@wilx I'm interested in knowing which will first kill me if I ended up staying in my place for the rest of my life, them fighting my safety or them driving me to brain loss
@wilx I found out after years of crying off misunderstanding that facing people with the truth got me trouble everywhere in my place, while making jokes out of them made them in my place like me
@Ell Merge-insertion sort is optimal in terms of comparisons for really small collections. But even for small collections it's still ~100 times slower than other sorting algorithms.
I have decided to operate on my scarf tonight. Y'all should get some pics of the ahem shape of my first knit scarf tonight, before I remove the irregularity
@KhaledAKhunaifer Yet another sorting algorithm that is interesting from a computer science point of view but that is too slow to actually be used. I wasn't even able to find a decent implementation on the internet.