelusMortis Why do you need to know? Who says it is special or even needs to be? :)
@sehe well I thought they were incorporated in std , then there must be reason for it :(
There is. The reason is standardization. You can, of course, do your own damn type erasure all the time. But that will just mean that if your interface uses it, your users keep having to wrap their function wrappers in new wrappers that happen to be compatible with the next library layer
Standardization is a thing. int is also nothing special. Nor is uint8_t
Some bold developer optimism :)
Common mistake of confusing EDG with MSVC
@sehe Thank you for quick help, I really appreciate it :)
hey @Puppy you there
@Mikhail TBF I don't think that happened there. I do think it refers to <functional> headers being present at the time (although I distinctly remember a bug in it that generated UB in some cases for ... until 2013 or so)
STL mentioned it in ... I think his last conference talk
is there a tutorial on how to write c++ tutorials
Honestly, yes but...
Ask Cinch to write one
good idea :P
> Adapt your C++ projects to provide the best resource management with custom string libraries.
why do ALL tutorials suck balls
> Instance Variables - Each object has its unique set of instance variables. An object's state is created by the values assigned to these instance variables.
> The line using namespace std; tells the compiler to use the std namespace. Namespaces are a relatively recent addition to C++.
you got Cinch'd
@Mr.kbok I often want a convenient alternative for std::shared_ptr<std::string const>.
You almost never modify strings.
imo constant strings and mutable string should be different types
like a string buffer?
@R.MartinhoFernandes with pleasure
CyanogenMod is now so large that it won't fit on my phone's system partition alongside the Google Play Store app.
Bloated piece of crap.
Must be using lots of templates.
Should have used LTO
The fix is "Use a smaller Google Apps package". I'm already using the smallest possible. It only has the Play Store app, which is the bare minimum I need.
Fucking idiots.
Make your stupid ROM without all that hipster theme crap.
Whalecum to Android.
And of course they changed the fonts.
mmm coffee
too bad it's not my parent's :<
I need a javascript identicon generator
People complain about binary sizes on desktop PCs all the time, but on devices with limited storage, no, no one gives a fuck.
is there a c++ tutorial that's decent and that I can use as an inspiration for my course?
what is a less terrible one
@Mr.kbok lol
@Mr.kbok there are none it seems
@Mr.kbok cinch's tutorial
@Mr.kbok Cinches
@AlexM. highfive
pls :(
CM only uses 500MB and there are 1.5GB left.
How fucking big is the Play Store app.
This makes no sense.
guys I'm panicking right now. I have a 3-hour course on tuesday
@Mr.kbok very funny, you are getting paid for teaching & you want someone else doing your preparation :p
@Mr.kbok coward
Cinch also wants to make a "monad library for serialization and reflection"
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper I'm getting paid peanuts, if that helps
tell them you're allergic to peanuts so you won't give the talk
would you consider paying cinch half a peanut and drag him along then?
@MadameElyse they'd just not pay me at all.
@Mr.kbok I highly recommend Cinch tutorial - don't judge
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper he'd have to pay me
@Mr.kbok on a more serious note, presentations shouldn't be given in forms of tutorials - what "course" is it?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Books (30MB) + Games (19MB) + Movies (15MB) + Music (32MB) + Newsstand (27MB) + Services (103MB) + actual store (24MB)
@Rapptz That's still not too large for 1.5GB
@ScarletAmaranth if you must know
@ScarletAmaranth lol
WTF is going on.
I'm on 4.2 idk if it's gotten bigger but it's pretty huge lol
@AlexM. in C++, of course - becuase he read about mondas a week ago, and if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a monad
> Google system base, Google Play Store, Google Calendar Sync, and the following Play Store application:
Google Package Installer (replaces stock/AOSP Package Installer)
Google Play services
The package I'm installing says it only has this.
@Mr.kbok is it a 15 week course with 3 hours each week? or a single time session?
There's 1.5GB free in my partition :(
how do people make this
@MadameElyse Bots?
@ScarletAmaranth 8 times 3 hours - 24 total
one each week
@Mr.kbok and what are the prerequisites?
> For 6.0 the GoogleTTS is part of all the packages, because SetupWizard seems to demand this in some situations.
@MadameElyse there's a editor right?
@ScarletAmaranth one VBA course.
Text-to-speech is required because for some ungodly reason the SetupWizard needs text-to-speech.
@Mr.kbok uffffffffff
Yes, good morning
Welcome to Android + GApps
@ScarletAmaranth this one
@R.MartinhoFernandes Accessibility?
@R.MartinhoFernandes handicap accessible is the law
@Mr.kbok yeeahhhhhh this is really bad :-\ you'll really have to start with "main is the entry point of your program" - perhaps look at the bjarne's 150pages overview of C++?
@GettingNifty Er, no, it's not.
Wait what when did this happen. `metaparse` (of Abel Sinkovics fame) is going to be part of boost? https://github.com/boostorg/boost/pull/112 #cpp
I think I knew about metamonad
In countries that have such laws the laws only apply to governmental entities.
> Also, I don't remember seeing any discussion on the ML about adding metaparse as (effectively) a new library in boost.
yeah he just really wants his library in
@ScarletAmaranth thanks, will do
@Mr.kbok "programmation-en-vba" really doesn't encourage clicking on that link
@Mr.kbok There's something I half-remember about (part of) mpllibs getting boosted. Not in my twitter timeline though afaict
@MadameElyse lots of primitive shapes and a few textures
@набиячлэвэлиь the whole thing seems to be geared towards finance-ish stuff; but then C++ seems quite pointless unless you want to do high freq. trading, where you're maybe better of not going trough finance and economy
@ScarletAmaranth nah, C++ is very widely used in the industry. Actually everyone does it - and we don't have a lot of HFT players around here.
> First of all, the final result.
Metaparse is formally unconditionally accepted into Boost.
We had 11 reviews, all "Yes" votes. 2 "No" reviews based on formality were
later reversed to a "Yes".
It definitely wasn't free handed
@Mr.kbok it's really weird to go from Excel stuff to C++ - are these comp-sci people, or economy people?
@ScarletAmaranth math people, actually.
@Mr.kbok That's how I imagine Cicada to be
@Mr.kbok commented
@Mr.kbok quant people you mean ...
@Mr.kbok math people taking a C++ class geared towards financial applications - how are you going to gear a C++ course towards anything without required prior C++ (C, or at least Java, whatever) knowledge? you'll spend the first 20 out of 8 lectures on general groundwork
Sensing hyperbola
slight :p
On a more serious note, I have a bunch of undergrads who supposedly took C++ classes but can't program...
a little bit, yes; there is a difference in mindsets when you write small scrips in Excel to process some data and programming in an imperative GPL
it's a bit of a paradigm shift
@ScarletAmaranth That's not small scripts in Excel, that's a full-blown option pricer.
Anyone familiar with aws
there guys already know arrays, for loops, variables, random generators, objects
@GettingNifty yes wtf do you want
@Mr.kbok So, more than most SO posters, then.
@MartinJames :)
are you going to teach 'em multi-threading? :p
coz, you know, those price simulations could take forever ...
I'm just hosting a website... If I give you the domain can you tell me whats wrong or do I need to keep waiting 24 hours every time I change something.. I changed the bucket names again. Does that take time to propogate
@TelkittytheWebDeveloper .... I'm guessing no!
@GettingNifty You're supposed to use Route53
@Mr.kbok Bjarne's short overview is gonna work then; not sure how to incorporate finance stuff but you'll think of something :P
It's all set up I got my ns records back but just an hour ago
Use route 53 or you'll regret the wait times
@Mikhail Why is route53 DNS any bette.. less worse than others?
maybe he's trolling ...
@MartinJames Its better because its from the same host, these thing cost like 5 dollars a month so its not real money.
Well what could it be other than s3 or route 53 if anything
Do I have to make a bucket policy?
I have no whois record and it says my soa is in wrong mmddyyy format on some lookups
lol mmddyyy merkin madness.
Never head of that one before
should be mmddyyyy?
what's yyy like, 016?
future-proof format: mmmdddyyyyy
Four quarts in 0.832674 gallon
And you know it's not 1916
@GettingNifty Well, in 2016 we have tranche warfare.
But how long until anothet 12/13/14
That's not possible
Old enough because 100
There are only 12 months
Only possible if you're European
It doesn't match up with your green card does it
When is GettingNifty going to fuck off?
There's only one valid format: yyyy-mm-dd
@Mr.kbok why do they use excel then? to visualise the data easily or something?
Which has some nice properties too
What about unix time?
@Shoe why is that valid?
I think dd-mm-yyyy is preferred
most frequently accessed info at the front
Because lexical ordering corresponds to the order of time
dd-mm-yyyy is in ascending lexical order, no?
Huh, Leslie Benzies quit Rockstar North
@Shoe ..and the field separator is valid in filenames on most file systems.
@Ell Nope
You mean reversed lexical order?
I've got one crapplication with dd/mm/yyyy
Which is not supported in most major OSes
Oh I misinterpreted what you said
dd-mm-yyyy is the best format yes
because d < m < y
a day is contained in a month which is contained in a year
@Ell 25/05/1992, 17/06/1996, 17/11/1990 would be ordered as 17/06/1996, 17/11/1990, 25/05/1992 or 25/05/1992, 17/11/1990, 17/06/1996... neither of which is correct
Both ascending and descending
yeah sorry I misunderstood what you meant
A: boost::transform vs std::transform

seheSTL algorithms are allowed to copy their predicate/functors. This mostly happens because they're passed by value. What you see is that boost does one more forward call. Is there a problem? Not usually. Compilers are very good at inlining, copy elision and dependency analysis. Chances are, th...

Another ~~purformance~~ bug dodged
`yyyy-mm-dd` is the best format yes
because y > m > d
a year contains months which contains days
that works too
just don't do mm-dd--yyyy
it makes no sense
@sehe Benchmark or it didn't happen
@AlexM. It should be banned.
Fair comparison using no-side-effects generates identical code for the STL and Boost variants: paste.ubuntu.com/14544891sehe 2 mins ago
mm-dd-yyyy is dd getting sandwiched
Proof beats benchmark
#911 #neverforget
@AlexM. that sounds pornographic
@ElimGarak Who could forget sliding backwards into a tree at 100kph?
@Ell Humans are very good at parsing formats like that and randomly access all the informations they need
@Shoe I disagree
@sehe I see XMM registers but why no YMM?
Nah, hoomans suck
I stumble when I encounter foreign date formats
Because you don't know the format
If you were to know the format there would be no issues
you thought this is dd-mm-yyyy
but no it's mm-dd
it's mdma
people around the world should just agree to a single format
it's like we ourselves don't even want to try to make the world a better place
@AlexM. They have, mod the merkins.
People around the world can't agree to collectively wipe their ass after taking a dump.
Us I'd formatvis mmddyy, passports and Mexico are opposite
no hablas espanol
@GettingNifty Corn fruited in basket optical data rod.
No hablo merkin
What about PayPal sandbox thing of the last or?
Damn, this is a lazy Sunday. I've learned how to comfortably code in bed, but I can't use a pen and paper for shit like dis.
try using a pencil
std::rotate is brilliant
man css is hard
try csgo, it's even harder
Ell is working on his pr0n site finally <3
@ElimGarak which obviously has a large offering of elim nudes :P
Category right next to the Kardashians: Cardassians :D
no I'm working on lounge<chat> but yeah it will have onebox pr0n so
@ElimGarak speaking of, when is the next scene due?
@ScarletAmaranth Metapolitan police has been watching us lately :D
@Ell whats the lounge<chat> thing? is it a substitute to this chat room?
is anyone here good at css and an help me?
actually, I'll make a jsfiddle to reproduce first
@bitcode eventually so but probably not mostly it's just for fun & profit
@ElimGarak that's flattering for some interpretations of "watching" bby ;)
@Ell profit sounds fun
@Mikhail ask my processor? -march=native (also, beside the point for the comparison)
@bitcode Accept no substitutes. If it's Ell's css, don't even try.
@ScarletAmaranth actually, it's pretty rote
It's the lame-ass tedious thing. The key point is that you can use it as a building block for just about any other element rearranging algorithm
I wish I lived with someone
@sehe yes, that's the brilliance
there's this place that makes these awesome burgers
but they only deliver if at least 2 burgers are ordered
and a cold burger is just bad
so no point in ordering 2
Order a microwave
there is this heating-oven thing that can heat things up without soaking them dry microwave-style
I cen recommend
@sehe I have a normal oven but I don't think reheated meat is that tasty
@AlexM. you have the best thing available for heating shit up
@ScarletAmaranth soaking dry?
@sehe stuff out of microwaves is dry :-\
@AlexM. Me neither. However, what confuses me is that taste is mentioned in the context of delivered fast food
@ScarletAmaranth Depends (also, soaking?)
that's it. I'm tired of being poor. I'm gonna become rich
The trick to wealth is to marry a wealth women.
Good new year's resolution
@sehe ah - I wanted to say sucking! :)
Cannon to right of them, cannon to left of them, cannon in front of them. Volley'd & thunder'd. Storm'd at with shot and shell, boldly they rode and well. Into the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell... Rode the six hundred.
@ScarletAmaranth It doesn't suck though
For some reason, the room topic reminds me of it :D
jsfiddle.net/8a5kmm0r here we go :3
fast food can be tasty too :A
in burgers it's all about the meat and sauce
@AlexM. I'll be convinced if you order some takeout to my address that doesn't disappoint me
@sehe already paid for, of course /cc @AlexM.
@Mikhail love is not for sale. I'm waiting for my charming princess
@bitcode well said
there are some restaurants which have separate places that do food for delivery
so the food ends up being different from what you ate there
not all of them do that tho
usually the small ones (like this burger place) can't even try to do it
I can talk to playboy models whenever I want but I can't find a normal date without the new iPhone ...stumped and giving up
I think the biggest difference in quality when it comes to delivery vs in-restaurant here is pizza hut
they outsourced their delivered pizza to a completely different company
not even sure the ingredients are the same
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you win some food?
Or is it one of those hollow victories?
Somehow in the US Pizza Hut got a bad rep, but I like the pizza...
@ElimGarak No, fixed my phone without bricking it.
what OS is on it now?
@Mikhail I don't know how pizza hut is in the us but here there are much better alternatives for cheaper
But there was some fuck up with the update to Android 6.0. Some kind of Google Apps incompatibility.
guys, give opinions on: best prog language for website backend.
@bitcode Peanus on Rails
@bitcode rails if you're a cat person, or aspnet if you're a dog person. wait I mean linux and windows.
why no python doe?
Pythons made for making math programs really fast
@bitcode django is nice but there's more community activity with rails, which means better support, and more libs.
@R.MartinhoFernandes PLEASE GIVE UP :D
so everyone says ruby? I wasn't expecting that
bitcode was expecting node.js
nahh I was expecting python.js
@bitcode I'm actually saying aspnet 5, but that's my opinion.

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