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And boom, those functions now work on a lot of things.
Similar to how you can write an algorithm for containers, and boom now it can work on a lot of data structures.
@user3886129 they are not special
This is especially useful for language features, like C++'s for each loop or Haskell's do notation.
Adding language features is difficult, so it's nice when you add a language feature which works at a high enough level of abstraction so you can use it for a lot of things.
(Haskell's do notation is a special syntax for monads just like C++'s for each loop is a special syntax for containers)
It's three functions
t -> M t
@VermillionAzure Technically you can also do it with 2.
@Lalaland let me guess
For the full "minimal" and "elegant" approach.
It's t --> M<t> and M<t> --> t
Aka confusing.
Are those the correct types?
There is no general M<T> -> T
@VermillionAzure They probably don't talk to each other as much as they should. The way it seems to work right now is that Intel takes the latest MSVC, and then builds an ICC to be compatible with that MSVC and ships it. But they don't talk. So each time Microsoft releases a new MSVC, it breaks ICC until the Intel guys can release a patch.
@Xeo No, but it should be specific to each monad right?
@VermillionAzure Nah. It's t --> M<t> and M<A> -> (A -> M<B>) -> M<B>
The haskell page goes into more detail.
return :: a -> m a
(>>=)  :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
> The monad-related structure on the first argument is "pierced" to expose any number of values in the underlying type t.
The given function is applied to all of those values to obtain values of type (M u).
The monad-related structure on those values is also pierced, exposing values of type u.
Finally, the monad-related structure is reassembled over all of the results, giving a single value of type (M u).
from wikipedia
Why does it need to go from (M u -> u -> M u)?
Because the process goes (t -> M u -> u -> M u) right now
The only time ICC and MSVC seem to get along is if the version of ICC came up at least a few months after the MSVC that it's trying to integrate with.
@VermillionAzure There is no 'need'. It is what it is. You can conceive of a different way to do things (different operations and laws etc.), but then it would be something else entirely.
@LucDanton But if I get it right, it only needs return, bind, flatten?
that’s one way to do it, yes
@VermillionAzure {return,bind} and {return,map,flatten} are two common presentations (of the operations)
join and bind can be implemented in terms of each other.
But wait, I have a question
If the monad is M and the type is t
@VermillionAzure You also need to satisfy the identities.
Aren't M<t> and M<M<t>> different types?
Further more, t -> M t -> u can mean that u and t aren't the same, right?
But if a monad is defined to go only up, how do we unapply the monad?
Because a chain of M<M<M<M<... M<t>... >>>> isn't very helpful if we need t again.
@VermillionAzure You can flatten that to M<t> using monad functions.
with repeated applications of flatten you can collapse those levels, up to m a
Going from M<t> to t might or might not be possible.
Monads don't cover complete unwrapping. Specific instances of monads may.
But where is the flatten if we only need {return, bind} ?
In the bind?
it’s a good exercise to try and figure that out
Yeah, flatten is in the bind.
do you want the answer outright?
3 mins ago, by Xeo
join and bind can be implemented in terms of each other.
So monads don't actually really stack
You can take a look at the types and figure out the implementation
Because if the operations are (t -> M t) and ( <M t, t ----> M t> --> M t) then you'll never get (M M t)
you can not flatten, you’re not forced to
@VermillionAzure You can get arbitrary nesting by simply using the return function. t -> M t
So "monadic value" doesn't imply stacking or non-stacking
2 + 2 = 4, but 2 + 2 is still a thing
So virtually all functions are cases of monads.
Closed functions are monads where the monadic type is the type itself, right?
@VermillionAzure you have to state those things carefully
So a monad needs to be universal over all types to construct a monadic type, and able to feed a monadic type into a non-monadic function in order to get a monadic type
no need to re-state the type of the operations in vague language, no?
@ElimGarak Well, other than the times when I am actually talking to myself.
Which seems to happen quite a bit.
So, wait a second...
Bind can't be applied for function that are (t -> u).
But it can be applied to (t -> M u)
N.b.: in flatten :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a the m stands for one thing
e.g. (Monad m, Monad n) => m (n a) -> m a is something else
@LucDanton So how does (m (m a) -> m a) resolve to (m a -> a)?
or does it not?
Monads don't guarantee a (m a -> a) function? (right?)
they don’t
So they're required to be at least one-way
A little bit more and you'll be able to write a tutorial.
And they need to allow functions that map to the monadic type to map on monadic types
...Why would you not want a flatten in some form in a monad?
that flatten has type m (m a) -> m a doesn’t mean that m a is the same as m (m a), it’s not an equation
But what about that important inversely typed function of (a -> M a): (M a -> a)
@VermillionAzure Because that function doesn't always make sense.
that’s the thing about inverses
That's true.
How would you even implement that for list, optional, maybe, promise?
I mean, I guess you could say M a -> Maybe a and that would sorta work.
But that's sorta lame.
@Lalaland just use the comonads they form, duh
Something like Maybe a -> a
or Async a -> a
But list... yeah I can see why
The behavior of Maybe a -> a and Async a -> a is really bad though.
But can a monad bind work for (M M a, a -> M a) ?
One throws errors and the other blocks.
Without flatten, nothing stops the monad from producing a second-tier monadic type of M M a, meaning that all first-tier monadic functions are incompatible with the second-tiers?
I guess that would make sense with the List monad
Looks like Intel has officially confirmed this bug:
Dec 28 '15 at 21:06, by Mysticial
Prime95 under certain conditions is unconditionally failing on Skylake i7s regardless of clock speed, memory, motherboard, etc...
@VermillionAzure without flatten, there is no monad
Fixable via a BIOS update. So probably little to no fallout.
@LucDanton ...If the flatten is in (Bind M a (a -> Ma)), then what about Bind M M a (a -> M M a)?
or Bind M M a (a -> M a)? or Bind M a (M a -> M M a)?
again, if you change the operations then a) it’s not a monad b) it’s whatever you want it to be, so you don’t have to ask me—make it do whatever you want
@LucDanton Cool. Sorta interesting how there is an almost opposite with corresponding literature.
@Lalaland what, duals?
They're telling you what a monad is, not what your experience-lacking brain wants it to be.
I don't get Jesus, 2 billion people do. Whooptyfuckingdoo.
@ElimGarak try to adjust the antenna
@ElimGarak Have you tried taking off your tin foil hat?
@Lalaland Voids the warranty. :/
@ElimGarak It's probably just aluminum foil anyways. Not as good.
I wonder how much work it would be to add do notation to C++.
My main concern would be object lifetimes and corresponding use after free.
You mean the technical aspect of it or getting people to do it? :D
You would probably have to have people manually specify capture by value, capture by reference, capture by rrvalue reference ala lambdas.
@ElimGarak The technical aspects.
And even then lambdas have gimicky parts due to object lifetime.
Q: Capturing a reference by reference in a C++11 lambda

Magnus HoffConsider this: #include <functional> #include <iostream> std::function<void()> make_function(int& x) { return [&]{ std::cout << x << std::endl; }; } int main() { int i = 3; auto f = make_function(i); i = 5; f(); } Is this program guaranteed to output 5 without invoking un...

I wonder how the current coroutine proposal is dealing with these sort of issues.
Like if I write future<void> foo(const std::string& blah), do I just get screwed?
not necessarily but you have to be super careful, yes
lel, voigt
@ElimGarak What, does that mean something in another language?
@Lalaland Nah, he's just a... SnackExchange Rebel. :D
And his profile pic always makes me check the FBI's most wanted.
Lol. "Houston, TX"
> An oligarchy of five justices setting policy for the entire USA is not the government the Constitution guarantees ...
He's a bit special. :D
> Since Stack Exchange has effectively turned my profile page into a political platform without my foreknowledge or consent, I feel obligated to share my own views:
I am still not sure how this part works.
no rainbow can oppress him
@LucDanton To be fair, it's not a given that he is against the gay marriage ruling.
The supreme court makes tons of controversial decisions.
Which is sorta the point IIRC.
Cases go there when there is lots of controversy in the lower courts.
@Lalaland I’m not commenting on that
Oh, did SO add rainbows to user profiles or something like that?
Luring male children with copies of the C++ standard doesn't give some folks the thrill it used to, now that gay is ok. We should have some understanding.
Q: Remember when you promised not to imply that I support your political message?

Ben VoigtBefore dismissing this as a "spurious interpretation", please consider that these license restrictions are the same ones that protect our names and technical content from being used on sites that promote white supremacy (fancy some KKK pictures slotted between answers, anyone? Or maybe used to i...

@Lalaland yes, after Obergefell v. Hodges IIRC, or at least in that timeframe
Well, now I look like a fool.
@Mysticial Ask @AngryLettuce about BIOS updates
@Lalaland Bby, Cat's used to it, we're getting used to it <3
@Lalaland not at all
I appreciate how polite the answers are.
Q: Do monads not guarantee the applicability of layered/non-layered monadic values to non-layered/non-monadic functions, and is this a good/bad thing?

VermillionAzureI'm just trying to get monads, so bear with me if I ask a bad question, but... If monads only require: (a -> M a), where M is the monadic type constructor, and (M a -> (a -> M a) -> M a), which is the bind operation (which I understand as mapping a monad onto a non-monadic to monadic value fun...

If anyone wants rep
A cinch question, no possible way it can go wrong.
@VermillionAzure you describe x and y as arbitrary types but your examples suggest they’re not (or at least not entirely arbitrary)
e.g. you can use f :: x -> y together with val :: M x (where M is some instance of Monad)
are you asking about that?
@VermillionAzure Minor fix, the second function should be (M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b) instead of (M a -> (a -> M a) -> M a)
It doesn't really matter for the question, but I am sure some pedant will point it out.
(Wait, that previous was just a tautology. Whatever)
@TonyTheLion Good morning.
Which reminds me of the late hour. Good night peoples.
Night, lala <3
@TonyTheLion morning, tony <3
cinch not doing his homework and missing all the points thrown to him by the loungers, nothing new basically :D
He probably missed the StackExchange site for the question, as well. :P
@ElimGarak do you ever sleep? :p
I've been writing some compute stuff in MSL and drinking irish cream cappuccinos.
I guess that's a no, then :D
@melak47 Why sleep when there's science to be done :D
@VermillionAzure again:
56 mins ago, by Xeo
join and bind can be implemented in terms of each other.
(join = flatten)
@Cool_Coder is it really you
Third time's the charm, Xeo.
Also, remember map (or fmap)
@Cool_Coder How cool are you?
aaaah, stupid cold. I don't wanna go to work today.
@ElimGarak sounds like fun
Really cool
Dead grandpa cool or LHC tunnel cool?
you must be this cool to chat here:
-40 degree cool
seriously, its insane over here in Houghton
@melak47 what do you mean by |-------------------------------------------------------|
a Nooble look alike
@Cool_Coder is that Fahrenheit? (Doesn't matter because -40 F == -40 C)
not this cool:
or this cool:
but *this* cool:
That is actually the unique thing about that number, its the same in celsius and farenheit
Currently its -10 deg cel, but should reach -40 in a month
but not the same as a measure of angle
@Cool_Coder That's cold.
so if you think about it it’s kinda rubbish
any Qt guys here?
what's rubbish?
the unique thing about -40 degrees
You guys need to meet my bro Kelvin, he's a real homie. They call him Lord back home. Like Jesus.
you call him a bro but there is actually no degree of kinship between the two of you
We're all brothers & sisters in the eyes of our lord savior, sparkly Bjarne.
Except Ben Voigt, that guy looks mad suspicious.
Q: Qt Message Handler crashes if installed on sepparate class?

Cool_CoderWhenever there is a message sent to my custom message handler, it is crashing the application at the marked line through a segmentation fault error. // main.cpp void myMessageOutput(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg) { QStringList data; data.append(co...

nah I saw rainbows near his name once, that must mean he’s cool
Lawsuit incoming
@Cool_Coder you need a custom message handler handler to inspect what’s going on
@Cool_Coder Have you tried installing it on a seppparate class?
A sepparate message handler handler
the message handler is in main, but the logging is done in another class, which is where it is crashing.
This bug has ashamed me in front of hundreds of people.
What is this nubel impersonation
Crime of all crimes
I released my software, which was working fine on Qt 5.2.1 on my PC, but randomly crashes on other
I am an expert on the subject and I believe I've found the problem with your code.
I came to know this after my friends told me about this after reading my FB post
put this sticker on it, done.
@melak47 which version of Qt are you testing on?
the sticker is for you, silly
It used to work on Qt 5.2.1 but crashes on 5.5.1
so, I dunno. ship the Qt your crap works with with your crap?
Sprinkle with more crap for completeness.
@melak47 you truly are ready for a Friday
@LucDanton what? :p
a+ level in half-donkeying it
It was working on my PC with 5.2.1, but crashes on other PC's. With 5.5.1 it is crashing on my PC too now.
Lala decided that sleeping is for pussies.
guess you gotta fix Qt
Hey, guys, Marco is alive
Got the answer in another forum.
I was deleting the class variables, but not replacing them with local variables...
I dont know whether to blame this to MinGW or Qt. It should crash all the time, and not sometimes for such a thing
I guess 3am is a good time to sleep. ;)
Help I am falling asleep
May 28 '12 at 0:08, by sehe
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
A little help from the past
> banik pyco
Nice catch. :D
I love the examples
toz Citac c = zrob Citac() pyco
@AndyProwl :D
can we have a little bit of bikeshed pls
@AngryLettuce Only blue!
Meeting in one minute, so a really little bit
Later then
@CatPlusPlus They work great
Did you know they finally patched the firmware of my screen
Now you can finally disable the auto brightness. Except the patch installs only on Windows.
Also they finally fixed the keyboard issue! not
sup dawg
so I bought metalgearrising as etienne advised. it's awesome.
Stroopwafel vla.
>following etienne's advice
might as well vote for the Social Justice Warrior Democratic Party
@AngryLettuce Canada actually did.
can anyone help me compare a multidimensional vector with a one dimensional vector?
i have this: vector<vector<int>> vic_opt = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}}
then the one dimensional array is this: vector<int> {1, 2, 3};
That's not a multi-dimensional vector.
That's a vector of vectors.
hmm. sorry i was using some examples from internet
i thought that was it
it says here that a two dimensional vector is a vector of vectors: cplusplus.com/forum/general/833
what differentiates a md vector and a vector of vectors anyway?
In a vector of vectors, the inner vectors may be of different lengths.
and md needs equal, got it.

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